Delirium [Inactive]

Scot Stevenson

I bend down to examine the girls neck " Uncured" I snarl "Young Lady !" I yell remembering my regulator training "I am the new head regulator of this town " I pull her by her ponytail to look at my face and point at the scare that brat gave me a year ago "See this " I snarl " This was given to me my an eleven year old who caught the disease do you want to know what I did to that little pipsqueak before I shipped him off to prison ?" I don't wait for her to respond and slam her head against the grass " I flogged him within an inch of his life do you want that to happen to you?"
Zoë grunted a bit as he grabbed her pony tailed, wincing at the excessive force and replied sitting back up. "Shoving your past issues nor issues you have with others onto others isnt any excuse to justify your actions. And excessive force isnt needed. Just calm down, theres no need to fly off the handle onto strangers..." she continued to try reasoning to the man as she looked over at him, the side of her face having mud from when he shoved her into the ground. Her trying to remain composure this exchange made her wonder why the man was here and if these were the kind of men Mason delt with.
Scot Stevenson

I soften my tone so it sounds sweet as honey " Young Lady you don't quite understand the situation that your in I am the head regulator" I stop adding a minute for dramatic pause and just to scare her I add "And happen to know what you did today " the truth is I don't know shit but she's talking to a suspected rebel so she probably did something wrong "Don't worry "it" is taken care of and I think I know who or what "it" is" I pull her head up again to look into her eyes to see if I can detect any sighs of fear
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Zoë looked away from the crazed mans face unable to meet his eerie gaze. "But why would the head regulator be here?....." she wondered aloud confused by the chain of events that was occuring. She looked over at Mason curious if he was doing something to cause the head regulator to come. Sure he was odd and strange but she assumed people just didnt understand him or didnt want too, not because he was doing something illegal.

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Scot Stevenson

"None of your concern " I say pushing her head into the mud"All I can say is you need to watch who you hang around now " I turn to Mason but all of a sudden I hear a scream not a scream when you just get throw whipping a teenager with a cat o nine tails but a war cry and its a war cry I've heard before


I had just gotten to Mason's street when I saw a man standing over what looked to be two figures one man one woman he pulls the woman up and I see its Zoë then the man turns and I see the scar I know who it is but I can't believe it without thinking I run into the street katana drawn and screaming the battle cry of my homeland

"Sic Semper Tyrannis Death to the Tyrant !!!!"

I scream and charge at the ghost and are swords meat with a clash....
Zoë grunts again as her face is shoved back into the mud. Barely able to move out of the way she spots the crazed twelve year old engaging in a fight with the older man. Due to them blocking the drive way she walked up it to get away fron the commotion, near Mason she asks him quiet enough so the two fighting wouldn't hear. "What the hell is going on?" She asked confused, the side of her face having some scraps due to the ground having some rocks and him shoving her pretty harshly. She tried rubbing the mud off her face but it got into the cuts only making it sting. These kind of things normally didnt happen in their sleepy city, this all being a big shock for her.

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David: We pull away from our clash and we both circle each other looking for an opening he moves first attempting a vertical cut I block it and counter with a cut to the neck Stevenson gets out of the way and we both return to our dance looking for a weaknesses in each others defenses

I thought I killed him I remember blood gushing from where his scar is now no man could have survived that never mind that I think I keep one eye one Scot the other one on Zoë I have to lead him away from her I think then I hear Scot charging me I get out of the way of a cut that would have cleaved a man in two and for a brief movement he is off balance and I land a cut to his back he doubles over in pain "Two times I've beaten you" I say mocking "You can't even beat a kid and you have the arrogance to call yourself a swordsmen" I stick my tongue out and run in the direction of town square as I pass Zoë she looks up and I give her a glance that says stay down and try not to get killed you can thank me for this latter then I turn my attention to the road ahead running as fast as I can with Scot Stevenson the man who I killed a year ago right on my heels
Replying to the girls question had been the first thing on masons mind, to bad it seemed about the last thing he could actually do. Shift on he feet, he was opening his mouth to speak when the loud voice had spoken. Glancing over mason heard the call of a man as he drew out his sword and advanced on the girl. Then - to the horror of mason - he attacked her!

"H-hey, now!" He said jogging over to try and pry the guy off. "Lis-" The man threw Mason off him like he was nothing more hen a rag doll as he continued his assault on the girl. Mason hissed, unsure of what this guy was doing around here anyways. He smelt bad and swung that sword around like it was nothing more then a harmless stick. No one could have sent him here because no one in town suspected him of being anyone other then a crazed member of society. He was really starting to piss Mason off as well.

