Crows Zero [RP] [Mature]

"I think you have me mistaken, I don't care who you are. In fact, I find it only more childish to be throwing around your name, like that would get you more respect." Scoffing, Teki continued, "And before you get the wrong idea. I'm not looking for a fight. Even if I was, you would have no upper hand, that cheap sword or otherwise. I have nothing to lose, I'm a few screws loose in the head, and I'm already dead. As far as I'm concerned, you can't touch me." Rolling her eyes, she cracked her knuckles.

Moving past the girl to Pon's side, she looked at him before digging through her bag. Pulling out a bottle of pain killers, she pulled out two and extended her hand. Glancing once at the other pair of boys there, the frown on her face deepened, before she spoke over her shoulder. "By the way, this prefecture belongs to the Crows."
Teki mocked Hattori, but Hattori imagines Teki is in a mute version. Except the part where she mocked Hattori's Kendo sword. Hattori's Kendo sword is one of her most precious belongings. It is very dear to her that she would never leave it behind. Hattori flinched when she heard when Teki said that her Kendo sword is a 'cheap sword', she clenched her fist. Without hesitation, Hattori approaches Teki and gives her a swift kick on her.

"Mind your tongue, slut." she said. She points her Kendo sword to Teki, "You never know the history...In fact, this 'cheap sword' you called belongs to someone who had died in honor. It would be a disgrace if i use this to hit you. Amateurs...pffft."

Hattori turned her eyes away from Teki and walked away from the others. Surely if anyone mocks Hattori, she doesn't care about it. But if anyone were to dare mock her precious thing someone like her late brother...she'd go on a rampage. Hattori's elder brother, Kazuyoshi Kanda or famously known as 'Akuma no Ou' died in order to protect Hattori in the past and the Kendo sword...belongs to her brother. This is the reason why she'd become a yankii, following her brother's footsteps; in a desperate of wanting traces of her brother's legacy to stay.

"Damn, my mood is ruined..." she mumbled as she walks into the school.
Avoiding the kick with skill, without even fully looking, Teki ignored the girl, before she started walking away, of course. "Shame...that an object of honour be wasted on someone like you. Can't even keep your temper talking to a 'slut' that is clearly aiming to piss you off...Pff, real amateurs..."

Pulling out a small carton from her bag, she grinned at Pon, winking as she pulled out a cigarette. Striking a match against the side of her shoe, she lit the cancer stick and sighed softly. Looking at her friend, she nodded her head. "We have some business to take care, What's his name never touched back in..." She was of course, referring to their dear friend Jerome.
Kaoru had come to school early, as a guy today. Watching the entire drama from the sidelines, he saw everything go down, smiling like a fool as he passed the new girl, Kanda was it?

"It's called a shinai by the way, not a 'kendo sword'," he chuckled, quickly swiping her wallet before she could turn to respond.

"Maybe you should know what you're talking about before you say it eh?"
As Hattori walked into the school, a guy passed by and telling her that her kendo sword is called a shinai, not much to Hattori's care. She stopped and turns to him. And she chuckled at him.

"Nice try on taking my wallet. That's empty and it contains only cents in it. Take it if you wanted to. I'm not stupid enough to keep my wallet in somewhere so obvious..." she said and continues to walk away.

She settled behind the school grounds. Letting out a sigh, she held her brother's kendo sword up high to the sky. She began to remember how she first becoming a murdering people. Then she remember what Teki said about honor.

"Honor, huh?" she mumbled. "Aniki...Am i not worth of an honor holding your sword...? After all those jerks i've beaten up for you? Aren't you proud of me?"

She puts down the sword next to her, thinking. 'Why Suzuran High?' she thought. Crows? Did Kazuyoshi enter this school to become one of the Crows? That question eludes her. Hattori was once a Housen High student, but despite on wanting to follow her brother's step, she quits Housen and joins in Suzuran for his sake. But why, why did Kazuyoshi could smile and be calm with all this ruckus from Suzuran? That's the thing which keep lingering Hattori's mind.

