Crows Zero [RP] [Mature]

Nodding her head, Teki sighed, grabbing her bike, the only pink one out of the whole since her parents wouldn't budge on what a girl bike is, she got on, holding the handles with one hand and pressing the other into her lap and winding her shirt around in. Yawning, she looked at everyone else silently, noting spots of blood or cuts or anything else out of the normal from earlier that day. She had a lot of things to plan now, for sure.
Remembering Cide couldn't peddle because of his bulletwound in his leg he beckoned him over.

" Dude, sit on my carrier behind me, you can't peddle, I'll take you to the hospital. "
Cide looked at Pon, then put up a hand.

"Nah, I'm good. I never got to finish my walk. My wound's healed anyway. It'll look awfully suspicious if a bunch of kids go to the hospital together, eh?"

He grinned and winked at Pon, then started walking away normally.
Kaigo finished his smoke and hopped on his bike and pulled up beside Pon. "ill get to the hospital a bit later i need to dispose of this gun right now then i need a bite to eat." Kaigo rode off in the direction of his house waving goodbye to his friends for the time being.
Arriving at his apartment, Ageha flopped down on his couch-bed. He opened the mini-fridge beside it, and grabbed a beer. Underage-drinking? Pfft, he was a criminal. Whatever. And besides, after his father, Ageha would never abuse alcohol, merely enjoy it. At times.

He took a rather large gulp, and set the beer down, sinking into the furniture. He even tried to say something cool, but probably just sounded like an idiot. He just wished today would end.
" Alright Cide. Take care man. "

" Everyone, take care and we'll see eachother soon. "

With one last look at Teki, he took off towards his small appartment where he lived alone.

Sitting on his yellow leather couch he sunk in the softness and lit up a cigarette, he took a few drags and stared into the distance as the gunshot, the blood and the lifeless falling of the man all appeared before his eyes.

He kept staring 'till he remembered he had a cigarette in his hand, which was practicly burned all the way up before he remembered.

" ****. ****. ****. ****. FUCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKK! " He shouted the last word as he kicked the table in front of him causing the ashtray to fall off and making a mess on the floor.

Placing his head in his hands and leaning forward, arms resting on his legs, he thought about all that happend. Not being able to get it out of his head he laid down on his bed and tried to sleep.
Kicking up the stand, she looked at those who were left before speeding off, moving with rather good skill despite her mental and physical state. Cutting down a back ally, Teki rode hard, choosing random roads before she had, by some miracle ended up in the place she was apparently suppose to go. Looking at it, she stopped for a moment before looking at the blood soaking through her shirt where her hand was.

Reaching into her pocket with her free hand, she pulled out her lighter. Holding it up, she debated between the hospital and the self fixing method. Ultimately, it was the ache in her head that she couldn't remember getting that made her go with the hospital. Dropping her bike in the ally next to it, she walked across the street to the emergency room.

Inside, it was a whirl and she couldn't remember what happened as she was taken into the hospital, her information taken down, a bullshit story given as to what happened. A garage incident, she tripped over the edge of a step, nailing her head on the work bench and taking down a box of tools, one of which was the chisel which went straight through her hand. Close enough to the wounds on her for it to be believable and she was taken out ino the different rooms to get her hand fixed and her head checked out.
Watching everyone else leave, Cide leaned against a wall and breathed heavily. He'd been amazed that the others hadn't noticed the excessive bleeding. Chuckling a bit, he walked to his lavish apartment. It was relatively small, only one room and a bathroom. But the things inside were incredible. A golden statue of a dragon wrapping itself around Buddha, multiple swords and knives hanging from the walls, autographed posters of American bands which he favored over Japanese bands, and so much more. Cide flopped on his queen-size bed and flipped open a knife to check the injury once more. The tourniquet which he had used was completely blood soaked. He carefully took it off and examined the wound.

"That...Ain't good."