"Hey!" He snapped, suddenly getting cut across again as a new face appeared. Mason didn't know this kid either, but yet again he drew a sword like the other guy and they began into battle. Mason sighed, grabbing the girl's arm while the crazy people with swords were distracted and lazily tossed her inside his house.

"Just.... Uh..." Mason said looking around his house. "Have some food, make yourself comfortable. I have to go stop those two from killing each other on my front lawn." He flashed her a foolish grin before pointing in the direction of the kitchen and then heading back outside. By the time Mason got back out there though he had run off, causing him to stand there dumbfounded for several minutes.

"I guess they are gone?" Mason mumbled going back inside. "People crazier then me are scary..."

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Zoë had been rinsing her face of the mud and some blood that had come out of the scraps of her face by the time Mason had returned to the house. Wiping her face with some paper towels she looked over at Mason when returning. "Thanks for the help and all, sorry for the intrusion...." Once done she put the paper towels in the trash can asking. "Did you recognize the older man? The young boy was a um..." her voice trailed off unsure if she could tell him that David was in invalid resulting in a unsure look crossing her face. While thinking she thought of how rude it was to be in the home of someone who didn't even know your name. "I'm Zoë by the way, its a shame we couldn't really meet properly under these circumstances."
"No idea, but I feel like he's going to take spot as the cities' crazy person." Mason grumbled going to the cabinet to pull out a first aid kit. Setting it on the counter he gestured for her to take a seat, clicking the latch open so that he could rummage through it. "I mean, I really worked hard for that title. Ya'know." He gave a light laugh as he pulled out the disinfectant and clears. He looked her over, she seemed a bit unsure until she brightened slightly and introduced herself.

"Mason Brooks." He replied touching the cloth with disinfectant to her scraps. "I'm afraid it's probably my fault that you got into all of this. I seem to attract a strange crowd sometimes, ones that a nice young girl like yourself shouldn't get caught up in." Finished disinfecting her cuts, he then proceeded to place Band-Aids on them before taking a step back.

"You look like you got hit with a bicycle." He grumbled, "Your parents aren't going to be happy at all." He shook his head. It wasn't just her parents he was worried about. With all that commotion he just hoped his neighbors didn't start taking an interest in his activities now. They had been kind enough to overlook him the past two years he had lived here but if people with swords threatened their peace he doubted they would anymore. That would be bad for the Invalids, he'd have to stop taking them for awhile; at least until things started to calm down.
Zoë couldn't help but laugh a bit at his jokes, looking at his handiwork in a small mirror inside the medical kit she replied. "More like a car, and its fine. They are use to me coming home with injuries, i'm on the track team at my high school. But its not like they notice, they are always away past the regulated curfew for minors so its not like they ever notice. But you did a pretty good job so i'm sure it will heal up soon.....Why would the head regulator be here anyways? I thought they were always in their tall business buildings and sent out their goons if they needed anything done for them. Its awfully unusual...After all just because someone is around those who aren't drone like doesn't call for this much attention from an official like himself. Maybe he is missing a few bolts isn't he? After all anyone who waves a sword around like its a toy sure would be. Then again why the hell would he have one in the first place, I thought all regulators carried guns, I guess hes old fashioned." she joked lightly as she looked over at his concerned face trying to lighten the mood a bit, as their conversation drew on it was evident that her curious side was showing more.
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"A few bolts?" Mason questioned with a raise of his eyebrow, "More like all of them." He shook his head, putting away the kit for later use. "He probably thought I was a danger to society." He stated turning back to her. "Do I look like a public menace to you?" With that comment he gave a smile, one purposefully crazed looking as he crossed his eyes and tilted his head awkwardly to the side. He then let his face fall into a natural smirk, laughing before heading to the frig.

