Delirium [Inactive]

Zoë had started helping Mason cook, not paying much attention she noticed Lilith disappear for a bit out of the room to come back in shorts. She wasn't sure if shorts to her were risque or revealing but to her she didn't look that different when it came appearance wise besides the length of her pants; curious she wondered if she had made the remark of plain due to possibly disliking long pants. After all it was almost summer and it was hot, for her in this weather her attire consisted of either high waisted shorts or skirt with a detailed crop top or a maxi sheer shirt or dress; just over all very feminine clothes. When it came to clothing she was raised that appearance matters. The clothing Mason had given her made her feel as if this was the most casual she has ever been it felt strange but comforting, the feeling similar to when she wore her normal work out gear which consisted of just a sports bra on and yoga pants or running shorts. One odd peeve of hers being she hated wearing shirts when working out in general no matter what she was doing, she always found it uncomfortable and annoying for some reason. Looking over at Mason trying to multi task she sighed and said. "How about I cook and you read off the ingredients." shes been cooking for herself since she could remember in a way being more self reliant and independent as compared to peers her age, this giving her a leg up in some fields one being cooking.
I sit at the table alone in my thoughts I hear we are having Lasagna I think about last Monday my third day at sea when I was getting tired of eating chips and beef jerky I tried to cook some grits I stole from home just before I set out I tried cooking them only to almost burn down "The Wendy " and have me floating around in the Atlantic ocean for dead I laugh out loud at this thought because I realize only after a week that I have come along way since then I found the resistances and tomorrow I might finally be getting to do something to help Zombie government fall at this thought I can't help but smile I snap out my thoughts to see Zoë cooking man I think she'll have the rest of her cured life (which maybe tomorrow) to cook and clean for a husband that doesn't even love her I fell guilty that I can't hep her so to lessen my guilt and to try and convince myself that she would be happy with the idea of being cured to talk to her about her life "Zoe" I ask quietly "whats your family like?"
Zoë kept cooking while answering David. "Not really there, my father and mother both work in the big government buildings in town so i'm basically alone most of the time. Its more like I don't even have them. They are gone by the time I wake up and by the time i'm going to bed is when they come home. It gets kinda lonely but there's nothing I can really do about it." she looked a bit sad thinking about it but she masked her emotions continuing. "And whenever they are home, which is rare, they treat me more like a tenant then their daughter or as if i'm not really there. I guess the up's is that they aren't hard on me. They kinda became like that after my older sister killed herself because she got the disease. She jumped off the highest building she could find with the guy she loved and splatted on the pavement like a bug. They were devastated after that and because of that they don't really want to have emotional attachments to me. Well anyways that happened when I was really young, at least though she died happy. Hopefully I can have that privilege when my time comes too." she paused before continuing. "Who knew such a disease can make you so happy? The day she did it when she walked home with me from school she looked glowing, the happiest ive ever seen anyone before. That's why it makes me question why such euphoria is denied to people. But that euphoria can make people do stupid things, what she did was stupid. She shouldn't have wasted something so precious that she had over a temporary issue. I would have rather her been a invalid knowing shes out there being happy and free then knowing her corpse is rotting in the ground."
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I think a minute I hear her talk about her sister and how she would have wanted her sister to become one so I pose a simple question to her "Do you want to be an invalid ?"
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Luca watched everything that ws going on quietly, somewhat lost in his own thoughts. The kitchen was busy too busy, even for its generous size, so Luca slipped out quietly and lounged on the large sofa in the living room. Unfortunately for him though, this meant he missed the dramatic reappearance of Lilith. Luca grabbed the remote for the television, looking for something to watch.
David: Just as i'm talking to Zoë I hear

Special News Flash I turn my head I know whats going to be on their but I still want to see it I take the remote from and flip it back

"A New Development for the fight against the Cure" a news caster says he's in front of the labs in Washington DC .... " Damn it " I scream I feel like I've been stabbed they did it they finished the inject-able cure.... I break down crying and curl up in a ball on the other side of the living room

Lilith Anderson

Citizen / 18 / Faked

"Damn, calm your tits." Lilith grumbled, snatching the remote from the dramatic boy so that she could turn the volume down. "You're so dramatic, all it's saying is that tests are being run for it." She rolled her eyes at the kid before tossing the remote away. "It doesn't change the fact that Curing people under age 18 could have a terrible effect on the brain. It's the reason why they didn't start doing it to people when they're kids in the first place." Crossing her arms she glanced at the nearly mute TV before turning away, heading for the door. "I'll be back." He called lightly over her shoulder to Mason, whom was still wrapped up in cooking. She needed air, so grabbing a dark colored jacket she set out.

