Crows Zero [RP] [Mature]

Kota clenched his fists "alright" Kota pulled out the switchblade he took before he left his house. "i'm all set."
Cide looked up at the building, then his comrades. He popped a few pain pills that he kept in his pocket, then pulled out two knives, one still stained with the blood of that gang member.

"Heh. How do we go about doing this, Pon? I'm personally up for a direct assault, but that's just me."
As the need for oxygen forced her to calm down, the man laughed a bit more, ripping the cloth out of her mouth.

"You got anything you want to say *****?"

Teki looked at him, before the sound of engines caught her attention, and despite everything she was feeling, she was reminded of the sirens, and the need to tell them someone was there. As they seemed to idle, like they were near a stop light or something, she screamed as loud as she possibly could using all the pain her body was in to make it louder than normal.

But unfortunately, it wasn't loud enough as the cloth was shoved back in with enough force to make her jaw crack and pop uncomfortably, and the engines faded away once again. As his hand connected with the side of her face, she hung her head, she was screwed royally here, and as her fear started creeping back in, tears poured over the edge of her eyes and fell mixing with the blood on the floor from her hand wound.
kaigo stood beside his comrades and tightened his guards on his wrists and pulled out a knife he puts on to them in crisis situations. "lets do this." is the only thing he said waiting for Pon to take lead and the others followed suit by preparing them selves.
Jerome tutted loudly at Cide's "plan". "I say we split up,one in the fron,and one in the back. If there's no back door,we try to lead them out here,where we'll catch them in an ambush."
Kota looked at Jerome. "that may work, umm Pon may i try to find another way in on my own like from the roof or something?" He was now looking at Pon. "Even if its a no i'm alright with that."
" I doubth there'll be many guys in that appartment, but we're losing time here. Let's just go in and --- "

Suddenly a scream could be heard from inside the appartment, only for a brief moment though before it disappeared.

" TEKI. " Pon said as he stormed up the stairs with gun drawn and kicked open the door by a strong kick near the doorknob.

There were 2 guys in there who instantly jumped up and wrestled Pon to the ground, still holding on to his gun, he held on as the punches started to land on his face.
"Shit!" Jerome ran up the stairs,aiming his guns at the two men fighting Pon. "Stop or die!" Jerome shouted at the men,pointing one gun at each man's head.
Kaigo heard the scream to and raced up behind pon and Jerome feeling his heart pound in fear of what was happening to Teki. he burst into the room and prepared an attacking stance at one of the men waiting for them to answer Jeromes threat.
The two men stopped hitting Pon as they were each forced to look in the barrel of a gun. They quickly scrambled up and went running outside, knocking aside anyone in their path.

Pon stood back up and surveyed the room, there was a bloody smear on the wall around eyelevel that ended up in streaming lines to the floor. Fearing the worst his eyes widened as he kicked the table in the center of the room away and shouted in despair. It was then that he saw a door in the corner of the room. He had missed seeing it in the beginning cause it was colored exactly like the walls.

Turning the doorknob he could hear a muffled sound from inside and a shushing noise. With the gun around waistlevel he yanked the door open and saw Teki bound and gagged on the floor, with a beaten face and blood dripping from her tied hands in front of her.

His mouth opened and closed again, as if he was trying to speak but nothing came out. He didn't even see the guy behind her at first.

" Move and I'll pierce her spine. "

Pon didn't even hear him, this was all too much to bear, his best friend had been beaten, stabbed, kidnapped, tortured ... His eyes were steeled as he looked in the man's eyes and turning one shoulder backwards and hanging his arm stiff towards the ground he raised his other arm holding the gun and aimed at the man's head.

