Crows Zero [RP] [Mature]

Trying to subdue the girl they had kidnapped the 3 men were desperately trying to force their way through the storm of kicks.

As Teki half-circled them slowly, one of them realized what she was aiming for and quickly jumped on her as she was busy kicking one of the others in the face, causing him to scream as the sound of his nose breaking under her heel filled the van.

Laying on top of her she was unable to move closer to the door, he quickly shifted his position so that he layed next to her and grabbed one of her arms so she had only one free arm to punch with.

" What are you guys doing? Grab her ******* arm and legs! "
As the one guy tackled her, she fought a little harder, her legs kicking out to try and keep the others away from her, while her free arm grabbed onto the guy holding down her arm as she tried to pull him close enough to bash his head with her own.
While the 2 guys were still busy dealing with her kicks, the other guy took a beating from Teki's free arm before she headbutted him straight in the face.

The guy holding down her arm was knocked unconscious from all the blows to the face he took and she was once again free. Ready to take care of the other two, who were starting to panic now.

" What the **** is up with this chick. ******* *****, don't underestimate us! " One guy shouted as he followed the unconscious guy's example and leaped towards her.
Rolling on her side away from the leaping man, she flipped back up onto her feet, breathing a bit hard as adrenaline pumped through her system. This wasn't good and Teki knew it. Looking around, she searched for something, anything, to give her more of an upper hand against them while doing this sort of shifting feet thing to make sure she could move a lot quicker should they try the tackle a third time.
Teki was now in danger from two sides as the man who leaped crawled back up and was breathing heavily from pain, humiliation and exhaustion.

He knew he couldn't take this girl on alone, maybe not even with both of them. He needed something to gain the advantage.

It was then that he saw something red in the corner of his eye, as he glanced at it he grinned menacingly and quickly took hold of it.

It was a small fire extinguisher, with this held by both hands he swung it sideways to Teki's head, slamming it on the side of her face.

Making her crumple to the floor unconscious.

" Finally, for ****'s sake! " He said as he approached the girl.

" Now for the spoils of war, ey ? " He said, grinning and nodding at the other guy before starting to feel Teki up.

He barely laid his hands on her before the van came to a halt and caused the dude to slam his head against the wall though.

The sliding door opened and 4 punks and one dangerous looking individual were standing there, the tallest and most dangerouslooking one of them was dressed as a yakuza.

This didn't look good for Teki.
Sitting in a McDonalds, Ageha watched two guys he suspected of being with 'The Armament' eat their food. The loud and brash Ageha was for once, fairly quiet. But a general aura of determination wafted off of him.

He remembered the super buff dude who'd had a short bout with Pon. Pon was strong, but this guy seemed untouchable. He'd been watching a few guys all week, hoping to learn something about the mysterious 'Armament'. He'd also been in constant communication with Pon, Pon being a bit of a leader.

'I'm watching two dudes, I think they're with Armament. What's going on with you?' He texted Pon, playing with his cellphone, twirling it in his hands.
Pon was running his ass off as he ran towards the docks for the Armament's hangar when he felt his cell vibrate in his pocket.

Checking it out while continueing his run he quickly replied.

" Take'm out fast, then meet me at the hangar 13 at the docks. They got Teki. "
Kota went home and took out his phone to text Teki. 'Hey where are you i wanna ask you something?' He texted Teki with no response. He waited a bit and texted Pon, 'Hey where's Teki she ain't replying to my text?' He sent the text and was a bit nervous about if something happened to Teki.
Slowly waking up, Teki found herself laying on the floor in an almost pitch black room, with a single line of light coming from a crack in the door a few feet in front of her. Mouth stuffed with a rag and arms and legs bound together with a tight thing that was digging into her skin, she wasn't sure if it was metal or rope, all she could note there was that it hurt.

As the splitting pain in the side of her head increased as she moves slightly, she stayed still, before realizing there was shadows moving in the crack of light, and voices would fade and get louder from time to time. It was then that she remembered exactly what had happened, and if that didn't scare her shitless, nothing would.

"-ou were thinking, you ******* basterd, I said minimum dam-"

"-if you **** up one more time, your balls are on the line, you hea-"

"-ing unbelievable, your going to blame that ***** for your mistake? I shou-"

"Get out!." The voice that had been the clearest roared, "If you ever show your ******* face to me again, you can consider it gone, do you hear me you ******* failures?"

