DC: Help Wanted [Inactive]

Casper and or mistress shade jumped as batman approached, he had startled her.

"I can do it." She muttered biting her lip to hide her pain as she tore the fabric from around the wound.

She wasn't wearing her mask, she looked... normal. Her long dark eyelashes lay against her sunkissed cheeks, ocean blue eyes studying her arm. She realized she didn't have any bandages with her and she groaned inwardly. Plus, it looked deep enough to need stitches.
JB,the current Robin had finished off a little drug transaction before she could get to the rest of the group,"Ugh...I'm getting old!"She screamed as she hopped from rooftop to rooftop.Acrobatics was her favorite way of transportation,so parkour was like her best friend.Doing a somersault or two she landed near Batman and Shade,"Ugh...Batman,I finished off the drug dealers,but I'm pretty sure they were just henchmen.So,do you need my help with anything?"
"Well get her help for the wounds, you said you know who sent him?" Batman asked

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Casper brushed past all the supers that had gathered around, shoving past them, her free hand placed over the wound on her arm.

"I said I didn't need help," She retorted and leaped from the roof, ducking into her apartment, through the open window. Once in side she groaned softly in pain and head towards her bathroom.
Batgirl sighed, tossing Shade a salve. "Here, it'll help prevent infections," she commented. She always kept them in her utility belt for emergencies and wounds such as these. "I - ah- procured it from a hospital a while back, but it should still be good." With that taken care of, Viv stood up and turned to Batman before nodding. "Yeah," she commented. "I found out who, I just don't know why. Give me some time to dig a little further and I can find out why Lex Luthor of all people wants your head," she commented. "I had been keeping tabs on a bank and noticed the transaction. He paid Deathstroke quite a bit of money to try and get you out of the picture."
"Well,it appears she doesn't want our help,but back to Lex.Why else would he want Batman out of the picture.All of the other heros are gonna,but the most resourceful and strategic is left to fend for himself,but at the same time train a new generation.If I was a big league villain I would aim to get my only obstacle out of the way,but then again I'm not like them.I will go help that girl,for now."Robin explained as she did a few backflips of the roof,then swinging into Shade's apartment.Robin looked at the bathroom,"Hey,um...I don't know you yet,but hi,I'm Robin."she chirped trying to be nice.
Casper began to change out of her ripped suit, peering over at Robin with her cold blue eyes, she looked just like an ordinary human now, no mask, and half way from her suit. Getting out of it completely she pulled on a black tank top, gritting her teeth together from the pain that continued to shoot up her arm with every movement.

She pulled on what seemed to be soccer warm up sweats and brushed past Robin to get to the cabinet that had the cleaning alcohol.

"The exit is that way." Casper gestured to the door before looking over at her fellow super hero from under her long eyelashes. She had never been fond of socializing, and clearly, she wasn't good at it either.
Batgirl glanced at Batman as she watched the two figures disappear into the apartment. "They sure are something, huh?" she commented lightly. "But Nightwing has a point, it makes sense for Lex to want to get you out of the picture. But I feel like there's more to it than that," she said pursing her lips.

"Lex is more than just a typical villain. He's a businessman. If he wanted more control over the world now that the heroes are gone, wouldn't it make more sense to recruit this new generation instead of leaving it to fend for himself. These are young heroes you're training, they're impressionable and Lex is nothing if not manipulative," she rambled. "And even then why focus on Gotham? Why bother? If he was so invested in Gotham why not go after Wayne Enterprises? Or why not focus on the metas in his own city?" Viv was never one to ramble on much, she usually preferred getting straight to the point, but when it comes to her profession she has a tendency to share all of her speculations.
"Yea,I see them,but I could also make an exit with your face through the floor.See I can be just as rude as you.How about we get to know each other,before I flip out her gracefully.What is your name,mine is Joseline or JB for short."Joseline chuckled as she pulled off her mask.She could careless about it anyway,but she knew she had to hide her identity for their personal life.Joseline also didn't take no mind that the girl had brushed pasted her,roughly,more than once.
Casper said nothing for a while except for sucking in a deep breath that sounded like an in pained gasp when she pressed the cleaning solution to her wound, her eyebrows furrowed and her whole body tensed. The pain subsided and she looked over at Joseline,

"Casper." She stated,

"I'm Casper Blare." She finished cleaning the would and pulled out a needle and stitching, her hand shook a bit, she didn't know if she could manage sticking herself with a needle over and over to thread herself back together.
"I'm not sure what Lex wants, but I'll be in Metropolis to find out" Batman told them with a scowl

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"Is it a good idea to leave Gotham without a Batman though?" she questioned. "Plus, Deathstroke is still on your tail, what do you plan on doing about him?" Viv asked. Personally, as much as she hated waiting, Viv figured it would be best to leave Gotham in someone else's hands for a bit, or even better, let Lex come to them. That way they could kill two birds with one stone and get Deathstroke and Lex together at once. "If you insist on leaving," Batgirl said with a sigh, "at least let me look into Luthor's recent dealings to get an idea of just what he wants so none of us are going into this blindly."
"I need to talk to Shade" Batmam said as he vanished. He made his way to her apartment. "Those wounds, need help stitching them?"

