DC: Help Wanted [Inactive]

"Very well. I'll.." before Superman could finish he was knocked back. Metallo stood before him. "Slade. Some mercenary you are"

Solomon Grundy rose from the shadows, as did Sinestro.

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Deathstroke reacted immediately. He wasn't going to be blackmailed because these 'bad guys' showed up. He instantly fired a great many armor peircing rounds into metallo , before pulling out his infamous blade and trying to cut grundy's head off. But that failed. Of course it did. Maybe instead he could have lantern get sinestro while he tackles metallo "lantern , you ale sinestro. Metallic is mine , and so is Grundy. I won't kill either of them , since robots can't die and Grundy is... Grundy. Where the hell are all the heroes? Send out an alert to the justice league that the watchtower is under attack."
"Back off Slade, the man of steel is mine!" Metallo shouted as he kicked Superman in the ribs as his kryptonite core gleamed

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"Well, Yellow Lantern, time to fight again." Sai remarked.

"Nice Green Thumb" he replied.

The Green fist made a beeline for Sinestro who intercepted with his own fist. Sai detonated his fist shattering Sinestro's Fist. Sai charged through the smoke with a broad sword in hand and swung to decapitate, but Sinestro ducked and countered with the butt of a spear, sending Sai into the roof and back down.
Slade ripped the kryptonite core out , but it hurt him. He then threw It out of a small hole in the watch tower wall and stated "there goes your main weapon. Never , EVER rely on one weapon. WHEN it backfires , you end up with no weapons. Then your vulnerable and weak. Now I'm giving you a chance to surrender and leave , if not , it looks like there may be one less supervillian. Superman may not destroy you , but I will not hesitate." But just then Grundy tackled him yelling something that sounded like "Grundy kill orange and grey man!"
Superman stood and gave Metallo a fierce punch. "Fight them off! I'm going to find Brainiac."

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Deathstroke "with pleasure , superman. When you find brainiac , make sure he doesn't have doomsday lurking around."

He then tore a knife from a sheath on his left shoulder and stabbed Grundy through the head , which would've killed anyone. But this was Grundy , and he just yelled "GRUNDY KILL YOU DEAD!" To which he threw slade into a computer.
Flash leapt to Grundy with rapid punches "What a meat hea... Whoa!" Grundy struck the Flash through a wall.

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Deathstroke muttered something about the flash being all speed no punch then pulled out a strange sub machine gun and emptied the entire 30 rounds of its magazine into Grundy , before saying "EVERYONE HOLD ON!" And opening an airlock , which sucked Grundy out into space , but luckily not anyone else. He then focused on a now re-energized metallo "you could just leave. If I was still a mercenary , I would call you easy money. Without your krytonite , your just an idiotic robot. You can leave , if you want."
Metallo turned and walked away swallowing his pride. Superman flew trying to find Brainiac and was struck by surprise. "Kryptonian this is larger than all of us"

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Deathstroke left to help superman , looking back for a second to make sure lantern still had sinestro. He himself was shocked to find it. It amazed him "superman , I took care of Grundy an metallo. Is there anything I can do to help you here or shall I look for more villains?"
Sai was still locked in battle with Sinestro. Sai was thinking the battle isn't going anywhere. Then he had an idea. He made himself som armor and then a missle laucnher. He fired one giant missile which changed into six medium ones before hittint Sinestro. The hit him from behind and he blown out an airlock. The shutter reformed and closed it.
Deathstroke "on it." He quickly searched the tower , only finding a couple lame villains... Until he found HIM... Deadshot... His main rival in the mercenary business. "Deadshot. You? Here? You join the league or are you just here to kill people?" Deadshot replied "I was here to kill you deathstroke."
Superman battles Brainiac as they ripped through the tower "What's bigger than us Brainiac?"Superman demanded to know. Brainiac responded "Something even more powerful than you"

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Deathstroke quickly sliced through one of deadshot' wrist guns "deadshot , no offense , but , I can heal. I'm stronger. Those guns won't help you much , because guess what? I can tell they aren't loaded. Or at least that one I sliced off wasn't."

Deadshot "damn. You saw through it. I'm not here to kill you like that. I want to kill you your way. With a sword" and then he pulled out a sword. Deathstroke prepared himself , despite the fact good ol' Floyd was TERRIBLE with a sword. He made short work of him , Before saying "enough." And giving him the knockout blow , and meeting with lantern.
Deathstroke "a villain named condiment king and deadshot using a sword. You?" He said , holding his blade. "What about yourself? Anything?" And then thought he heard something. It sounded like something was grumbling and smashing through things "come on , let's send out an alert that all leageurs to the watchtower. I sense there may be more villains in here."
A young boy climbed the stairs of the watchtower seeing Sai and nervously ducking.

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Deathstroke said to the child "it's alright , we're the good guys." Then saying to sai "get this kid to earth , then get back here. I'll continue trying to find more bad guys. There are some that can evade detection , even from the green power ring."
"Me, no. Deadshot has problems, i thought Green Arrow took him out in their last fight.He refuses to die. More villans definitely." Sai said and then turned to see a leg disappear behind something. "It's ok, i'll carry you back to your parents." Sai beckoned the kid.
"This is always embarrassing, don't tell anyone, Superman's the only one that knows" the kid told Sai before shouting "Shazaam!" And transforming<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1398046064.483113.jpg.2842508e79d53c77483f9e1c7a176be1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16736" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1398046064.483113.jpg.2842508e79d53c77483f9e1c7a176be1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Deathstroke wanted to forcibly grab the child , but that would be evil and he just said "I thought I killed deadshot myself lantern. I think since superman came back after doomsday killed him , the door to death has been left open on both ends. Remember that 'black lantern' guy? I suspect he has something to do with it. Anyway , I'm going to search the lower part of this tower. Any remaining villains will be there. Meet me in the watch tower's computer core when you drop off the kid-" then noticed him. "It's captain marvel? Hell , I didn't know you were here. Superman could use your help. Or I could. Or lantern could. I don't know."
Superman walked back through a door, his suit torn. "Brainiac retreated. He talked about something big coming. Bigger than all of us"

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