DC: Help Wanted [Inactive]

Edgar roamed Gothams city streets, his hand playing with the random spare change within his jeans pocket. He had been here for only a little but for an odd reason felt as though he had been there his whole life. The natural gloom which spread out around them feeling somehow homely to him. Edgar with his free hand ran his fingers through the front of his white hair as he stepped past an alley way in time to hear a muffled cry for help.

Edgar looked around him quietly, everyone near him un fazed by the sound. So he cautiously being the curious soul he was re traced his steps until he stood in front of the alley way once more. To find a man holding a limp women.

Once the bandit and his other goons caught sight of Edgar they turned around throwing the women over their shoulder before taking off towards the other side of the alley. At this Edgar dashed after them silently yelling for them to stop, his feet pounded on the ground, him nearing them with each step. Until at some point Edgar tackled the man with the women, pinning him onto the ground as the others continued to run. No, he couldn't just let the others free he thought frantically just before he reached out with a hand and called out.

"No! Stop!" When he spoke the ground shook, the edge of the building beside them exploded with the sound of crumbling rocks and shattering windows. The men all flying forward by an invisible force disappearing into the broken buildings debris. Car alarms filled the air with shouts and groans, the women standing up and running off in the other direction. And Edgar just stayed put frozen in the same position on top of the shaking man mumbling,

A thug snuck up behind Edgar with a bat until he suddenly was knocked unconscious. A few thugs standing around him began to panic.

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Edgar heard a thump behind him and turned around without hesitation. His hands balled up in fist while his boney knee dug into the back of the man he still held down. His front teeth digging into his lower lip fiercely to keep himself from saying anything else. Edgar's knuckles where a pale white as he was prepared to take down any others before he would have to take off from the on coming police.
Edgar attempted to look through the debris in search of who held the dark voice but had no luck. He took a small breath before quietly responding his voice shaky as he concentrated on pushing back his powers.

"People call me Poe..." He spoke the nickname he was given back home by his family. Due to being named after Edgar Allan Poe.
Edgar looked back down at the man he was on then set his index finger and thumb onto the mans nerves. With little force he pushed into each one, the mans body going limp. This giving Edgar the chance to stand his hands shaking, not quite sure where to look when he spoke.

"Getting away." He informed the stranger in a small voice.
"From?" The voice asked as a figure emerged from the shadows. Batman.

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Edgar took a step back reaching behind him where his knives where slipped into his black jeans. Such a man had never been seen or heard of all the way in Norway,

"Home." He replied simply, keeping away from using to many words.
"Stay out of trouble, keep safe, and whatever you're reaching for, don't" Batman told him sternly.

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Edgar sighed, and dusted off some of the dirt which covered his coats shoulders. This man interested him though, the figures attitude pushing him to speak more normally though the slight difficulty.

"What would have happened if I grabbed what I was reaching for?" He spoke, a smirk playing on his lips.
Edgar held his hands up in mock surrender,

"Alright then." It seeming as if their conversation is over Edgar saluted the stranger with two fingers before stepping past him. But paused in the middle of the alley a cough rising in his throat, holding up a hand to cover his mouth he let out his small cough. As soon as he did so a box in front of him along with anything else flew forward outside of the alley or shattered.

"Dammit." He mumbled irritably picking up speed, hoping the man wouldn't question him.
Downtown Gotham a robbery was occurring at the Gotham museum the culprit was unknown. (Need my Gotham people!)

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The new female Nightwing crept into the museum,"Yahoo!Are you ready for butts to be kicked!!"She yelled at the assailant.
Cole was on a gargoyle looking at museum after finishing his paper , he went on a Robin run. He saw strange activity in the museum front area and went for a closer look.
He went to the rooftop of the museum and check window. He looked for any movement.
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Nightwing didn't hear a response,"Hmmm...Thermogoggles will do the trick."Taking out a pair of Thermogoggles Nightwing could see the heat of all the things inside of the museum.
Edgar heard approaching sirens, as he strolled down the road. He looked a crossed the street in time to see police cars whizz pass him. His curiosity reached near its peak wishing to know what was happening, so slowly his speed picked up as he ran past people towards the polices destination.
Using the goggles as a shield Nightwing protected herself,then launched herself at the ninjas with a fan ready to be used as a shield and weapon.
Nightwing blocked all of the blade strikes with her fan. It was for battle so breaking wasn't going be easy.

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