DC: Help Wanted [Inactive]

"It is everything. I don't have you in my database. This is curious" the voice said. Brainiac stepped forward. "I must analyze you, then you will join the others" <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1396931474.224348.jpg.8122332a2e2eaed648c795c48ed6bd30.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15919" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1396931474.224348.jpg.8122332a2e2eaed648c795c48ed6bd30.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Shade stopped in her tracks at the sight of the brainiac, she felt a soft gasp get caught in her throat as she looked him over. She held her prideful stance, placing a hand on her hip.

"Join the others? What are you talking about?" She demanded an explanation, her pale pink lips pressed into a tight line.
"Their in a different dimension, I sent them there" Brainiac said coldly.

Batman continued his struggle against Doomsday, calling in the batwing as it crashed against him taking him airborn. Batman pressed a button and the batwing exploded. Doomsday only fell back down charging again.

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"Which dimension?" Shade asked in an authoritative tone, moving towards him swiftly she had him pinned against the wall, holding him there with her hand on throat in warning gesture. Slamming his head back against the wall in one swift motion, her dark eyes meeting his gaze boldly,

"Answer me."
Robin tossed a few smoke grenades around Doomsday and Batman,"I'm here to help!Sorry,but I had classes and I can let my grades slip."Robin planted a few mines in front of herself and Batman,preparing for the worse.
Brainiac grabbed her arm tossing her to the wayside. "That isn't for you to know".

Batman called Shade, but not before Doomsday grabbed him by his cape, dragging him down the street.

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"Robin! Go to the Watchtower!" Batman shouted as he tossed her a transporter. "Get into the computer, John should have set a program we can get them back if we're lucky" Batman told her as he saw Doomsday leapt to him again as he set more explosives on him.

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Shade stumbled back, sinking into the wall she reappeared right beside him with a firm blow to the temple, her knuckles coated with brass, giving it that painful throb. Her phone buzzed but she didn't hear it,

"Wrong answer Brainiac." She hissed grabbing his arm and twisting it back behind him,

"Tell me!"
Brainiac struck her in the stomach and held her up by her hair analyzing her. "You'll need more to defeat me."

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Shade cried out in pain reaching her hand up to grasp his wrist as he lifted her up, trying to take the weight of her body from her hair. She panted a few short gasps before her free hand morphed into a knife and she dug it into the arm he was using to hold her.
"If I can conquer the man of steel you are nothing" Brainiac told her in his monotone pulling out the knife.

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Shade struggled from his grasp and pushed him away, landing unsteadily on her feet,

"I don't care, I won't stop fighting you." She breathed before kicking his legs out from under him punching his head into the ground so hard it cracked the floor, getting on top of him she dug her knife into gut,

"Just tell me!" She growled.
"Grundy" was all Brainiac said as he shoved her off and began walking away. The foul stench of death filled the air as Solomon Grundy lumbered into the room growling. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1396933151.076269.jpg.b3d3d00d25e20b53c8d94e88b52a1e19.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15924" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1396933151.076269.jpg.b3d3d00d25e20b53c8d94e88b52a1e19.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Shade almost gagged at the scent, watching the brainiac walk off she cursed under her breath,

"Coward!" She called after him before she peered at Solomon Grundy, backing up until she realized she was in a corner. She looked about her for a solution.
Grundy walked forward, only growls could be heard. He quickly grabbed her.

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Shade struggled in his grasp, the stench was near unbearable, she slipped through his hand, because she was able to go through walls and solids. Landing lightly on her feet she formed a long chain in her hand and darted around him in circles, he was strong but slow because of his size. She managed to wrap the chain several times around his ankles before she pulled hard and he tripped.

Where is my back up she wondered, her eyebrows furrowed, her breaths coming out more in gasps now.
Grundy roared as he stood back up ripping the chains. He began smashing the ground with his fists in a blind rage.

Batman stood up, stumbling, it had been a hard fight. Blood was in his right eye his vision blurred. Doomsday fired one of his spikes, it slashing Batman's shoulder. He held the wound as he fell to his knee. For once, he really felt he could use the League, he could use Superman.

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Shade raced away searching for the computers that would hold the information about the whereabouts of the league. She looked over her shoulder at Grundy before turning the corner, sprinting down the long corridor. She shielded herself with her field energy, making herself difficult to detect. Running through the walls she searched the rooms, trying to go a quickly as she could, and when she thought she had checked nearly everything, she found it.
Shade placed the phone to her ear as she walked up to the first computer, it was large, she turned it on, there was a password of course, maybe she could hack it somehow.

"Hey, I think I've found it. How fast can you get here?"
"I have to slow down Doomsday. Can you figure out Brainiacs computer program, whatever sent the League away. If you can get them back..." Batman began breathing heavily knowing that he had to square off with Doomsday again. If they weren't freed, he was a dead man. "Casper, you've done a great job" he said as he hung up.

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"Please wait-" Shade called into the phone but he had hung up, she ran a hand through her hair in frustration, she didn't know how to hack this program. And most of all, she was worried about him... she shook her head as if to clear her thoughts, needing to work fast in case the brainiac or grundy found her. She pulled her own device into the computer and began typing away, her eyes reflecting the light from the screen, she finally figured out the code was a series of numbers. With a wide grin she looked through the files on the computer,

"Damn." She mumbled, she didn't have time to look through everything, from her back pack she pulled out her computers hard drive, it was empty and brand new.

"please work..." She plugged it in and drummed her fingers on the desk impatiently.

'download compete.'

The screen said and she felt herself smile in excitement. She pulled it out and stuffed the hard drive back into her bag, she could take this to Batman and he could upload everything to his computer, being able to look through every single file the brianiac had ever created. Slipping out of the room she moved silently through the halls towards the exit.
Oracle called Shade. "This is an emergency, please Shade use the transporter, I'm in the cave, I can crack it, if we don't hurry. He's done for..."

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Shade froze where she was, 'he's done for...' echoed through her mind,

"Okay," She croaked her voice scarcely above a whisper, she started up her transporter, her heart pounding.

Please be okay, please.
Oracle quickly reached for the tablet. "We have to hurry!" She shouted as she grabbed it, finding the information, hacking into the Watchtower. "God I hope this works" she said with her hands in her hair as a nearby screen showed footage of Metropolis, Batman standing as Doomsday lunged. Suddenly Doomsday flew through the air as Oracle watched, mouth agape.

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