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"calm your tits! ?! " I say " Test are being run on it yes but you do know who those test are going to be run on our people" I say shaking with rage

"Zoë " I say trying to sound calm "Things have changed you don't have a year to be cured for all you know they could call you down tomorrow to Washington to be a subject of the 'Great Experiment' I beg of you don't be a piece of cattle and let them take your freewill run away with me your to intelligent to be a Zombie" ! I stand up and walk towards the back rooms " I'm not hungry" I say I keep my head down all I want to do is lie down and wake up tomorrow take my sword and kill every Zombie Regulator in my sight When I get to one of the rooms that are in every Invalid safe house ( I know this because my Dad's close friends helps house newly escaped invalids) I put my head on the pillow and try to calm my self
Zoë swallowed staying silent as David got emotional and pleaded with her, trying to remain calm and not upset him any more she sighed as she and Mason kept cooking. Once putting the Lasagna in the oven she started washing the dishes Mason had backed up needing a distraction a lot of emotions flowing with in her. Due to being raised by the cured whenever her parent's were home they wouldn't allow her to show her real emotions, saying those were the gate ways to the disease; due to this she was used to bottling up those feelings and shoving them into a closet where they will never see the day of light. Having just poured her feelings about her sister she felt like crying remembering her but didn't want too. After all she was in a room full of people she had just met and it wasn't like she was going to show her real emotions around them, shes already even made the mistake of talking about her sister which not many people knew about. She had to stay on that straighten arrow she felt it was her right of passage but feelings of anger boiled within her at the thought of her parents and society controlling that aspect of her life. Sick of shoving her sister in her past not allowed to bring her up or show her real emotions but that's just how things were. Zoë had no real reason to become a invalid at this point besides being frustrated, its not like she had someone waiting for her on the other side after all. A frustrated and slightly angered stony look covered her face, she didn't want to create any more drama such as David and Lilith were currently with each other so she thought maybe shutting up for a little while longer would be for the best.

Lilith Anderson

Citizen / 18 / Faked

"Yeah, calm down." She snapped, reeling slightly as she watched him disappear into the back room. "God, honestly... If it's anyone that should be worried it should be him." Shaking her head she headed outside, tugging the hood of the jacket up over her head and sinking into the shadows. "Stupid kid, if they are doing tests to Cure 13 year olds then they won't take 17 year olds to experiment on. They'd take little Invalids from the Wilds. Even someone raised around the Cure knows this." She couldn't believe the drama that guy caused, it was like his hormones were at their peek and he didn't know how to control them. Lilith flopped down on a stretch of grass and glared upward at the sky. She didn't want her ability to love to be taken away as much as the next but that didn't mean she didn't know how to control her emotions.

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"God, honestly... If it's anyone that should be worried it should be him" I hear this and call back " I would be dead before they took me to the labs and a thousand of those Zombie bastards would be buried with me " then I put my head back on the pillow and cry knowing that theirs nothing I can do for all those kids who will be dragged to Washington to have the cure I sob knowing that they'll be reduced to nothing after the procedure I cry knowing that the drugs used for the new cure hurt like hell and you can literally fell each brain cell burn its all in the folder on board the Wendy how the Zombies captured an entire homestead seven kids were given the three injection cure one scientist recorded that one child cried for two hours after the injections were given I also recall reading the test that the kids were given to see if they were cured that was they had to watch their parents executions the men were drawn and quartered and the woman were burned at the stake...... the scientist recorded typical cured behavior disgust , horror but when asked if they felt hate, anger , pity or love for the condemned they said no the youngest one a thirteen year old boy the one who cried for two hours straight said he never saw his own mother .... I take my dirk that strapped to my leg and begin practicing drills trying to forget the pictures of the event that are in the folder I cringe knowing that i'll have to see them tomorrow and also if Mason wants to see the video of the executions but I keep repeating moves my grandfather taught me trying not to think about tomorrow.......
Luca jumped as the remote was snatched from his hand and then once more as the young boy who took it erupted in hysterics. All hell had officially broken loose and Luca simply sat there, mystified at how much this was affecting the people around him. After carefully mulling over the facts the newscaster had given him, he could find no reason why an injectable Cure would mean younger kids would be experimented on. It simply meant a less messy procedure for the doctor. Everyone need to take a step back from the dramatic little boy and realize this as the truth.