The wound itself wasn't bad, only two small holes, an entry and exit wound. But it was the bleeding that had him concerned. And the possibility of infection. Groaning and knowing what he had to do, he limped to the small kitchen area of the apartment and put an iron on the stove to heat up. Waiting for that, he grabbed a clean sock and put it next to him. Then he thought for a moment. Grinning a bit, he reached into his dresser and pulled out a bag of marijuana. Doing the necessary steps like a pro, he had the joint rolled and between his lips in a few short moments. Cide lit the joint and took a huge drag as he got back to the work of healing himself.
After Jerome had collected the weapons and ammo,he put them in the bag,and began his ride to the pier. A short while later,he arrived,and saw police officers there. He slid behind a stack of crates before he was said,and muttered in English, "Well,crap..." He kept his personal handgun,but he left the bag there,by the crates after he wiped the bag and weapons down with a strong alcohol solution,to wipe away prints and genetic evidence for when they were undoubtedly found.


Later,he arrived at Ageha's home. After parking his bike behind the appartment building,and locking it to a gas line,he buzzed his appartment,and awaited a reply. Looks like no one's here yet...
Ageha rolled his eyes, and got up to the speaker, and unlocked the front door for whoever buzzed the apartment.

"You know the number." He said lazily into the speaker, returning to his couch and turning on his small television.
As she was put into a patient room, her hand switched and wrapped tightly, an needle in her arm for plasma due to blood loss, bandages wrapped tightly around her head, a test was done to see if she cracked it but they haven't told the news of that one or not. They said Teki would have slight memory loss, and she would have to agree, the only things she remembered then, was the inside of the van, a dark place, and Pon holding a gun.

As her parents were called, the pain killers they gave her started to kick in. Despite Ageha's request for a hang out thing, she was passing for sure. She'd probably be missing school for a few days, and that made her more upset. Back work, ugh.... It was as her thoughts started to whirl into random places, that she broke down. Though she couldn't remember much, a face kept coming back, and despite her best efforts to remove it, she cracked a little more till they had to come in and put her under to get her to stop screaming.
[six months later,Saturday,1:00 PM]

It's been six months since Teki was taken and recovered. Jerome had set up a new operation in the Tokaido district,selling all manner of illicit commodities. Everyone knew that if you wanted your fix,you go to Morrow. And everyone knew Morrow was a Crow. Meth,grass,powder,and even something completely new...If the cops don't like you having it,he can hook you up...For a price.

Jerome had a solid buisness model. No direct meetings. Dead drops. And,most importantly,quality product at competitive prices. Today,Jerome was preparing the drop for one of his regulars. A week's supply of Jerome's new product; Smoked like marujana,but orange. It provided an instant high,and,most devilishly,the body can't build a tolerance. Addiction is instant,and severe,with no hope of recovery. Perfect for repeat buisness. On top of it all,he called it "Red Sand". A misnomer,yes,but it kept the cops guessing.

He was in an alleyway,busy burying the bag under some boxes,when he heard a noise. Jerome stopped what he was doing,and slipped a gloved hand into his jacket,carefully looking around the corner. There was a man there,stumbling into the alley. This wasn't his customer. The man stumbled by,apparently not noticing Jerome. He then passed out at the end of the dead-end alley.

Jerome didn;t want to take a chance. He pulled out his buisness phone,and walked out of the alley,after pocketing the drop. He dialed his customer's number,and after she picked up,he replied, "Change of location. Drop point zulu." After confirming,he cut the connection,and proceeded a few streets over,and casually dropped the plastic ziploc baggie of merchandise into a mailbox for an old,abandoned house.
Another poor rich sucker. Kaoru slipped past the banker quite quickly, no time for error; and there was none. A full wallet in an empty pocket, Kaoru found enough cash to make few more weeks of groceries, and barely a moment as she bumped into someone else, bowing a quick apology, putting the wallet back, empty of cash, in the banker's pocket. It was incredible what a girl could get away with, although with the way they're often singled out for things, sometimes it was worthwhile being a man. Maybe tomorrow?

Her identity was almost foolish, never quite the same from one day to the next, though not many people seemed to notice; maybe it was just the people around her didn't think she was important enough to care about?

