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Realistic or Modern Decadence [Accepting]

"Nah, I think we'll be fine. We'll get some work real soon." Hunter replied, patting Kurai's back.
At exactly 7:59, Cyrus was knocking on the door. "I'll be waiting in the car." He called in.
Hunter lifted his bag, slinging it over his shoulder and giving a heavy sigh. "We're doing it, Kurai."
"No turning back." Kurai murmured, picking his own bag up and carrying it by one strap. The whole thing seemed liberating, like he was running away all over again, except this time it was only a few blocks over rather than states. "No anxiety, Hunter."
"No anxiety, Kurai." Hunter replied with a smirk, opening the door and seeing Cyrus' car parked just outside. He moved over to it swiftly, taking one of the back seats and setting his bag on his lap. "Thank you so much for doing this, you don't know how grateful we are."
"You pointed a gun at my fucking head and threatened to halt the entire case." Cyrus grumbled. "...But yeah, whatever. I'd probably do the same if I was in your position."
Kurai slotted himself into the passenger seat, putting his bag between his legs. It also then occurred to him that he's sat in a car with the chief inspector of the city police force with a bag full of mostly illegal weapons. He was doing well so far, you could say. "Whatever, we owe you a lot anyway."
"So, Cyrus. What you got in mind for letting us lay low?" Hunter asked, hugging his bag close and getting a glimpse of Cyrus' eyes in the rear view mirror.
"You two probably won't be too eager for this option, but it's the safest." Cyrus spoke with a sigh. "I talked to the boss of the Russian mafia and he's short staffed and needs two people. You know. To backfill the ones you killed."
"Wait you're not fucking serious, right? I thought only like... Mafia was mafia, you know. Gotta be way born into it. And Russian." Hunter spoke, brow furrowed.
"You won't actually be considered a part of it when you go in. You're just henchmen guarding the offices. I put in a very good word for you two and he's considering you two to start taking shifts tomorrow night." Cyrus replied.
"Seriously?" Kurai exclaimed, looking back at Hunter with an expression of disbelief. "Even though he saw what we did and went through it all, he wants us?" He got the distinct feeling that he and the boss weren't exactly going to be the best of pals, but safety was safety.
"He doesn't know you two are the masked killers that showed up. Nobody does except for me and obviously you two." Cyrus replied, pulling up to a rather nice looking beach home. "It's stable and good pay if you're just taking guard shifts. And there's adjacent that he's letting you two stay at for the time being. I kind of explained your situations, but watered it down. So he just thinks you two are on the run after pissing off a petty gang, and he seems more than happy to keep you safe if it means sticking it to this gang."
"Huh." Kurai nodded slowly as he took it all in. He wasn't sure how long he'd be able to pretend d that it wasn't him who terrified the poor man, but he'd have to wait and see. "Sounds good to me."
"And if you do a good job tomorrow, you get to keep the job and have mafia protection. So you're pretty much set for life." Cyrus spoke as he drove down a driveway to his home. "Now. I believe someone owes me a lot for this case." He spoke as he got out, beckoning the two to follow.
Hunter nodded and got out of the car, glancing over at Kurai like 'boiiii'.
Kurai's eyes lit up at Cyrus' words, almost bouncing out of the car with excitement. He got his papi after all. And a stable living for once. What more could a man want? He eagerly scurried after Cyrus when he beckoned, not unlike a puppy running after a toy.
Hunter felt a great disturbance in the force once more, glaring at Kurai and wishing he could just snap at him to stop thinking these vile thoughts. "I'm kinkshaming." He whispered lowly, though just followed Cyrus inside his home. He didn't want to ask how he got such a nice place on a presumably modest salary, instead just appreciating that he was here. "Alright. Get some notes, sit down, I'll tell you everything I damn well know about this organization. Or at least what I've gathered and assume is right."
Cyrus gave a nod of acknowledgement, moving to sit on an armchair with a large notepad in hand. "Ready when you are."
Kurai had forgotten about the big reveal, plopping himself down beside Hunter and attempting not to look too crestfallen. This was clearly the work of the Devil, keeping him away from Cyrus. But for how long?
"Alright, so the organization is called 50 Blessings, and they send out calls with locations of Russian mafia hotspots to either those who signed up for their "newsletter" or were forced into the program, like me and Kurai." Hunter began. "On the surface, they just look like one of those patriot organizations that try to act innocent and be like 'American values yee haw', but it's all just a cover. They have their recruiting stations, their own tag that you see sometimes. Y'know, circle with three lines through it? That's them."
