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Realistic or Modern Decadence [Accepting]

"When this all blows over, the offer's still there." Yuki shrugged. No way was he putting him and the dogs in the firing line for ay of this mafia shit. No sir. He had two beautiful dogs to protect.
"What, you're just casually inviting me to your place now?" Vadim scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Maybe once this shitshow is over. And only then, maybe. I haven't decided if I like you enough yet."
"Take your time, I don't know how fast this'll be sorted out once we get hold of them." Yuki chuckled. The puppers would get their friend some day, just not today. "And I think we'll be seeing a lot more of each other in that time anyway."
"Wow, Yuki, just wow." Vadim shook his head in disbelief, giving a scoff. "You're just digging yourself into a deeper hole here, making it sound as if you like me and all." He gave a chuckle and rubbed his eyes. "I don't blame you, though. Who couldn't like me?"
"That's what I'm saying, you're a pretty likeable guy." Yuki replied, knowing that he was talking complete and utter arse. He was only warming up to him because of the way Cyrus spoke about him. Left to his own devices, it would never have happened.
"Mhmm, I know, I know. I've heard it all." Vadim smirked as he lounged back in his seat, not really wanting to show the fact that Yuki's compliments were really damn good for his crashing self esteem. "But you'd have to get in line, there's already plenty of people who want to be with me, or see me, or let me be friends with their dogs and whatnot."
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"Any way I can push in front?" Yuki asked, raising an eyebrow. "No kind of police officer discount available?" He did kind of want to bring at least one of the dogs in to meet Vadim, if only because the image of him being squashed underneath one of the giant fluffy lumps was rather amusing to him.
Why y'all tagging me.
"Not at the moment, no." Vadim chuckled, keeping his gaze steady on Yuki. "And I doubt that you can convince me otherwise, so don't even bother trying." He added, taking a moment to retie his hair. He had no clue how messy it looked at this point, but he knew it must've been terrible after last night.
[It was muscle memory]
"You're telling me you don't want to see a malamute who loves everyone? That's breaking some kind of law." Yuki smirked. His dogs were perfect and he knew it. They probably did too.
"Breaking the law? I am the law." Vadim huffed, but was tempted at the thought of death by dog. "Buuut maybe I'll consider it. Not because of you, but the malamute." He spoke after pretending to give a long while of thought.
"I can double it. I've got two of them. Brother and sister." Yuki continued, thinking about how he was going to wrangle them both into the office and up the elevator. He figured he could just get them some K-9 vests and nobody would bat an eye at them. Anything to make Vadim a little happier.
Vadim thought for a long while, resting his chin on his hand. Now there were two dogs in the equation. It was going to be hard to refuse this deal. He took in a sharp breath, thinking a second longer before speaking. "Do you have any plans for New Years tomorrow?"
"No, I never do. I tend to stay in and try to stop the dogs freaking out because they don't like fireworks that much." Yuki chuckled, realizing for the first time how pathetic that sounded. "How come?"
"Would you maybe consider bringing your dogs here? I can't really go out so." Vadim gave a shrug. "And maybe we can all freak out about the fireworks together." He added with a small laugh, though knew he was probably going to be under his desk and inconsolable. But he'd never admit that.
"Sure, they can get some exercise while they're at it. But uh...the bigger one, Aiko. She likes to sit on top of people as long as you're fine with getting that suit of yours covered in dog hair." Yuki added, almost able to physically imagine all the fluff that would be covering Vadim by the end of it.
"It's fine uh... I spilled wine all over this one, I just can't be bothered to change." Vadim replied, shifting the blankets and showing the large red stains along the sleeves before burying his arm back under the safety of blankets. "And I'll try to make it worth your time, just bring the dogs and I'll take care of everything else."
"Alright, I'll bring them. I'm not taking responsibility if you get crushed, though." Yuki smirked. This was the last way he ever expected to be spending New Years; in the office of a mob boss with himself and two dogs. Peak. Experience.
"Honestly, I don't care if I get crushed by a dog, that's the best way to go." Vadim laughed, moving himself so he was laying down. "Do you think Cyrus would come if I asked him? I know he has a whole social life outside of my bullshit, but I was thinking maybe."
"I...don't know, actually." Yuki admitted after a bit of thought. He was never quite sure what Cyrus did in his off time, nor if he had any plans, ever. "It won't hurt to ask him. Even if he says he's busy, you've got me and the dogs.
Literally almost typed gods there instead of dogs. Way wrong RP, Yuki.
"Right. I just hope I'm not demanding too much of him. And besides, I'm having to send my bodyguard home to stay with his family, so I'm sure he'll be a good temporary." Vadim spoke with a shrug. "And uh... I've been meaning to thank you. For your time. I don't know, it feels like last night made something click in me. I've been doing all this dumb bullshit and it nearly got me killed. But now I'm too far fucking in to stop myself."
"Don't worry about it. If you need the help, then I'll be there." Yuki nodded, somewhat insulted that he couldn't be considered a good candidate for a bodyguard. Sure, he didn't look the time at all, but he'd kick anyone's ass given the time of day. He'd even kick his own ass. "I don't think they'll come back to you now we've gotten involved. You can still keep a distance from what you're doing."
"Yeah, I'm just redistributing guards now. Some on the roof, blocked the stairway entries to this floor. I think I'll be safe, but I need to make sure." Vadim replied, curling up and now just looking like a pile of fur again. "At least I'll maybe have a bit of fun with you guys around."
"You could always put a lock on those doors. Not a lot of them will hang around trying to pick it open or carry around bolt cutters specially for a situation like that." Yuki suggested with a shrug of one shoulder. "We'll keep you busy don't worry."
"Yeah I'm getting someone to put more locks on this door tonight." Vadim replied, lifting the blanket so only his eyes showed through. "So yeah. You're free to leave if you like. Unless you want to stay. But who wouldn't want to stay with me?" He chuckled, though said it more to affirm himself than anything.
"Cyrus took the car, so I'm stuck here until he comes back." Yuki replied. "Lucky for you." He couldn't help but be the slightest bit envious of Vadim's blanket pile. It looked comfy as fuck, and he quite felt like stealing it and making one for himself, but that would be weird and probably put Vadim on edge. Or piss him off.

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