DC: Help Wanted [Inactive]

A lead. A distortion, a disruption surrounding the Watchtower. The first one he had really seen.

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Saito hadn't been able to sleep and snuck his way out of the cave to go track down Jon and Vengeance. He had to interrogate the nearest lead, a gang called the Red Viper who had worked with Lex before.

He broke into the warehouse the gang had claimed, sliding past the glass through shadows. Saito silently took down the guards around on the catwalks and slipped his way to the ground level where he reappeared and drew his gun and blade, shooting down a couple of criminals before stabbing the two closest to him.

The gang leader, Erick Dutch, some ambitious kid off the streets, drew a machete of his own and backed up. "Take care of him, boys!", Dutch yelled out. Five gangsters came up armed with knives, whilst in the distance three others took aim with pistols. "Your not getting anything about Lex out of me!"

"Well it's either that or your head rolls around on this cold floor below us"
"Information on Lex, that's precisely what I need" said a voice behind Saito. It was Deathstroke. "Seems he's defaulted on his payment" the men looked more nervous as he approached. They knew how dangerous he was.

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"Deathstroke? Nice to see you...", Saito said, suddenly rushing as he teleported behind a few gangsters, cutting two down and blasting the other two down with a storm of bullets.

"Get the others and the leader, I'm taking out the runners"

Saito began chasing after the fleeing gangsters, cutting them down one by one. He began blocking off the gangsters and chasing them about.

It was just cat and mouse.
"Luthor, where's this shipment he was sending to Gotham?" Deathstroke asked the frightened leader. In the sewers. That's where it was. "Good, I'll be certain to smash whatever it is to bits."

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Viv had accepted the offer for a lift back to her house, chatting up with the butler on the way home. There was no way she would have been able to get to her place with her injuries, at least not without getting noticed.

The car pulled into her dingy apartment and she waved off the butler. "Thanks for all the help, sir," she said before slowly making her way up the stairs. She booted up her laptop. She figured she could do a little reconnaissance in Metropolis, hack into some LexCorp security cameras and see just what was going on behind closed doors there. But first she had to patch herself up which was a huge pain in the ass, but needed to be done. Stripping out of her uniform, she looked at the black and blue bruising forming along her ribs and burn marks from the blast. She bound her ribs with bandages and put some salve on the burns as she sank in front of the computer and sent a comm out to Batman, unsure if he was available to receive it. "Hey, Batman, I'm back in commission," she spoke. "Currently hacking into LexCorp so when you're in Metropolis you should have an extra pair of eyes and ears watching out for you."
"Good, I'm on my way to Metropolis now" Batman told her as he set off in the batwing

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"Good luck, B" she said over the comm. "I'm looking into Lex Corp's security cameras to see if I can gain any intel. I'll update you on any info," she commented as she applied ice to her ribs and scanned her computer.
Batman finally arrived in Metropolis as he infiltrated Lex Corp. He climbed to the top floor and found Lex sitting behind his desk. "I know that you know where they are Lex" Batman growled. "Breaking and entering Batman, how rude of you" Lex said coyly.

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"Talk Luthor! I saw the disruption at the watchtower! What're you planning!" Batman shouted as he grabbed Luthor by the collar. "Let me tell you, Brainiac put them where they are now. I've supplied an insurrection in 3 minutes the inmates of Blackgate will be breaking out and giving Gotham hell. I have my own plans here. Where will Superman be? Where will Batman be? The public will eat from my palm" Luthor said as Batman realized the gravity of the situation.

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Casper got her coffee and sat down, pulling open her apple laptop she turned it on, waiting for it to wake up. She tapped her finger lightly against the table, raising her coffee to her lips, blowing softly before she took a sip.

Pulling out her phone she plugged in her head phones and played music, blocking out the outside sounds as she scrolled through the news page.

Her ocean blue eyes reflected the light from the screen, her eyebrows furrowed slightly, she took another sip.
Batman struck Lex as he told him "Batman if you try to leave this building, I'm unleashing Doomsday on Metropolis". Even Batman was nervous, he wasn't prepared for Doomsday. He sent an alert to Oracle as she quickly called Casper.

