DC: Help Wanted [Inactive]

A helicopter flew down to the base, with Jokers face pasted on the side. Luthor was pushed out if the plane by a couple of goons into the fortress.

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Deathstroke quickly decided to hide instead , and kill the joker immediately. If that old physciatrist was with him , dispatch both , free luthor , and leave. Maybe... No. He wasn't a mercenary anymore. He will not be joining the joker upon any free will.... But if he feigned loyalty... Then turn on joker... Yes. Better plan.
Harley walked out to Luthor, skipping around as a big smile was on her face.

"Well, well, well, look who we got here! Ol' chromedome, HA! I bet Puddin will be glad to see you.. But first, let's teach you some manners...

Oh Mistah Hammer..."
"You're twice as crazy as he is, twice as stupid as well. Do you have any idea what the hell he's going to do Quinn?" Luthor replied angrily

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Damien stands atop a city skyscraper as he looks down on the foggy streets with disgust. "Gotham....festering with vermin and filth." He places his mask on his face, the only thing now visible is the hatred in his eyes. He leans forward, falling forward into a dive off the building towards the ground. "Beware gotham." His tone cold and harsh. "You will know the reckoning of the dark knight." He stops in midair, now his face inches from the ground. "No fear, no regrets" He sets himself upright before looking to the sky. "I shall reign justice from above." He shoots upward towards the sky and flies over gotham.
Harley runs up to Luthor and kicks him.

"What's ta' mattah? Too scared? Awww, poor baby! HA!"

Harley shoots Luthor in the leg.

"Lighten up foah a change!" 

Joker runs up to Harley and uppercuts her in the cheek.


Harley begins to bleed and cry hardly.

"P-P-Puddin... I j-just wanted tah' m-m-make ya happy..."

Joker gets a gun and shoots Harley in the stomach.


Harley aches with pain.

"Ah' won't- let ya down- again Mistah J..."

"Great, pumpkin!"

Harley watches as Joker leaves.
Charlie is walking through the streets full makeup when he is caught by a cop "Sir let me ssee you,re I.D" He was sick of being treated like a villian "I can,t I need to hide my identity" he replys "Sir I said show me you,re I.D." "No" "Sir you,re under arrest" she says slightly angry "No I can,t go to jail! I have citezens to protect!" (He is a hero) 
the cop becomes very angry "Resisting arrest hey?" she pulls out a taser "Not on my watch pumkin" he replys.He does a backflip kicking the taser out of her hands "I did not want to do this but it is kinda fun to cause some...mayhem" he replys happily.

He kicks her into a wall and pulls his sword to her neck "For the last time I am a hero and you just need to except it cookie" he whispers sternly

"now let me in!" 
He takes her police car and does some research as to what was going on still wearing his Harley themed makeup he then discovered luthor was in the base so he quickly drove over luckily the police had it in the GPS for emergencies.Slowly he walks in the others have not seen or heard him yet.He then saw Harley and really wanted to meet her but then he remembered what he was there for.He hides in a back room.
There he stood in a dark alley, his hand wrapped around a common criminals neck as he held the thug against the wall. His tone cold and harsh as he began to speak. "You should be honored scum." He smirks. "You're my first catch of the night." He tightens his grip as his smirk returns to a blank expression. "therefore you'll be my messenger." He tosses the thug to the wall to his back, walking towards him, watching as the thug scrambled back away from him, fear in his eyes.

"Please!...Please don't kill me!" The thug begged. Damien stood there as the thug cornered himself at the end of the alley. Damien spoke once more, his empty eyes fixed on his target. "Kill you? No" He shook his head as cracked his knuckles. "You're not that lucky." He now stands towering over him, looking into the thugs frightened eyes. "As i said before..." He picks him up and starts punching and beating him. "....You are my messenger!" He repeatedly beats the man until he loses consciousness.

A beat cop catches a glimpse of the scenario and shines his torch into the alley, exposing his deed in the dark to the light. "He looks up from to the wall at his shadow before dropping the thug. He adjusts himself upright as he glimpses over his shoulder, glaring from under his mask. "I...i need back up and an ambulance! I repeat! Back up and an ambulance! The cop shouts loudly into his radio, his voice echoing through the empty streets. Nosy neighbors no peering out their windows to investigate the commotion

. Damien flies off under the cover of darkness as the cop looks away to reach for his gun. Damien lands on a building five blocks away, watching the cop cars fly by towards the scene, ambulance in tow. "This is only the beginning." He flies off once more to a disclosed location,.
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