Delirium [Inactive]

Zoë laughed softly, about to respond until she heard David bumping into the table and turned her attention over to him. "Atleast your here, the Lasanga should be ready soon actually." She said due to it being another 20ish minutes.

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I stand up " I suppose i'm calmer " I say I hope my dirk is tied to my leg tight enough I need something to do while i'm here "Atleast your here, the Lasanga should be ready soon actually." "that's great i'm starved haven't eaten a warm meal in two weeks not the best galley chef in the world almost burnt down The Wendy " I walk over to the table " Say where are the other two?"
Zoë replied casually. "The girl went outside frustrated by you and Luca followed I guess." Noticing something tied on his leg due to a bulge appearing in his jeans. "Hey, whats that on your leg?" She asked her curiousity getting the better of her.

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Luca watched Lilith's face and smiled when she did so at him. His smile faded when she asked him about his parents and he closed his eyes as he relayed his memory of that day to her. "I didn't get to say goodbye. Everything just happened so quickly, and I was to busy crying to realize that would be my last time seeing them." He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed heavily. "I wish I hadn't been immature but the past can't change." The sky was growing darker every minute they talked and Luca stood and offered his handed to the girl. "Come on let's go back. It's getting close to curfew and Mason's probably worried sick."

Lilith Anderson

Citizen / 18 / Faked

"Mason? Worried?" Lilith laughed, accepting his hand and allowing him to pull her up from the ground. "I doubt that, in fact I'd be willing to bet against it." She shook her head, staring into his eyes with an amused and daring look that asked him if he was brave enough to take her bet. It wasn't until minutes later that she realized she still had a firm hold of his hand. Clearing her throat Lilith dropped Luca's hand and gave him a nervous glance, turning away as she pointed toward Mason's house.

"Shall we?" She asked. "I bet the foods ready now."
shit I think I look at Zoë trying to think of a lie I know she wouldn't care but Mason " Nothing" then I tell the i stupidest and desperate lie I've ever told " It must have been when I hurt my leg while fighting I feel down and I think I have a lump" Damn it I think that didn't even make any sense I try to change subjects "So who dose the cooking at your house" I smile praying that she'll get caught in talking about herself
Zoë not buying it replied. "I told you earlier already. And if thats a lump, thats one hell of a one. Mason your a medic right?" She asked looking at Mason. "You should check it out, probably filled with puss or something if its that swollen." Looking at David she asked frowning. "How did you even get a lump that big and swollen?"

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"Its fine" I say putting on a very calm and collected voice the one I use when performing a drama "I checked it out myself I have some basic understanding of medicine its nothing big that bastard cut be there and it drained what puss was in there I got it when I fell when I was fighting off a dog " I desperately hope this fools her I don't look either Mason or Zoë in the eye as I get up and get a can of Coke from the fridge " You know every time you by a coke product your supporting the resistance the Coke company is based in Atalanta Georgia and the owners of Coke are faked cureds and are huge resistors they send guns to homesteads everyday " I take a drink " Ah that's a good product using its money for a good cause "
Zoë couldn't help but laugh. "That's one of the stupidest things I have ever heard. If that were true, our government wouldn't be that stupid enough to sell something that's profits goes to a group that is against them. That's like saying the government sells products that funds go towards terrorists. They wouldn't do it." She said shaking her head at the illogical thought.

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" The Government doesn't know" the Coke company 's really good about its tracks unlike me " I laugh uncontrollably if you can't laugh at yourself then you can't laugh at anyone " Just think at Government parties their drinking to their own demise " I laugh at the though at politicians and regulators drinking the soda that arms thousands of Invalids " So Zoë do you have any friends " I think to myself what my Drama teacher taught me about improv and try to apply it here keep it going , keep it going don't her think about your leg just keep the conversation on her
Luca stared back at her and smirked playfully. "I think I might take you up on that." He had also not realized that they had been holding hands and was surprised by the sudden chill that greeted his hand in the absence of her's. Lilith's nervous glance caused him to smile. "Cute," he mumbled, just loud enough for here as he began to walk back to Mason's.

Mason Brooks

Sympathizer / 20 / Faked

Mason let his eyes drift over the lump, knowing full well it wasn't an injury. He had already checked the boy from head to toe after he had collapsed on Mason's doorstep from blood loss. If he thought he could trick Mason with that he'd need to think again, he was only hiding it because Mason didn't want weapons in his house. It was actually quite infuriating that the kid had the gal to still carry a weapon when he had asked him not to. He obviously didn't understand the dangers of having weapon-swinging children in his household when curfew was fast approaching. However, since Mason's words hadn't made a difference before they wouldn't make a difference now. The only think he wondered was where the kid was getting his weapons from. His other sword was clearly locked around in the vault behind Mason's fireplace, the alarm would have gone off if anyone had touched it besides Mason. The kid had to have been pulling them out of some strange pocket or another and Mason, personally, didn't want to know the details.