" Brat, what are you playing at. You won't sho--- " The shot made a soft thumplike sound and the next second blood was splattered on the back wall and the man's face still had a sneer on it as blood dripped from the hole in his forehead onto his face. With a louder thump he fell to the ground.
Jerome was knocked over by the retreating men. When he got back up,he heard the report of a gunshot. "Shit,shit,shit,SHIT!!!!" Jerome dashed inside,leaving his guns behind. He found Pon still standing. That was good. Then he saw Teki. "Shit...Teki,you alright?"
Kaigo was pushed to the side by the men that retreated with there tail between there legs. he heard the muzzled shot from the handgun Pon was carrying. without hesitation he ran behind Jerome and saw the dead body of the kidnapper with Teki laying beside him. noting that Pon was in a small shock to what has happened to Teki he took the gun from Pon's hand.

"everything is ok now. lets get Teki out of here!" he said to Pon as he put the gun into his jacket planning to get rid of it at a later time.
Pon merely nodded, staring at the bloodsplatter on the wall. As he leaned in and untied the cloth ring around Teki's face, he diverted his eyes from her. He didn't really know why, maybe he was ashamed, maybe scared that she'd hate him now, he didn't really know. But he couldn't look her in the eyes.

He crouched down and untied her hands and as he took away the rope, it caused Teki's hands to fall open, showing the large gaping wound in her lefthand.

He started to tear in shame and frustration that he couldn't have been of more help, that he wasn't there sooner, that he let it all happen in the first place.
Having been shoved into the room with the man, before they had shone up, Teki was utterly surprised when Pon was the one who had came through that door. After the shot was fired, she went into a bit of stunned faze, as her body stopped hurting, her mind leveled out a bit. As some of the man's blood spattered onto her, she cringed inwordly, and it wasn't until Pon had untied her hands that she had seen the two bloods mixing on the floor.

The first thing to come out of her mouth was, "He was right..." Looking up at Pon, she smiled faintly before reading his face like a book. An anger started forming before she called him every single name under the book before her good hand reached up and pulled him close to her face.

"******* look at me you god damn asshole. I don't know what your thinking but you don't ******* cry for no reason and if that's any indication what's going on in your skull right now, I should beat the living snot out of you for it..." She growled at him before sighing, and ever so briefly pressed her lips against his forehead, fast enough for no one else to see what she did.
As Teki bursted out in anger, Pon couldn't help but took at her, mezmerized even. This girl had been through so much and still had the strength to care for others, he smiled faintly at Teki and looked at her face as she kissed his forehead briefly. Not thinking about what he was doing he responded by placing a hand on the side of her face and then hugging her tightly.

" I'm still sorry. " He mumbled only for her to hear and offered a heartfelt smile after breaking apart.

Ignoring the constant voice in his mind he stood up and helped Teki get to her feet.

" Let's go, dump the gun and let's take everyone who's wounded to the hospital. "

As he walked tall and passed through the door to the outside world, it seemed like he came from another dimension. Like he came back from a bad dream, he was back now.

Yet the voice didn't go away.

' You're a murderer, you killed that man, it'll never be the same. You know that. You fear that. Murderer. MURDERER! '

The last word screamed through his head but he kept walking, with a stoic look on his face as to not show anyone what a broken shell of a man he's become.
Ageha stood outside the apartment, awaiting the rest of the Crows. He knew Teki would be fine. She was tough. Tougher than him. Tougher than Pon, maybe..... He shook his head.

He'd thought he'd been so smart, but that Armament guy had always been a step ahead. It bothered Ageha so much. He wanted to be that guy. The one in charge. The strongest one....

He spotted Teki and Pon, and cracked a small smile. It was forced. He wanted to be the big hero of the day..... But all he'd done was get Kaigo hurt.

He turned away from the two, and motioned for them to follow. He'd already grabbed everyone's bikes, and they were waiting in a back alley.
Cide had stayed outside with Ageha due to his injuries. His face had gone pale when he heard the screams and gunshot, and Ageha had to force him from not going into the apartment. He sat on the ground and sighed heavily at the situation.

"This is so ****** up."

He stared at the ground for a while before looking at his wound again. It had bled through the makeshift tourniquet and refused to clot. Cide cursed under his breath and hid how badly the wound was from Ageha. Just then, the rest of the Crows exited the building. He breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing Teki, then frowned immediately upon seeing the blood upon her.

