DC: Help Wanted [Inactive]

"I give you 10 seconds before I shoot!" The gangster shouted

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Mistress Shade shot the gangster in the hand so he dropped the gun and then sprinted through the wall of the building next to her, reappearing behind the gasngster, tackling and pinning him beneath her, a strong hand on his back, the gangster face to the ground.

"I need hand cuffs." She called out looking briefly at cole.
A few more of them stood confused at what had just happened. Suddenly one by one they were being taking out. One hanging from a street light shouting in fear, several out cold on the ground. The last one standing made a run for it, but not before being bound by a bolas. Thrown by none other than Batman. He took the gun from Shade, and handed her a high tech device, that looked like a handgun straight out of sci-fi "Rubber bullets, and a shock feature" Batman said to her. "I've been seeing a lot of you. Who are you exactly?" he asked Cole sternly

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Mistress Shade looked about her as the people began to run, she noticed a flash of black, batman. She should have know. Reaching up her hand she took the shocking device and shocked the gang member, putting hand cuffs on him, she stretched, standing up.

"Thanks." She mumbled to her fellow super.

Blinking her gorgeous ocean blue eyes up at him before she followed his gaze to cole, smiling slightly at him.
"Shade, try to help Saito, he can't do what he did tonight again" Batman told her sternly.

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Mistress Shade exhaled a soft sigh, leaning up against the brick wall, in front of batman. Her gaze studied the ground, eyebrows furrowed before she looked back up at him.

"I see... did he ever tell you what side he chose?" She asked,
"He hasn't, if he pulls a stunt like that again, he's in trouble"

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Mistress Shade bit her lower lip,

"what would you do?" She asked, a few wispy strand of black hair framing her pretty face.
"You don't want to know" Batman told her with a scowl. He looked atop a building leaping and tackling Shade as a bullet was fired where she stood.

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"You aren't going to-" Mistress Shade gasped finding herself pinned under batman.

"what was that for?" She whispered harshly but quickly quieted down at the sound of gun fire, hiding under batman's large frame.

She waited for the gun fired to stop, wondering who was shooting at them.
Batman looked up to the roof "Slade" he said with gritted teeth.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1396825905.105512.jpg.6f41d9a9f1bf09dac74bf4ba8626783b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15836" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1396825905.105512.jpg.6f41d9a9f1bf09dac74bf4ba8626783b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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"Deathstroke. The worlds greatest assassin. Keep this kid safe." He said pointing to Cole. Before he could get out another word, Deathstroke leapt down to him with his sword as Batman caught his blade between his gauntlets. "Batman, you're tonight's prize" Deathstroke told him in a joking tone.

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Mistress shade got up brushing herself off, she wanted to help him fight, not stand watch. She clenched her jaw angrily, why did he treat her as though she was helpless. She wondered, staring up at him, she contemplated following him.
"Who sent you Slade?" Batman asked harshly. Deathstroke replied with another strike of his sword "An interested party, who happened to put a big price on your head"

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Mistress Shade paced down bellow, her gaze shifting from the ground back to the roof, she cursed beneath her breath, wanting to do something to help, but standing around wasn't getting her anywhere.
Batman and Deathstroke continued to battle as they both fell from the roof onto a car, standing up slowly to continue fighting in the street, matching one another blow for blow.

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Mistress Shade's hand morphed into the tazer batman had given her and slipped through the wall, reappearing beside the deathstroke, tazering him the side and kicked his legs out from under him, then jumped away, landing on top of a parked car, crouching there in a cat like manner.
Deathstroke flipped back onto his feet "Impressive, but sloppy" he said as he pulled out a detonator exploding the car Shade stood atop as Batman struck him in the face breaking his mask.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1396829011.266180.jpg.c4db4bd8567123019d11aea39df5e19c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15841" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1396829011.266180.jpg.c4db4bd8567123019d11aea39df5e19c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Mistress Shade tucked and rolled off the car, leaping to her feet as it exploded, a few bits of car cutting her skin through her suit. She winced slightly and ran towards Deathstroke, punching him firmly in the gut, ducking under batman to hit the enemies other side. A bit of blood oozed onto the fabric of her clothes.
Viv had been sitting at her computer keeping track of the transaction of money in Gotham's underground. She had a tendency to do this during her downtime and when she had nothing better to do. Usually there was nothing there of importance, at least nothing that warranted the attention of vigilantes. She spotted useless crime dealings all the time through her hacking, but none of them were really worthy of getting involved in. There was plenty of crime in Gotham already, the few heroes and uncorrupted police there were couldn't address every tiny little problem, so Viv just focused on the big stuff. And boy was there some big stuff happening tonight. She had yet to go out on patrol, figuring that she would be contacted if anything major came up, so in her downtime, Viv had decided to go onto her computer and monitor some bank accounts. Crime lords and gangsters typically preferred paying in cash when it came to their dealings. It made it harder for the police and the Bat to keep track of if the money didn't go through a bank at all-- although there were some banks in the corrupted city that did, indeed, deal almost exclusively with Gotham's crime syndicates. And Viv had managed to gain access to the most notorious one.

