DC: Help Wanted [Inactive]

Shade prayed that it worked, she wasn't very religious, but in times like these... she awaited Oracles next instructions or update.
"It's him" she said. "Yes! We did it! We did it! We did it!" She yelled excitedly. Batman was suddenly dropped into the cave as a red blur escaped. Batman laid injured on the medical table as Oracle's joy turned to worry "Bruce!" she shouted, forgetting Shade didn't know. "Quick help him! I'll call Alfred down"

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Shade was transported and her lips pulled into a wide smile at the sight of batman... er Bruce... wait the bruce? She thought her eyes widening before she slowly nodded moving to Bruce's side she placed her small hand into his,

"Bruce? Can you hear me?" She asked nervously, before pulling his mask off ever so carefully, her blue eyes searching his face, she checked the damage done to it, hoping this alfred guy would know what to do.

"Hang in there... please." She mumbled.
"Master Wayne!" Alfred shouted as he started taking care of the wound. "Stitch it fast Alfred, there's still Blackgate and Arkham, there are prisoners running loose still, I have to show them they haven't won" Bruce said as Alfred began stitching his shoulder. "Master Wayne, you can't!". "I will" he growled.

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Shade took a step back allowing Alfred to do his thing, She shook her head, her eyebrows furrowed,

"Bruce, please rest." She understood his want for justice, but it would get him know where if he ends up dying. She didn't want him to take that risk.
"I'm not letting you go after him..." He said thinking of the most dangerous man he knew, who happened to be orchestrating the riot. There he was on the tv. "Hey Gotham! I know you're all wanting to see the Justice Friends in Metropolis, but I'm here and we're about ready to kill everyone without a felony on their criminal record on this island. Hahahaha! I know you're under the weather, but I'll make it happen if I don't get to see my precious Batsy!" It was Joker.

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Shade moved towards the door, she would go after Joker,

"You can't Bruce." She told him harshly, beginning to make her way out of the cave, she was stronger than him at this point. She knew she had little to no chance against Joker, but it was either her or Bruce, and she had made up her mind.
"Wait. Shade, I'm going, you're coming with me" Batman told her.

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Shade looked over her shoulder at him,

"You're hurt, very badly." She informed him, in other words saying, 'you are a reckless idiot, and you're going to get yourself killed.' she continued walking towards the exit, her hair swishing against her slim back.
He put his mask back on as he stood beside her "I've been through worse. Come on, we've got work to do, together" Batman said as he walked towards, and into the batmobile "Get in"

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Shade accepted that there was no persuading him, and she exhaled an exaggerated sigh,

"Fine." She stated bluntly,

"But if you die, I get to write I told you so on your grave stone." She teased him, gazing at him with her sharp, blue eyes before getting to the car, leaning back in her seat.
"Don't be too excited" Batman said as he took off. He flew above Arkham and landed outside as guards, and cops fought inmates. "I'll send a distress signal if I need help, save these officers!" He shouted as he shot his grapnel gun into the building and flew up. A few of the inmates surrounded Shade. Killer Croc shoved them aside "You're with the bat! I'm gonna eat you alive"<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1396938080.482527.jpg.e29db0a84f86bb981416390f1f90fa57.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15928" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1396938080.482527.jpg.e29db0a84f86bb981416390f1f90fa57.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Shade let a soft, honey glaze laugh slip effortlessly from her lips at his sarcasm, before she quieted down, her facial expression becoming more serious. She got out of the batmobil forming a mace in her hand, clasping the handle firmly, she gazed up at Killer Croc, her nose wrinkling with disgust.

"I'd like to see you try." She growled swing her spiked mace towards him she hit him squarely in his scaly gut before leaning up onto his shoulder digging the spikes into him before landing in back of him, rolling her small shoulder back in a warm up stretch. She moved towards the cops, kick inmates out of the way, doing her best to dodge them and keep an eye on Killer croc.
Croc roared as he rushed towards her. Two face was standing atop a van firing on the guards, Scarecrow was spraying whoever got in his way with fear toxin, it was chaos.

