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Realistic or Modern Decadence [Accepting]

One day... Kurai thought, looking dreamily over at Cyrus. Hunter was going to slap him later he reckoned, but it'd be worth it. Turning his attention to the TV, he sat back and sighed with contentment. Perfect choice.
"You two can head off to the guest room there when you get tired." Cyrus nodded back to a door at the other end of the room. "You'll have to share a bed, but it looks like you two would be more than fine with that." He teased, giving a grin.
"What are you implying?" Kurai asked, pretending like he wasn't A Gay. He turned to Hunter and looked him straight in the eye. "Sorry Hunter, you're gonna have to sleep on the floor. We can't share."
"Don't act like you weren't all up on me last night, couldn't let me the fuck go." Hunter replied without missing a beat, smirking. Now it was time for his finishing blow. "Or are you just pushing me to the floor so you can share a bed with your "daddy cop", or whatever you called him, over there, hm?"
Cyrus' cheeks were covered in a vivid blush at that, and he could only give a small, awkward laugh.
"I can't believe you've done this. That you're accusing me of this." Kurai looked HORRIFIED glancing between Hunter and Cyrus.. "And you took hold of me first. And agreed with me earlier when I said he was hot!"
"I mean he's obviously hot, but I never thought of calling him daddy." Hunter retorted, smirking when he noticed Cyrus become increasingly more flustered and uncomfortable. "But yeah. I'm tired. I get the bed, you get the floor." He announced, taking himself and his bag to bed.
"I said you get the floor!" Kurai rushed after Hunter, looking over his shoulder and giving Cyrus a wink before he disappeared through the doorway. He didn't even mind sleeping on the floor, he'd done it enough times. This was a matter of pride.
"I'm the only one in this damn house who can tell people to get on the ground. Now stop arguing, kids." Cyrus called out, chuckling as he tuned back into his show and tried to forget everything.
"I think he likes us now." Hunter spoke once he closed the door to the room behind himself and Kurai.
"You saw him blushing, he loves us." Kurai scoffed, taking his rightful place on the bed before Hunter could get there. "Why don't you ask him if he'll tell you to get on the ground?"
"Nah." Hunter threw himself onto the bed, not caring if he landed on Kurai or not. "You don't need an officer to do that for you, you know." He spoke, grinning deviously.
"Then get on the ground." Kurai said, bursting out laughing seconds later and pulling Hunter close against him. "I can't believe this. We're out. Sorta."
"Just sorta." Hunter chuckled, kissing Kurai's cheek. "And now we're working for the mafia. Good shit." He added, wondering how his life just did a 360 like that.
"One mess to another. But it'll be easy, we can fight off anyone who comes for the boss, no problem." Kurai replied absentmindedly running a hand through Hunter's hair. "He couldn't have picked anyone better."
"See? Even good for us that we didn't kill him. We'd have no escape plan now." Hunter spoke, leaning into Kurai's touch. "We still need to do that Star Wars marathon."
"And the pizza party." Kurai remarked. "Maybe we can do it when we get settled into that place. Hell, the boss could join us, if he's that kinda guy. Do Russians know what pizza is?"
Ohio education.
Hunter just stared at Kurai for a long moment, mind blank from that statement. "...Do Americans know what education is?" He asked, giving a small laugh. "But uuh, probably. Mafia's been here since the 40's or something, the kid looked young, so he must've been born here."
"Good. And we get educated about...things." Kurai replied vaguely, batting at Hunter. Coming from a guy who had to drop out of high school, his statement didn't have much weight on the American education system.
"Uh huh, ok. Things." Hunter echoed, swatting Kurai's hand away and kissing his cheek again. "Now go to sleep, dumbass. Love you." He spoke lowly, squeezing him tightly for a second before letting his muscles go lax.
"Love you too." Kurai murmured, kissing the top of Hunter's head before pulling the blanket over them both, nestling against Hunter. Tonight marked the first night he'd have a sound night's sleep in a few years.
Hunter awoke the next morning with a start, hearing a loud knocking on the door. He forgot where he was for a good few moments, breaths panicked before he settled down as everything rushed back.
"You two wake up. You need to get ready." Cyrus called in before letting himself into the room. "I've got your uniforms, IDs, all that good shit."
Hunter stared blearily at Cyrus, rubbing his eyes. "So early?" He muttered.
Kurai started awake when Hunter did, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and managing to release his hold of Hunter. "Jeez, what time is it?" He was 100% sure that he'd not been up this early in months, and to say it was a rude awakening would be an understatement.
"Don't worry about the time, just get ready." Cyrus replied, setting everything on the end of the bed and walking out.
"...Fuck?" Was all Hunter could mutter as he lazily rolled out of bed, staring down the clothes. "I think we'd look good in these, though. Hopefully. They made the other guys look great." He spoke, getting off his own jeans and shirt and replacing them with white pants, a light blue shirt, and a white dress jacket.
Kurai threw himself out with much the same enthusiasm, picking the jacket up and inspecting it for pockets before looking at any other part. To his relief, it did indeed have an inside pocket or two. His security system could remain in place another day. "White's gonna be hard to keep clean, but whatever he wants." He spoke as he started putting it all on.
"Do I look good, though?" Hunter asked, picking up his new ID and looking it over. "Oh. I get to keep my name, at least." He spoke, giving a shrug and pocketing it.
"When don't you look good?" Kurai smirked, stuffing his clothes into his bag. Two sets of clothes. He was on a roll so far. He was achieving. Some day he might even get a full wardrobe!

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