DC: Help Wanted [Inactive]


Harley falls to the ground.

"It-it wasn't my fault, Puddin'...

I was drivin', and someone threw a bomb at me.." 
Harley starts to cry.

"I just wanna make ya' happy, puddin'... Please don't be angry with me." 
Harley clings onto Joker's leg.

"Puddin, it wasn't my fault..."
"We're going home. Looks like Arrow heads getting back up, we'd better get going" Joker said with a gleeful chuckle

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Casper sighed,

"I guess so, but we can do it, it'll be a piece of cake." She laughed softly walking to the edge of the roof, peering down she stretched her arms up into the air.

"So what do you do when you aren't on... the job?" She asked, peering over her shoulder at him.
"I want to finish planning my biggest scheme yet. Batsy and the super friends will be furious! Hahahaha!"

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"How are your preparations going clown?" asked Talia Al Ghul<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1398055021.528756.jpg.12bd486af86ea5ef467c81a8975791f9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16746" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1398055021.528756.jpg.12bd486af86ea5ef467c81a8975791f9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Catwoman sits in the window opening.

"Mmm... Oh Joker.."<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.2f6e3c2f2afb4859a047e07e761912e3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16747" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.2f6e3c2f2afb4859a047e07e761912e3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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(I was waiting to find someone to play Catwoman. I'm still looking for recruits I'm sorry!)

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(I'd be glad to play another character) 
Harley walks into Joker's room.

"Hiya puddin'...." 
Harley peeks at Joker's plans.

"Whatcha doin', puddin'?"
Sai looked at the symbol at thought it could be a resurrection symbol but only a magic user would know for sure. Sai said " Is there a magic user on staff, only a magic hero would know. But Deadshot could help."
Deathstroke "I don't think deadshot would really know , but I just want to. I know it's terrible of me , but I want to. And doctor fate may know. If he's around. He may be all helmet no man currently , and if so , all I can think is maybe the shazam wizard would know." He wondered if they would ask why he knew all this about them. It was simple : can't kill it without knowing it. He even knew many of their 'secret identities' through one method or another. Some bad. He greatly regretted those days. "Come on , before he eats a cyanide pill. He's like that. Death wish insane. I would've partnered with him if it wasn't for that. I can't trust a partner who doesn't care if he lives or dies"
Deathstroke "then what does it mean? And why didn't they destroy this tower! The first rule in warfare is to destroy command and control. And it would've killed me , your child form billy , the flash , and other that aren't super-human. They just wanted to send a message. It really looks like a black hand. However , I'm not the one to ask when it comes to symbols and magic. Raven of the titans may know. But where she is I don't know. And she wouldn't trust me with going to the grocery store."
"Slade. Luthor had something to do with this. Find him, get some answers" Superman told him

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Deathstroke "understood. If anyone can find him , it's me. And he doesn't know I'm with you now. I'll bring him back if I can , because that lasso of 'truth' could glean more then any of my methods. My only kink is that he doesn't trust me that much , by virtue of the fact I was a mercenary and an assassin." Deathstroke then arms himself and departs in a justice league shuttle. He wondered where luthor would be , because he knew luthor had that power suit armor , and wouldn't have been taken alive. Unless he wasn't alive.
"Go check it out in Gotham, do some investigating, let me know what you hear. I'm going to Metropolis."

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Deathstroke sensed luthor would be in the long abandoned and now overgrown injustice league headquarters... However that is a myth. At least that's what he thought. But then again , he thought that way about resurrection until now , so to the legion of doom fortress it was. It was near slaughter swamp if he remembered the rumored location... 20 minutes passed by the time he got there. He just ended up searching for human energy signals. None. But then again , there must be tech preventing that. So after that he landed. He found the actual headquarters 5 minutes afterward. When he opened the door , it creaked. Didn't he remember this place? No , he was never a core member of the imjustive league. Then again , with all this craziness going on , it may be possible they wiped his mind... When he entered the room , there it was....

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