"Drink?" He asked, "I have... just about everything. Literally. With so many people coming and going it's become a hab..." He let his voice trail off, realizing that she probably shouldn't know that he had people coming and going from his house on a regular basis. He was supposed to be the crazy, loner guy that no one paid attention to. "Anyways, what's your poison?"
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Zoë laughed lightly starting to relax around him seeing his funny facial expressions and his sense of humor. "Do you have Diet cherry coke? And you sure do seem popular. When ever i'm jogging past you seem to always have people over, are they room mates or something? Most people are matched and what not when they get the cure but suppose some aren't matched. To be honest I think the whole cured process and matching is strange, its annoying how the men get to pick who they want to be with as if we are livestock.... Well unless you play the other field that is, you don't seem the kind to play that field however. Do you?" she asked looking over at him as she cocked her head a playful smirk on her face as she made a playful joke, she knew he probably didn't but just like to tease people.
"Roommates?" He repeated pulling out the coke and setting it in front of her. "Yeah... You can say they are." Listening to her speak and having a normal conversation with someone was strange, but it was nice. Mason was used to helping Invalids blend in with society, one could say he was a school teacher giving them lessons on being 'normal'. Strangely enough he was the least normal of all the citizens in the city, ironic. Still he had gained the title for a reason, he needed eyes to follow him but not notice and care enough to actually see him.

"Matched..." He shook his head when she brought the subject up. He choked on his drink as he held back fits of laughter when she brought up the subject of 'working the field'. "Yeah, can't you tell that I'm actually a playboy?" He joked, "Girl's cant' resist all of this!" He gestured to himself, wiggling his eyebrows seductively. Mason then shook his head once more. "Truth is, I didn't think it was fair for a girl to have to be stuck with me for the rest of our lives. I'm hardly someone a normal person could get along with."
Zoë opened her coke and giggled at his eyebrow movement she sipped her coke and looked over at him. "Well, i'd say any girl who you would have been matched with would have enjoyed your presence, it be more of a concern that your partner would be the one who couldn't keep up. And if she couldn't its merely her loss. Your awfully lively though for a cured person. Hopefully i'm still somewhat like I am when I'm cured." she sipped her drink and swished her index finger in a circle as if it were a cause to celebrate and said in a sarcastic faked excited voice. "Yippeee only four months to go! Then I get to be some dull robotic Betty Crocker to the a****** who picked me. Exciting times isn't it?"
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"Hey, Betty Crocker happens to be my favorite American cultural icon!" He teased, looking her over. So she wasn't even eighteen yet. Uncured and still so lively. The thought of her going through the cure seemed depressing, she was a nice person that the Cure would change forever. It was a shame but he knew life would be better for her if she stuck with the flow of society. He hadn't gotten Cure, he was one of the few people that hadn't and he was proud but his life was difficult now. He would never have a peaceful time again. "You know," He said pointing at her. "My mother says the same thing." He cleared his throat and began talking in an awkwardly high-pitched voice, "'You are to lively, young man! I blame it on the fact that you still don't have a wife. Pick a girl, any of them will do, and spread our bloodline like your brother has!'" The tone was beginning to burn so with a little cough he patted his chest. "Or something like that..." He shook his head and rolled his eyes. "She's just about the most pleasant person you'll meet, sadly I dont' think I'll be able to 'spread the bloodline' like she wants me to."
Zoë twirled her hair lightly as her brown eyes looked at the lively man, her laughing at his impressions smiling, she enjoyed herself more in this conversation then she had in a while. "Is it because you can't find a leading lady, or is it cause you can't get it up now?" she mused her playful smirk remaining on her lips. Most people couldn't understand her humor or thought that it was immature, she couldn't help that she was sarcastic it was just her humor but all that would more likely change when she got the cure. Seeing Mason so lively and fun made her wonder if there were others like him and it gave her hope that hopefully she wouldn't change all that much and that maybe she will be able to stay as she is rather then become a robot.
Scot: That little bastard cut me "You can't even beat a kid and you have the arrogance to call yourself a swordsmen" he calls out I rush after him aimed on removing that smart ass head of his from hos body I as I chase him I see two squads of regulators on patrol " Invalid"! I call out and we chase him behind a back ally he's surrounded both units are equipped with batons and dogs I don't feel like tiring myself out but I want him to die show I order the dogs to be let loses

