Delirium [Inactive]

Luca situated himself in front of his plate and quickly scarfed down his meal, almost as if he were a starving boy. Truth was, he just really loved lasagna. He was swallowing when David mentioned the amount of guns he had. "Bogus," he stated, disbelief decorating his facial features. "How would you get through security checkpoints. They still have those in the Wilds you know." He wiped his mouth with a napkin and excused himself from the table, walking past David and patting his head. "You have a grand imagination kid." The corners of his mouth tilted up a bit in amusement and he set off to find a room that had not yet been taken.
Zoë tried not to laugh at Luca's comment towards David. "There's a local middle school nearby the high school, if you attend try not to bring any weapons nor talk of your vivid far fetches stories so openly. You should then carry the sword around when of age, also this isn't the mid evil times or something where people 'battle'. With that mind set you could get seriously injured." She continued to speak as she got up and started putting her empty glass and plate into the sink washing it and then drying it, her doing the same to Luca's dishes.
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"They don't security checkpoints at Sea!" I call back a bit annoyed man I just want Mason and Lucas to take me seriously i'm here to fight and I have had more combat experience then anyone at this table when Zoë tells me about the middle school I smile " ah academics one of my better qualities you know back home I got straight A's o and by the way I've trained with that sword since I was seven and used that thing on more than one occasion " I then eat Zoë is an amazing cook I would love to have her aboard the Wendy when I finish I hand my dishes to Zoë look her in the eye and say bluntly "madame you are a truly wonderful cook I hope and pray the cure dose not steel that from you" I turn my back to her , walk into the living room and turn on the TV without looking back
After everyone had gone to sleep and had left Mason's home the next day, the dynamics had seemed to have shifted. Regulators were more uptight due to new orders. Cracking down on curfews and Invalid's within the city, there were more crack downs this short time while he was here since there were in five months prior. As Zoë resumed her morning jogs she had noticed the town odd ball had been seen less frequent, him not greeting her at all nor making presences around town, even the flood of in and out room mates he usually had at his home was gone. After not having seen the familiar face soon in almost a whole week, concern flooded her.

One after noon while having been on a jog on a particular hot day due to the impending summer arriving soon, she went and jogged up his driveway and stepped on his porch, her soft knocks ringing through the hollow wooden door and into the now vacant home. Peering inside she was startled to see all signs of habitance of the home were removed. The door swung open with ease as she stepped inside. Searching the home panicked she found it barren, her two new friends no where in site. Mixed emotions brimmed her surface. Sadness for them leaving without a goodbye and the loss of two new friends, anger, betrayal, worry and the most prominent, confusion. Why had they left so soon? Because of the crack down of invalids? Although she had been suspicious of Mason's occupation this in a sad way validated her suspicions. Fleeing the home due to a intruding feeling overwhelming her, the now confused and slightly saddened girl stepped out of the vacant home to continue to jog, not knowing that a pair of eyes were watching her.