"Well, i might stop acting all high and mighty..." she sighed. She took a bag of potato chips out from her schoolbag and opens it. One by one, she devours it with pleasure.

(lololol sorry, i'm kinda hungry XDDD I have to write this in~~)
"Well, I guess you don't want it back then," Kaoru mumbled to himself as he flipped it open, mostly just to check the ids, photos, anything that might tell the crows if she really was a 'badass', not just a self proclaimed one.

Approaching the other gang members, Kaoru tossed the wallet off to Teki, a smug grin on his face.

"What'd she say her name was again?" he asked jokingly.
Joseph frowned at Hatori "you ignorant racially profiling *****, in case you couldnt see, i'm half japanese half Swedish... ***** been watching too much T.V, think all guys with blue eyes are americans..."

he pulled out a pack and lit a smoke, the cigarette packet had a drop of blood on it, he took it from some poor sucer who thought assumed Joseph was a naie tourist and got himself beat halfway to death for it, he lit the smoke and took a puff.

"ugh... i hate this cheap shit, its like smoking fresh shit straight from the ass, rolled up in a thin tissue" even though he complained, he still took another puff.

he then turned back to Pon and Teki, he offered Takashi a smoke but he turned it down... Takashi's a drinker, not a smoker.

"So... "the Crows" huh? that some kinda gang? roam the streets, collect debts all that shit?..."

he took another puff of his smoke, and he almost glared at Pon and Taki

"or are you guys just some group of thugs, with no goal but to become the strongest in whatever, and have no idea of how to make it to the top?... tell me, whats the Crow's main source of income? debt collecting? whoring? drugs? what?..." he asked so he could know if this "crows" group would even be worth his time... Joseph knew how to collect debts, he had business sence, Takashi knew how to intimidate, how to terrorize, and if shit went tits-up, he knew how to fight his way out...
Catching the wallet, Teki shrugged, "Candy or something like that, damn if I know..." Suddenly shaking her head, she stared at the kid. "Who the hell are you....?" Folding her arms, she stared at Kaoru, before the other one spoke up, making her eye twitch. Glancing over at them, she cocked an eyebrow.

Letting smoke curl out of her mouth and the end of her cig, she stared at them with dead eyes. "Good question. One that doesn't need to be answered. At least.." She glanced them over, before looking displeased. "Not to people like you...Besides, money doesn't mean shit towards rep."
"Oh yeah," Kaoru said suddenly, just remembering something.

"Forgot, I was a girl yesterday," he continued, pulling his long disheveled hair back into the dual ponytails he'd worn them in just the day before, and changed his general expression and posture, suddenly losing the masculinity of his posture and voice, seeming almost to change entirely.

Before the group could say anything more, he 'switched back' with a burst of laughter.
Joseph chuckled

"you can't buy weapons, cars and safehouses with rep, respect without cash is nothing, cash without respect is what the "respectable" man does, but if you have money and respect... then you can call yourself a real gangster"

he looked to Takashi "hey Tak... show 'em..."

Takashi lifted his hoodie a bit, to reveal a giant scar

"rep didn't buy the stitches, the disinfectant and the silence of the doctor, rep didn't get him the taxi ride to a "friendly place"... you need money if you wanna roll, or else... you're ust a small-time group of thugs with no goal in mind, doomed to die of STDs and drug overdoses before 30..."
Eyes flickering between the two groups, Teki suddenly found herself staring at the laughing boy. Which just happened to be who she had spoken to the other day....and kidnapped into their group. "Well damn..." Chuckling a little bit, she glanced over at the duo, before pulling her glove off, showing the still unhealed slice from the sword going through her hand, and the stitches that covered it, before tugging down her scarf, showing the start of scars that rain up either side of her veins and extended down to her lower back.

