Delirium [Inactive]

Zoë replied still a bit tense due to not wanting to get to comfortable around an invalid. "Zoë, Zoë Dollenganger. And you?"
"David Maultsby " I say "pleased to meet you Zoë" I reach for her hand to kiss it then I remember i'm in Zombie land so I end up just shaking awkwardly "So Zoë" I say in a joking tone " How dose it feel to meet your first invalid "
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Zoë pulled her hand away feeling as if shes going to faint from how nervous she was. Invalid stories always depictated them as savages and monsters. "I feel like im going to pass out...." She somewhat awkwardly joked due to being some degree of truth in that responce.

To be honest she didnt know why she forced herself to stay, her legs burning to run out now. But that small side of her pleaded to stay, and so she did.
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It is just now I notice that Zoë is barely wearing anything besides a sports bra and short shorts I blush then think of how cold it gets on board "Zoë " I say "Go to the closet over there I have a spare coat in there it's my dads so it maybe a little big but its better than nothing "
Zoë shook her head. "Ill be fine....maybe I should get back on my jog before it gets too late." She turned to leave and started walking to the door. She stopped and asked in a quiet hushed voice in a way feeling as if its bad to talk of such subject. "W-whats it like in the Wilds?"
I smile "Zoë I don't live in the Wilds I come from a place where the Invalids have taken over that was my secret" She turns her head in shock " There are some places around the country especially down South that hate the cure about a year ago my home Wilmington North Carolina along with Charleston South Carolina seceded and formed the Republic of the Coast "
Zoë hugged herself it sounding as if it had come out of a fiction movie to her. "If thats true then why hasnt nobody around here heard about it?" she asked looking at the child with doubt.
"The government figured that paying attention to us would do more harm than good and might cause other cites like mine to rise up and my people figured that if they were being left alone than why do anything to cause an all out war we had lost so many all ready " I lower my head thinking of John one of my old friends who was killed by a regulator
Zoë sighed and nodded. It didnt make sense to her but she just nodded silently as she spun to the door, her questioning part of her quenched. "Thanks for answering my questions, i'll be on my way now. I've over staid my welcome and need to finish up my jog." She insisted as she stood in the doorway looking over at the young adolescent.
"Wait !" I call out she turns around "I was thinking of heading home tomorrow and theirs always room for a extra pair of hands to help me sail this thing so do you want to come with me ?" She seems like a nice girl and I don't want the Zombies to change her I think
Zoë eyes widened and she shook her head. "Absolutely not! I just met you! I cant just leave everything behind! And I doubt the guards will let you pass when seeing a minor who is a citizen on board. Thats kidnap to them. You really have to be more careful. Not everything is as easy as it seems when entering and leaving here. Normally underaged kids who pull stuff like that get shot on the spot." she sighed and muttered suddenly feeling alot more uncomfortable then she already was. "I gotta go now, bye." She then went out of the door way and off the boat, jogging back to the main road. She couldnt believe the kids audasity to ask such a thing but then again he was a child. Sure she thought of it but she was never serious about it. What purpose did she have for to leave when her whole life was here, not only that but she would soon be cured.
(SORRY guys, this turned out longer then I expected....)

Mason Brooks was not normal, though that mattered entirely on your definition of normal. To him he was the most normal person he knew. Of course it didn't matter whether or not Mason thought he was normal. Being normal was blending in with others and, in his case, it wasn't possible. To others he was the town fool that was often seen doing or saying something crazy. It was a strange difference in their options but that's what the Cure did to people, it warped their sense of normal. So, in reality, Mason - who was uncured - was the peculiar oddball of the area. It was better that way though, it was actually very helpful that people dismissed him as the crazed man that wandered around in strange places. People had taken to ignoring him and, as a consequence, the people that he spent time with. Not that he spent time with anyone for very long; if you pay close enough attention to him it would easily be noticed that the crowd that clung to him changed more frequently then the weather.

His 'friends' came and went, staying with him for short periods of time after they arrived in the city. Not that he didn't keep tabs on them after they left and he sure hated to see some of them go, it just came with the job. Mason was, in fact and matter, a sympathizer; the type of person that was enemy number one in the eyes of the government. They carried the horrible disease 'Love' after all, but that wasn't all they did. They snuck in the dreadful Invalids from the Wilds; infecting the city. Mason didn't see it like that though, ironically enough he felt it was curing the city. Mason served as a pit-stop, one of the various safe houses that Invalids could come to on their journey to whichever place the resistance had set up for them. His house, tucked away on a quiet back road, was perfect for ten people to live comfortably; though that was when they shared rooms. Three large bedrooms in the back with buck beds, his master room, and the rest of the average household settings.

"Make sure you don't stick out to much when you get into the main part of the city," He said casually to Invalid that was finishing up his pit-stop at Mason's house. "Shouldn't be to hard, try not to love anyone to much and you'll be fine." The thought made him chuckle before he patted the boy on his shoulder and grinned. "The cars here, get going and I'll visit when I get the time." He would, maybe once or twice, just to make sure they had settled in. After that they'd be on their own though. The kid smiled, wrapping Mason in a hug before he exited the house and climbed into the car waiting outside.