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"Jesus!" Casper jumped again as batman, now the second hero to enter, uninvited into her home.

"Don't you guys ever knock?" She snapped, she looked over at batman. She no longer looked like Mistress Shade, out of her suit and mask, while he was still fully batmanified. She looked down at the stitches and needle in her hand, she honestly didn't think she could do that to herself.

"Fine." She muttered, plopping down on her couch she made room for him and looked over JB and sighed,

"make yourself at home...." She trailed off wearily and stared back at Batman, handing him the needle and thread.
"No need, I just want to make sure you're alright. I'll be away in Metropolis by tomorrow, can you hold down the fort? And watch Saito?"

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Batgirl nodded minutely before looking towards the apartment that the others two disappeared into. "Go look after your charges," she commented, a bit of sarcasm slipping into her voice as she recalled the fact that the girl clearly hated being pushed to the side and offered help like some "charity case". Viv understood the pride-factor, she had the same stubbornness in her back when she was in Gotham's gangs. She would ping him if she found anything.

She wouldn't go check on the girl, Viv was always the type to just leave others alone and let them come to her. So hopping off the rooftop and into an alleyway, Batgirl changed out of her black costume and Kevlar, storing it away into a bag and into her civies before walking back to the apartment she squatted in as if she were a regular everyday Gotham citizen.

Once she was home, Viv opened up her laptop. It was a simple PC, she had found it in a junkyard, but it went above and beyond what she used it for. The light from the screen hit her eyes and she looked up at the screen, bypassing the firewalls into the Gotham's crime syndicate bank and seeing the files, accounts, and transactions. She found Lex's account, the transaction to Slade Wilson's own funds already made. Digging further, Viv noticed some encrypted files. The transaction had been made from Lex Corps own business, as if this were a business transaction. Whatever was going on went beyond simple superhero-ism. Lex was making something if he was dishing out company money to merc instead of his own billions to hire Deathstroke. Her brows furrowed as she watched the information scrolling on her screen. He had to have metas working for him, there was too much money going into research on them for there not to be. He had opened a few new warehouses, and apparently invested in real estate as of late. But why?
Casper nodded slowly and passed Batman the need and stitches then showed him the deep gash in her arm,

"Do you mind patching it up for me?" She asked a bit embarrassed. If he couldn't that was fine, but she didn't think that she could.

Casper listened to what he had to say.

"Just, don't get yourself hurt out there." She mumbled.
"Very well, and don't worry about me" Batman said as he began stitching the wound.

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Casper looked away to make sure he didn't catch a glimpse of her pain, her black hair cascaded down her slim back. Of course she was going to worry about him, she worried about any superhero who took on someone of equal or greater power. She didn't want to loose everyone she knew. As much as she acted like she didn't enjoy their company, she would be so lonely without it, they were all she had left in the world.

"Fine I won't worry about you." She teased him in an emotionless tone.
Saito currently was done thinking and left his hotel room to go out fighting crime. He spotted a gang and fell behind the four men, they were in a clearing surrounded by warehouses near the docks.

He shifted into the shadows and grabbed one, dragging him into his dark dimension where he finished him off. The others turned around as the man had screamed when dragged down and pulled out pistols. Saito then quickly appeared in the center of them and quickly brought them down rapidly, dodging their shots as they fired. He kicked away their pistols and killed each one with quick slices to the neck.

Suddenly a helicopter rose up from behind a warehouse and began firing upon Saito with it's guns. This wasn't a normal gang but a heavy operation... And it was clear who the men were working for.

In the chopper was an old client of Lex, Saito knew this from previous missions where he had even helped him once. Scum, he knew he should have killed that man when he first met him. Jon Laeger, a German "business" man who handled the dirty things. And he was clearly not coming to Saito with another job offering.

The bullets sprayed around Saito and he ran for cover, making his way behind an 18 wheeler. Men armed with rifles grappled down from the chopper and buildings around.

They were planning to terminate Saito for all he knew about Laeger and Lex, that was their goal. Workers from all around the compound dropped dead as snipers began picking them off.

No witnesses.
Batman finished sewing the wound and disappeared. He was back in Wayne Manor, in the batcave as he pulled off his mask and sat at his computer

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Casper watched him go suddenly realizing pretty much all the supers had seen her without her mask or suit... she wondered what they thought.. or if that is what they expected her to look like. Examining her stitches she laid back on her couch and looked at JB, she was very pretty, casper thought, blinking her ocean blue eyes,

"What do you think about the whole Lex ordeal?"
"Troublesome is what it is.I could be shopping and going out to the movies,but instead I have to kick a** and take names.Hehe,but it is a very big doozy.Who knows what could happen,but my biggest fear is that the villains are actually working together,and Slade is nothing but a 'henchman'"JB whined using air quotes as she mentioned Deathstroke.

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