Shaking his head in confusion, Luca looked at David. "Yes, calm your..." he stumbled over the next word, not sure how it applied to David seeing as he was a male, "tits. It's not as big of a deal as you're making it. I mean yes, it will be harder to track the Cured seeing as the scar will be gone, but that doesn't take away the danger of Curing younger children." With those final words he watched as the boy retreated into his room and pulled on a jacket, exiting the house to check on Lilith. By the time he had finally caught up to her, the sky was a lovely shade of dark blue. "Hey, you alright?" he called out to her cautiously, slightly afraid she would snap at him.

Lilith Anderson

Citizen / 18 / Faked

Lilith was still fuming slightly when she heard the crunch of grass next to her. She hoped it wasn't the kid, she didn't know if she could handle it if David had followed her. Still she wouldn't run it past him, know he would have if it meant he could make his point. This thought was the reason why she twisted her head around to glare at the person approaching, her face softening at once when she noticed who it was.

"Yeah, I'm just peachy." She grumbled sitting up. "I shouldn't have snapped like that, it's the reason why..." She left her voice trail of, not wanting to admit that her temper was the reason why they couldn't use her in the resistance. It was embarrassing, that her emotions were the thing blocking her from helping others. Embarrassing and frustrating.

"I guess I'll have to apologize to the little drama-queen later." She sighed, hating the thought.

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Luca watched her as she sat up, studying her face with a concerned look on his face. His brain finished her sentence for her and he tilted his head slightly. "Well, if you think about it, that gives you more time to think about what you truly want to do. Sure you may feel as if that's what you want, but maybe you'll like this experience. It's not strictly black and white, Cured or Resitance, excitement or repetitiveness. There's more to it." By the time had finished he was sitting next to her.
By the time Zoë had finished the dishes and refocused, having been zoning out she noticed Lilith and David gone along with Luca. Hopping up onto the counter she sat there while swinging her legs with ease as she sipped her half finished drink. Looking at Mason who had been awfully quiet during the whole ordeal between everyone she extended her right leg nudging him with her bare foot while offering a playful smirk. "Is it always this lively and dysfunctional in your home? If so its no wonder your as mad as you are." Having calmed down her emotions from her previous thoughts and conversation with David she reverted back to how she was prior. "Guess if you live with many dysfunctional people it won't be that hard to maintain your status of being the town odd ball. Its then safe to assume that your spot in that role is guaranteed."
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Layle sighed. The boy had finally left, her stinging arm was getting better, but she was now hungry. Running a hand through her hair, she debated going back to her camp to sleep, but decided against it. "I think it's time to pay a visit to the city... I'm getting low on medicine." She grumbled, her memory of what it was like not to have certain things, like antiseptic, or painkillers, still very clear in her mind. Layle knew a bit about plants and herbs that did that kind of thing, but not enough.

Thankfully, she knew a few sympathizers. One of them would be able to get her into the city no problem.

After going back to her camp briefly, grabbing a few necessary things and putting out her usually constant fire, she made her way to the sympathizer she knew.

"This is gonna be fun..." She muttered, taking in the huge city scape. Layle had never liked the city, much less the particular rules, laws, etc. She'd cleaned herself up a bit, hoping not to attract attention, 'cause that would be the end of her, and made her way to a drug store. "Bloody citizens and their fantastic meds... How do zombies even make this stuff?" She muttered, unconsciously rubbing her still red arm.

After buying the medicine (she had some money from the sympathizer), she wandered the streets aimlessly, slowly getting more and more agitated by the sprawling mass of people. Hopefully, she wouldn't have to stay long.

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Mason Brooks

Sympathizer / 20 / Faked

Mason had remained quiet through the interaction, wondering if speaking up would help of hinder the situation. He decided it would probably make it worse, both people in question were so head strong after all. So he simply kept his mouth shut and did what he was supposed to, though it appeared Zoe was doing most of the work. By the time Lilith had stormed out of the house and David back to his respective room, he was about ready to slap himself in the face for letting two unruly people into his house. One had come to him injured though and the other was a favor for a friend, both seemed unavoidable.

"Dysfunctional, stubborn, and as unpredictable as my family's thanksgiving turkey." Mason said with a shake of his head. "And trust me, I'm pretty sure it wasn't even turkey last year." He then shrugged his shoulders with a small sigh. "I have to be half mad, huh? The said thing is that you don't even know the full story."