"Another job well done, Mason-old-boy!" He chimed to himself. "Another job well done!"
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After Zoë leaves I sit up and limp to my closet I pull out my black cloak and katana then I go to the medical cabinet and take some painkillers Well I think might as well make my time here count I think tonight i'll go out and see if I can find any allies I take a list from my desk of all the known Invalids and Sympathizers in the area I run down a list to see if I can find any Sympathizers who are close to the docks my eyes skim till I find the name "Mason Brooks" he will have to do I think I take a minute to memorize the address and look at my clock 7:50 ten more minutes and its curfew that's good Zoë was right I need to be more careful about drawing to much attention so going to see Brooks now is safer then in broad daylight because their are not that many people out this late besides some zombies civilians and regulators and I can trick or kill them if I need to. I quietly make my way along the docks my left hand ready to draw my sword and fight and my right hand tries to keep my cloak as closes to my body as possible
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Layle sighed. It had been a long day. Wasps, rabid squirrels. Not fun. She dragged herself home, home being a self made shelter and fire pit, and collapsed onto a pile of furs. "Sometimes life is too exciting, sometimes it goes as slow as a snail. And sometimes rabid squirrels try to eat your face." She said, rolling over to look at the few wasp stings on her arms. "Better go find something for that..." She muttered, heaving herself back up and into the woods.
"wait " I say calling after the girl "Do you want to come to my boat?" " I have some medicine that will get you fixed up"
Layle whirled around, not knowing the boy had followed her. "What- How did you...? Why did you follow me?" She said, glaring at him. She scratched the stings on her arms, trying not to look pained. "And i don't want your help, i'm fine-" She flinched at one of the stings, gritting her teeth and putting a hand on her arm.
"Look" I say " Were both Invalids ,We both hate the cure Why can't we just be friends I have bread and medicine on my boat you can come over i'll get you patched up and we can eat what do say?"
"I..." She looks down at her arm, towards the forest, and back to the boy. "...Fine. Where's your boat?" She asks, grabbing her backpack from inside the shelter. "Aren't you a little young to own a boat?"

Look who's talking? He's the same age you were when you had to fend for yourself. Her brain said.

"Oh shut up, me." She muttered out loud.

You can't tell me what to do.

"Gah..." She rolled her eyes and walked back to the boy, David, and waited for him to start walking.
Zoë had started sprinting trying to get out of there feeling guilty and disgusted that she had made contact with a invalid. Her skin crawled with the thought of her speaking to one yet some part of her gleamed with hope. That maybe some day when she has the motivation to leave this place if ever that there is some hope that lies beyond those fenced borders. She had been jogging on the back roads of the town, trying to get back to the main road. Stopping for air after having sprinted for a while, she then noticed a car pulling out of the town odd ball's house Mason. Looking over at the house and its driveway she noticed him standing there; due to her often going on jogs she became familiar with people whom she passed, one being Mason. They'd before simply give small nods in exchange out of courtesy or "hello's" here and there but not much afterwards, she would feel guilty to have completely ignored him like most people did. She gave a small wave as in saying "hello" silently while she caught her breath.

((sorry for the lateish reply, I sprained my ankle earlier and couldn't reply until now.))
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I lead her to the cove where my boat is beached its a large sailboat " Here we are" I say "Its no castle but its home " I lead her bellow deck and tell her to sit I go into my medical chest and give her the ointment " I take it you would like to apply it yourself your a big girl after all" I give her a good nature wink " What do you want to eat " I say
Mason had gleefully watched the car pull away from his house, placing both hands on his hips as his chest swelled with pride. The boy had been the last of his Invalids that month, a new rotation would come in a week or so depending of who in the resistance was in charge of the Underground in his area next month. It was a bittersweet feeling; having people come and go so quickly.

Speaking of quick, he was about to enter his house once more when he spotted the girl. Mason didn't know anything about her except the fact that she ran by his house everyday on her daily jog. He also knew that she was kind, not that he could actually say for sure that she was. It was just the mere fact that she acknowledged him everyday without fail that made him believe she was a good person. Then again he was crazy so maybe she was simply curious. Nevertheless when she raised her hand in a wave, Mason returned the favor. He did so with a large, somewhat foolish, grin on his face.

"Everyday's the same." He said to himself. "Should really learn her name, though I doubt she'd want to be seen talking with someone as crazy as you." He gave a little sigh as his hand dropped back to his side. He had cleaning to do and eventually he'd have to go out for the Meet-up with the smuggler. He really disliked that guy but Mason couldn't deny he was good at his job.

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Zoë frowned seeing his change of mood, standing up right she asked him curious to see his change of expression. "Something the matter Mason?" she asked calling him by his name. She knew it due to hearing the people talk of how odd he was, he was kinda infamous due to how strange and different he was but that aspect perplexed her. Zoë felt not as shy around him like the others she usually waved to when on her jogs due to being in her comfort zone as opposed to other people she would randomly meet. If she were to have known him on any other circumstance she would probably not have said anything due to feeling it wasn't in her place to, but knowing how others treated him it wasn't like others probably would have asked.
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Layle reluctantly accepted the ointment, rubbing it gently onto the stings. "You don't need to feed me," She said, handing the ointment back. "I'm not hungry."

Her stomach on the other hand refused to accept this, and grumbled in response. "That meant nothing." She muttered.

Trying to change the subject, she tried making conversation with David. "So... What are you doing in the Wilds? Usually kids aren't out here alone."

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Scot Stevenson:

I have just come into this city and asked people down in the department to list of people who might be a rebel or Sympathizer the name the name that has come up the most is Mason so I figure i'd go down to his house to have a heart to heart with him I come to his street and see him talking to a woman I draw my sword and shout "Stop in the name of the United States of America stop get on the ground both of you right now!"
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Zoë looked over seeing a crazed man waving around a sword and shouting orders. Confused she first questioned how the hell does a guy have a sword in the first place and second finding it odd that he had a sword not a gun due to being guns are more versatile. She looked at Mason quizacally as in asking if he knew this guy as she got down on her knees slowly while putting her hands up. Looking over at the man she tried to calm him down reasoning. "We weren't doing anything wrong, just having a friendly chat. Weapons arent necessary, we're all just friends here."
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