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Casper heard her music get interrupted with a call, she picked it up,

"Hello?" She spoke calmly though she had a bad feeling.
"It's me, Oracle, we've got a situation Casper. Breakouts in Blackgate and Arkham, Gordon should be able to keep them from getting here but I don't know how long. Batman's stuck in Metropolis. This is bad. 4,000 inmates in total have taken over the islands." Oracle said panicked.

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Casper began packing her stuff up as she spoke and climbed up to an abandoned roof, changing quickly all in the time the oracle was talking. She put her mask of and ran a hand through her head,

"I'll inform the others of our situation, do you think you can send me a car, or a helicopter. I'll go and help him." She stated seriously.
"Be careful, I'll send the car" Oracle told her as the Batmobile pulled up beside the building.

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Mistress Shade got herself down from the building in a few, expert jumps, landing lightly on her feet she ducked into the car and shut the door,

"I will." With that she hung up the phone and sent out a group message to all the supers in the area explaining the situation,

'Batman is trapped in the metropolis. Help is needed.' She hoped they would get it before it was too late. She glanced anxiously out of the tinted car window.
The car took off on its own to the shipyard were Gordon and all of his men stood. Gordon was pacing, barking orders on the radio.

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Mistress Shade stepped out of the car walking up to Gorden, her chin raised pridefully,

"Where is he, where is batman?" She had little patience at the moment and was eager to get to batmans side. Her gaze darked, conveying her icy seriousness.
"I was going to ask you. This is a disaster. We've gotta get in there. They're armed, and dangerous, we're outmanned we have to do something" Gordon said anxiously. Batman called Shade "I'm in metropolis, how long can you hold out and home. I need someone to get the transporter from the cave, it's urgent."

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Shade shoved past Gorden walking towards the metropolis, peering up at it, holding the phone to her ear,

"I can hold them off if you go, I don't know for how long, just make it quick. Unless you want me to go get it for you, but you've been in there for so long batman, you need a break. Is it even possible for you to come out?" She asked anxiously, running her hand through her hair and biting her lower lip in a nervous habit.
"I'll be back in Gotham, if I can be back there as soon as possible. Someone needs to get to the watchtower, we need the league back." Batman said as Luthor walked towards the edge of the building on to a helicopter. A crash was heard from the bottom of LexCorp towers. Doomsday. Batman leapt down knowing this villain could very well kill him, and destroy Metropolis. "Protect Gotham, get to the watchtower or send someone, this is an emergency."<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1396930509.945524.jpg.3be3541875700e111dc4078fb85274bf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15917" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1396930509.945524.jpg.3be3541875700e111dc4078fb85274bf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Mistress Shade jumped at the sound of crashes, she took a few step back and nodded slowly,

"Okay... alright I'll do my best." She mumbled surprised at how confident she sounded even though her heart was beating so loudly in her chest, and she was scared. She swallowed hard as if she were forcing all those feelings of doubt bubbling up into her throat making it hard for her to breath.

"I'll buy you as much time as I can, just get done what you need to." She reassured him before ending the call and took off towards the watch tower, the earth almost seemed to rattle against all the crashes.
Batman was immediately grabbed by Doomsday and thrown through a building. He crawled from the rubble as he ran to him and set explosives on his back and detonated them, cracking his spikes as he rushed Batman again.

The watchtower was silent. Empty. Nothing could be heard throughout. Except for a voice, "So you've come to save your heroes?"<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1396931075.528037.jpg.d0912ed2a3cf052b5685181b92d053fe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15918" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1396931075.528037.jpg.d0912ed2a3cf052b5685181b92d053fe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


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Shade looked around for the source of the voice, her body tense ready for action if anyone tried anything. Her feet made a soft echoing sound as she walked through the entrance, gazing around the place with wide blue eyes, it had been a while since... her thoughts trailed off, it wasn't the time to think about the past.

"What is it to you?" She called back in a challenging tone.

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