Crows Zero [RP] [Mature]

"you douchebag!!" he said as he started to cooperate with the plan. "well its not the stupidest idea you came up with!" Kaigo took his gun and put it into Ageha's back pocket so he had it in reach. he closed his eyes and trusted his plan as he played unconsios
The man turned to face his back at Teki and took off his vest and black dress-shirt to reveal an extensive bodytattoo that covered his entire back and most of his arms.

Turning to face Teki again, he crouched down and grabbed her by the chin and lower part of her face and lifted her up close to his face.

" Little girl, do you know who you and your little ******* friends messed with ? "

" Do you know the consequences your actions will have ? "

He roughly threw her face at the cement floor and took out a wooden wakizaki ( short katana ) from his belt and unsheathed it.
Ageha, grinning like a madman, with Kaigo over his shoulder playing possum, knocked loudly on the big metal door of the pier.

Before anyone could answer the door, he texted Pon from his pocket.

'me 'n Kaigo are gonna get in, we'll tell you when to bust in, Kay?' he sent quickly, pocketing his phone.
Teki's breathing became a bit sharper, her eyes sliding over the tattoos knowing that to be only one person, and she had no idea what she had done to them. At all. As her head hit the floor, pain from both that connection, and the fire extinguisher brought stinging tears forth to her eyes. Not even seeing him bring out the sword, her mind was going everywhere and no where fast with stars dotting it all into picture.
The man quickly grabbed her and lifted her up, slamming her against the wall.

" We shared pain together, let's share blood together! " He said with a maniacal look on his face and a smile bearing his yellow and snaggled teeth bare before cutting himself diagonally over his chest.

He lifted up Teki's lefthand and placed it against the wall.

" Let's bleed together. " He repeated.


Meanwhile the Armament was getting rowdy in the hangar, they were having a small party with booze, drugs and women when they heard a loud knocking on the hangardoor.

Not worried about cops or anything like that, cops didn't mess with the Armament afterall, Bandou ordered one of his men to open the gate.

Seeing someone he didn't know carrying an unconscious person over his shoulder he asked what the **** they were doing here.
Making a noise of pain into the cloth in her mouth, she watched the man with fear in her eyes. As her hand was forced up, she started shaking, screaming against the thing in her mouth, begging for him to stop, as her mind kept switching back and forth between the present, and something she had buried in the back of her mind fro when she was only ten.
Ageha glanced into the crowd, and grinned. This looked pretty cool, if everyone inside wasn't a douche.

"I caught myself a pesky little Crow. Name's Hiryu." Ageha lied. "I wanna join the Armament." He explained.
" BLEED! " The man shouted as he pierced Teki's lefthand and pinned it against the wood.

As Teki cried and twisted her body and head around from the pain, he licked a tear from her face.

" What's the matter sweetie? Don't you like it? Don't you remember? " He said, taking hold of her face again and looking deep in her eyes.

" DON'T YOU REMEMBER?! " He yelled, his mouthcorners twitched uncontrollably as he remained smiling, maniacal didn't even came close to describing his face.

" You, it's all because of you. " He suddenly whimpered and whined to her

" D-do you know what they do to kidnappers of children in prison ? DO YOU ?! " He started crying

" But don't worry baby, this isn't the end for you. Oh no, I'll make you suffer like I did. Oh I'll make you suffer. By gutting your little friends in front of your eyes. " He said as he whiped away his tears and started laughing again, face thrown backwards and with arms coiled, he laughed.


The thug who opened the door merely smiled and welcomed them in. As soon as the 2 Crows had entered, a small Armament member snuck up to Bandou unseen, behind the walls of people inbetween the Crows and the throne at the back of the hangar.

The small member whispered something in Bandou's ear which caused him to grin as he pushed himself up from his throne and pushed the women off himself.

" Come, come, throw that ***** on the floor and come to me. " He said as he walked towards the Crows, the crowd separating like the sea for Moses.

With open arms he welcomed Ahega and the supposedly unconscious Kaigo. The largest of them all remained at the back of the hangar, in the shadows, unseen.
Kota finally showed up at Pier 21 out of breath. He wasn't paying attention to if anyone was there or not. "Here i am what did i miss" Kota was exhausted and was holding a coffee. "I was thirsty sorry for taking so long"
Jerome saw Kota,Pon,and Cide run up to the pier. He waved them over,and when they got close he said, "No time to argue. Who knows what's going on in there. You each get two guns and a fair share of the mags. Sound fair?"