"It's almost dark, once Lilith and Luca get back we can eat." Mason said, glancing toward the front door.

Lilith Anderson

Citizen / 18 / Faked

Lilith raised an eyebrow at Luca's muttered word, fighting back embarrassment as they started back to the house. "Well, what do you want if I'm right about Mason?" She asked giving him a confident smile through the blush. "I think that Mason is indifferent to our disappearance, maybe he's a noticed but he hasn't really given it much thought." She knew Mason wouldn't care, she had just gotten there that day after all and she was simple baggage to his everyday life. It was obvious he wouldn't care about her, she could fend for herself after all.
Zoë looked over at Mason and nodded, sliding off the counter she searched through his cabinets until she found dishware. "Shall I set the table?" it wasn't a question really due to not waiting for a response as she started setting out the utensils and plates along with glasses for drink. Zoë also needed a distraction due to feeling her conversation with David had taken a slightly awkward turn. By the time she had finished the lasagna was done due to the notification of the oven. Putting on mittens she took it out and turned the oven off setting it on the stove which was off so it could cool. She didn't mean to dominate the kitchen like she had while cooking, she was just a natural when it came to it and due to cooking for herself for so many years it was a habit as well. Realizing what she had done, flusteredly she apologizing forgetting that she was in another person's home and it was rude. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to go through your things and what not without permission or dominate the cooking....It's just a habit."
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Luca shrugged his shoulders lightly and smiled to himself. "Who says I want anything? Maybe I'm perfectly content with how my life is right now," he joked, poking Lilith's arm in the progress. There was some truth to what he said though. He wasn't really intending on getting anything out of this little bet, but perhaps she was. "The question is, what do you want?" His intense stare made the question less of a joke and more serious, almost challenging her to pour her heart out to him. Of course, he didn't actually mean to stare like that, it just happened that was how he looked when he focused all his attention on one person. Something that didn't happen very often.

Mason Brooks

Sympathizer / 20 / Faked

"Yeah, sure." Mason responded to Zoe's question, watching as she went about setting the table. It was a nice sight, usually he was the one that went about setting up and clearing. Every once in awhile he'd get a roommate that could cook or one that was patient enough to clean. It was rare but it was a blessing when it happened. He felt a desire to make Zoe one of his roommates but dismissed it the minute the thought popped into his mind. The girl didn't even know he was a Sympathizer yet.

"No, no. It's perfectly alright." He said with a little laugh, "Make yourself at home. Everyone else does!"

Lilith Anderson

Citizen / 18 / Faked

Lilith pursed her lips, narrowing her eyes at him. She didn't believe that a guy would want nothing from her but the honest look in his eyes told her that he was being truthful. So she returned his words with a soft laugh, blinking slightly when he suddenly asked what it was she wanted from the bet. His face got serious, his eyes holding her gaze as she studied him thoughtfully. There were a lot of things that Lilith wanted, just none that Luca could actually get for her. There seemed to be one thing that may be helpful though.

"You're faked, right?" Lilith asked. "I'd be great if you could give me some lessons in being less..." She paused and gestured to herself. "Well, less me. I need to be able to blend in or I won't be able to dodge the government for very long."
Zoë blushed a slight pinkish tint out of embarressment, hoping Mason didn't notice she perked up. "Shall we get started eating? Or are you one of those guys who waits for everyone to do a prayer thing?" He didn't seem like the kind but she didn't want to be rude. Her stomach growled audiably making her blush increase, her eyes averting his gaze briefly while her cheeks flamed lightly. "You know one of these days i'd love to learn you story. Maybe i'll be able to gain your trust soon. You are intrigueing. Plus the tales of a drug lord are indeed interesting, especially one who is also a play boy." She teased as she brushed past him getting a new drink.

