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Realistic or Modern Decadence [Accepting]

"Hmm? But aren't you supposed to be the one charging in and arresting me, officer?" Vadim couldn't help but grin at all of this, rolling his shoulders to ease some tension. "Imagine the headlines for you. 'Low ranking officer beats Russian mafia boss, arrests him'. You'd be a local hero. Sort of. Not really. But they'd think you are."
"I don't do this for the heroism. I do it for the people. And I'm nowhere as low ranking as you think." Yuki laughed, then lashed out and aimed a punch at Vadim's stomach, the urge to hit him growing too overwhelmingly tempting to cope with.
Vadim lazily stepped to the side, the hit just glancing his stomach. He then tensed himself, moving in to punch Yuki square in the chest. Ok don't actually fucking kill him, he's cool. Sort of. He thought, deliberately aiming the punch away from his diaphragm.
Yuki deflected the hit away at the last second, moving again so he was facing Richard. "Nice of you to hesitate and miss. It's like you want to be beaten up." He commented, just waiting for Vadim to try and hit him again. He could take him, easy.
"I'm only hesitating so I don't kill you by accident." Vadim chuckled before attempting to sweep a kick at Yuki's legs. Admittedly, he only missed the first hit because he was rusty as all hell.
In the same instant, Yuki made a grab at Vadim's collar, but not quite fast enough to avoid the leg sweep. He fell to the ground, keeping a tight hold on the Russian and pulling him down with him. Nice.
Vadim fell on top of Yuki, pinning him with his legs. "Oh, so eager. If you wanted this all along, you could've just told me." He teased, giving light punches to Yuki's face.
[Aight I'll just go to lunch real quick]
Yuki growled with frustration, blocking Vadim's punches and looking for an easy way out. He couldn't get up and closer to him to pin him down that way, and there was nothing in reach to distract him with. So he slid further down so Vadim would have to stretch and hopefully overbalance to get him.
"Aw come on, wouldn't you rather stay like that." Vadim taunted, taking the bait and reaching down for Yuki. "I mean I would rather you did stay like that, at least. You don't have to be shy about it."
Yuki waited until Vadim was reaching far enough, then slipped out between his legs and jumped on his back. Wrapping his arms around his throat, he opted to wrestle him to the ground instead.
Rough and ready ;)
Vadim took in a sharp breath, holding his hands to his neck so Yuki didn't choke him so hard. "Didn't pin you as this kind of type. Not that I'm complaining." He gave a breathy laugh, letting his body go limp before using what energy he had to break free from his hold.
It's time to stop.
"A lot of people do." Yuki shrugged, getting off of Vadim after his feeble attempts at breaking free. He stepped back a few paces, waiting for him to recover before speaking. "So, ready to give up yet?"
"I guess. I'm out of practice and uh..." Vadim frowned as he poked at himself, finding significantly less muscle than before. "Shit. I really need to hit the gym again. I keep forgetting how long I'm holed up in here. Must've been weeks by now." He sighed.
"You? In the gym?" Yuki laughed at the very idea. Vadim was no real challenge for him, out of practice or not. "I'm not bringing a tredmill and weight rack up here for you."
[brb quick again]
"You think I can spend thousands on a sofa and not have a gym in this building?" Vadim asked with a scoff. "And I used to be really fucking built at one point. Ask anyone around here and they'll confirm." He narrowed his eyes, folding his arms and giving a childish huff.
"Of course you were." Yuki teased, reaching up and ruffling Vadim's hair. If he was going to act like a child, he could be treated like one. Momentarily, anyway. "I think you're just jealous of me and all my muscle."
Vadim straight up sucker punched Yuki the moment he realized his hair was messed with, huffing defiantly. He glared down at him with an unfiltered rage, fists balled and ready for another hit. "You don't touch my fucking hair. And you definitely don't fucking mess it up like that."
Yuki collapsed to the ground in an instant from the impact, clutching his face and hissing from the pain. He hadn't been punched like that in a very very long time, and he knew it showed. Taking deep breaths, he glared up at Vadim. "What the fuck? Really?!"
"Yeah, really, you think it's ok to do that!?" Vadim snapped, lunging down at Yuki and grabbing him by his collar. "I didn't fucking let you touch my hair, but of course you're so fucking entitled you went for it anyway." He hissed, taking a moment to spit in his face. "Piece of shit cop."
Yuki almost spat right back at him, but instead punched Vadim in the face right back. Nobody talked shit about him like that. And he wasn't making any special exemptions for a mob boss either, even though he'd probably lived to regret that. "Get the fuck off of me." He said lowly.
Vadim stared at Yuki with complete and utter disbelief, tension thick in the air. He did not just fucking hit me. He thought, the realization sinking in as the pain did. His features contorted with anger before he began to blindly wail on him, trying to do some significant damage to his face.
Oh FUCK. Yuki thought, doing his level best to try and block some of the worst hits but failing miserably. All he could do was sit there and take what he was given, not quite regretting his punch but also very much regretting it at the same time. After a few hits he tried to fight back, aiming blindly at Vadim to hit whatever he could get.
"Oh, you're still trying to fight?" Vadim snarled, slamming his knee into Yuki's stomach before sending another punch to his face. "Can't believe I have to waste my energy on such a lowlife piece of shit." He huffed, breaths heavy and sounding almost like a growl.
Yuki wheezed, curling up in an attempt to protect himself. This was officially way out of his depth, and he knew when he was beaten. If he fought back now, he got the distinct feeling that Vadim was going to turn him into pulp, or worse, kill him.

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