Zoë had resumed her routine as she had normally even without the two. Helping David reluctantly try to blend in, she aided him in enrolling within the middle school even though the school year was a few months shy from being over. One day after a regular high school day and going to her track practice she noticed that Luca was a janitor at the school. Once practice had ended, rather then going to change to her regular clothes like most of the girls and guys were, she jogged in the school searching for Luca. Finding him finally on the third floor of her school cleaning up a science room a friendly smile plaid on her lips as she popped her head into the room startling Luca slightly as her friendly, cheery, familiar voice rang out within the large empty class room. "It's Luca, right?" She asked as she approached him lightly, her hips having a slight sway as she wiped her forehead lightly with a small towel she carried, it was tiring having ran throughout the whole school to find him. Her long, dark chestnut hair swayed as well while she walked due to it being in a high up, perky pony tail. The only difference in attire from when she first introduced herself to him is that she wore the high school track team shirt as opposed to sporting only a sports bra prior.
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This school if you can call it that is way to easy just based on memory and I have a very good memory so far I have straight A's I have been talking to a few of the wilder boys at my school St J0nh's school for boys and I think with a little push I might have a nice army I have since checked on things at home and it turns out that six states North Carolina , South Carolina , Virginia. Texas Florida and Colorado are now under uncured control (Georgia would be among them however us Invalids decided to let Georgia's government be because of the coke export ) so far the Zombies have been keeping quite about states falling into Uncured hands what really shocks be is that they haven't said or done anything about Virginia with that state in Uncured hands we could take Washington in a heart beat. I have a bad felling that the Zombies are planing something big but in my head i'm planing something big to a complete takeover and jail break of the lab in Portland for the last two days I have been walking by there tomorrows Evaluation Day and i'm going to ask Lucas if he can hack the system to see if he can get me a slot it would be nice to see the place I will soon laying siege to as i'm thinking this I see Zoë she's standing their talking to Lucas . Zoë has helped me out big time these last few months if it wasn't for her I would be a zombie she was helped me break my habit mostly of humming musicals also she has helped me learn all the stupid Zombie traditions at school all the bloody songs all the pledges I just want to thank her but I don't see her that often we don't even go to the same school opposite genders aren't aloud to interact in less they are cured I then decided to invite her to dinner to night with me and Lucas I look around making sure there are no regulators (as typical when Scot controls a city there are regulators everywhere) and call out "Lucas , Zoë dinner at my boat tonight okay!!!" I then run like a bat out of Hell just in case someone saw or heard me
Luca had noticed, and heard about, Mason's and Lilith's sudden disappearance. Things for him hadn't changed much over the last few weeks and he had no reason to be worried about the Regulator's increase of attention to the Wilds, seeing as there was no reason they would suddenly discover the fact that he was faked. It made more sense to worry about David, randomly joining into a new school would definitely draw some attention. But, Luca had some connections and none of them had told him about a little invalid boy being caught so he assumed that David was fine. Luca went to work every day, just like he normally did, and always finished up in a science classroom on the third floor.

