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Realistic or Modern Decadence [Accepting]

"If we do, then he makes up for all the hot mobsters we missed out on." Kurai laughed with him, though was half daydreaming about what a stud Cyrus was. He knew who he'd rather welcome into his heart.
"Ok but seriously. I'm glad he was such a nice guy about all this. Almost too nice." Hunter spoke, pulling up into the driveway. "Even if it was all fake nice, we're still going the right way."
"For the chief inspector, I'd hope he'd be nice." Kurai replied, thinking back on all the shithead cops he had to deal with back up north. He'd rather not have any more of those experiences again. "I think he'll be good for us. And to us."
"Exactly. We lucked way the fuck out." Hunter replied, getting out of the car and carrying Kurai's bag for him. "And y'know what? Even with all this danger and shit, I don't think I've had this much fun in a while."
"I think you're right. Kinda makes up for all the other shit we've been through." Kurai agreed, having a minor heart attack at Hunter carrying his bag but getting over it fairly quick. It's not like there was anything shameful in there. Except for all the mall ninja shit. But that was at the bottom of the bag.
"Yeaaah, and I promise the next part's gonna be a bit more fun. We won't have to worry about dying, but there's just enough anxiety to make it fun." Hunter smirked, setting Kurai's bag on the couch. "Should we call the guy now?"
Just enough anxiety? I already have just enough anxiety. Kurai though to himself, nodding at Hunter all the while. "Go ahead. You want something to eat?"
"Make some fucking dinosaur nuggets, there's some in the freezer. I'm going out to use the payphone." Hunter called out as he looked over the paper Cyrus left, picking it up before walking outside onto the streets. He found the nearby payphone booth and stopped by it, fishing out some coins from his pocket, paying up, and dialing the number without hesitation. It rang a few times before the other end picked up. "Heyyy, Cyrus. It's your friend, Hunter."
Cyrus was sat there next to his phone, sighing. "I didn't think you'd call so soon. You ready to talk about all this?"
"By hell I am. But first... You mentioned some places we could possibly go earlier. What are our options?" Hunter asked.
"...You'll need to come over here for me to tell you any of that. You know. Just some ah... Confusing addresses, you know. Need to make sure you get the right places and all." Cyrus replied.
"Fair enough. But I'm not telling you anything unless I know where these places are."
"How about I come by tonight and bring you over. I think that'd be better for the both of us."
"Sounds good. Come around 8." Hunter spoke, hanging up and leaving Cyrus with no other option.
Kurai meanwhile, got to work on ripping the entire bag of nuggets open and putting them in the oven. They were feasting tonight, boys. He looked around the kitchen for any possible way to spice up the meal, getting an idea when he saw some kind of folded uup cloth nearby. In seconds, he transformed the coffee table into an evening meal for two, complete with a candle (not lit) and flowers (a lettuce leaf cut into shapes and balanced on top of a vase). he knew that Hunter was going to love it.
Hunter walked back in soon after, going to the kitchen and giving a smirk at the display. "Damn, you know how to treat me right." He wheezed.
"of course I do." Kurai replied with a smile, turning away from the two plates and placing them down on the table. As per usual, all the dinosaurs had been in bloody battle, but he made sure to add some 'garnish' (ranch and BBQ sauce) to the side of each one. To represent the meteor that killed the dinosaurs. See snapchat. "Bon appettit." He said, presenting it all with a flourish.
Hunter just burst into laughter when he was presented with the plate, wiping away stray tears as he tried to contain himself and actually eat. "Oh my god, Kurai, you're something else." He sighed, making sure he wouldn't get another fit of laughter before taking a bite. "Also, Cyrus is picking us up around 8. Lucky us."
"Ooo, date night?" Kurai teased, almost sad to eat his creation before hunger overcame. The dinosaurs didn't need to fear a meteor. They needed to fear man. "You should've said, I could've had another plate ready for him."
"Nah, I'm making him drive us to his place." Hunter replied. "Safer there to discuss certain things." He added, staring down a nugget before biting off its head. Alas, he couldn't overcome his murderous temptations.
"And he's escorting us? He likes us more than he lets on." Kurai chuckled, but nodded. "Maybe we could even...stay the night? With him?" He heard an angelic choir singing faintly in the distance, but ignored it.
"Oh my fucking god, you." Hunter sighed, smirking. "I know he's good looking but I won't let him steal you from me." He declared, winking at Kurai. "You're gonna have to share."
"Ugh, fine." Kurai huffed, finishing off the last of the stegosaurus population. They fought bravely, but could not survive against his mighty jaws. "Maybe I'll share. Maybe."
"Maybe? I was the one who got him to come here in the first place, you owe me." Hunter huffed, not being too particular when it came to his dinosaur genocide. Everyone was fair game. "But yeah, we're leaving this place for good tonight, maybe. So make sure you have everything you need."
"I've got space in my bag if you need to put anything in it. All I'm taking other than what's in there is my mask and the tape recorder. " Kurai said. The joys of traveling light and never forming any proper attachments to material objects.
"Why the mask? We won't need them anymore." Hunter asked, brow furrowed. He finished off his plate and walked to the sink, setting it in. "Or are you really just one of those furries?"
"I'm not saying anything." Kurai replied, joining Hunter at the sink. "It's just something to remember all this by," he lied. "And maybe it'll be useful again some day." And by some day he meant a furry convention, should one ever come to Miami.
"Well maybe I'll take mine, too. Less evidence and it's cool looking." Hunter spoke, shrugging a bit. "Alright uh... It's 7:30 now, officer dude should be here soon. Ready to fucking change our lives?"
"You know it." Kurai smiled, kissing Hunter's cheek. "I don't know what you're planning, but whatever it is, I know it'll be good."
Oh sweet summer mop. You have no idea what you're in for.
"Right, just hang around here, I'll just grab some shit." Hunter spoke, going off to various rooms of the house to pack mostly the essentials; his mask, a few changes of clothes, and all the cash he'd saved. He dumped it all into a small bag, walking back to the living room. "Alright, what I got should be good enough for the both of us to maybe get a cheap place in cash."
"If we need any extra I can sell some of what I have." Kurai remarked, glancing over at the rather stuffed backpack. It was at this moment it occurred to him that he didn't even bring any clothes. Knives were the absolute priority.

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