DC: Help Wanted [Inactive]

"What's up?Are you OK?"Joseline feared that it was something wrong with him,instead of how he felt about things.
Casper pushed herself painfully out of the seat and head up the stairs, changing in what seemed to be a spare bedroom. She pulled off her suit, looking at herself in the mirror, a few purplish blue bruised had began to form on her pale skin, she touched the bandage around her waist, wincing slightly. Turning on the water in the sink she washed her face, scrubbing off the smudges of dirt before she dried it off.
"You two will be working together, Dick has retired, Tim has taken over at Bloodhaven, JB, you're going by Nightwing now." Bruce told her.

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"Sure,no probably,and I'm guessing I'm gonna train him?"Joseline finally pulled off her mask revealing her face.Pulling her hair over her shoulder,she looked at Batman,then over at Cole,and smiled.JB Turned to Oracle,"I'm still gonna hurt you!"She joked.
"You can help if you'd like. If it helps you with your training" Bruce told her as he watched things play out in Metropolis.

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Flying towards Metropolis while making puns was Green Lantern Lucero. He was so amped up today hearing about a powerful villan in Metropolis that hasn't been beaten by Superman yet.Yes his first real fight and he was so excited. Then he noticed another more noticable energy in which his ring seemed aggitated by closing in. "It's like it has a will of it's own" he punned.

"Make all the puns you want." said a voice

Sai was struck from behind which sent him falling but he anticipated the next attack and created a forcefield to guard his back he heard the thud of something hitting it. He turned and punned "It's hammer time" and a giant hammer slammed on the enemy's bacm sending him in a downward spiral but he quickly righted himself and glared at Sai an d said "A green lantern huh, well i'm a yellow so you must fall." Sai rocketed closer and just into Metropolis's city limits and then seeing the Yellow was following him made his trap as seen in one of his dad's novels. He made a spider web with his power and the yellow hit it but went through and tackled Sai. Sai shoved him off and hit the ground hard but stood up and remade his stance.
Casper pulled the gray shirt over her head and skinny jeans on, they were a bit tight, but it didn't really matter, at least they were plenty long enough. She stared at herself in the mirror with a soft sigh before she exited the room, walking back down stairs up to the group. Her ocean blue eyes ghosted over each individual.
"Well this is going to be awesome" Cole said with joy to himself. " Can't wait to see what will happen next."

Cole looked at JB without her mask. She looked different than what he she would look like.

He looked back at Bruce to see if he had anything else to say to him.
"I'll still be looking into this situation involving the disappearance, I'll need both of your help while I'm doing that" Bruce said still glued to the screen.

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Casper walked up beside Batman, her barefeet making a soft pit pat sound as she walked along the cold floor. She followed her arms across her chest and peered over at Cole and Jb, offering them a small, smile.
Casper peered over at cole, blinking her wide ocean blue eyes before nodding,

"That's right." She grinned,

"I'm Mistress Shade." pointing to herself a honey glazed laugh rolled smoothly from her pale pink lips.

"I'm surprised you recognized me." She added, tilting her head to the side, midnight black hair spilling over her small shoulders.
JB noticed Casper's side and placed her hand on it,"Hold still. "She demanded as she started to concentrate. The stab wound began to heal,but JB could only regress how deep it was.
"Jesus." Casper snapped in pain as JB placed a hand on her injury, it wasn't until moments after that she realized she was helping her. She smiled wearily trying her best to hold still despite the pain,

"Thanks." She mumbled gratefully.
Sai and his opponent Yellow he decided to nickname him had a staring contest like a mexican standoff. Sai was done waiting he formed a missile launcher construct and fired at the Yellow who surpised took the full force of the attack and reeled back. Sai closed the distance and punched him in the face, but he took a kick to the chin in retaliation. But Sai wasn't done he snapped a chain to Yellow and flung him into a skyscraper and follow up by kicking him through it. A giant sword construct of yellow energy came slicing down on Sai who caught with the sword catching technique. "Wow greenie you must be fearless todo something lik e that" Yellow remarked. "You can call me Sinestro." The sword exploding knocking Sai back who replied "Your not the real Sinestro though."

"You sure talk too much"

Sai took the chance and summoned two longswords and slashed at Sinestro who blocked with two swords of his own.
The battle raged outside of Metropolis, it couldn't even be seen by cameras. The man of steel was back and fighting Doomsday. Bruce raised an eyebrow as he saw the lanterns fighting. "Strange, that's not Hal"

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Cole walked up the monitor. He looked at all the information that is there then He look at Wayne.

" Bruce, There are still villains around the city. So, Will you allow me to go out on a night run?" Cole said.
"Feel like taking him out JB?" Bruce asked, he wasn't going to let him go alone.

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"I can supervise but I can't participate. I think I used to much energy healing,maybe Shade can take him out. "JB explained with fatigue written all over her face.
"If you two can't, I'll see if Batgirl will, I'm not sending him out alone yet" Batman told them.

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Sai backed up a bit and then sliced Sinestro in two with a beam but the body simply faded. Instinctively Sai leaned left dodging a kick from behind. "So you defeated my construct clone clever, a new Lantern yetthe same level of annoyance. I fought Hal and i'll fight you." Sinestro said.

"Well you getting old." Sai said "Take a timeout" Sai created a green construct clock prison which trappedSinestro for a wwhile then he broke free and said "How many more corny jokes must i hear."

"Corny you're the color of corn." Sai replied

A green blast of energy and a yellow blast met each other and collided causing an explosion. Sai constructed a jet around him and zoom to the right and saw a fierce rumble outside of town buthe had not time for that. Sinestro tailed him in his own jet. Sai yelled "You copycat, ok you earned this one. Why did the chicken cross the road to get away from your ugly mug."

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