Cyrus nodded, writing everything down.
"But the thing is, they're kind of getting widespread at this point. Their tag is popping up just about everywhere. And this shit can only be the work of someone real high up the ranks of politics. Because who else can have the access to all these mafia zones or know exactly when political figures are coming in, where they're staying at, and whatnot?" Hunter continued. "So this problem isn't just a Miami thing. If we take down the 50 Blessing bullshit here, it's still gonna be widespread. Because the ones that own the centers and run the phone calls? Just volunteers. Spies? Also volunteers. They truly believe in this cause and people like me and Kurai are on the bottom of the rung."
"I've heard rumours that it's all along the east coast, but I don't know how many people are involved. Or how many others there are here." Kurai added, since it was the only thing he could think of after Hunter's explanation. Even he was learning something.
"But yeah, they're trying to start something big if they're getting some politicians out of the picture." Hunter went on. "Increase tensions between the U.S and Russia again, knowing the Coalition is fragile. And another thing, it looks like a lot of army vets are getting dragged into this."
"Really now?" Cyrus asked, brow raised.
"Yeah, almost like they're being singled out. And I dunno, who would have that kind of info as well? I'm saying it's a higher up politician pulling the strings here." Hunter emphasized again.
"That's... Interesting." Cyrus hummed.
"Also, this sounds a little farfetched, but I've been to one of their recruitment centers before, pretending I was going in to ask about their newsletter. And ah... That building. The walls look pretty damn thick. Like too thick. But yeah. That's all I got. You're gonna get more if you listen to the tape I gave you and try to track down the number calling us. Shouldn't be too hard for you, big officer guy."
"I suppose so. Thank you." Cyrus replied, closing his notepad. "Now I've got two people saying it's political, have a name for the organization, and know which numbers to track. So genuinely. Thank you."
"Least I can do." Hunter replied with a shrug.
"I've got a tape too if you want it. It goes a little further back than his, then they start to match up." Kurai said, pulling the tape out of his pocket and handing it to Cyrus. It probably wouldn't be much use, but he felt like he had seen a couple of different numbers come up on the screen before.
"The more evidence, the better." Cyrus replied, taking the tape and setting it on top of his notebook. "You know, for the longest time I couldn't see you two as human. Absolutely hated everything you had done. And well... I'm still a bit angry, yes, but the fact that you stopped and reached out before it got out of hand I guess makes up for it."
"It was the right thing to do. And we kinda like staying alive." Kurai chuckled. "It was getting too risky for us, there was no reason to keep on doing what we were doing. I'm just happy that you've been so nice abut this."
"Don't we all like staying alive." Cyrus grumbled, leaning back in his chair. "But I find that just being a little lenient goes a lot further than trying to beat the information out of other people. And I've never been much of a "bad cop" type anyway." He added, flashing a smile.
You're not bad looking, either. Kurai bit back his response into an easy smile. "You're the nicest cop I've ever gotten to talk with. I think a lot of cities would get a lot further if they all had forces filled with copies of you."
"Well, I get a lot of shit from the force for being too nice." Cyrus chuckled, rubbing the nape of his neck and looking all flustered. "They probably think it means I'm naive or soft. But I'm like, no, you're just a dick." He huffed.
"You wouldn't have gotten this far on being all soft. There's gotta be something..." Kurai trailed off, too focused on Cyrus' adorable blushing. He cleared his throat and pushed those thoughts out of his head. "Yeah, I've met a lot of dick cops. They're a pain in the ass."
Hunter wanted to smash his head onto the table when he heard that emphasis, but kept his composure. He was going to live today.
"I'm not entirely soft. Just nice. But if you push me around, I push back harder." Cyrus replied, not catching Kurai's drift at all.
"Oh, really?" Kurai raised an eyebrow. "Forceful. I like it. But I like the nice cops better. They usually know how to treat someone right."
[im sobbing i didn't notice the italics i was going to have him say something else but it just didn't happen]
Cyrus was now kind of onto Kurai at this point, biting his lip slightly. "Yeah ah... I guess I do." He chuckled, preoccupying himself with the TV remote. He turned on the TV, an episode of Cops playing. How fitting.

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