Crows Zero [RP] [Mature]

Looking back at the girl, Teki shrugged, before waving her hand over her shoulder in a way of saying, 'i'm not'. As for her name, it wasn't needed, moving her hand, she brushed some of her hair over her shoulder, and if this girl did indeed go to her school, she'd understand that the carved C on her shoulder meant that she was the one and only female member of the Crows Gang. Something she was quite proud of, despite the guilt of the strain she was putting on them.
Finally noticing the little emblem on the girl, Kaoru barely suppressed a gasp.

"You're one of those gang kids?" she asked, speeding up to keep pace.

"Why'd you join with them?"
A smirk spread over her face hearing the girl's reaction. Pulling the board back out, she paused only long enough to turn down a side ally behind a shop, and hop the fence that was almost in your face when you took it. Stopping on the other side, she wrote quickly, letting out a silent chuckle.Because their my friends. My Family.
Kaoru followed closely behind the corner, and ran right into the fence; though she climbed up right after the other girl.

"Maybe that's why then..." she muttered, thinking again about her decisions on gangs. Family sounded so tempting... someone to watch her back. Someone to be there, but she'd gone this far without them.

"Can we hang out some time? Or something?"
Blinking a few times, Teki stared at the girl, almost in disbelief. Cleaning the board, she wrote once more, I'm psychotic, violent, prone to arson, smoke, drink, vandalize and beat the shit out of kids. Why the hell would you want to be around that?
"Because I'm no better," Kaoru replied, real sorrow in her voice now as she found a sudden profound interest in her belly button.
Teki looked the girl up and down before folding her arms. Motioning with one hand to follow, she moved quickly, swinging through side allies with a precise movements, her memory mapping out everything, down to each and every lip and dip of the sidewalks, before she moved down another side ally, before pausing. Opening a door to the hideout, she looked at the girl, before nodding, and ducking in.

Letting out a soft whistle, in case anyone actually was fully in there and they thought she was just a random stranger, which, technically, she had just brought here. To a place that was meant to be safe. ******* hell.
Following along an intricate path, led by the arm; Kaoru felt strangely at ease despite the current situation, led to some unknown location by a complete stranger... she had kind of asked for it.

A secret hideout, and the girl just let her in; whistling what must have been a secret signal of some kind.

"Hello?" Kaoru vocalized, looking around like a lost child.

"Is this the hideout?"
Wheeling around as the girl spoke, Teki put a hand over her mouth and shook her head, mouthing, 'keep quiet and stay here.' Pointing down at the ground, she gave a look like she would rip the girl to shreds if she didn't listen to that one. Walking in fully, she saw the back of Pon's head and smiled softly, a faint warm fluttering crossing her mind for a moment before getting shot out.Knock it off with the damsel in distress crush, girl, it don't suit you.

Pulling out a cig and the board, she flicked the one in her mouth and set to writing on the board. Curling the words over the thing carefully, she finished her explanation of the girl, who'd seem interested enough, and trustworthy enough to at least be offered the chance to become one of them, before moving behind Pon.

Wrapping her arms around him as best as she could, she leaned her head against his, and smiled softly, offering him the board to see what his response would be before she fully let the girl enter their hideaway.
The silent girl seemed pretty serious, and Kaoru wasn't one hundred percent on what she was asking, but she thought it was to stay here, and so she did. She sat down on the spot with a 'hmph', and just waited, having a feeling this could take a while.
Pon was buzzed from the vodka and Indica (Body high from weed) and listening to a track from The Roots while louching in the couch when he could hear soft footsteps approaching him from behind. He slowly turned his head slightly, enough to distinguish the beautiful figure of Teki, oddly enough he felt something churn in the pit of his chest as he looked at her lightly blurred silhouette. He somehow felt warmth and a certain form of happiness but eventhough he felt like that, his expression was stoïc and his actions didn't relay his emotions towards her. He just continued to lay there, half-drunk/high, as she came closer. Pon could feel his heart beat slightly faster and he felt anxiety when he felt her sweet embrace and soft cheek against his.

In response, he lifted his arm slightly and placed his hand softly against Teki's other cheek, gently sliding his fingertips over her silky skin before reading the board. The board. The ******* board. Suddenly all warmth and happiness vanished from within him and he felt a burning rage and shame engulf his soul as he kicked out against the table hard. His eyes became a bit teary but he swiftly dried them with a casual stroke with the back of his hand.

