DC: Help Wanted [Inactive]

"Alright, Shade. You remain here in Metropolis. Pete, you too. Sai, Flash, Chione, come with me, we're taking back the watchtower" Superman said proudly.

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Peter rub his head and looked at Shade. "Well, I guess I'm on back up duty..." He thought to himself. " Could be worse." Peter look at the group leaving for the watchtower.

"At least I'm not alone." He thought as he walked towards Superman.

" What are she and I going to do here?" He said to Superman.
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Shade stood by Peter her expression serious and unreadable. She sighed and folded her arms snugly across her chest. She blinked her pretty ocean blue eyes towards Peter as he spoke then turned to superman.
"Anything that happens here due to the volatile state of things, save the city Smoke, Shade"

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"This city means a lot to me" Superman said with a nod. "I trust you two"

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Harley walks behind Nightwing,

and her goons and Mr. Hammer.

"Oh look, the little birdie's out tah' play."

Harley gets out her hammer.

"Mind if ah' join?"
Chione listened in on superman's plan and agreed with what he had assigned her. "Sounds good to me! When should we get going?" She asked.
Peter looked at her. For the time being, he had a partner in crime. It felt off, most of the time he was a lone wolf. He wasn't use to being in a partnership or a group. He was willing to try it out. He looked at Superman and smile as well to add even more reassurance.
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Casper held a hand out to Peter,

"I'm Mistress Shade, but you can just call me Casper." She introduced herself. She wasn't sure whether or not he knew who she was, but she thought telling him herself was the polite thing to do.
"Hm?" He said as he looked at her hand. " Oh Alright, Casper. Nice to meet you." He shook her hand and made eye contact. " I'm Peter but, my hero name is Exhaust. "
"Harley! I've got a job for you." Joker called out

"In 5" Superman told Chione

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Casper let a soft laugh escape her pale pink lips,

"I know. I've heard of your hero work." She smiled, blinking her blue eyes before she looked back at superman,

"When do you all leave?" She asked curiously.
Superman grabbed the shoulders of Chione, The Flash, and Sai. And transported them to the watchtower

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"Oooooh is it a beam i always wanted to try it" Sai said excited. "To go to Oa i was whisked in a green ball it was very scenic."
Casper blinked as Superman and the others vanished,

"Okayyy, now I guess." She mumbled a bit stunned. She ran a hasty hand through her hair.
Peter turned toward the city and looked out. "We have to guard all this... " He said with a slight groan. "This is going to be tiring." He rubbed his head and thought for a little.
"Geez, no goodbye" Arrow said as he leaned back

The watchtower seemed eerily quiet upon arrival. A figure lay injured on the ground. Superman rushed to him "John!" He shouted

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Deathstroke was at the watchtower , too. He wanted to greet them , but all the things he did before... He at least knew the heroes wouldn't approve. Luckily for him , superman was with them , and superman was forgiving mostly. Batman wasn't , but superman was. He stepped out of the shadows , and just simply said "hello , superman. These are the heroes I'm to be set with? I'm Slade , or deathstroke. I trust you know my reputation, but that is behind me. May I ask your name , kid?" He knew that was stupid. He knew he didn't act like that. But first impressions are important. So he tried to act 'friendly' , and hope they didn't try to kill him.
"Superman. Slade are you responsible for any of this?" Superman asked angrily as Martian Manhunter's writhed in pain. "Brainiac" was all he could say

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Deathstroke "manhunter , if I was here to kill or hurt anyone I would've done it already. I'm here to be a hero. And what is this event you speak of? Sorry... I went incognito too long before I decided to join this 'justice league' which is in fact the first group I've been in. That injustice league and legion of doom business doesn't count." He was wondering if his joining was a test to himself or the other , Lower-tier leaguers. Or both. "I've never worked for brainiac. He or it was always too evil , even for me. No , I mainly worked for luthor. And since he's gone , I gave up the mercenary thing." He also wondered where the hell was the rest of the justice league. Not even a d-list easy money hero like booster gold was here. Then again , he was restricted to this part of the watch tower , so the rest of them may be somewhere else.

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