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Realistic or Modern Decadence [Accepting]

"I have a different proposal." Hunter spoke up, aiming a gun at Cyrus.
Cyrus froze, glaring at Hunter. "Put the gun down. Now."
"No no, shush." Hunter kept his gaze steady, finger on the trigger. "You arrest us, we won't talk any further. You won't get another fucking scrap of information from us, and you know none of us want that. Just another bunch of "vigilantes" screaming 'I don't know'."
Cyrus breathed sharply through his nose, eyes flitting between the pistol and Hunter's eyes.
"If you pretend we're another dead end and leave us anonymous, we'll give you all the info you want. And I'm sure what I know will help drive the case forward." He spoke smoothly.
Kurai tried to hide his surprise at Hunter's actions, failing miserably when he raised his eyebrows and looked at Hunter like 'DUDE'. He then looked at Cyrus and nodded eagerly, praying that this change of plan would work. "Uh...yeah. What he said."
[brb quick]
"...I'm only doing this for the sake of solving this case." Cyrus grumbled, looking defeated. "I'll give you my home number and you call me when you're ready to give any sort of information." He sighed, quickly writing down on a piece of paper and tearing it from his notebook, setting it on the coffee table in front of him.
Hunter took his finger of the trigger, nodding slowly. "Good choice."
"But are you two even safe here? You majorly botched your last 'job'." Cyrus asked, looking over at Hunter.
Kurai visibly relaxed with relief, shoulders drooping as he looked to Hunter as well. He could kiss him right there and then for saving them both. He took hold of the paper and glanced it over, memorizing the number in case. "Yeah...are we safe here?" He murmured to Hunter, hoping that Cyrus didn't hear.
"Nah, we aren't." Hunter scoffed. "We're gonna be dead in the next week if we stick around." He spoke casually. Too casually.
"You're leaving the city?" Cyrus asked, brow furrowed.
"Who said we were?" Hunter replied, clicking his gun to safety and setting it down. "Now ah, Cyrus. Do me a favor." He spoke, taking the tape out of his answering machine and tossing it to Cyrus before grabbing the whole thing and tossing it to the floor. He stomped on the landline a few times, plastic shattered and wires exposed. "Whoops."
Kurai raised his eyebrows at the casual demolition of the phone and confession that they'd be dead within a week. "...Guss that works too." He spoke after the phone had been completely destroyed.
"Well um..." Cyrus muttered, not sure what to make of all that. "If you're ever in any sort of danger and need some place to go, I know a few places. You just need to call." He spoke, standing up and starting to move towards the door. "I'll be expecting to hear more of you two."
"Later, hot stuff." Hunter called out, grinning.
Cyrus rolled his eyes and walked back outside.
"He's hot. And where are you thinkig we're gonna run off to?" Kurai asked, thinking that he should probably do the same with his own phone. Then again, there wasn't anything for anyone to find of interest in his house. Except his knife collection. "Andd if we are, we need to stop at my house before we go anywhere."
"Oh, don't worry, I know exactly what we're doing and it's gonna look real fucking stupid at first, but trust me." Hunter grinned as he moved back to the couch. "And why do we need to go to your place?"
"I've got a couple things I don't want getting stolen or burned to the ground. It's not much." Kurai replied vaguely. "And what are you thinking? We've gotta be together on this."
"I'll tell you after we talk to Cyrus. I know how you get anxious if you dwell on shit for too long." Hunter replied, standing from the couch. "I'll drive you. C'mon." He offered as he walked to the door.
"It's that stupid?" Kurai asked, shaking his head in disbelief as he followed Hunter. However, it wasn't like he had a choice in trusting his judgement. So far they'd skated through everything with no major mishaps. Just gonna be two bros hangin' out in the same car. Sometimes cuddling. No big deal. No homo.
"Yeah, it is. But it's gonna keep us real fucking safe, I promise." Hunter replied, backing out of the driveway. "Like we've already got one type of faction to fuck off, this is gonna keep another off our backs." He explained as he went down the road.
"If you say so." Kurai rolled his eyes, but was smiling anyway. The less opposition they had, the better. Especially if they could get 50 Blessings off their back should it come to it. "As long as we're safe, I'm happy."
"Exactly. And we can probably stay together and not worry about shit." Hunter added with a smile, briefly kissing Kurai's cheek when they stopped at a traffic light. "You just gotta trust me on these things."
"Alright, alright, I trust you." Kurai chuckled, leaning over and kissing Hunter in return. "If I'm with you, then nothing's gonna go wrong. You're always watching out for us both."
"Yeahh, I may be an idiot but I sometimes have good ideas. Don't expect another good idea for at least 3 years after this." Hunter replied, grinning. He stopped outside Kurai's house soon after. "You need help getting everything?"
"Nah, it's only one bag." Kurai shook his head. "I'll be back in a minute." He said as he hopped out of the car and bustled back into his house. Stopping for a moment, he looked hard at the phone before removing the tape and smashing it on the corner of the table, stamping on it a few times for good measure. Then, he went into his bedroom and scooped out the knife collection, chucking them all into a rucksack and putting a few other bits and pieces on top. Not seeing anything else he needed to pick up, he hurried back outside and jumped back in the car, putting the bag in the back seats. "Done."
"Alright, cool." Hunter began to drive off again, going back to his own place. "I'm gonna call Cyrus tonight, tell him all the shit we know, and hopefully I can strike a deal with him. Then the plan can move forward."
"Yeah, you can do all the talking. Try and set up a date with him while you're at it." Kurai added, only half joking. He'd take Cyrus in a heartbeat, even faster if Hunter was never there. He loved him some hot police dad.
"Will do." Hunter laughed, completely feeling Kurai on that one. But he got that urge to read the Bible again, shivering as the Devil himself passed.
"You feel that? Like a heavenly kinda presence?" Kurai asked, furrowing his brow. He was sure the light of the Lord was trying to reach him, but for the strangest reason it just wasn't connecting.
"You're thinking severely impure thoughts, Kurai." Hunter replied, shaking his head. "I swear if you're thinking of calling that police guy 'daddy' then I'm going to drive us into the ocean."
"Well, he is." Kurai shrugged. "Don't tell me you're not thinking the same thing." They had two cars, and he could swim.
"Unlike you, I have the heavenly lord Jesus in my heart and- nah fuck it, he had a nice ass, how can I lie." Hunter sighed before laughing. "Hopefully we see more of him."

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