"Teki! Are you all right?"

He quickly limped to the group to join them.
As they walked, Teki's head swirled, true she had never told any of them about what had happened in her past, and she hadn't planed on it, but looking at Pon, she frowned. Why had he even apologized? If anything, him, no, all of them had basically saved her life. It was because of them she was still breathing...

She stopped walking, looking at every single crow before taking a big breath. This was the only time she was going to talk about this before she shut it back down again. The reason? Well, she had nothing to prove to them, nor anything to gain from telling them, but god damn it if it didn't get the point across she was going to make.

"...a few years." She swallowed as a lump started forming in her throat. "A few years back, before I met any of you....I went through hell." Her eyes flickered down to the ground, focusing on that rather than any of her friends. "I never wanted to tell any of you this.....but, because of that man, that...that monster, I gained quite a few scars and lost a whole lot of my mind...."

Her good hand tightened into a fist. "....I knew him before all of...." She shook her head before motioning towards the house. As Teki kept speaking, her voice cracked a little, becoming strained. "As far as I'm concerned...or any one else for that matter, you guys just did one hell of a good deed. And hey, if I wasn't friends with you guys...I'd be dead already..."

As she spoke the last words, there was sort of an odd tone to it, like she was trying to make it a joke, but was being serious about it. Shaking her head, she sighed, "I guess....I'm trying to say thank you...."

With that said, Teki's mind started to forcefully push her emotions back into the tiny box that held them all, becoming the hard pressed kid she had always been around them, rather than some half nut away from jumping off Tokyo Tower before she started walking again.
Ageha didn't even turn his head to look at Teki while she made her speech.

"Don't bother with the 'could haves'. You're here now, with us." He spat out, swallowing. "Let's go, before the cops show up!"
Jerome clapped a hand on Teki's shoulder,and said, "What are friends for? I'd bet you'd do the same for us. C'mon. Let's go. We need to get rid of the guns. But I'll keep the ammo. It may come in handy."
Kota gave Teki a hug, "its alright.". Kota was following everyone else without a word after hugging Teki pondering about his past. "guys i wont be at school for a few days, i have some personal business to take care of," it was obvious that he was lying but he was hoping nobody would mind. "I might go out of town i'll text you guys if anything happens dont worry."
Kaigo listened to Teki's speech with a blank face leaning against the wall. after a few moment he went back into the house and made sure there was no trace of them being there. he left everything else as it was and came back outside

"Ok if everyone is done we really need to leave this area! there is no telling when the cops will show."

he moved down the stairs to the group then toward the bikes ready to leave this all behind him. the only thing that was on his mind was that Teki was safe and so was everyone else nothing else mattered to him. he took a large sigh of relief as he reached for a cigarette in his jacket and had a smoke.
Following the group loosely, Cide's face grew more and more pale. He didn't want any of his friends to know the extent of his injuries, as he didn't want to be the center of attention. So, he remained quiet.

"Y'know, just because we commit a crime doesn't mean that the cops will automatically show up. But, someone probably heard the shot. So we need to go."

His voice didn't falter, which was a miracle on Cide's part. He was sure he lost a lot of blood, as his head began to hurt.
Ageha, almost stoically, grabbed's Cide's bike and brought it to him, instead of him having to go get it. He didn't say anything or ask anything. Kicking up the kickstand for Cide, he went and grabbed his own bike.

"I just wanna go. This place is creeping me out, anyways." He said rather loudly, pedalling off. "MY APARTMENT TONIGHT, GUYS!" He called back to everyone, telling them to come to his place in a little while.
Pon looked saddened at Teki as she told her dark secret.

" You're safe now, we'll always be your friends and we'll always be there for eachother. No matter how many times you go through hell, we'll dive in right after you and bring you back. "

Turning back around he got on a bike and waited for the others to do the same.

" Let's go to the hospital, we need to take care of ours wounds. "

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