Without waiting for a response,he handed everyone a pair of 9mm pistols,and began to ration out the magazines after taking a second handgun for himself. While handing out ammo,he said, "After we get her out,we toss everything into the water on our way out! No evidence!"
Cide waved a hand at the guns. "No thanks. I'm against guns." He flipped a knife between his fingers, grinning a bit madly. "I like getting close and personal, feeling someone bleed. It's more...Personal."
The pain itself nearly made her slip into dark once again, but it was because of his words that Teki remained very awake. It was him, he was here, and he had done it again, like he said he would. She was nearly put into a panic attack but as he let go, her body slipped down a bit, the sword cutting up deeper into her hand, a scream ripping through rather clear despite the cloth.

As the man started laughing, she was sent over the edge, mind diving head first into a pool of pain.

Thrown agaisnt the floor, the child in the pale pink dress cried in pain. Bruises and blood spots covered the skin that looked unhealthy, like it hand't seen enough sunlight in the past two weeks.Which, in fact, it hadn't, not in the slightest. A cruel laugh filled the room, and the child cringed agaisnt the wall, no where to hid. The man in the door grinned viciously, one hand had a leather rope, the other a handful of knives...

Crying out, the child pressed itself into a corner before the man, tall and horrifing, grabbed a hold of it roughly, forcing it onto the floor in the middle of the room. Pressing his foot down on the child's back,he drew back the rope and with a sickening crack, brought it down across the shoulders multipul times. As it cried out in pain and torment, the man grinned. Using the rope to tie back the arms, he used the knifes carefully, pricicly, carving into the skin through the fabric down the rest of the back, to create eight marks.

It was then the sound of boots and loud voices, guns, and sirens filled the house, Wrenching the child upwards, he added the finishing touches to his marking, up the side of her throat on both sides, two marks drew up on either side of the viens, careful enough not to kill, but deep enough to scar and make bleed. Laughing the whole time. As he threw the child away from him, he growled out one last warning

"I'll be back for you..."

The door to the room kicked open and everything went black and red....

Fading back to reality, Teki was crying,screaming, and thrasing about, which was only making her hand worse, but it was the only thing she could do as her emotions teterted on the edge of no return.

This was bad, that was the only thing going through her head, this was very very bad, and despite the fact they were long healed, her back burned, her neck was throbbing with each pulse sending rows of pain up and down her. Her breathing hitched up to hyperventilating and her lungs started burning from the lack of a good amount of air.
Ageha strolled into the back, a smirk on his face.

"Nice place." He said, nodding. He glanced around for Teki, but couldn't quite see her. He snagged a beer off one of the crowd as he walked forward to meet the leader in the middle.

Chugging the beer, he tossed the bottle harmlessly behind his back, and it shattered on the floor, seeming louder than it should have.

"So.... I heard you have a grudge against the Crows, so I brought one to add to your collection or whatever. And as an admittance fee. Name's Hiryu. Am I in?" He explained and asked, seeming totally calm. Ageha was a pretty good actor.

He tossed Kaigo like a ragdoll, but in a manner he'd flop harmlessly onto the ground without hurting too much.
Jerome forced the handguns and ammo into Cide's pockets. "Would you rather be dead or alive? We don't know what they have in there. Take the pistols just in case you can't get in close to stab them."
Bandou meremy smiled as the brave actor played his act without stress or fear. His eyes turned to a steelcold glance at the disrespect Ahega showed the Armament by ripping a beer out of a member's hands and then soiling their hangar. It wasn't like it was a clean palace, but it was his and he'd be damned if he'd let people get away with doing something like that.

He nodded at something behind Ahega and quickly 2 adult thugs grabbed him by the shoulders and twisted his arms behind him in a strong lock. Grabbing a hold of his face, Ahega was forced to look as Bandou nodded again at another member who was busy heating up a large knife's blade in an open barrel that was on fire like an improvised caveman-barbeque.

" Now now, little birdie, you thought you could walse in here and fool us? I'll show you how I clip a bird's wings. "

A group of members quickly held Kaigo and pinned him to the floor while the member with the redhot blade approached Kaigo.

" Do it. " Bandou merely said, keeping his eyes on Ahega.

The member kneeled down and placed either leg on both sides of Kaigo's head as he grabbed an arm and pressed the heated blade against the bare skin of Kaigo's upperarm.