She heard someone try to say something, before a click and everything went silent, she wasn't sure what the noise was but it sounded familiar and reminded her faintly of Jerome for some odd reason. Before anything could make a sound again, she was going back under to the dark.
Kaigo was hanging on top of the roof when he heard a gun fire and saw the incident with Teki being taken. He quickly texted Pon as he rushed to the exit.

"hey i saw what happened, where to?" he finished texting as he ran to his bike with pegs on the back getting ready to head where Pon was.
Jerome quickly picked up the handgun and put it back into his jacket. He proceeded to dash down the street towards the pier as,with one hand,he smoothed out his suit,and with the other he pulled out his phone. He texted his runner to send a "duffel bag full of L steel and brass" to pier 21,and then wired the money to his account. Afterward,he mass-texted every Crow with the following message;

"Teki kidnapped by Armament. Meet by Pier 21. This includes you,Pon!"
Pon's cellphone vibrated a few more times as he ran towards the docks to face the Armament, after reading the next messages he responded to Jerome first and then Kota and Kaigo.

Jerome: " Roger, hurry. "

Kota: " Teki's kidnapped, meet pier 21 now. "

Kaigo: " Pier 21, asap. "
Kaigo rode his bike as fast as possible riding down the paths toward the docks trying to spot out Pon if he was still running.
Kota was reading the text from Pon a bit surprised. 'i'll be there in five' he texted as fast as he could and picked up a switchblade from his room and dashed from his house.

"this should only take a few minutes to get there but why take Teki?" Kota was thinking out loud.
Jerome didn't even bother replying. He simply pocketed the phone and ran as fast as his legs would take him to Pier 21. When he got there,the duffel bag was waiting there. Jerome pulled out the handgun from his jacket and washed it off,then he examined the contents of the bag.

In the main compartment,there were 12 handguns,and every other compartment was stuffed to capacity with magazines for the handguns. Jerome closed the bag and shouldered it,glancing around for the others.
Ageha grinned, cracking his knuckles. He wasn't too from from the pier. That would explain why Armament guys would be here. It's close and convenient.

He strolled over to the two, holding a piece of his burger.

"Hey guys, what's new? Armament kidnap anyone cool lately?" He asked loudly, as the two guy's conversation halted.

"What'd ya say, punk?" One of the asked, getting up.

Ageha smirked.

"Nothing." He replied, tossing his burger up in the air. The moron watched it fly up, as Ageha caught him with a punch to the jaw. The other guy, noticably smaller than the guy Ageha just knocked out, bolted out the door.

Ageha, with a grin, and spring in his step, bolted after him.

"I'll kill you!" He shouted after the kid.

After a couple minutes of sprinting, he neared the hideout. The little snot from earlier was just getting inside.

"..... Shit." Ageha swore under his breath, as the doors closed, and he ducked behind a corner, waiting for the rest of the gang.
Cide yawned deeply as he walked around randomly for a while. He hadn't seen any of his friends today, and he was getting a bit concerned. Just then, he saw a shape he recognized. He blinked at it, then started running toward him, calling his name. "Pon! Where ya goin'?"
Kaigo nearing the dock stoped his bike and noticed one of the crows running after another person. kaigo put on wrist pads and took out his gun with rubber bullets in the pack of his pants as he followed the crow to where he stoped.

"hey need some help?" he yelled as he noticed it was ageha
Pon stopped in his tracks as he heard Cide's voice coming from behind him. He placed his hands on his legs and bend over to take deep breaths for a while before being able to answer him.

" They took Teki man, the Armament, those fuckers took Teki. We're all meeting at Pier 21 to take her back. "
Upon hearing the news, Cide pulled out two pocket knives. He flipped them open and clenched them. "Gotcha. I was gettin' bored, too..."
Pon and Cide arrived at the pier after a while of running and were looking around for any sign of the Crows.
Ageha nodded, a grin on his face.

His eyes widened.

"I got an idea, Kaigo. Wanna play along?" He asked.
"You panned something?! you know I'm in!" he stated with a large grin as he threw his bike to the side and came up beside ageha
The sound of a loud banging on the door brought Teki back into consciousness. As the door swung open, two of the punks grabbed a hold of her and dragged her out of the closet roughly before throwing her onto the floor in front of the dangerous looking man, the one who had been yelling earlier at the the two from the van, to be precise.Hitting the floor, the binds on her hands and feet dug in a bit tighter and she got the hint it was metal, not rope.
Ageha punched Kaigo in the face.

Grinning, he helped him steady himself again.

"Nice black eye, Crow scum." Ageha said with a wink, picking Kaigo up and slinging him over his shoulder.

"Now, fake unconscious for me, will ya?" He asked, strolling towards the main door.

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