DC: Help Wanted [Inactive]

An armored Clayface dropped from the chopper and rushed the 18 Wheeler, flipping it over. Saito then slid beneath Clayface only to find himself facing a strange mercenary with iron armor on, nazi swashtikas covering it.

"What th-"

The man pulled up a pistol and fired, the bullet hurtling through Saito's left arm and he stumbled back only to be punched forward into the mercenary who roundhouse kicked him to the side. The german then drew his blade. Chuckling he looked over to Saito.

"Call me... Vengeance..", he said simply. Vengeance rushed and slashed his blade down at Saito, who rolled over to dodge it. Clayface then smashed down next to Saito and swung at him, where Saito jumped up and landed on Clayface's arm, stabbing into his head repeatedly.

Clayface rolled over and Saito leaped off of him, dodging bullets shot by Vengeance. The chopper's snipers and the mercenaries on the ground were trying to get a good clean view of Saito.

Saito pulled out a pistol and fired at a crane, forcing it's wires to break and it released a heavy load of fish that collapsed unto Clayface, burying him underneath it. Vengeance then leaped towards Saito and the two began swinging their blades at each other whilst using the other hand to fire at any openings. The two were evenly matched and continued dodging and parrying whilst bullets rained down all around.

Blood leaked from Saito's left arm and his pain distracted him, causing Vengeance to get a good slash out of his right shoulder. Saito stumbled back, groaning.
Back in her dingy apartment, Viv leaned up against the wall as she sat on her mattress. There was no headboard or anything, the mattress simply lay directly on the floor. The loft she lived in was open and spacious, only one room. The piping showed along the ceilings and the floorboards were rotting in some places, but that's what you get when you don't have the resources to get your own place.

Well.. Technically if Vivian wanted to, she could get the resources. After all, it wasn't all that hard for her to get a hold of some credit card numbers and buy out a place, but Viv had made a promise to herself that she wouldn't dirty her hands any more than necessary and her other "job" was more than enough to keep her on the straight and narrow.

Opening her audio interface, Viv sent a comm to Batman, knowing he would get the message even if he was still busy. "Hey, B, so I dug further into Lex, found some stuff you might want to see. I'm sending the files to the Batcomp now, you might want to check them out before you leave," she paused a moment before continuing. "Some of my.. contacts have informed me of a man in Gotham right now. Young, goes by the name of Saito. He knows some stuff about Lex, you find him you can probably get some good information if Lex doesn't send his henchmen after him first."
Saito ran back forwards towards Vengeance and grabbed him, swinging him into the direction of upcoming bullets. They bounced off Vengeance's armor harmlessly and flew back, crushed.

Vengeance slashed down on Saito and Saito kicked Vengeance back. Using him as a temporary shield he managed to escape westwards and parkour his way on the roofs towards the docks. The helicopter and mercenaries began firing upon him as he parkoured and dodged, close to the docks by now.

Vengeance landed close by Saito and chased him down, doing a bit of gymnastics himself. He pulled out a gun and began firing at Saito, striking him in the chest once.

Saito was losing blood....

The German mercenary fired upon Saito more and struck his right leg twice and his left shoulder once before running out of ammunition. In the distance his target stumbled forwards and fell off the roof of the building, landing in the center of the dock, the wooden planks below him shaking.

Vengeance walked up to Saito with a grin, the helicopter buzzing above and behind him. Everyone aimed on Saito, ready to kill him.

"Well well well, another successful mission. Pity, you would have been a great ally to work with.", Vengeance said as he approached, closing in slowly, three meters away. Meanwhile Clayface was regaining consciousness and escaping from the pile of fish and debris.
"I'll take care of it, see if you can track him, maybe find him right now. Let me know when you do

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"Will do, B," Viv said as she began gaining access into Gotham's street cams and security cameras. Hundreds of windows popped up on her screen and it was moments like this that the woman wished she had something nearly half as fancy as the large computers over at Wayne Enterprises that she's seen there. Navigating from one camera feed to another, Viv's eyes moved back and forth across her screen as she scanned and narrowed down the districts until she noticed something peculiar.

"Hey, B, I think I got something," she spoke over the comm as she zoomed in on the camera feed. "And you better get there fast. He's our only lead willing to talk and it's not looking good for him right now, " she swore under her breath as she began suiting up again. She hated putting on her suit again after a night of patrol, but Viv was pretty close to the location. "I'm sending the coordinates now," she spoke before closing the comm link and leaving through her loft's windows and onto the rooftop.