David : "Dogs" Scot bellows I get into ready position my sword pointed at the closest dog the dog charges I slice down cutting the first dog's skull in two the second dog leaps at my face I silt his throat with one clean motion the third dog gets me though biting my right arm I scream but quickly turning my sword around and stab him though the heart I stumble backward getting back into ready position but the dogs don't move I think they got the point the regulators aren't as smart as the dogs (although i'm not surprised ) and all eight of them charge the first one I cut from helmet to chest two other regulators try to tackle me from both sides I duck and they slam into each other the forth tries to hit me from behind but I stab him in the gut before he can the two that ran into each other have just gained their composer before they can get up however I cut one regulator's head off and cut the other one's jugular the other four back off I get into ready position and scream " You want a piece of me Zombies then come and get me " the four charge with a calm composer I cut them down in four strokes only Scot is left " You couldn't have faced me yourself what pathetic excuses for a warrior " I spit at the ground and he charges and I block and kick him in his balls Scot collapses to the ground " funny" I say "didn't know you had those" I have to get out of here without being made number one on Portland Regulators hit list then I remember "Romeo and Juliet" I say a quick prayer that this is the right coat and and to my luck I pull out two splatter packets of fake blood I place the packets on both sides of my neck and scream at Scot " Here's your chance Scottie boy " I sheathe my sword and expose my body " Strike me down if you can " I wait till he charges then with my neck my press down on one of the packets of fake blood the blood spatters everywhere as he swings his sword I fall down barley dogging a hit that would have cut my arm off I play dead praying that Scot's in the mood to savor his victory and not cut my head of to be sure I know I should have done this in South Port and make a mental note to make sure my enemies are dead when I kill him, lucky for me though he makes the same mistake I made when he's gone I try to get up only to find out I re injured my ankle again and that damn dog took a chuck out of me I sigh get up and limp back to Mason's house the world begins to spin I look at my arm I've lost a lot of blood I think then I collapses at Mason's front door step to tired to stand I bang on the door with my sword hilt "Help me" I say loud enough to wake up the neighborhood in about ten seconds the door opens
"Oh, trust me I have no problems getting it up." Mason laughed, "The only problem is find somewhere good enough to put it! Girls these days don-" He was cut off by a loud bang on his door and some idiot yelling. Hurrying to the door, Mason threw it open and glared at the person there. It was the crazy kid from before, bleeding all over his front porch like he was some sort of hospital. It was clear the kid was an Invalid though, and Mason couldn't turn away any Invalids when he was with the resistance; it was one of the rules he swore to when joining. Glancing over his shoulder at Zoe, he sighed. He hated bringing her into this mess, especially when this could turn out really bad.

"Sorry, Zoe." He muttered as he bent to lift the bloody kid off his porch. "I have to take care of this. If you don't want to stick around it's completely understandable." With that he pulled the kid into the house, half dragging him into the kitchen were he laid him slowly onto the table and started looking over his wounds. Truth be told, Mason wasn't just any random person in the Resistance. He had trained with them since he was young, probably younger then this kid. They had planned to use him as a medic in the deeper parts of the city. Invalids couldn't go to the hospital after all, they would be found out. It was him that was supposed to treat them. However, when it was clear that the Invalids in the outskirts needed looking after more then the ones in the city he decided to relocate. Invalids still drove hours to see him and occasionally he'd get a sever wound to treat but most of the time he did check up, which was also one of the reasons he had people coming and going so often.

Now he was here, and it seemed like it was a good thing he was too. "Dog bite." Mason mumbled under his breathe, heading to the cabinet to pull out the first aid kit he had early along with a more 'professional' one that was hidden in the very back. "Stupid kid." He snapped, using a knife to cut away the fabric around his wound. "If you want to die, do on someone else's porch next time. I don't have the time nor patients to deal with Invalids that want to do nothing but kill." Pulling out a vile of alcohol Mason pour the liquid over the wound, it probably stung but it did the trick to clean it out. With that done he pulled out a thread and needle, disinfecting it before he sewed the wound shut and wrapped it in white bandages. With him no longer bleeding Mason felt alright to stand, checking the room to see if Zoe had left or stayed.
Zoë decided to stay, when Mason checked up on her instead she had decided to clean up the blood David had brought in, looking over at Mason. When he checked up on her she was on her knees scrubbing the blood, having gotten some on her shorts and sports bra she was getting kinda messy and having mud as well from earlier on her clothes didn't help. "Don't worry I already know hes a invalid, I ran into him earlier when he sprained his ankle when trying to jog with me. I was actually trying to get away from his craziness when I ran into you... I assume things always get this messy around you now don't they?" she joked lightly flashing him a playful grin.
Luca sat outside leaning against a tree, a safe distance from the chaos taking place at Mason's house. He recognized the little boy from earlier today and rubbed his three pronged scar idly. Truth was, he'd been following Zoë, trying to work up the courage to talk to her but his shy nature kept him from approaching her. A bit creepy, yes he did realize, but he couldn't help it. It was almost like a ritual, he had even memorized her route and his obsessiveness about it was beginning to frighten him.