An agonized scream filled the hangar and defeaned the sizzling sound of the scorched flesh. He repeated this process on the other upperarm of Kaigo and then left him in agony on the ground.

" Clipped, wings. " Bandou said with an evil grin.
Cide looked at the bulges in his pockets from the firearm, then shrugged indifferently. "Sure, why not?" At that moment, a scream rose out of the hangar. He snapped his head towards it, and then back towards his friends.
Pon heard his scream too and mimiced Cide's reaction, everything seemed silent for an eternity before he spoke.

" ****, let's go. "

Running towards the hangar he checked his pockets for his knife and guns, taking out a gun, once at the hangar he slid open the gate and bursted in with his gun pointed in turns at everyone nearby.
Jerome followed Pon in,and held two handguns with gloved hands. He quickly pointed them at the varrious gunmen in the room,watching them closely. "Watch yourself,Pon. Keep to a wall." Jerome whispered this to Pon in english,hoping the Armament goons didn't understand.
Cide ran past his friends and appeared behind the nearest person there. He slid his blade easily into the man's kidney, then slit the tendon behind his knee before moving on to the next person, laughing maniacally.
Bandou smiled as the kids entered the hangar, guns out and everything.

" My, my, aren't you little chicks growing into fine roosters ? " He said mockingly untill he saw that one started to slash and stab his way through his members.

He lifted a hand and pointed it at Cide, not even 2 seconds later a sharp and loud gunshot could be heard coming from the siderailings near the ceiling. Bandou had several members of the Armament stationed there with semi-automatic rifles. Cide collapsed to the ground and started to bleed rapidly over the cement floor, he had a large bulletwound in his leftleg, a little above his ankle.


" CIDE! " Pon shouted, aiming his gun at Bandou now.



Bandou stared at Pon like a reprimanding father looks at his foolish son.

" We don't have your precious Teki, we never had her. Next time make sure you got your facts straight before you throw your lives away. " He said this looking at all of the Crows.

" We had to teach your two friends here a lesson because they treated us like fools, same goes for your other friend bleeding all over my floor there. "


" I-I don't understand. "

Then it suddenly hit Pon and he lowered his gun subconsciously, the men of the van .... they didn't have the Armament written on the back of their sweaters. It was a set up.

" ****! " He shouted, before dropping his gun and falling to his knees.

" I'm sorry, friends, I'm sorry. " He said to the Crows with tears in his eyes. Then he looked at Bandou.

" Please, forgive us and tell us where we can find Teki. "


Bandou's face turned deadserious.

" We have been asked by some lowlife yakuza goon to kidnap your girl and bring her to him. We refused. We do alot of things, but we don't hurt women nor children we can avoid it. "

" We followed him to his hide-out, a small appartment not far from here. We'll take you there on our bikes, but you kids deal with the rest yourselves. "
Ageha glared at Bandou, pure hatred and determination in his eyes. He choked back a sob, sniffling a bit.

"Take us there then! I'll apologize and beg and do whatever it takes! We'll get Teki back, no more screw-ups!" He yelled, a single tear running down his face, as he tried to wrestle against the men holding him.

"TAKE US THERE!" He yelled again, struggling harder and harder.
Cide groaned in pain at the bullet wound. He sat up and looked at the hole in his leg. Luckily, it didn't hit any major arteries, so he was fine. Cide pulled up his pants leg and noticed an exit wound for the bullet. He breathed a sigh of relief, then ripped a long cloth from his shirt and used it as a tourniquet for the wound. He shakily stood up using the help of a nearby table.

"Who the **** shot me?!"
Releasing Ahega the men backed away from both him and Kaigo, who was still on the floor.

Pon walked over to Cide to support him with one of Cide's arms over his shoulder as he spoke to Bandou.

" Take us there, we'll deal with it ourselves from there on out. "

Bandou guided the Crows to the Armament's bikes and took off with the Crows on the back of the bikes.

Arriving at the appartment, Bandou handed a pistol with a silencer attached to it.

" If worst comes to worst, don't get caught. " He simply said before driving off, leaving the Crows facing the grim appartment.
Kota was happy to finally get there to save Teki. "Alright so why do we not wanna get caught there cant be to many to handle can there?" Kota got a bit concerned.
Pon looked at the gun and then at the fouter staircase leading up to the small appartment on the 2nd floor.

" I think he meant, if we need to kill, to not get caught. " He spoke soft and grim but he was prepared to do whatever it took to save Teki.

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