He had one earbud in and was carefully sweeping the floor, making sure not to miss a spot, when Zoë's voice interrupted him. Turning and smiling shyly back at her, he lowered his eyes to the ground and mumbled quietly, "Hey.." It was surprising to him that she had gone through the trouble to find him and he was about to mention this to her when David ran in like a crazed fool, yelling something about dinner at his boat before disappearing as quickly as he'd appeared. "Should we go?" he asked Zoë.
Zoë plopped herself onto a desk near him offering a slight shrug of her shoulders as she wrapped her small towelette around them. "Sure why not, I can make something to bring over for dinner. After all it must be slightly hard being all by himself in a city, so young and all...." swinging her legs nonchalantly she looked over at him and nudged him with her foot when he passed by her. "No need to be all shy though, if your going to be like this in the dinner that isn't going to help in the slightest. Then again I must be a bit of a distraction..." she said pondering this for a moment. Perking up out of her thoughts she asked curiously. "So, when do you get off exactly? I was curious if you wanted to go on a jog with me before the dinner and what not. That is if you like jogging, but I will be willing to slow down for you." Her words came out slightly jumbled making her cheeks blush a slight rosy tint out of embarrassment, she didn't want to sound desperate or anything but just wanted to get to know him. After all it was nice meeting new people and he did seem very friendly when they first met. Zoë's eyes retreated towards her swinging feet that sported her mint green Nike running shoes, shyly. Although Zoë was friendly she tended to be a bit awkward out of habit when meeting new people. She couldn't help it since she usually was too excited to meeting people and then would accidentally be overly curious out of wanting to know everything about the new person. This always resulted in an embarrassed feeling afterwards due to believing she was probably a nuisance and seeing Luca working hard, the feeling started to arise due to being a distraction to him.
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Luca leaned the handle of the broom against the wall, finished with the sweeping, and began arranging the desks in the orderly fashion students would find them in the next morning. He refused to look at Zoë, not because he didn't want to, but because he was afraid that once he started looking he wouldn't stop. As he finished adjusting the last desk, he pulled out some cleaning spray and began to lightly mist it over every flat surface in the room. Yes, he was aware of just how excessive this was, but the truth of the matter was that he was off work when this room was clean. He cleared his throat a bit, a nervous habit of his, and looked over at Zoë, "I get off in about 30 minutes." Lie. "And I'm no good at jogging." Lie. "Plus, I'm really clumsy." Huge lie, he was actually quite graceful. Luca wasn't sure why he was lying to her, but once the lies slipped out, he couldn't take it back without looking like a huge liar, even though he was terrible at blatantly lying and it was probably already obvious that he wasn't being at all truthful. He ran his fingers through his hair, pushing his hair out of his face, before turning around and begging to wipe off the table in front of him. It wasn't at hot in the room, but his body was covered in a light film of sweat partially due to working hard but mostly because of how nervous he was. "I mean if you want to stick around until I'm off work then you can and we'll go for that jog. But if you don't it's no problem really." Luca expected for Zoë to turn down his offer so he didn't bother to stop what he was doing and turn around.
Zoë was able to detect his lying a mile away but decided to say nothing to his lies, merely believing he didn't want to be around her but some hope shown through when she heard his offer to stick around. Perking up at the offer she hopped off the table onto the ball of her heels and said happily "Of course I'll stick around, thirty minutes is nothing really. But I can help you if you want, after all with more help then you'll get done sooner. You also seem like you need the help since you have been working so hard." she spoke as she went over to his little janitor cart which held all the cleaning supplies; her last comment noting his sweat. Grabing a spray and a rag she started helping him wipe down tables that weren't wiped yet. One thing about Zoë was that whenever she offered her help, it wasn't really a question, she tended to just do it anyways. It was yet again another one of her many bad habits she had.
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"It is easy to sit here and swat them like flies but the national guard will be harder to catch" I sing quietly to my self lifting a pot to smell the grits all right now there cooking I think there is enough in this pot for five people but if no one shows then I'll eat myself sick in the last few months I at least learned how to cook a few things grits , bread , and macaroni and cheese simple things but at least i've learned how to cook something of course all these things will be present tonight I want to impress I then I pull out my cabinet rum no its not for the food to add flavor instead its to get Luca drunk Why? Well i'm going to propose my attack on the labs and the more drunk the better no one in the resistances especially up here would in there right mind even think about it but if the Brits used it to get sailors then it will work for me I put the rum on the table and sit down in front of the tv and put in a dvd of " South Park " a show which most of the zombies never heard of since it was banded along with a lot of other shows after the zombies took over the guys who created it Mat Stone and Trey Parker are still alive and making new shows in Canada down in places where uncureds rule zombie censors are hacked and that's how we can watch what the Hell we want my grandfather a seventy nine year old man hacks Zombie censors for a living I miss him so much but then Cartman starts to sing a song about how he hates hippies and I laugh I continue to watch as I wait for the others arrival
Luca was about to tell her that she could handle the cleaning by himself, but by the time he'd opened his mouth, she had already started. With the two of them working hard, the room was clean in no time and Luca seemed satisfied with what he saw. "Awesome! Thanks a ton. I would have been here a lot longer without your help," he said, his gratitude clearly visible. A smile a fixed itself onto Luca's lips, one that was rare. He put the cleaning supplies away and then wiped his hands on the pants of his work uniform. "Alright, a jog sounds fine I guess," he confessed, bringing up the question Zoë had raised earlier. "So long as we head by my house sometime during." He didn't want to go to dinner in his work uniform, so he figured that if he went home he could take a quick shower and change.
Zoë's eyes lit up when he changed his answer towards her proposal of a jog. It was a nice change of pace going on a jog with someone else due to usually she was alone when on her jogs. Nodding along at his request she replied brightly as she helped put the cleaning supplies away with him, walking out of the room as he rolled out the janitor cart. "Sounds like a plan, i'd probably need to stop by my house as well to take a shower. I already have my clothes with me but I don't live too far away really. Unless I can take one at your house, either way its up to you." Due to feeling he may think the request was odd, she started to fingered the hem of her shirt as they walked down the hall towards the elevator.
Luca smiled to himself when he noticed the excited gleam in Zoë's eyes. He liked when people were happy around him. As the elevator announced its arrival on the basement floor with a loud ding, Luca stepped out and pulled the cart along with him. "Um... Don't tell anyone I let you down here," he said quietly. It wasn't because there was something top secret to hide in nthe dingy basement of the school, it was simply the fact that students weren't allowed down there. After he had successfully completed putting all the equipment where he was supposed to, Luca turned and nodded at Zoë. "Let's get our jog on I suppose."

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Zoë arched her eyebrow at him due to seeing he was still in his janitor uniform as she leaned against the wall in the hall. "You go jogging in your work uniform?" She teased lightly as she stood up while looking over at him. "I mean not that I judge and all but wouldn't it be more comfortable if you change? I don't mind waiting, it's not a big deal or anything. Plus you don't want to get your uniform sweaty. Unless that is that you like working in sweaty clothes... that would just be awkward and strange." As she rambled on her gaze wondered awkwardly.

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