DC: Help Wanted [Inactive]

The ninja continued to attack her. It was obvious they were well trained.

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"I guess I'd better get going too." Chione shrugged. She wanted to be alone while she was resting. It was only while she was out as a her hero self that she wanted to be around others. Other she could relate to and help.

Suddenly, she looked over and saw a burnt piece of red cloth left behind by someone. There was only one person she knew who would leave that behind. "Not her..." She murmured.
Cole looked around the museum rooftop and saw a door. He walked up tp it picked the lock and walked in. He sneaked through the pathway and looked for anything off.
Nightwing cartwheeled to the right,getting low she slashed at one of the ninja's feet,but spun around to get the others away from her back. Nightwing returned to the other ninja that she had tripped and kicked him sending into the wall.
Chione turned around from where she was as soon as there was a knock on the door. She walked over to the room's door and cautiously opened it to see who wanted her.
A man with dark hair, glasses, and a blue suit awkwardly waved "Chione? I'm Clark Kent, I'm with the Daily Planet, I was wondering if I could get an interview" <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1397709235.626429.jpg.b5f03db3550e48cf0b6a77ae2056fb07.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16462" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1397709235.626429.jpg.b5f03db3550e48cf0b6a77ae2056fb07.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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"So, what made you want to become a hero?" Clark asked as he clumsily sat down.

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Chione sat down across from Clark, "I guess it was because of the powers I got. At first I was afraid of them but once I learned how to control them more I wanted to help people who needed it. And since they're a lot of others like me I wanted to help them fight for a good cause too." She replied.

(Sorry this is the last thing I can post for now. >-<)
"That's great!" Clark said with a big smile. "I have to say, it's great that you do it for that reason"

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"It's not at all. How are you finding Metropolis?" Clark asked politely.

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"Excellent, any closing statesmen or advice for our readers?" Clark asked as his phone began to beep. "Sorry Chione, I have to get going" he said as he rushed to the door in a hurry.

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Flipping over Batman Nightwing used her fans to protect him from the blade of a ninja,"Hello Batman."JB spoke as she did a combo on the ninja cutting him up,but not killing him.
"Who sent you?" Batman asked the fallen ninja. He responded "The demon"

Superman flew next to Sai, "Ready to take it back?"

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Nightwing kicked one of the ninja into a glass case,but it didn't break instead the ninja's neck snapped seemingly killing him,"Uh...The Demon?"She said as the dead ninja popped back up and snapped his head back.
After taking a shower, Peter went the bed and rested not getting any sleep. He took a nap. Later after the nap, he put his costume back on and left the hotel, still wondering what is going on that requires the Justice League to recruit random heroes off the street.

Cole was crouching while going through the museum halls. He stop at a corner when he heard yelling. He peek out his a little trying to see who it is.
"The watchtower" Superman informed him. "Go to the hotel and get the others Sai"

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Harley skips along the Metropolis streets and sees Superman. "Looks like Bat-Brain has a new friend." 
Harley jumps from building to building and smacks Superman with her hammer. "Everyone needs ah' little push, sometimes! HA!"

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