DC: Help Wanted [Inactive]

The prisoners at Blackgate were fighting the guards tearing things apart as they saw Batgirl they surrounded her. Eager to take her out.

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Batgirl began attacking the prisoners, knocking them out in order for the guards to come down and imprison the ones who were out of capacity. Luckily the big bads have yet to come out and these prisoners she could handle.

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"We've got bigger things to deal with, like Croc" Batman told them sternly as he looked down seeing him rampage.

The criminals went down one by one, still hoping to take out Batgirl.

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"Wow... Only been a Robin for fifteens minutes and another hero already hates me" Cole said rubbing his head. He check his belt to see what type of weapon he has. " A staff?" He pulled it. He examined it. "It's detachable." He said as he breaks it in to two batons.

Cole scan the area and saw Killer Croc. " He is pretty big." He said as he started sprinting towards Croc. He had light foot steps so, he couldn't hear him.
Croc continued roaring and smashing what he could, challenging the guards and inmates as Batman leapt in front of him as he saw Cole preparing a sneak attack. "I could smell you coming Batman, now you're mine!"

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JB thought about Croc's body type for a while.

Hmmm...He isn't as strong as Bane...so maybe we could...GOT IT!

JB pulled out two daggers with the Batman theme on them.Using the area to her advantage,Jb hopped and flipped around,while keeping up with Cole,but she made sure to make as little as sound as she could.Coming from the right JB rushed as Croc,ready to slash his body,but not sure if he is gonna get to her before she got to him.
Croc turned grabbing her "I thought I heard a little birdy!" He shouted, Batman leapt onto his chest, striking him in the face, until he dropped her and grabbed Batman. Batman struggled to keep away from the jaws of Croc.

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"Oh Shi-" He said as he was caught off guard.He didn't think JB would get caught. His old plan to jump on Croc back became impossible so, made a new one. He slide under Croc with the batons reached out to the side and trip the big behemoth.
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Croc toppled over as Batman rolled to his feet. Batman fired a cable from his batclaw into weak wall behind Croc and began pulling with all of his might. The wall crumbled as Croc was buried underneath, unable to fight.

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JB was dropped on the ground roughly,knocking the wind out of her,but before she was knocked down she made sure to throw a few stick bombs in his mouth.Rolling out of the way she detonate the bombs,just as Cole came through,"Teamwork!But still too many Robins.I guess I'll go by Nightwing now.Or better yet Nightinggale!"JB chuckled as she got up off the ground,ready for the next Suped-up villain.
Cole chuckled. The other Robin seemed kinda hot head but a pretty cool person.

" I think Nightingale sounds better." He said replying to her comment.

Cole was ready for the next boss. He felt like he was playing a video game and he leveled up every time he defeated a villain.
Batman stood up, his suit torn, standing in his combat stance. Still injured from all of the battles as the inmates surrounded them. Suddenly a crowd of inmates went airborne as they began to scatter, back up had arrived. Wonder Woman.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1396995290.828993.jpg.e1fae00efbad175b90c28e86fe68a34b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15953" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1396995290.828993.jpg.e1fae00efbad175b90c28e86fe68a34b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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"Was not expecting Wonder Woman to show up" Cole looked at her curiously wondering why she was here.
The inmates began complying knowing they couldn't win as a familiar face rounded them up with the guards. Green Arrow. "I feel like a cowboy" he said jokingly as he wrangled the inmates back into Arkham.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1396996495.982689.jpg.ffe94fe9cc41e8c6b6a665285487c757.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15955" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1396996495.982689.jpg.ffe94fe9cc41e8c6b6a665285487c757.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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"Is the who Justice League going to show when we already defeat the important guys?" He says as he walks towards the motorcycle.
"Not so fast" Batman said, "You're coming with me, we need to talk" he told him as the batwing hovered.

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JB walked over to the motorcycle,"Hey!This one is mine!Oracle has a lot of explaining to do!"She screamed hopping on it,going back to the cave.
Batman flew them back to the cave as he stumbled to the operation table. "Master Wayne, I see you need restitching" Alfred said as he saw Cole, his eyes widened. "Another ward?" He asked as Batman took off his mask. "How did you get in here? Who are you?" He asked sternly.

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Cole got out the batwing. He took off the domino mask. " I am Cole Kyles. The teenage boy from the hotel and the alley." He said with a confident voice . He held out his hand for a handshake. " Nice to meet you ,Mister Wayne."
Bruce reached out and shook his hand. "You weren't too bad out there, but you'll need to be more careful. What's your story?"

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"I live with my mother and my step family. I have a high grades also, I practice four martial arts ,mostly Boxing. I am pretty decent hacker and detective. That is how I found this place. I saw you one night fighting Killer Croc and I made it my life's goal to better than you by being trained by the best, which is you. I want to up hold justice. Mostly because my real dad was kill in crime alley. The case was never solved." Cole look him in the eye. " That is my story."
"You're going to play by my rules, understand?" Bruce said in a stern tone.

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"You're going to train until I can get back out there, then the real work starts" Batman said as he looked over to the monitor seeing what was going on in Metropolis. "Superman is Back" said the headline.

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