Oh well, it suited her needs just fine to go unnoticed that way.
One, two, three. Out. One, two, three. In. One, two three. Hold. And repeat.Eyes locked forward, breathing measured and timed perfectly like everything. eight steps forward, turn left, three steps forward, stop, knock, wait for response. This was the child's latest relapse response. Not to rebel, as she had before, but to stay perfectly in order. A response to memory failings, as the newest therapist had said.

He'd be gone soon, one more week, and he'd be gone. They all left at that mark, when she could finally feel like speaking, they left again, and another one took their place. And so the cycle continued. A soft voice spoke, and the door opened wide, looking down at her before going a forced smile took over.

"Yes, Teki?" Her mother said, her father behind her at a desk, pausing and looking over his shoulder.She held up a small whiteboard, "May I go out, please?" Regardless of the answer, which, by now, was always yes, she was going to go. It was just a function now. "Yes, Teki." The same words spoken over and over, only changing in tones.

Bowing, she turned, the door shutting behind her, and the cycle started again. Pausing only once in her calculated walk, to put on a pair of gloves to cover the still present scab over the still healing, soon to be scar, and put the board in her bag, she stepped out. Taking a deep breath, she nodded, before starting the 14.72 block walk, with exactly three left turns and five right turns, 7 stop signs, and two traffic lights, to the public library. A place she'd spent a lot of time avoiding the Crows in, and herself, for that matter. The systematic organization of it all pulling her out of disorder, and right back in a safe zone. And the stories within, enough of a reason to keep going, she thought. Besides, her drive for arson, or vandalism, or hell, even selling some kid those rare pokemon cards for a month's allowance had been barely present.
Nothing was the same, not after what happened 6 months ago.

Pon's feelings seemed to have vanished, vanished or locked up in a sealed box deep within. Whichever the case was, he had changed. He just didn't feel anymore, anything. Pain, sorrow, love, sympathy, empathy, ... He had become the living embodiment of apathy, in a way. It wasn't that he didn't want to care or feel anymore, it was that he couldn't. He hid this well from his family and other people, but the Crows knew that he had changed. The gang of friends was on the edge of falling apart, Teki & Pon had completely changed and it was only a matter of time before the others couldn't take it anymore.

Not that he cared, Pon just went through life in a haze, nothing seemed real or worthwhile anymore. He kept his ties with the Crows and in that aspect nothing had changed, the Crows still spent every moment they could together and they all still stuck up for eachother 'till the death. But the vibe had changed, it wasn't the relaxed atmosphere they used to have anymore. It was like a funeral for some and a visit to the mental hospital for others.

For Pon it seemed like a funeral, a place where you wouldn't expect the others to be as happy as they were.

Either way, they stuck together for the time being, and whenever the time came that they needed to retalliate or defend themselves against others, they all did so. Some more than others, it seemed that for Pon those moments were the moments he could unleash everything he's building up. Almost every single fight they got into since then, they had to stop Pon from literally destroying the opponents. Pon hadn't gotten stronger since those 6 months, but he became crazy in fights aswell as immune to pain. Some would say that results in more strength, but it doesn't, it's merely another way to get yourself killed faster. Immune to pain? **** no, he just didn't care about the pain anymore. Enough pain will kill him like it would kill anyone else. Crazy? **** no, he just wanted everyone else to feel like he did, but he couldn't, so he let it rip when "allowed".

Last time he gotten in a fight, Pon had been targetted by a small up & coming gang when he was on his way to the Crows hide-out. 5 guys. 5 visits to Intensive Care.

They ambushed him in an alley, Pon remembers it well, it wasn't too long ago afterall. They pushed him against a wall and pushed a pistol against his face, laughing and mocking him when he suddenly whispered.

" Do it. "

Then louder.

" DO IT. "

They didn't...

Next thing there were 5 bodies on the floor, Pon with a hole in his gut, loose teeth on the dirty ground, bloodsmears all over the walls and alleyway, bleeding eyesockets and broken bones were the only thing left after the few moments where you could hear a roaring scream come from the shady alley. As if someone was being tortured to death mentally, as if someone was in so much agony all they could do was scream out so hard that their lungs would burst.

