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Realistic or Modern Decadence [Accepting]

Yuki went back to the car park as soon as he saw Cyrus pulling in, opening the door and sitting down heavily in the passenger seat with a sigh. "You're invited to celebrate New Year's with Vadim, before I start. I was going to come, but..."
"But what?" Cyrus asked, looking over at Yuki and recoiling a bit. "Jesus fuck, what happened?" He asked, seeing all the bruising and blood. "Should I take you to a doctor, holy shit."
"Joke went wrong, I don't care where you take me now." Yuki sighed again and glanced over to Cyrus. He wanted to shrivel up and die at this point. . "We were doing well before, but he turned on me and did...well, this. He even fought me for fun earlier, but I guess that was too much and he snapped."
"You touched his hair, didn't you?" Cyrus asked with a sigh, carefully reaching over and inspecting Yuki's face for any broken bones and such.
"Yeah." Yuki twitched away from Cyrus when he touched any sensitive areas, steeling himself to get through the pain. "If I'd known, I wouldn't have done it."
"I know, it's not your fault. It's his." Cyrus grumbled, shaking his head. "I'm thinking if you just ice it then it'll all fix itself. It doesn't feel like he knocked anything too loose." He spoke, pulling his hand away. "And uh... The whole thing with the number on the paper. It's practically illegible, we're having a hard time actually deciphering it. So now we got multiple addresses and so far nobody has come back with anyone who fits the description of the octopus or coyote."
"I don't know, I think he knocked a tooth loose." Yuki murmured, filled with disappointment at hearing the news. What a way to make a bad day even worse. "We'll have to wait and hope they come to us. Hopefully they do, or some miracle clue comes up and solves this whole problem."
"Well, bad thing is that a lot of the force are taking a vacation day tomorrow and the day after." Cyrus sighed, beginning to drive back to Yuki's house. "And I hate fucking waiting, but we're going to have to keep this case on hold tomorrow." He grumbled, bleary eyes fixed on the road. "I imagine you're not staying with Vadim tomorrow night."
"Fuck no, not after that. You can break the news to him." Yuki replied. The thought of work made him want to disappear off the planet altogether, but it had t be done. "I'll be in the net couple of days, don't worry. After that I might need to take a day or so, if I can."
"You don't have to come in tomorrow, it's fine. I'm already in the zone and I can probably come up with something. You just rest." Cyrus spoke, pulling up to Yuki's home and parking outside.
"If you're sure about that." Yuki nodded, opening the car door and heaving himself out. Even though Vadim had only focused on his face, every part of his body seemed to ache. "Thanks for the ride. I'll see you...whenever day it is. Call me if you get anything new."
"I will, don't worry." Cyrus called back, flashing a smile to Yuki before driving off. He felt like beating the shit out of Vadim after that sight, but knew far, far better than to even threaten the kid. Even then, he was going to have a long talk with the boss. But only after he visited his next address, which was thankfully not too far away. A small home near the beach under the name of Hunter Flynn.
Yuki fumbled with his keys and somehow managed to get inside, shuffling over to the sofa and collapsing down on it with a whimper as the impact of just a soft pillow sent spikes of pain all along his face. He didn't plan on moving for a good while after that.

