DC: Help Wanted [Inactive]

Freeze found the files he wanted as he put the information in his suit. "And now Fox, I have what I want." Freeze said as he walked out of the door, approaching a van with several goons stealing various equipment.

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Before he could reach the van Shade raced out, tazering him in the side before kicking him with a swift blow to the gut and well as a punch to the face and the throat so he couldn't breath.

"Switch." She called out behind her, wanting to see how Cole fought.
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Freeze stumbled back "You will not interfere with my plans. Stand aside hero"

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Chione came across the van where another hero had already taken action on who was responsible. Quickly, she ran up to the other girl. "Here I think I can help." She said.
"Another one, you too are destined to fail" Freeze said as he fired his freeze gun at Chione

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"Uh Shade.... He doesn't look phased" said Cole. Cole thought of a plan. He threw a smoke bomb and went behind Freeze. He planted a small charger on his back. He jumped for cover as he activate the charger blowing up Freeze's ice supply on his back.
Freeze fell as he climbed back to his feet "Hasn't the bat told you my suit won't be destroyed by your ballistics." there were at least 25 thugs with him and they had their eyes on Robin, closing in on him. "Robin, I'm on my way" Batman said gritting his teeth.

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"Ice?" Chione's blood veins began to freeze up before she could use her ice powers.

Quickly, she took the blast and stopped it right before it could hit her. "Two can play that game!"
Cole went into a fighting stance. "Note taken Freeze." he said to Freeze.

He got ready to stall for time. " First, take out the goons then Freeze" He said to himself as he started combated with the goons. He would got in a few good hit but there was a lot of them. He takes out six before two of them grab him from behind and the others take turns punching and kicking him.
Shade watched Cole a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips, he was good. She hadn't realized his suit was so strong, pursing her lips in thought she leapt on the car and peered around before smirking, she got an idea. Forming a bomb into her hand she leapt over Mr. Freeze, sticking the bomb to his back in a spot his suit wouldn't allow him to grab, she sprang away climbing to the roof within a few second, the bomb counted down 3,2,1 and then it exploded, she grinned wondering how much damage that caused, if any.
Freeze was blown back, his suit noticeably damaged as he rose angrily. "I will end you for that"

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Shade peered down at him from ontop of the roof, perfect! It worked! She grinned mischievously, batting her eyelashes in a taunt, coaxing him to try and get to her. With that bulky suit she would be surprised if he could climb, maybe he could fly or something. She prepared a second bomb, making it visibly obvious to the villain,

"Come in get it."
Shade felt her feet stick to the ground and she grunted in annoyance, but slipped out of the ice.

"No you are a fool, I can slip through solids, do you research Mr. Freeze." She smirked and sunk through the roof of the building, disappearing from his sight.
"You're all fools. Stay out of my way" Freeze commanded as Batman leapt from the roof. "Freeze. What do you want?"

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If Cole was a regular person he would have given up but he isn't. He kicked a goon in front of him and headbutted one of the guys holding him than punch the other goon holding him in the face. Cole spits out a little blood. He tackle a goon and pull out his batons. He beat the rest of the goons up with miner injuries.

"Okay, next step. Freeze" he said forming a new plan.
"You know what I want Batman" Freeze told him. "Victor there are other ways" Batman pleaded

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Shade walked out of the wall, attacking a goon that was coming after Cole from behind, grabbing him she swung him around, letting him go into the wall with a loud thud. She brushed past Cole and into the wall of a nearby building, disappearing again.
"Stand aside Bat" Freeze said as he fired at Batman as he rolled out of the way throwing batarangs. His body was sore. The pain was immense.

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Cole threw three chargers in one hand and three batarangs in the other. He aim the one charge at Freeze's head to crack the dome protecting his head and three batarangs to crack the dome open. He threw one charge at Freeze to push him close to the van and the last charge at the van blowing up Freeze in the car explosion.
Batman grabbed Freeze and began striking where the mask was cracked as dispatch arrived. Batman eventually broke the visor as Freeze lay gasping. The officers took him and his men away as Batman leaned on the batmobile for support crawling in.

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