Teki ... Teki was his faulth, the way she was right now, the way everything went and the way she suffered and still suffers, it was all his fault. He read the board again, already forgotten what was on it and quickly gave it some thought but the only recurring thought was that if that girl could make Teki happy, then she was in.

" Sure, invite her whenever you want. I trust you. "

In his mind those last 3 words were replaced with 'I love you', but he was far too ashamed and guilty to confess that.
Frowning faintly, watching his face closely she unwrapped her arms from him and stood. Glancing at him, she wiped the board clean and stuck it in her bag again. Lighting the cigarette in her mouth her frown grew into a scowl. Pulling out the newly acquired butterfly knife from her pocket, she dropped it on the seat next to him, before moving back towards where she'd come in from.

Simply popping her head out, she motioned with her hand at the girl to come in. Pulling back within the hideout, she moved towards where she held a couple of random items. Pulling out a bottle of something unlabeled, she took a large gulp of it, feeling the burning it brought in the back of her throat. She'd ****** up again, she knew that. Not only did she stray off her safe path, she'd done it to Pon again. Those tiny tiny things, the kick, the something in my eye hand swipe. His...lack of emotions. It was the main reason she'd stayed away.

Suddenly slamming the bottle against the counter, the thing shattering , she wheeled around. She stalked straight back to him, and digging her fingers into his head pulled it back. Looking him dead in the eye she growled. "****. You."
Pon jumped out from the couch, barely surprised that Teki spoke to him. There was no time to be surprised, he was fuming with rage.

" Yeah? **** me? **** me?! **** that! I don't need that shit! "

He grabed the table and smashed it against the wall. The plates, bottles, glasses and ashtrays that weren't fortunate enough to slid off the table in time, were shattered between the brick wall and wooden table. Pon proceeded to trash everything that was between him and Teki as he made his way around the couch, barstools and bottles were all thrown throughout the room as he made his way to Teki.

" **** you! You and your stupid ******* shitboards! But you know what? Making you angry makes you talk? Then I'll make you ******* furious! "

He said as he grabbed the broken bottle that Teki was holding, cutting his palm and fingers open whilst doing so.

" Come on, do it then, do it, cut me up, get pissed off at the loser who couldn't even protect the person he loves the most! "

His grip on the broken bottle tightened so much that the bottle shattered, cutting both of their hands. Without paying attention to it, Pon grabbed Teki by the wrists and pushed her against a wall before kissing her with deep passion and love. He wasn't thinking anymore, he was handling from instinct and all he wanted was to kiss and love her.

After a kiss that seemed to last forever and yet cut short too soon even, he broke the kiss off and just stood there, his body pressing against her as they looked in eachother's eyes, seemingly searching eachother's souls for proof that this was just a dream.

" I love you. " Pon repeated, softly.
Staring in an odd state of anger and shock as Pon literally stormed to her her hands tightened. By the time he'd reached her, things went into fast forward and slow motion at the same time, and as he pinned her against the wall, horrible things went through her head. Things that had haunted her every single night since she was ten, but none of them even touched the surface of what she was feeling. Pon had done his goal, she was furious, but she was also perfectly calm, and as he pulled away and just stayed against her, there was one thing there that kept her from nailing him in the nuts.

As he spoke once more, her head spun, and it wasn't from the moonshine. Staring back at him, she searched for one thing to prove he was lying, to prove he didn't mean it. Instead, she broke her bleeding hand free and looked like she was about to nail him across the face. "I told you the day this ******* happened it wasn't your god damn fault." And instead of hitting him, she pulled his face closer to her's, whispering softly, "But...I love you too...."
As the other girl popped back out of the separate room to motion her in, Kaoru stood, and walked in, feeling rather calm; until the destruction began to unfold. She stood in a dazed silence, watching the two go from murderous rage to a lovey-dovey, fuzzy in your tummy feeling.

"Maybe I... maybe I should give you two some alone time?" she asked, totally confused. She knew that the two must have had a complicated history together, but that didn't mean that she understood it.
Pon nodded with eyes half-open as Teki stated again that it hadn't been his fault. This was the first time the messag came across though, he knew now she didn't hate or despised him for what he hadn't been able to stop. It's in the past now, he wasn't going to let such things happen again. He'd do all he could to make sure he'd 'repent' for his sin by protecting Teki eventhough he was fully aware she was badass enough to handle most problems on her own. Nevertheless, he vowed to himself as his forehead touched hers that he would protect the woman he loved no matter what.