That was the sound of Pon, the only true sound he has made since what happened, 6 months ago.

Today, Pon was at the hide-out of the Crows, sitting in one of the couches, drinking vodka and smoking a joint.
By the time she'd reached the first traffic light, 7 blocks exactly of the trip, Teki was thinking things. Things she normally thought, but never acted upon. Looking up, she noticed a group of kids across the street. One was staring directly at her. Her lips pursed tightly, as she looked back up at the light, waiting for it to change. By the time she looked back over at the kids, they were all staring.

They were from the school, she knew that much. In her....she couldn't remember what that class was. A flash of silver, and the light turned. Moving in the same pattern she had, trying hard to ignore them, she walked past without them saying anything, but their gazes followed. A few paces away, they started following. Another flash of silver.

Walking faster, completely by passing the stop sign, she heard a chuckle. Taking a deep breath, she burst forward into a full on sprint, straight off her precisely planned course. Drawing in ragged, un even breaths, she glanced around, and took a sharp turn left down an alleyway.

Stopping at the fence that separated it from the other side, she shook her head. As the footsteps behind her slowed, she started grinning very darkly. Ten minutes later, three terrified kids ran from the ally, and Teki followed, tucking two new butterfly knives in her back pocket. Looking around, she sighed. She had no idea how she'd gotten here, or how to get back. Shaking her head, she shrugged, started recounting, and chose a random directly to walk.
On her way to the grocery store, Kaoru spotted a girl running from a crowd of boys. Weren't they classmates of hers? When the boys came running back out of the alley, Kaoru was intrigued, and went to investigate.

"You okay there?" she asked in a bubbly voice. Maybe the cheerleader attitude was for today.
As someone spoke to her, Teki turned and stared at them. Not replying, her mind reeling at the fact someone had even seen any bit of that, she took a step back. As the words sunk in, she slowly shook her head no, ready to bolt if she needed.
"Something wrong?" Kaoru asked as she took a quick step forward, setting her crooked ponytail bobbing.

"Did they hurt you or somethin?"
Stepping back as the girl moved forward, she narrowed her eyes. Shaking her head at the lady's questions she glanced around, before her eyes settled back on the girl. Reaching into her bag, she pulled out a small white board, before writing something quickly and flashing it for a moment, the thing reading,Fine.No. What do you want?
A puzzled expression made it's way into Kaoru's face as the girl pulled out a whiteboard and scribbled down on it.

"Well, I wanted to make sure you were okay..." Suddenly she was sheepish, playing with a bit of loose hair, her toes pointing inward.

She squeaked a little at the other girl's gaze, looking down at her shoes; still the school shoes, she'd never had a reason to change them.
Nodding her head, Teki erased the board and turned on her heel, about to walk away, until she remembered that she had no idea what she was doing. Turning back, she wrote again, and showed the girl, ​Where is this?
The girl was about to leave, but turned back; seeming to realize she was lost.

"Uh, we're near the market," Kaoru replied, a little confused by this girl's method of communication.

"So, why don't you talk?" she asked, looking back up again.
The market...that was close to the hide out, wasn't it? Her mind was a bit fuzzy on that detail. If she found her way there, maybe she could find her way back to the library, and back to order. Shaking her head as the girl spoke again, she looked at her. Her hand tightened on the board, before she scribbled down an answer, I just don't.

Tucking the the board back in her bag, she bowed in farewell, and started walking once more. Ducking down a side way, moving around a homeless man, she stopped for a split second, and nailed her fist against the brick walling of the building on her left, before resuming her walk.
"That's fair," Kaoru replied, following the other girl. She was interesting, it wouldn't be that easy to ditch her.

"Well what's your name? I'm Kaoru," she said, hoping tradition might at least get her something. The homeless man didn't bother her in the slightest, she'd spent days huddled around a fire on a cold night before, much like that man would be tonight.

"Why are you running away from me?" she asked, just as the other girl punched the wall.

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