Lilith Anderson

Citizen / 18 / Faked

She gave a tired sigh, "Cured or Resistance, Black and White." She repeated, "I've been seeing it like that for so long I don't think I can change how it appears." She glanced sideways at him with a small smile. "After today I feel like I need to revaluate my life, I left my parents and friends... my only home... so quickly I can't even remember if it was on a wimp or if I put a lot of thought into it." She shook her head and moved her hands to her lap so that she could fiddle with the edge of her shorts, deep in thought.

"I know I made the right decision but I should have said goodbye properly," Lilith said softly, "I should have left a note or a hug before going to my room that night..." She didn't regret leaving, she did regret her parents though. She knew how much they looked forward to seeing her before Cured, how they wanted to match her with a wealthy man so that she could have little children that would become Cured as well. Lilith couldn't do that though, bring children into the world simply to have them raised to be Cured was like raising puppies to be showdogs. They weren't really happy despite the fact that they didn't know the difference between their life and any other. Being flaunted and used to win prizes, it wasn't a life Lilith wanted for herself or any future children of hers'.

"Did you say goodbye?" She asked. "To your parents I mean..."
Zoë chuckled softly hearing his joke, offered a kind smile towards Mason trying to cheer him up. "Why don't you tell me your story then? I'm all ears." She said, her curiousity starting to swell with interest.

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Mason Brooks

Sympathizer / 20 / Faked

Mason gave her a gentle smile. "I won't want to ruin your image of me." He replied with a shake of his head, folding his arms over his chest. "I much prefer the loon of your hometown then what I truly am." He was harmless as the loon, as the rebel he was a cause of fear. He didn't want Zoe to fear him, it was the last thing he wanted actually. Still he also felt a strange need to tell her as well, like she would understand. Could he take the risk?
Zoë pouted and poked his side with her foot again. "Your no fun. What, are you a drug lord or something like in Breaking Bad. Or are you actually a Sympathizer like Lilith joked. Whatever your occupation is, it doesn't affect your personality or how I view you. Now if your a rapist or sex trafficker that's were I will have to draw the line."

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Mason Brooks

Sympathizer / 20 / Faked

He raised his eyebrow grabbing at her foot. "Do I look like a drug lord or sex trafficker to you?" He asked, pausing before he shook his head. "Never mind, don't answer that. I don't want to know your answer." Mason released her foot, his hand tingling slightly from where their skin had touched before he ventured to the fridge so that he could withdraw a drink form it. He took the time while he was taking a sip to think, deciding what to do as he lowered the glass.

"What would you do if I actually was a sympathizer?" He questioned, setting his cup down on the counter next to him and he leaned against the wall. "Or a drug lord?"
As i'm doing my dirk drills I hear Mason's voice "What would you do if I actually was a sympathizer?" oh no I think I slip out of the room and walk to the kitchen where Mason and Zoë are talking I aim the dirk at Zoë's leg i'm not going to throw unless something bad happens I listen for Zoë's response every muscle in my body tenses ready but praying I don't have to throw please God let her not freak out
Zoë shrugged as she watched him. "Like I said, your occupation is your business. People do what they have to do after all. " she said as she looked down monentarily at her swishing feet. Looking back up at him she continued. "As long as you don't drag me into it, I don't really mind. Plus your personality makes up for it."

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My body relaxes I put the Dirk into its sheath on my leg and cover it with my pants I take a sigh of relief but then I remember i'm supposed to be keeping quite I craw a bit back towards the room but bump into a table "shit" I say under my breath that's going to attract some attention

Mason Brooks

Sympathizer / 20 / Faked

Mason laughed, a stupid grin spreading from cheek to cheek as he gave her a mischievous look. "So you don't want any drugs then?" He asked teasingly. He felt a lightness that wasn't really explainable, but a weight had lifted from his shoulders the second Zoe had expressed her indifference. "Or perhaps you want a chance to escape the Cure? I'd be glad to make you disappear like dust to the wind." He said it in the same joking manner as before but there was a hint of truth behind his words. He wouldn't say that though, if Zoe wanted help out of the Cure she'd have to insist herself. Either way, Mason was here to do his job and that included helping people that wanted an escape. People like Lilith. Speaking of Lilith, he wasn't sure where she had disappeared to and curfew was rapidly approaching.

"You could be a drug lord yourself." Mason said, dispensing the tension from his before words. "This doesn't seem like ordinar-" He was cut off by the sound of someone bumping into the table, his head turning to catch sight of David. "Welcome back. Calmed down a bit?" He asked.

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