Batman climbed up and into the wardens office seeing Joker as he kicked in the door, only to be struck by a crowbar by Harley Quinn. "Gotcha B-Man!" <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1396938772.904684.jpg.40e6a0748f9663f0a309164d25202634.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15929" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1396938772.904684.jpg.40e6a0748f9663f0a309164d25202634.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Shade ducked under the killer croc, running the spikes of her mace into his leg as she passed, trying to dodge the many many predators that surrounded her. She reached the officers, standing infront of them, she swung her mace across the near by inmates, daring them to come closer. She would protect the innocent lives the best she could.
Batman stood up throwing Harley to the side as he stumbled towards Joker. "This is over" he told Joker between gritted teeth. "Fun's only beginning Bats!" Joker said as he struck the wound on Batmans shoulder lunging at him with a knife. The two began fighting as Joker used every dirty trick he knew.

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Cole just saw the most action he ever saw in his life. Deathstroke appeared, his car blew up, and the bat family had a moment with each other. "Am I ready for this "he thought as he walked to the bus stop. "I am not sure if this is for me." He contemplated about this for a few minutes but than a group of a thugs showed up.

"Kid, You are in the wrong area" said the leader.

"Huh?" Cole looked around seeing he was in. Crime Alley. "Dammit.. Guys, I don't want trouble."

" Sorry. Can't help you there." The man went in for a punch. Cole grabbed his hand and flipped him. He pinned him down.

"Anyone else?" Cole said with a stern look on his face. The other thugs attacked him. Cole sighed and took cared of them without a sweat. Most people would have just ran or did whatever they said. Cole isn't most people. He liked being different and making a difference. Sure he froze up earlier but he was going to let that stop him.

Cole pull out his notebook that he carries and look through it.

"Wait... Wayne?" He said with awe. He ran out the alley way and stole a person's bike. He rode it to Wayne manor. He snuck in to the house knowing Batman is probably somewhere else. As he made his way through the house he found portraits, busts, and albums about Bruce's family. Piecing it ,he figure that the death of his parent caused him to become Batman. Cole made to a room where a clock was by itself on a empty wall. It seem suspicious. He played with the clock for a little bit actually activating a trigger which made it move showing a secret passage. He walked down the stairs leading to the cave there he saw Oracle. He walked closer while looking at the monitor.
"Okay?" Oracle says suspiciously. "Look, I'm not sure who you are, I'm a little impressed you got in here" she told him as she quickly turned her attention to the screen. "Come on Batman, stay with me" she said nervously.

Batman was winning his fight against Joker until Quinn snuck up from behind, and smashed him in the back with a mallet. Hurt from earlier Batman could hardly stand as Joker kicked him, chuckling as he did. It could all be seen on the monitor in the batcave where Oracle sat.

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(Sorry,yall are really going at it!)

Robin swung in,"Back you acidic clowns!"JB said jumping down throwing a few batarangs at Harley.
Batman hit Joker with an uppercut in that moment and gained the upper hand again.

"Ouch! That wasn't very nice bird brain!" Harley said as she pulled out her bazooka.

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Robin jumped down pulling out a whip,"I fly above you,whore clown!"JB used the whip with flawlessness as her whip whirled around her body and flew across the room.Lashing at the villain Robin aimed to hit Harley so she would drop the bazooka before she fired.
Cole looked at the monitor. " Prison break?" He walked right next to Oracle. " My name is Cole Kyles and I've been tracking Batman for months and now that I'm in the Batman cave I am going to get a Robin suit and help out the Bat family. Any Questions?"
(Choreograph a Harley, Robin fight JB lol)

Joker was laughing as Batman was pummeling him. He thought it was a game. Joker finally grabbed Batman, driving a knife into his side "And the Joker, even carved the roast bat. Hahaha!"

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