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Realistic or Modern Decadence [Accepting]

"That's because you're drinking so much." Yuki replied gently. He wasn't about to suggest he go to Alcoholics Anonymous, though. He could work that one out on his own time. "And where are you hurt, exactly?"
"Just a lot of emotional pain, hah!" Vadim lied, only now fearing that he was being overdramatic. He sucked in a sharp breath, turning to face Yuki once more. "...Can you get a first aid kit, maybe? And don't ask or say anything about this." He spoke, eyes glazed and red.
"I won't. Where is it?" Yuki asked, getting up from the chair and searching around the office. He pulled open a few drawers and rifled through them, not paying much attention to anything that was in there until he pulled out the kit. "Never mind." He called, returning to Vadim and holding it out to him. "Do you need me to do anything?"
"Just look away." Vadim answered, quickly grabbing the kit and glaring at Yuki just to make sure he wasn't looking. "And if I even hear a word about this to anyone then I'll personally cut your fucking tongue out. I don't play, bitch."
"I told you I wouldn't say anything." Yuki repeated, rolling his eyes as he turned away. It wasn't that he doubted Vadim, but how twitchy he was about the whole thing. If he was injured, he was injured. It wasn't that deep. However, he would have to work that out himself as well.
"I know. Just making sure that some local news ticker won't say 'Miami detective tongue cut out by unknown assailant'." Vadim huffed, shifting out of the blankets and taking off his suit jacket. He growled as he quickly cleaned off most of the wound with peroxide, powering through the stinging pain before wrapping the entirety of his forearm and hiding the lacerations under layers of gauze pads and bandages. "Ok, you can look back now."
Yuki raised an eyebrow when he turned around at the blood covering Vadim, but said nothing. He quite liked having a tongue. "I was wondering why you were wriggling around under there." He commented, taking the remains of the kit and popping it all back in the drawer.
"Well, it's no big deal now so. Quiet." Vadim picked up his bloodied jacket, throwing it to the corner of the room. He'd just get a new one later. "It was just me being stupid, I deserved that bullshit, but I won't do it again. I can say that much."
"No, you won't." Yuki agreed, fully expecting Vadim to do it again. "You didn't deserve the other bullshit though. So again, I'm sorry. You can take as much time as you need to deal with it." He spoke as he sat down again, meeting Vadim's eye.
"I don't have time. I need to be a leader." Vadim sighed, pushing the blankets to the side. "Other gangs are starting to realize that we're hurt. Badly. And I need to keep those fucks in check but it's just. I can't make myself to anything. I want to, but I'm always second guessing myself, or I just can't get myself up at all and plan any of this shit."
"Then trust your gut next time." Yuki replied as if the answer was really that obvious. "Do that, and then take your time to grieve. You can balance between the two, but nobody has to know about the second part if you don't want or need them to."
"I suppose so." Vadim sighed, leaning back in his seat. "You know, I'm actually really glad you're here. I don't know why I haven't talked about all this before." He spoke, wanting to make a blanket nest again but deciding against it. He had to at least have a day out of this week where he wasn't curled up and sobbing all day.
"It's because I can tell you don't like it." Yuki shrugged. Still, it, dare he admit it, warmed his heart a bit to hear that he was of some use to Vadim. Every minute he spent with him where he didn't want to actively tear his throat out was a positive for him, and he made a promise to himself to try and keep it that way, no matter what.
"But yeah. Thanks for listening. And making me think I can actually do something for once in my life." Vadim huffed, standing and just pacing around the room. His legs ached from nearly two days of disuse, but his shaking steps evened out soon enough. "So uh..." He muttered, just doing circles. "Not sure what else there is to talk about."
"Is there much else to talk about?" Yuki asked. He didn't want them to run out of conversation before his visit tomorrow. As nice as the dogs were, they could only sit and play with them for so long. He rather hoped Cyrus was on his way back, or was at lest making some headway with tracing the phone number to an address.
"Not without disclosing too many details on certain things." Vadim chuckled, sitting himself back on the couch after a few laps around the room. "Like shit, we could talk about Star Wars, how Han shot first..." He began, hoping for an enraged reaction.
"What? That's wrong, the other alien shot first." Yuki said, furrowing his brow but smiling at Vadim. "I haven't watched those movies for a long time, but everyone knows it was the alien."
At least Vadim and Kurai could bond over mutual agreement of who shot first.
"Aw shit, I was hoping you'd be one of those fanatics." Vadim laughed, arms folded. "I mean, you look like a nerd. A nerd trying to be tough by being in the force and having two big dogs." He teased, standing up and towering over Yuki. "Just a nerd trying to compensate. And you can't tell me otherwise."
"I joined the force because I got over myself and started enjoying helping people. No other reason." Yuki replied, sitting back and eyeing Vadim carefully. "If you ask me, you're the one trying to compensate, wrapping yourself up in bear furs on your exquisite, thousand dollar couch in a million dollar office block."
"I don't have to compensate, I just inherited all of this." Vadim replied with a smirk, flicking Yuki's chin. "And if you knew me well enough, you'd know I don't have to compensate for anything. I'm just an amazing guy, with an amazing job, and I look really fucking fine." He gave a shrug, glaring down at him. "And you? Just a little nerd. With dogs and a badge."
"What are you trying to start? If you wanted a fight you could've said it plainly." Yuki smirked, moving Vadim's hand away. "I don't see what you're trying to prove. Two dogs is better than no dogs."
"I'm not trying to start anything, I just want to mess with you." Vadim spoke with a smirk. "And a fight does sound nice, actually. I haven't really done any training in a while, so maybe you'd be a good warmup." He continued, taking a moment to crack his neck.
"If you're sure about that." Yuki chuckled, standing and moving the chair away. He ignored the screaming voice in his head that was telling him not to fight Vadim for now, too interested to see what Vadim had in store for him, if they were an equal match. "If you want to fight, then let's go."
Vadim stretched a bit, yawning. "Just avoid the face and we'll be good. Don't want to completely fuck you up." He chuckled before getting into a defensive stance, though his muscles were lax. "Alright, I'm ready."
"No, no, you can come at me first. I want to see what the big tough mob boss is capable of." Yuki taunted, cracking his knuckles as he went to stand opposite to Vadim. "Unless you're too scared to really hurt a cop."

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