He had watched with great interest as the younger boy had shown up and lead her out of the boundaries of the city and into the Wilds. 'So illegal,' he had thought to himself. The two were lucky no guard had been at their at that moment, seeing as they would've most definitely been imprisoned. Luca now watched as Mason impatiently dragged the boy inside and closed the door behind him. With a quick check on his ID badge, making sure it was in plain view and showed he was an average citizen, he stood and began making his way over to Mason's. He needed to talk to the boy, with all the drama he was causing, all of the Invalids in the city would be discovered.
Mason gave her a sheepish smile, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. "It's a pretty common occurrence." He stated lightly, "I'll get you something to change into, we can wash those before you go home. I don't want people saying you left my house bloody, I may be crazy but I'm not violent." With that he grabbed the hose, spraying down the porch so that the blood washed away. Mason then headed back inside to find clothes for Zoe, everything of his that he had would be to big but it was better then wearing bloody clothes so be picked out a t-shirt and basketball shorts. Returning to the front of the house he placed the clothes on the counter.

"You can change in the bathroom," He said pointing to the door just down the hall. "Bring your clothes out when your done changing so I can put them in the wash." He then looked down at hi own clothes, his shirt was soaked in blood because he had carried the kid into the house. He needed to change too, but it would be pointless since he still had cleaning to do. He looked over Zoe again, he was worse but she still looked like she had been in a slaughterhouse. "You might as well take a shower, actually." He grumbled, "There are towels in the bathroom."

Mason let out a sigh, tugging of his own shirt and tossing it lazily into the sink. It was pretty much done for, he'd probably have to burn it later. Placing his hands on his hips he looked around the kitchen, making a mental list of what needed to be done. The kid needed to be changed, his bloody and torn clothing needed to be burned and he was in desperate need of a shower. Then once he was sleeping in one of the back rooms Mason would need to clean the kitchen and make sure all evidence was disposed of.
Zoë nodded and stopped cleaning the porch area and inside. Standing up she looked over at Mason as he spoke nodding. "Thanks for everything." offering a kind smile her handing him the things she was using to clean. She looked out over the porch where they now were before she was about to leave, spotting Luca who was approaching she turned to Mason and nudged her head to his direction noting before she departed. "You've got more company." Hips swaying she strode through the door frame into the back hoping Luca hadn't noticed her muddy and bloody frame.

Once in the back she took the clothes Mason had set out for her and went to the bathroom to shower. Turning on the faucet she looked at her reflection in the medicine cabinet mirror startled by what her gaze was met by. Zoë looked almost unrecognizable to herself, skin brushed with mud and scraps and Davids blood, her clothes mirrored the mess on her skin. It was a complete opposite as what Zoë normally looked like. Putting up her brown hair which was almost free of blood and mud she showered hoping in her absence more things wouldn't go wrong. This was already a hectic day, the most odd yet fun day shes had in years. Life was boring usually in the city, every day the same. But meeting all these colorful people she knew from then on things would be different but hopefully not for the worst.
David : I drift in and out of consciousness when I hear the remark Mason said about me being a "stupid kid" and "only wanting to kill" "Be quite" I say snapping awake "Believe me when I say that if I wouldn't have come along then you would have been dead I've dealt with that man who was hear he's one of the crudest regulators on this planet and I wasn't looking for blood I was looking for a man name Mason Brooks which i'm assuming to be you right now by the way Stevenson acted when he was over here " and then I add "That scar on his face was my doing " I try to stay awake but i'm to weak and I plunge into the darkness of sleep
Mason ignored the boy's ramblings, he knew how to handle people like that Stevenson figure. He had been in the resistance for over three years, two year in this part of town. People didn't believe he was a sympathizer so if Stevenson suddenly started attacking random citizens he'd loose the support of the city. He'd be shunned and eventually when news got high enough he'd be fired. He was hot-headed, that was a downfall for the sword-swinging man. It would be a downfall for that kid too, if he didn't watch himself.

Instead of worrying about the kid he headed outside where a new face was approaching. "Good afternoon," Mason chimed, glancing around to see if any of his neighbors had become annoyed enough to check out what all the noise was. "My place sure is busy today, yet another guest!" He looked over the new arrival before smiling. "I'm guessing you witnessed everything?"

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