DC: Help Wanted [Inactive]

Mistress Shade cried out in pain as and inmate got her in the side with a knife. She stumbled away, realizing that wonder woman and green lantern had shown up, and just when they were needed most too. She teleported back to batmans cave, collapsing on the ground just outside, she placed a hand on the knife in her side before she swiftly pulled it out, grimacing in pain, sitting up slowly she held her side, trying to stop the blood.

"Shit." She growled under her breath.
"My word!" Alfred shouted as he helped her up. "I'll patch you up immediately, hold still"

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Shade tore the fabric off around her waist, revealing more of the wound,

"Good lord this hurts." She shook slightly, pulling her mask off her face, her black hair falling around her pretty features which at this point were expressing pain and annoyance.
"Just remained relaxed Madame" Alfred said calmly as he cleaned the wound.

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"Easier said than done." Shade muttered in a bitter tone, wincing as he killed her wound, Her ocean blue eyes cast down to her own side before she looked away in disgust, trying to find something to look at.
He began stitching the wound as Batman sat at his computer silently. "Oracle" he said as she wheeled to him. "You can go home for tonight"

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Casper put her hands behind her head turning her gaze towards the ceiling,

"So batman, that fact that wonder woman and Green latern showed up. That's a good sign right?" She asked, waiting for Alfred to finish up.
"Very. The Justice League is back, and you're looking at a membership" Batman said as he stared at the screen. "Even the big guy is in Metropolis, I'm sure he'll want to talk to you"

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Casper felt her lips tug into a wide smile,

"Really? That's great-" She was cut off by alfred's stitching, biting her lower lip to keep herself from pulling away.
"I'll have my hands full here. They'll need help cleaning out the watchtower I imagine." Bruce told her, while Alfred finished seeing the wound and began bandaging it. "Need anything else Madame? Dinner perhaps?"

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Casper could help but chuckle softly,

"Can you ever just sit still for a bit?" She asked, arching an eyebrow as his gaze remained on the computer screen, almost as if he was avoiding looking at her, or maybe he was just zoning out. She turned towards Alfred,

"Thank you very much, If you have time to make dinner, I don't want to be a burden or anything..." She trailed off, she was quite hungry.

"Oh you don't happen to have a change of clothes do you?" She asked. Her suit was torn along her collar bones, legs, and waist, and it was rather uncomfortable.
"I should be able to find something, and no Madame, despite my protest he can not" Alfred said as he left to make her dinner.

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Casper laughed softly,

"Thank you." She wondered who's clothes she would have to wear. With a small sigh she pulled up a chair to sit beside Bruce,

"What if I asked you to rest for a little... would you?" She asked with a small smile, batting her long eyelashes teasingly.
"I'm going to recover from today, but then I'm back out" Bruce told her, his eyes not leaving the screen.

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Smoke appears in the Bat Cave right next to Bruce opposite of Casper. The smoke take human form. Peter.

"Huh ... Who are you?" said Cole fumbling to put his mask back on.

"I already know who you are kid," said Peter said. " You left your note book in crime alley"

" oh.." Cole said embarrassed."How did you get here though?"

"Read the notebook" said Peter. " Now Bruce, I have apprehended some of the criminals who escaped Blackgate that went to the city and I have a question for you about all this."
"This isn't a social club" Bruce said grumpily. "Ask your question"

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Casper gave Peter an apologetic look for Bruce's sarcasm, he had yet to turn his gaze away from the screen which made her wonder if she had something on her face. She peered around Peter and Bruce looking at Carl, recognizing him from the fight with the gang members, but he probably didn't recognize her without her mask on, hoped alfred would return with a change of clothes, she was feeling rather exposed at the moment.
"Madame I have some of J.. Uhm.. Robins clothes, I also made fish. Master Wayne, I'll leave yours here." Alfred saw Peter and gave him a bow "A full house, I can see how thrilled Master Bruce is, would you like dinner as well?"

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" Not here to socialize sir." said Peter. " Why is it that even though all the heroes were gone in others cities but they were functional but when it came to Gotham chaos spread at a rapid rate even with you still here? Can you answer me that?"
JB finally rolled in with her mototcycle,"I'm gonna heal Oracle,then break her back again!How dare she just give my motorcycle out to anyone!"JB pulled off her masked as she looked at the guy who appeared out of the mist or smoke,what ever it was.
Casper smiled gratefully, taking both items from alfred, and set the plate of fish on the desk beside her, it looked amazing, she thought with a small smile,

"Thank you... er-" She paused,

"Where can I change?" She asked tracing her finger along the soft fabric of the clothes.
"Upstairs" Alfred told her. "We just happen to have a few masterminds in Gotham, and I had help with you guys. You should talk to him to Peter" Bruce said referring to Superman.

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"Hey? He brought it back in once piece JB, and it looks like he's part of the crew now" Oracle told her with a shrug.

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"Alright, Thank you for the information" Peter said as he walked toward Cole and hand him his book.
Bruce stared at the computer, typing and gathering info "Peter, go to Metropolis"

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