DC: Help Wanted [Inactive]

"I'll go." Casper mumbled, and turned on her heel, walking back up stairs coming back down a few minutes later, back in her blood stained and ripped suit. She held her mask in her hand and brushed past Jb and Batman, standing in front of Cole, her ocean blue eyes boldly meeting his,

"Ready?" She asked pulling her mask over her face and walked towards the exit. Her body was aching all over, but it didn't hurt as bad as before, thanks to JB. It was risky, but she could handle it...
"Be careful" Batman simply said.

A red blur passed on the ground yelling up to Sai "Hey! Having fun?" It was the Flash.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1397007534.450622.jpg.51e496accf4c38871574e220e6278056.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15962" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1397007534.450622.jpg.51e496accf4c38871574e220e6278056.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Shade didn't reply, turning to look over her shoulder, her cold eyes conveying she would not be. Fighting was never, careful. She took off into a sprint down the street, wincing slightly as she forced her sore body onwards, leaping she grasped a balcony on the side of a building, pulling herself up one leap and climb at a time, not waiting for Cole, she expected him to follow.
"Uh.. yeah." He says as he put his domino mask back on. " I'm ready."

He follows her down the street and use a grappling hook to get to the balcony. He than followed her lead , leaping and climbing the building.
"JB, we've got a lot of work to do" Bruce told her as he stood from his chair. "I'm going to change, I'll be back"

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Shade leapt from building to building before she slowed her pace, her wounds were already starting to open up again but she did her best not to think about that,

"What direction?" She asked him with a tilt of her head, her black hair swirled around her face in answer to the breeze that brushed past her.
Batman received a distress signal while upstairs, he contacted Robin "Cole, Freeze has made a move at Wayne enterprise. Be cautious"

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Sai inverted his plane to get a look at the man below and said "No not really." He reared his jet and crashed it straight into Sinestro jet while ejecting. He landed next to the Flash and said "Hey your the Flash. I'm the new Green Lantern." Sai said.

Sinestro emerged and landed on the ground causing cracks in the road.
"Good to meet you kid, you're good. Jokes could use work" Flash said with a shrug. "Supes took care of Doomsday and should be back any second"

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Cole kept the same paste with her. He thought this was awesome ,jumping building to building was something he never did before. Cole right than got a message from Batman.

" Alright." He said to Batman. He turned to Shade and said "Wayne Enterprise. Mr. Freeze is over there"
Shade nodded curtly, giving cole a reassuring smiled before sprinting away, leaping from the roof she grasped a railing on the wall then swung herself down, landing lightly on her feet, she looked up at Cole before taking off again, skidding to a halt as they reached their destination, looking around for Mr. Freeze.
A window leading into the building was shattered. A few crooks stood outside.

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Chione arrived at the city of Gotham moments ago. She had heard about a breakout at Blackgate but things seemed to have calmed down now. She scanned the city for any signs of other danger she could put a stop to. Being Chione made her feel excited. It was much better than being Catherine where she had to hide everything about herself. Suddenly, nearby she could hear a window shatter. She quickly followed after the sound to see what criminal it was.
Freeze stood inside the applied sciences section of Wayne Enterprises, holding Lucius Fox at gunpoint.

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As they made to their Wayne Enterprise , Cole look at Shade. " You alright? I can do this on my own if you are too injured" he said with a concerned look.
"Cole, he's dangerous. You aren't going in there alone" Bruce commanded as he put on a robe after exiting the shower and heading down to the cave.

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Speaking into the communication device,"She is still injured and there is no way you,a novice,could take down freeze"JB explained.
"I'm going out there" Bruce said as he stood, still battered from early battles that day.

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"Well they make me laugh" he said

Sinestro pumped his first and a bolt of energy shot at Sai who use his own energy and placed it in a bubble then fired back. A second blasts of yellow went straight for Flash.
" Understood. Batman. Nightwing." Cole said as he examine the area. He jumped down off the roof attacking the goons outside quietly so Freeze won't hear.
Bruce put on his still torn suit as he hopped in the car. "I'll be back" he told them as Oracle shouted after him. "Bruce! Don't!"

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"I'm good." Shade reassured him with a smile,

"C'mon." She gestured with a flick of her hand for Cole to follow her and she snuck around the building, staying hidden from the view of the villain they were up against.

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