DC: Help Wanted [Inactive]

Casper looked over at the oracle from under neath her long black eyelashes.

"So how do you suggest I go about this task you have for me?" She asked, taking another sip she traced her index finger ever so gently against the surface of the glass.
"Protect people, if you see one of your comrades about to do something like that stop them. Trust me, Batman is going to respect that, and he'll probably be less, well protective"

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Casper sat up straighter she wasn't looking for batmans approval, her finger tapped irritably at the glass in her hand before she stopped.

"Batman has never been... Protective of me, he merely doesn't like me getting in the way so he makes people babysit me." She responded a bit sharper tone than expected. She had never considered or wanted to think batman was trying to keep her out if danger, she didn't want to think like that. Casper pursed her lips in thought.
"Trust me. I know what I'm talking about here." She told her knowingly. Oracle handed her a communication device "Get ahold of me via this anytime, any questions about any of this?"

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Casper didn't say anything for a moment only nodding in acknowledgement to her words.

"No, I don't have any questions." She mumbled softly and reached out to take the device, her blank ocean blue stare running over it with slight interest.

"Thanks," she finished looking up with a small smile.
Oracle smiled back "I'm going to head out, once again let me know if you ever need anything"

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Casper got up and walked her to the door, holding it open for her.

"I will." She stated with a curt nod, her grip tightened around the device.
Oracle wheeled out and closed the door behind her.

Bruce sat at his computer, looking for more info. "Do get some rest Master Bruce" Alfred said before leaving. Bruce just sat pondering, wondering where they all went

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Casper stood infront of the closed door for a few heart beats before she finished her ice tea and put the glass in the sink.

Casper walked through the long corridor to her bedroom crawling into her covers once again. It was already long past midnight but she had to get some sleep. She put the device down on her dresser and thought about the task she had at hand... Turning onto her side she thought about batman, and how the oracle said he was only protecting her.
(Time skip) Bruce awakened the next day, put on his business suit, and went to Wayne Enterprise. He went ahead and arranged a few business meetings in Metropolis, he would leave that night.

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Casper pulled herself out if bed, wincing at the sharp pain in her arm reminding her that she had hurt it the other day.

She exhaled a sigh and walked to her balcony looking out across city running a delicate hand through her midnight black hair.
Bruce sat at his desk as he was concerned about leaving Gotham in the hands of the new heroes. He called Casper from a private number "Shade, it's me".

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Casper felt the phone buzz in her pocket and she wearily pulled it out, reading the contact name she pressed the talk button and held it to her ear,

"Hey." She answered in a time that conveyed she had just woke up,

"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, I'll be leaving for Metropolis tonight, think you can handle things?"

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Last night JB had went back to the mansion a little late,but she usually did what she wanted until told other wise. Now she was walking up to Bruce to tell him she off to school. Most of the time Bruce's sidekicks were homeschooled,but she was already in public school so she chose to continue that,"I'm off to school she said waving at him from the door as she turned to leave.
Claspers grip tightened on the fence if her balcony, she was worried for his safety even though she would never tell him that. Clearing her throat she blinked her ocean blue eyes,

"Of course... Do you think you can handle your task?" She asked calmly.
"Absolutely" Bruce told her. "Be sure to call me if anything big happens." he said as he hung up.

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"I-" Casper started but then heard him hang up and she sighed putting the phone down,

"... Will." She finished even though he was no longer on the phone.
"I'm just letting you know you have work tonight. I've got new tools for you at the cave"

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"Just give everything to Alfred,my class is about to start. I'll see you later Bruce."JB hung up before her teacher noticed.
Bruce sat as his desk, before standing to leave and let Lucius take over for the day. He went home and gathered his supplies for Metropolis. Sitting at his computer, continuously trying to figure out where the league could have gone.

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Casper walked back inside and pulled on dark jeans and a black and red striped crop tank top. She got ready for the day and put her wallet, laptop, and suit into her small back pack that she carried everywhere.

Casper put the bag over her shoulders and walked out the door, locking it behind her. She walked out of the apartment building and head down the street her blue eyes sweeping the street. She could feel people passing her looking at her, Casper always felt judged by society but she was quite gorgeous which got her a lot of unwanted attention.

She stopped infront if a small coffee shop and went inside.

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