DC: Help Wanted [Inactive]

"You're right." Batman said as he took off. "The last batgirl knew who I was, this isn't something to be taken lightly"

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Casper shook her head slowly if they were going to fight she'd only be a burden,

"No it's okay, you go on ahead." She mumbled a bit bitterly, her dark, clouded eyes gaze nothing away. She was unreadable, of course anyone who knew her well enough would know she would give anything to go kick evils ass, but she also would do what was right in the eyes of helping the team. And if she could do little things around this area, it would make it easier on them. She knew batman liked to have other supers keep an eye on her, which she had no idea why that was, but she didn't need that.

She watched as the took off and she back up, her body ghosting through the wall and she disappeared.
Batgirl grimaced as she looked over at Batman. "Yeah, yeah," she sighed, "I know the speech - with great power comes great responsibilities. Great talk, Uncle Ben," she commented, unsure if Batman even understood the Spider-Man reference. He did live in a cave after all. "But save it, really. Even before I put on the costume I was already doing stunts like this." Well, not particularly as intense as tonight, but still pretty violent. Gotham gangs did like their scuffles.

It was partially true though, what he said. Viv didn't know who Batman was, but it wasn't as if she couldn't find out. She was smart and was , after all, pretty good at getting the information she wanted or needed -- she was pretty handy with a computer, it's not like she couldn't bypass a few firewalls and find out or even look through police records and puzzle it together. But she respected the vigilante and his need for the mask. Enough to not dig into it, so she purposely decided not to try and find out who it was behind the mask. Why would she ever need to know?
Batman was deep in thought as he flew. Casper reminded him of Barbara so much, it was one of the reasons he kept a close watch on her. They arrived at the cave as Batman hopped out taking off his mask as Alfred returned with tea. He was Bruce Wayne, most famous man in Gotham. "Oh dear" Alfred said to himself.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1396851284.924475.jpg.949082e0c1cd0e7e016f82ee692db079.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15860" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1396851284.924475.jpg.949082e0c1cd0e7e016f82ee692db079.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Batgirl blinked a few times as she realized just who the Batman really was. She was surprised, sure, but given a moment to think, it definitely made sense. All the high tech gadgets had to come from somewhere, and Bruce Wayne was a celebrity practically, no wonder he would want to keep it a secret.

Seeing as the vigilante revealed himself, Batgirl followed suit and removed the mask, her black bangs falling into her face. "My name - well my real name is Vivian Alvarez. Viv for short," she introduced as she limped out of the Batwing. "Your secret is safe with me, B," she assured, fixing the man with a serious look.
Casper walked along the street, the wind lacing through her black hair causing it to ruffle slightly. it was cold, so very cold. She thought folding her arms snugly across her chest, she walked into her apartment building and went up the stairs for once, instead of just jumping through her window. She flopped down on her bed pulling the covers about her.

She ended up just laying there, unable to sleep, she stared straight ahead her head clouded with thoughts and doubts, mixed with anger towards herself for being so uncooperative, but she could work better alone. That was one thing she knew batman could understand, they both worked solo. Actually this was the first day she had ever witness him inviting anyone to his sacred cave.
"Now. We need to get to the bottom of this. I feel like Luthor has to be planning something, Bruce Wayne is going to Gotham on business, Batman is going to pay him a visit at night"

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Viv nodded at what he said, resting her weight against one of the cave walls so she could breathe a bit easier. "I dug into Luthor's recent dealings," she commented, crossing her arms against her chest. "He's been pouring a lot of LexCorps dollars into research on metahumans like Superman was, he also expanded and purchased warehouses on opposite ends of Metropolis, I sent you those coordinates." She stopped and pursed her lips, brows furrowing for a moment. "I think he's recruiting next gen heroes like you are. With all of the research on those with powers.." she trailed off. Not to mention the man's real estate investments. Viv had checked, all of the properties and apartments he bought had been moved into within days of Lex purchasing them. She had assumed the Lex was providing living arrangements for his superpowered army. "Be careful, okay? You need anything, just send me a comm," she offered.
"No, thank you," Viv declined the butler's offer with a wave, "I suppose I should be getting back to my place. There's still a lot of work to be done on this whole fiasco and I've got some ribs that need attending to," she said the last part with a grimace. She hated binding ribs, but it was a necessary evil, she supposed.
"By the way, keep things together while I'm away, watch Saito. He reminds me of someone" he said as he thought of Jason. "Be sure to call me if anything big happens"

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Viv nodded. "Will do. Try not to get in over your head," she said back to the man as she began limping her way out of the cave.

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Casper pulled herself out of bed and moved sleepily towards the door,

"who is it," she called through, from lack of money she stayed in a cheap apartment with no peep hole, sort of dangerous but oh well.
"Alfred, mind taking her home?" Bruce asked. "Not at all Master Bruce"

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A girl in a wheelchair sat outside the door "Hey, uh, the bat sent me"<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1396853665.865682.jpg.4f2eb6245080d8c677713e26246dea50.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15861" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1396853665.865682.jpg.4f2eb6245080d8c677713e26246dea50.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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'The bat? Oh yes batman' Casper thought, with a soft sigh she opened the door, peering over at the woman,

"he had to send you at this time of night?" She grunted before letting the woman enter. She had never seen her before.

"why are you here?"
She rolled in smiling "Well, he didn't really send me, I'm Oracle, he's a friend of mine" she held out her hand to her.

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"The oracle..." Casper felt a bit ashamed she had been a bit sassy with this lady upon them first meeting, and she was someone of importance as well. She felt her pale pink lips tug into a smile as she clasped the girls hand.

"I'm Cas- Mistress Shade." She corrected herself suddenly feeling very self contentious of what she was wearing,

"if I new you were coming I would have gotten ready." She stated running a delicate hand through her black hair.
"Really, it's no big deal" she said with a wave of her hand. "He's tough to work with right?"

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Casper plopped down onto her couch nodding her head slowly in agreement,

"You have no Idea- er," She paused fumbling over her words,

"Well I guess you would know because you're-" She cut herself off awkwardly, standing up only moments after she had sat down,

"Would you like something to drink?" She asked making her way towards the kitchen inwardly scolding herself for being so bad with people, she was sounding like a complete dork.
"Oh no thank you" she said laughing. "The chair? Thank Joker for that" she told her rolling her eyes.

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Casper made herself some lemonade iced tea and stared iced her shoulder at the oracle,

"I remember hearing about that, anyways, batman will bring him to justice," she reassured her with a curt nod, walking back over and sitting down.

"So why are you here?" She asked casually though she was on the edge of her seat to know. She raised her glass to her lips and took a small sip.
"Circumstance. Considering the Justice League is gone, you guys are basically it. It's a big deal. I've heard of killings, guns, things like that. That isn't what we can do, and you, I've heard about you, you need to help set this right. It isn't how we do things. I hate to sound preachy but nobody wants to be a murderer when the League gets back. I wouldn't wanna answer to Superman"

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