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Realistic or Modern Decadence [Accepting]

Vadim huffed and grabbed Yuki by his hair, yanking sharply to make him face him. "How about I make you my new punching bag, hm? Fucking broke the last one." He hissed, twitching slightly from rage. "I can take the shit talk and stupidity on your part. But you never get to lay a fucking finger on me. You don't deserve that. You're lucky that I'm even wasting my time with you now, giving you the fucking honor of my time, my presence, my attention." He tightened his hold on his hair, arm trembling.
"Alright, alright, I'm sorry, I won't do it again." Yuki whispered, wincing in pain from his hair being pulled. After this, he'd walk back to the station if he had to. All he was certain of was that he was getting the hell out of that office "Just put me down, please."
"No, you clearly don't fucking learn, do you?" Vadim spat, breaths ragged. "What made you think that was ok? Hm? I'd love to hear your fucking excuses before I break that fucking jaw of yours."
Yuki's heart skipped a beat, breaths growing heavier as he stammered out an explanation. "It was just a joke...like a...teasing thing. I swear to God, it was. If I'd known you hated it I wouldn't have done it, you know that."
"Would you have really?" Vadim scoffed, rolling his eyes in disdain. "No, because clearly I'm a fucking joke to you. Someone who can be teased. Are you fucking forgetting who I am!?" He snapped, slapping Yuki across the face. "I thought you were at least a bit competent, but apparently not. I can see right the fuck through you, you're just gonna try and get close to me, be all good friends with the mafia boss, and then try to manipulate me for your needs. You don't think I know this? Hm? Well I fucking do." He rambled.
"I'm not, I promise." Yuki went to spit some blood on to the floor, stopping himself before he did anything. At the rate Vadim was going, he knew he'd hit him again if he dared to dirty his floor. "Please, Vadim, just put me down...I'm not here to do any of what you're saying."
"Fucking prove it, then. Why should I believe you?" Vadim asked, staring at Yuki with disgust. "And don't you dare get your filthy blood on my carpet. It's worth more than you."
"You've got no reason." Yuki panted, swallowing the blood and shuddering at the rich taste. "And you won't believe me no matter what I say. But I was never going to do what you're saying."
"Fucking... Whatever." Vadim huffed, standing and strolling back to the couch. He got himself situated under his blanket pile again, curled up comfortably. Almost immediately after, he felt like he had a moment of clarity, his mind sobering up from nothing. "Fuck. Oh fuck what did I do..."
Yuki exhaled shakily, hunched over and reeling from the pain. He could just about feel a tooth coming loose from the impact, and was doing his best to catch all the blood in his hand. "I;m gonna...I'm gonna go." He murmured, lurching towards the doors.
"No no no, please stay I..." Vadim stammered out, brow furrowed. "Let me help patch you up. At least. I'm so sorry." He spoke as he made his way to the door to stop Yuki.
"No!" Yuki flinched as Vadim came closer, putting an arm up to defend himself. He didn't care what his intentions were, only focused on putting as much distance between himself and Vadim as fast as possible. "You've done enough. Let me go, please."
"I didn't mean for this to happen, I'm so sorry, I panicked and... Fuck. Just fuck." Vadim sighed, pacing around with distress. "I need to fix this uh... What do you want? I won't let you leave until I do fucking make it up to you." He stared at Yuki, trembling slightly.
"I need a fucking dentist is what." Yuki answered, jaw twinging every time he opened his mouth. He put his hand on the door, leaning his weight on it to leave. "There's nothing you can do, unless you're a doctor all of a sudden. Wouldn't let you treat me, anyway."
"I'll fucking cover the appointment and uh. Yeah. Anything else?" Vadim asked, looking more desperate by the second. He felt like completely breaking down at this point, but decided to just hold it together for a bit longer.
"Stay away from me for now. Goodbye, Vadim." Yuki finished, staggering out the door and into the elevator. There was officially no longer a way in hell that he'd be coming back for New Year's tomorrow. He was going to stay in and hope his dogs had haling powers. What am I going to tell Cyrus? I can't hide this one.
"I'm really sorry, ok?" Vadim followed Yuki out, not realizing he hadn't step foot out of that room in weeks. "I really am. I don't know what got into me I just..." He trailed off, knowing he couldn't find an explanation or excuse. "...Are you still coming tomorrow night?"
"I don't know, Vadim." Yuki sighed, stepping into the elevator and pressing the button to the ground floor. "I don't know how much damage you've done, but I wouldn't count on it either way." He said, wiping some blood off on the back of his hand.
"But the dogs..." Vadim sighed, stepping into the elevator. "I'm really, really fucking sorry like dear fucking god..." He stammered out, unable to do much but repeat the 'sorry' like a mantra.
"I'm not bringing them here if you're going to turn like that again." Yuki shook his head. He didn't want to hear Vadim's apologies, he just wanted to go home and hope that the damage was better than it felt. He looked up at him for a moment. "I know you're sorry. That's the end of it."
"I won't turn like that again if Cyrus is there, I promise. Just please consider coming over, ok? Like... Give me a call if you change your mind." Vadim begged, dreading the thought of being completely alone tomorrow with all those fireworks going off.
"Fine." Yuki said shortly, sweeping out of the elevator as soon as the doors opened enough for him to get through and back outside again. He stood for a few moments in an internal debate of what to do. He wasn't going to hang around and wait for Cyrus, but it was too far to walk back in such a state too. Gaze drawn to a payphone over the road, he took off towards it and brought his wallet out in the same motion, stuffing some coins inside it and calling Cyrus.
It's like a kid calling their parent to be picked up lmao.
Vadim sighed, pressing the button for the top floor. "Stop getting so fucking emotional over some bitch cop." He growled to himself, but still felt the aching guilt of what he'd done.
Cyrus picked up the phone in his office when it rang, giving a sigh. "Cyrus Fontaine, MPD." He spoke, voice steady.
"Cyrus, it's Yuki." Yuki started, glancing back over the road and managing to relax a bit when he couldn't see Vadim there anymore. "i uh...need you to pick me up. From the office." He hesitated a moment before offering any explanation. "We had some issues."
"I'll be right there." Cyrus did his best to not sigh at that, putting the phone down and immediately getting up to go to his car. As he drove the short distance, many scenarios of what could've went down between Vadim and Yuki played in his mind. He made it to the offices relatively quick, parking out by the front for Yuki.

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