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You know one of these days i'd love to learn you story. Maybe i'll be able to gain your trust soon. You are intrigueing. Plus the tales of a drug lord are indeed interesting, especially one who is also a play boy." I think about this for a minute and almost laugh my dear lady if you had a clue then me and him would be on a one way trip to the labs then I shutter I want to ask Mason how many invalids get caught but then I look over at Zoë if I ask him to bluntly then I might blow Mason's cover so I decide to ask Zoë " So Zoë do you know how often the police force finds inv..." I catch my self looking at Lilith I don't know where she comes from if she from down south towards the areas where entire cities are about ready to start a war then she won't mind me using that word people in Charleston and Wilmington have taken it to call themselves the invalid army however people who actually live in the wilds have really negative feelings towards the word Invalid so instead I say " my people its very dangerous and I want to know how to be as safe as possible especially with my old friend Clark hanging around" I smile " Hate to be caught by a man I've almost killed twice"
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Luca thought a bit before nodding. Helping Lilith out though is probably something he would do without having to win a bet. "Not less you, just less impulsive. You dont have to lose all traces of your identity to pretend to have done so, because then it wouldn't be pretending," he said smiling politely at the girl. As they reached mason's house, Luca pushed open the door and walked in on the last half of what David was saying.

Lilith Anderson

Citizen / 18 / Faked

"Either way, I'm still about as close to acting Cured as I am to flying." Lilith grumbled, shaking her head as they entered the house. David was rambling about something she didn't quite catch but see the look David flashed her, which put her on edge. "What are you going on about?" She asked with a skeptical glance at Mason and Zoe.

(Gimme a minute and I'll post for Mason too)

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Mason Brooks

Sympathizer / 20 / Faked

Mason shrugged and gestured toward the table. "I'm not religious." He stated, offering a fork to Zoe. "It's not my trust you need to earn, it's the other way around." Turning to David as he started into his question, he listened as the boy talked. "I wouldn't say it's a lot," Mason grumbled. "You should give the sympathizer around here some credit, they aren't fools." Of course he was talking about himself, he was the only sympathizer in the area after all. He wouldn't let invalids get caught on his watch, he'd sacrifice himself before that happened.

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Zoë's cheeks reddened a bit more at Mason's word, as she was about to answer the question David had asked, before Mason answered for her. Taking the fork Mason offered once getting a drink she brought the lasagna to the table and smiled once seeing Lilith and Luca had returned; by the time they were in the room her redness disappeared her being grateful for it due to not wanting to be teased by Lilith. "Right on time, take a seat. The lasagna is ready." She directed towards the new comers. As she sat down along with the others she felt an odd look coming from Lilith, feeling it would be best to shrug it off she cut a piece out for herself plating it. "Well they should be good at their job after all, because if caught that endangers those whom are caught with him or her. It must be hard though, after all the Regulators are pretty strict. I heard one of their random inspections should be coming up soon as well. You should be more careful then David, babbling on about invalid activity so carelessly will get you in trouble easily. You should also be more careful about your drug stash there Mason. They check for any and all illegal activity after all." She warned though joked the last part lightly. The Regulators had always do random checks here and there but as of late they had been stepping up their game.

Mason Brooks

Sympathizer / 20 / Faked

Mason nodded his head at Zoe's comments about the inspections. "There's one o. The Friday of next week and also the Tuesday after that." He said, realizing only after that no normal person should know that. He cleared his throat. "Or at least that's what I've heard..." He had informants inside the government system that always gave him at east two weeks notice before an inspections crew showed up at his doorstep. He had already made the appropriate preparations.
"Friday" I say I shutter I look at Mason and sigh "Well I guess I should give you this " then I pull the Dirk from my leg and extend it out to him "Be careful This dagger is a two hundred years old family heirloom " I extend the Dirk to him

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Zoë ate while watching the exchange. Seeing David pull out yet another sword it was as if he was abundant of them like a magician, never running out. "Lord, how many swords do you carry around? You see, these are the things that a twelve year old shouldn't carry around and what I was talking about earlier, they will make you stick out more. And if thats a family heirloom thats so old why do you carry it around? Shouldn't it then be in a showcase or something? I mean if you need a weapon a gun is a better alternative and maybe a pocket knife, a sword is just unnecessary and over kill. And when I mean a gun I don't mean a freaking tommy gun or anything I mean just a handgun or maybe one of those smaller sized ones. After all i'm sure not all invalids are as heavily equipt. It's not like your Carl in The Walking Dead, who needs as many weapons as he can find to kill zombies to survive." She commented shaking her head, she was very blunt about her feelings not having a filter at times to be sensitive to how others feel. Zoë was more or less worried about the twelve year olds safety, after all he could get injured easily by carrying so many weapons; her goal not being to hurt the child's feelings. It was as if hes a walking armory.

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"And if thats a family heirloom thats so old why do you carry it around?" I smile "Its family tradition for the men to carry this into battle its suppose to be good luck and I do have a enough guns on my boat to stock a small army and a sword is actually very handy since Regulators suck at hand to hand combat" I would be more worried about Zoë knowing my secret cash of guns but I have a feeling that she might me joining us I quickly change topics " So dose anyone know where a school is I want to start antedating so I at least look a little normal"

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