Kurai, meanwhile, had fallen back asleep for the third time that day, not realizing how exhausted he was. Or maybe it was because Hunter was so comfortable to lay with. He didn't know or care which and wasn't about to question it.
Cyrus drove up to the house, parking in the driveway and glancing at the two cars already there. He moved to the front door and rang the doorbell, waiting patiently.
Hunter gave a low grumble, not wanting to move from the warmth that was Kurai. "M'coming, just give me a second." He called out, groaning as he stood up. He fixed his hair a bit as he stumbled towards the door, opening it and forcing himself to not give a low whistle at the man he saw. "Can I help you?"
"Yes, you can." Cyrus spoke, flashing his badge. "Cyrus Fontaine, MPD. Are you Hunter Flynn?"
Hunter gave a low sigh. "Yeah."
"May I come in?" Cyrus asked.
"...Sure." He stepped aside for Cyrus, feeling anxiety gnaw at him.
Kurai opened one eye and protested feebly at Hunter leaving, turning his head to watch him go to the door and almost having a stroke as soon as he saw Cyrus. Again, whether it was because of his hotness or the panic was ambiguous. He sat up immediately, smoothing his hair down and trying to look as presentable as possible as Cyrus came in. "Good uh...afternoon, officer."
"Oh, fucking dammit..." Hunter huffed, closing the door. "Look mate, I know why you're here." He spoke, visibly trembling.
Cyrus raised a brow, calmly taking a seat. "I found your note, octo." He spoke lowly, gesturing for Hunter to sit. "And I thought it'd be nice to talk all this over before I made an arrest."
Kurai looked up at Hunter nervously, shuffling over to give him some space on the sofa. His presence would probably make him feel a it calmer about the whole thing "What did you want to ask about?"
"The messages on the answering machine that you mentioned." Cyrus began, looking over the pair.
"Right, right, yeah, I got the whole lot saved." Hunter spoke, frantically moving to his phone. "So this was my first one here..." He went on as he nervously slipped up a few buttons here and there, but managed to get one of the old messages playing.
You have one message...
April 3rd
Thank you for signing up for the 50 Blessings newsletter. We appreciate your interest in our cause. America is a tune. It must be sung together.
April 4th
Hey, it's your boss. We have an event planned at 3275 NW 24th Street. Come early, make sure to wear the uniform we sent you.
April 5th
Hey, it's your boss here. You didn't show up for work the other day and it sounds like you don't actually want this job. I'll give you one more day to show up before I take action.

Hunter paused the messages, looking over at Cyrus. "I didn't sign up for shit and I don't work. I didn't show up April 5th either and they fucking torched my old car."
"I've got the same messages." Kurai added, figuring that if Hunter was going down then he was too. He couldn't leave him to rot in jail alone. "And I've gotten the same threats for not turning up too, except they broke into my house and left the car alone."
"And you're thinking some organization called 50 Blessings is behind this?" Cyrus asked, all the while writing down on a notepad he brought.
"Well yeah, the calls only came after I 'signed up' for their newsletter. And I looked into them, they look like some creepy patriotic bullshit. And do I sound like a patriot to you?" Hunter huffed, folding his arms. "Nah mate, I'm trying to stay alive and not let these yanks fucking kill me."
"I'm not much of a patriot either. I don't know what they're doing or if it's all a front, we just do as we're asked or deal with the consequences." Kurai shrugged, running a hand back through his hair and hoping he didn't look too disheveled. If he could just impress Cyrus, then he might go easy on them. Might. Possibly. Nope.
"And about the other night..." Cyrus began, leaning back in his seat after writing a bit more. "You didn't kill everyone in the building like you usually do, even when you were faced with a certain vulnerable target. Why?"
Hunter gave a low sigh, resting his back to the wall. "Well. Kurai there freaked out and froze, I know that much. But I didn't shoot because I was it was the mafia boss and just... I know mafia's shit and all, but killing the boss is downright fucking dangerous for everything."
"I was already nervous about the whole thing when we got the call. I walked in and didn't expect anyone to be in there, and then there was, that's why I freaked out." Kurai explained, hoping that would save them both. If only. "When we found out who it was then we thought it'd be better to run and hope he didn't remember in the morning, he was drunk."
"Well, he does very much remember. And he's fortifying his defenses until this entire issue is solved with um... 50 Blessings." Cyrus muttered, trying to put a name to the case. "And I'm glad you two knew when to stop. More than glad. And if you come along quietly, we can start working in deeper on this case with your help. Sound good?"
Kurai glanced at Hunter, hoping he'd be the first to give his approval. As a brief silence fell, he realized again that they were screwed no matter which way they looked at it, and he sighed. "Yeah, I'll come with you."

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