"We've all got scars, we've all got stories. No one is impressed." Pulling her glove back on, and her scar back up, she put out the cig, looking back at Kauro and Pon for a second, before back at them. "And you need your ears cleaned. I never said we didn't have it. Just that you don't need to know. As for a goal....My Dear Pon here could explain that one..."
Joseph's head twitched a bit "i'm trying to prove a point here, why the hell should i bother trying to impress a c*m dumpster like you? if i wanted in your pants, i'd just point to a matress..."
Teki's eye twitched once more. From another female, she could take the hit of being called names. From a male? Reaching into her bag, her hand tightened around the one thing she'd started keeping on her since her kidnapping, a pair of brass knuckles. Sliding it on inside the bag, she suddenly wheeled at the kid, fist aimed for his nuts and closing in fast.
Joseph didn't exactly "dodge" instead he lowered himself, so she didn't hit his nuts, instead she hit him just on his waist, he let out a grunt of pain, but he didn;t slow down, he shot his hands towards her head, the hands pulled back so his palms would smack her temples both at the same time.
As the hit landed, Teki started to slide down, pulling herself out of range of his hands just in time. Using one arm as a brace against the ground so she didn't go completely on her back, she twisted and kicked upwards with her legs.
Joseph avoided her kick with ease, leaning back a bit, her kick missed his body by barely a centimetre, however she was now in range.

he didn;t kick for her head or anything, instead one of his hands shot out, grabbing the ankle of the leg she just used to try and kick him, and he moved forward, lifting her leg so she wouldnt be able to keep balance and he bought his leg around in a great, mighty kick aimed for her stomach.
"Look, break it up," Kaoru said, just barely keeping his calm as he stepped between Teki and the loudmouth, taking the girl's kick in his thigh, and the loudmouth's kick to the side.

He gasped in pain, and almost folded, but he stayed between the two.

"Jus-" another gasp, "Just quit fighting, you've got no reason to!" he shouted, looking from one to the other.
Joseph's eye twitched, but he did as this other guy suggested, he let go of Teki's leg and took a step back

"you best count yourself lucky" he said to Teki on the ground, he looked to this other guy.

"good to see at least one of you guys with a brain in their head, whats your name?"
"Kaoru, and let me see..." the sticky fingered teen replied, flipping open a wallet. "Joseph Greene?" he asked, handing his wallet back.

"Sorry about that, force of habit. Nice to meet you."
As Kauro stepped in, Teki ripped her foot from the man's hand as he seemingly let go. Standing, she scoffed at his remark.Nothing to be fighting about, yeah right... Brushing off dirt on one side, hand staying in a tight fist around the brass knuckles, she fumed. Shaking her head, she spit at Joseph, before brushing past all of them, heading off school grounds.
Joseph didn't seem to mind his wallet being snatched, in fact he smiled as he was given his wallet back

"thats a mighty fine habit you have there, usually either i feel it when my wallet goes mising or Takashi sees them do it..."

he put his wallet back in his pocket

"so, are you a member of this Crows Zero?..."
"New recruit actually," Kaoru replied to Joseph before Teki stormed off.

"If you'd excuse me?" he offered, not really waiting for a response as he hurried off after his... mentor, he supposed. While he walked Kaoru pulled out a couple elastics and tied his hair back again, like he had yesterday; and shifted his posture slightly, hurrying to catch up with Teki.

"This is because of what he said, right?" she asked, finally catching up to the other girl; feeling herself responsible to console her senior.
"Partially.." Teki mumbled, cutting a quick corner down an ally, counting each and every step. 56,57,58.... Shaking her head, "I'm just a spiteful person...I don't like people..."
"Not liking people is one thing, but bodily attacking them is another thing all together," Kaoru said, patiently walking beside her senior amongst the crows.

"You don't have to hurt someone to show you aren't happy," she went on, feeling like such a preacher. Here she was, a new member of the gang, talking down on people as if they were dark, twisted creatures. Kaoru felt horrible for saying it, but it felt like the right thing to say, to tell the other people around her that she cared about them, and to make them feel better.
"Okay..I don't like sexist pigs who think that just because I'm female, I'm automatically a whore." Teki said, "I'd much rather people like that die. And I know, hypocrite walking...." Turning off onto a random street, she methodically wound her way towards the library. "And I'm more than un happy, and you know, there are times when actions speak louder than words for expressing that...."

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