It wasn't long before she was out at the location, having sprinted the way there. There were too many people, so much noise and someone was standing over who she recognized as Saito. Throwing some bataarangs to knock the guns out of their hands, Viv swooped down and threw a homemade smokebomb down in the center of it all and knocked the standing figure down. "Watch out!" she yelled towards Saito, turning the lenses on in her domino mask so she could still see the enemies through the smoke.
The batmobile sped to the scene as Batman picked up Saito putting him in the passenger seat "I'm taking him to the cave"

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Saito got in and groaned, controlling the shadows around him. One by one the henchmen close to Viv began falling over dead, their brains crippled. And with a flash of telekinesis Vengeance was in the sea.

However more mercs began coming and bullets rained down on the batmobile. The helicopter with Jon in it flew away and Vengeance grappled himself unto it, Clayface simply jumped up and molded around the tail of the helicopter. The remaining mercenaries rained fire on the mobile and Viv, who Saito was trying to protect with the shadows, constantly taking down any who got a clear aim on her.

Soon enough Saito ran out of energy though and a headache hit him, leaving Viv with twenty heavily armed criminals to deal with out of the thirty that were there in the first place.

"What do you want, Bat?"
Batgirl looked towards Saito, he was obviously getting drained and she knew he'd only be able to take so much. "Do what you need to do, I got it covered here," she assured, not taking her eyes off of the enemies as she knocked each one out one by one. The smoke was starting to clear, but just before all the smoke was gone, she took another smoke bomb and threw it up towards the helicopter. Smoke erupted in the cockpit and the helicopter went down soon after taking a few men and Clayface with it.

Unfortunately, in the crash, she hadn't realized one of the men come up behind her. She felt the presence behind her just a second too late and felt the arms grab hold of her neck. "Guh!" she grunted out as she toppled backwards and felt her head hit the concrete. She ignored the stars that burst behind her eyes and tucked in her chin, making it harder for the man to strangle her. More men were convening and Batgirl kneed the man in the solar plexus before swinging her elbow into his jaw to knock him out. She was pissed, left her gun at home and only had her staff and whatever was in her utility belt. Three of the men launched towards her and Batgirl moved out of the way with a tuck and roll, sweeping a man's feet right out from under him. Batgirl's face exploded in pain as she realized one of the men had punched her across the face but she grunted and spat out the blood from her mouth as she twisted the arm that was still extended from the punch behind the man's back and used him as a human shield to keep between her and the rest of the men.
Vengeance grabbed Jon and they escaped with two other men, leaving Clayface and the others to die at the crash site. Jon escaped into the alleys of Gotham and Vengeance looked at a few men who had arrived as reinforcements, a squad of five.

"Go get the Batgirl, kill her if you must", he ordered, turning to follow Jon into the dark alleys.

The men made their way with their rifles and began firing upon Batgirl, striking her shield, blasting half of his head off. The others were firing small bursts, too scared to directly confront the girl. However a few made their way closer and kept their aim at her.

Then a grenade rolled in. 5 seconds.

"It's going to blow, run!", a mercenary yelled. The men started running for cover from the grenade that laid between them and Batgirl.
"Shit!" Batgirl swore as the grenade was about to go off and the men were sent running. Thinking fast, she threw the now dead man in her arms right on top of the grenade. She crossed her arm in front of her face and tucked her chin downards as the blast blew her backwards. The next thing she knew, the vigilante was sprawled on the concrete, half-dazed and ears ringing as she tried to get her bearings and survey her injuries.

She wasn't given much time to do so however as the men began advancing once they noticed she was down on the ground. Batgirl got up and scrambled behind some cover as shots began being fired once more. A bullet grazed by her shoulder just as she ducked down and threw another smoke bomb out into the area, momentarily buying her some time. Looking herself over, she was lucky her injuries weren't worse. The worst would be the burns from the blast but the body she had thrown on top of the grenade had taken the majority of the shrapnel so she was saved from any killing injuries. "Fuck," she murmured as she realized her staff was back in the fray and she was almost all out of weapons in her utility belt. Reaching next to her, Batgirl grabbed a rusted pipe as the men began advancing on her cover and braced herself to fight once more.
Batman hopped out of the car as he sent it to the cave. He hopped out to assist batgirl as it dropped him off. Batman stood behind the cover with her.