The transactions she viewed were pretty standard for Gotham - petty crimes, bribes, drug deals, and the like. That was something that the local police could handle once Viv e-mailed them with the lead, trying not to give them too much information lest the bank realize its accounts had been hacked. There was one transaction however that had piqued her interest. "Shit," she murmured as she tried to bypass firewalls to gain more info. Apparently there had been a recent money transfer of several hundred thousand dollars to a certain notorious mercenary. Viv couldn't tell who had made the contract, not with delving further into the computer system, but there was no time for that now, because she could guess just who this hit was for and Viv had to go out and warn him. "Dammit," she swore under her breath as she quickly got suited up and managed to erase her tracks on the bank's computers from her laptop.

Once suited up she headed out, bo staff and gun with her. She knew the Bat wouldn't appreciate the gun, but fuck, you have to fight fire with fire right? And Deathstroke was a damn good shot.


Viv heard the sound of the altercation before she saw it. The sound of an explosion made her swear under her breath. Apparently Deathstroke had already found his target and the vigilante could only hope there weren't any casualties. Arriving upon the scene, she saw a flaming car and the figure whom she had seen photos of but never encountered in person. She swooped down from the rooftop she was on and used her weight to throw herself at him, kicking the mercenary out of the way of one of the girls he was fighting and then extending the arm holding her staff outwards in order to knock him across the jaw.

She stood in front of Batman, whose masked was cracked, breathing heavily with the exertion of trying to reach the vigilante in time and locate him through the city. "I managed to get a lead and came to warn you," she said, not taking her eyes off of Deathstroke. "Looks like I'm a little late, huh?" she huffed as she twirled the staff in her hands.
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"Another one, this isn't even fair anymore is it Dark Knight?" Deathstroke said coyly. "Help Shade, he's mine" Batman said angrily.

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'help shade?'

She glared at batman, she didn't need any help and apparently he didn't either,

"have a good night you two." Mistress Shade muttered with a nonchalant wave of her hand. She was a superhero, not some damsel in distress. And until batman could come to terms with that fact, she would leave him be. She climbed up the building, strongly pulling herself to the top she began sprinting across the roof tops.

Now out of sight she slowed her pace and winced, a deep gash in her arm was bleeding quite a lot now, one of the shard of glass from the car window had dug into her skin there. She sat down on top of her building, taking her mask off she better examined the wound.
"It's far too crowded, till next time Bat" Deathstroke said as he threw a smoke pellet and vanished. Batman looked around for Shade seeing blood from her wound as he met her atop the building. "You need those wounds treated." He told her

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Viv gave Batman a once over, noting the cracked mask and raised an unbelieving brow, although the effect was slightly tampered by the domino mask she wore. "Yes because clearly you had this under control before I arrived," she said as Shade took off, followed by Deathstroke soon after. Viv surveyed the area before finally knocking the safety back on her gun and hauling herself up onto the same rooftop as the other two vigilantes. Viv crouched down to be eye level with the girl and looked at her. "How bad is it?" she questioned before turning to Batman. "And you," she addressed, narrowing her eyes although she couldn't see, "should have contacted me as soon as he showed up. This could have been a lot worse," she lectured. It was almost ridiculous that she felt the need to scold the Batman himself, but the man was quite the lone wolf, and that's not how things worked now, yet he still persisted on that.

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