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Futuristic −D⇡L⇣GENCE OOC

Ahh umma disappear for a while

I shouldn't be using my data xD

Anyways see ya guys in due time~
@Genieva Von Bubbles; the coding isn't going to look different. But I want to see if the color tags will move around when people edit--which seems to be the main consistent problem.

So if you could, keep putting in his info to see if the colors move around.
Hey, what's up? Just got back/ catching up on posts...

@Yuuki of the Strata if there is going to be a new/ updated cs sheet, should I wait until this is figured out before posting characters?
Dead said:
Achievement Unlocked: Communication had been made with a cat.
Also just noticed, both Amiya and Janus have fraternal twin siblings!! xDDD
Communication with cats is the best kind of communication

:0 I hadn't read all the CSs very thoroughly yet. What a coincidence, loL xD
@clarinetti; I'm attempting to figure out what exactly keeps duplicating in the coding. xD

I think it was the colors, so I posted a revised version in the ooc. You can experiment with it if you want-- make it a WIP and keep editing it. I want to see if the coding will keep moving around. x___x;;

I for some reason can't check it myself because it doesn't move around for me. O__o;;
I strongly suggest not trying to copy and paste anything from your old cs into the new one. it really fudges it up and there was codes for tabs overlapping everything. yikes. i deleted it and intend on trying again
@Yuuki of the Strata

unless you save and then go to re-edit, code wont move around? unless you're talking about something else xD
@Yuuki of the Strata OK, cool- it may be that you'll get the coding issues figured out well before I finish up/ post things- at this point it's looking like tomorrow will be when I get this done, since I'm slightly fried from work at the moment. As for experimenting/ tweaking, I think that's something I'll leave to the pros- I'm lucky enough to get coding to work when someone leaves a copy/ paste sheet ;p.

Anyways, first I need food (And maybe a nap... maybe?), so until later folks!
@Genieva Von Bubbles; I saw what happened. You accidentally cut off one of he [/Tab] tags and it killed everything. xD

@Ghost; that's what I'm talking about. I will post, edit, post, re-edit, post. But it doesn't move around for me. It moves around for everyone else though.
I just decided to post it and see what you thought~ I don't really know what I'm looking for but hopefully it helps!
@Yuuki of the Strata

huh, thats weird

im clueless xD
Huh... Tabs aren't supposed to do that.

Huuuuh. Alright, hold off for a bit guys. I need some time to rework stuff.
I'm not quite sure if I'm right but I had the same problems before where I would have the same tabs duplicate. The way I solved it was only from this;

For the BBCodes, you are not suppose to have anything edited to them such as it being bolded, italicized, underlined, colored, fonts, or anything of that sort. If they are edited, it will duplicate itself a lot so make sure to clear out anything that may affect it by using that eraser button up there at the right corner.

Another problem could be from double spacing and double enter. You won't notice it but some paragraphs can have an invisible double enter at the start so make sure to check to make sure it isn't doubled spaced/ entered. (Enter = that enter button on your keyboard cx)

I'm really bad at explaining but I hope this may help, if the problem isn't that then I'm mostly useless

@Dead; Are you using Rich Text Editor? I highly recommend going to your preferences and turning that off.


Go to your user account bubble -> click on preferences

A screen should pop up with a bunch of check boxes.

Uncheck this one if you have it checked,

there's also that tiny toolbar in the top right corner of the post editor that lets you switch between stuff if you still want rich text as your default
I think I figured it out. Hold on, I need to do revisions and add rules to absolutely do not space out any of the coding.
:0 does spacing out coding mess it up? i spaced a lot out on mine just so it was easier to edit...
Spacing out Tabs and Rows&Columns actually does mess up the coding.

So if you have information followed by a bracketed code ending, keep it in place.

[COLOR=#CCCCCC][Tabs][Tab=Information][Row][column=span4]Name: full name[/COLOR]








Hair Color:[/COLOR]

Eye Color:[/COLOR]

Defining Features:[/column][/Row][/Tab][Tab=Appearance]Post your character image here.[/Tab][Tab=Misc. Info]Likes:[/COLOR]

Should NOT be spaced down after "Year" or "Defining Features."

Coding is incredibly fickle in regards to what lines it ends after for some reason. It's not all codes, but certain special BBCodes are very particular.
Huh. I don't think spacing tabs ever messed up my coding, but if I can't figure out whats wrong in the future I'll keep that in mind! :D
Tabs have only started to mess up after testing it within the last couple hours.

I believe I fixed everything, and put it up in the CS under the CODE spoiler.

However, instead of in the CODE BBCode, I put it in PLAIN. I also have a hunch that CODE was changing where some of the coding was placed within a string of code.

I'm not sure if that made any sense. xD

Yep, think I fixed it.

I'm doing a quick run through to edit and fix everyone's profiles.

New coding is up and operational

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