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Saito groaned as he was stuck in the car. Why did they get to have all the fun? He pulled out a bottle of tea and began sipping it as he opened his mask.

What an eventful night... He was wounded, bleeding, and now he was helped by the people he was trying to run away from. And that Vengeance fellow, who was he? And what did Jon need him to die for, Saito knew some things but why didn't Jon kill him earlier, after he had completed his mission? Were the two too close and the risk too high, or did Jon see him as a companion of sorts?

Saito didn't know but he did know one thing. Lex Luthor, Jon, Clayface, Vengeance, and all of Lex's henchmen were going to pay for this.

No one got away from Saito.
Jon served at the cave, as Alfred came down, "Relax" he told him.

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"Got any plans, B?" Batgirl asked as she twirled the pipe and ducked her head under the cover. The nickname slipped off of her tongue easily and she tried to keep her voice light as she spoke but her breathing was ragged and she knew she probably broke a rib from the blast. "Pretty exciting night, huh?" The smoke was starting to clear and Viv knew the others would be on them soon so she sucked in a deep breath, coughing a little as some of the blood from her mouth was swallowed involuntarily. "Fuck," she swore again.

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Saito tried to calm down as he exited the batmobile, sheathing his blade. Blood dripped from him and he groaned, limping towards Alfred.

"You know how to make tea right? I'd like some right now.."
Joseline could hear the commotion going on in her earpiece.Without hesitation she jumped,"Ugh..Batman and Batgirl are in trouble,so I have to go."JB made her over to the docks as fast as she could worried that her new 'family' could be dying at the moment.Robin threw herself into the fray,but instead of going to the center she started knocking blocks off from the back.

Robin punched a thug in the gut,then used him as if he was a gymnastic vault.Twirling her body her around she kicked a few people in the face,then finished up by rolling down the man back,hooking her hand into his belt so she could slam his body under,leading into a roll.Robin did a high kick to one of the thug's head,threw a batarang at another,then used their own force to knock a few up them out.Looking at her side she noticed she got cut a few times.
Batman ran out and began disarming and taking out the mercenaries.

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"Yes sir, I like to think I make excellent tea, I'll be back with some, you just relax in the meantime" Alfred said as he exited

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Saito found a seat and sat down, pulling out some of the BX-29 serum. He injected himself and his wounds began to rapidly heal. He groaned as he waited. He wasn't impatient, just really thirsty, but he could bare it.

He looked around, Bat didn't have that bad of a taste for a lair. It suited the name perfectly.
Batgirl noticed that the henchmen were turning their attentions in another direction and she felt herself sag with relief as she saw that Robin had joined in on the fray. "Thank god," she murmured as she watched Batman take advantage of the opportunity and start taking out the mercs.

Viv wasn't the type of person to leave her comrades hanging so she hauled herself upwards, ignoring the pain lancing through her chest as she sprung forward and began taking out some of the others alongside her companions. Her ribs ached with the movement but it felt good knowing the tide was turning in their favor.
Batman continued taking them out until they were all out. "Gordon's picking them up, Batgirl come with me, Robin meet us at the cave"

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As the last man fell, Batgirl felt the adrenaline that had been keeping her going start to slow down and she sagged slightly against the wall. She swore again, but was grateful that the scuffle was over. Although "scuffle" was a pretty generous term for the epic showdown that had just occurred. As Batman told her to come along, Viv rolled her eyes behind her domino, a movement that he likely couldn't see.

"Aye, sir," she said giving the man a mock salute as she began following behind at a slower pace due to her injuries.
Casper peered out the window, watching from her apartment, she slipped out of her window onto the roof of the next building and she jogged across the roof tops, coming to the building beside the docks, she couldn't have fought even if she wanted to. She studied the damage done with her ocean blue eyes before she delicately jumped from the top of the building, landing lightly beside Bat girl.

"What happened here?" She asked shivering slightly wearing only a tank top and sweats, suddenly wishing she had brought a jacket along with her.
"We're about to find out, Robin, bring her too" Batman said as he hopped in the batwing, waiting for Batgirl

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"Oh you know, the usual," Batgirl said with mock nonchalance with a shrug that made her wince as it tugged against her injuries towards Casper. She followed Batman into the Batwing and slowly hauled herself in. As soon as she was in, it was like a weight had been lifted and she finally relaxed, allowing herself to sink into the seat. "Well that could've been worse," she commented from her seat as she surveyed her injuries.

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