When Teki whispered that she loved him too while touching his face, he felt a huge relief befall him as he simply smiled boyishly while stroking a strand of her hair from her face and kissing her passionately yet again. Lost in bliss, they were connected until the new kid broke their trance. He didn't quite get what the kid said but it was enough to make him realize the kid was present and that they should stop what they were doing before losing themselves in the moment even more.

Pon reluctantly pulled himself away from Teki but still couldn't stop smiling as he approached the girl and simply said that:

" If Teki trusts you enough to invite you, then you're in. You'll meet the rest of the gang soon enough. We've all been through alot, individually and in unison, but I'm sure you won't feel like an outsider. We always welcome good people into our group, and try to make them feel at ease. "

" Come, lets hang out a bit in the lounge and drink something while we're at it. "

Pon said this as he was already walking towards the flipped table, glancing over towards Teki while sporting that silly boyish smile on his face. It was like these past 6 month never happened, he couldn't have felt happier than he felt right now. Pon flipped the table back onto the cement floor and then walked over to the bar, grabbing some drinks.
At the man's response, Kaoru got the most puzzled expression on her face, unable to voice a reply. A few stuttered attempts came out as she felt like she was being lead by the hand over to the bar.

"So... is this normal for you guys?" she finally managed, choking around her words a little in her surprise.
Teki shook her head softly, and though she could see he was happy, there was a hollow space filling her chest and looking at the girl, she smiled a bit. Eyes gliding back over at Ponn, she sighed, before they returning to the girl,her head shaking no. " Very rarely.... unfortunately... you met the trigger and ammunition pair before anyone else."

Pulling herself away from the wall, she felt her hands shaking slightly and her voice already dying back out to what had become her normal, head trying to gather back in and start recalculating.
"Well, at least the rough stuff's out of the way then I guess," Kaoru replied, a smile slowly working it's way back to her features.

Now I wonder who I'll be tomorrow...

Because of the sunshine blazing its way through Pon's closed eyelids, he woke up way too early and with a way too strong headache from last night's drinking. Who knew a couple of bottles of vodka with applejuice combined with Gold Strike shots...could cause a headache? The answer: Everyone but Pon, and now he had to pay the price. He slowly and achingly washed his body and face before putting on his standard Suzuran outfit aswell as covering his face with the white surgery-mask.

The memory of kissing Teki was still fresh in his mind and it acted like a painkiller, but not enough to be grumpy and annoyed throughout the morning. As he made his way towards Suzuran with his hans in his pockets and if looks could kill he would be a mass-murderer, killing everyone on his deathmarch towards the school.

Luck had it that just as he entered and passed through the gates, the bell rang. He nearly fell to his knees from the blasted noise inducting a headsplitting shot of pain through his head. He responded with the ever appropriate reaction of picking up a glass bottle of the courtyard's grounds and throwing it through one of the school's windows.

" SHUT, THE ****, UP! " He shouted, causing himself more headache in the process.
The usual Monday morning will not turn in to a normal Monday anymore. A girl wearing a standard Japanese uniform while holding a kendo sword steps into the ever-famous school, Suzuran High. It is her dream to enroll this sucky school. Oh yes, every guys is staring at her. Why would a girl step foot into this school? But strikingly, the girl is famously known as 'Oni-hime'. If people doesn't know her, then they haven't got into a fight with her or heard the rumors of the legendary 'Akuma no Ou'.

She looked up to the sky and then smirked, "Aniki, i'm here." she mumbled and walked into the school.

As she walked into the school, she spotted a guy, wearing a white-surgery mask throwing a glass bottle and threw it into the school window. Then again, she chuckled as she see the action.

"As expected from a Suzuran...! They live like a raging beast in the school...or so they say." she said out loud. "You okay, dude?" she asked Pon.
Through the main gates came the duo of Takashi Ueno and Joseph Greene, Takashi wore track suit pants, a hoodie and sneakers, Joseph wore a loose suit, with an untucked shirt and loose black tie, Joseph had his hair spiked while Takashi had his hair flowing over like int he profile pic under his hoodie.

inside the gates, Joseph heard a loud "SMASH!" as Pon broke a window

"ahh, the symphony of violence starts for another day..." he said, turning to Takashi.

"y-yeah... someone gettin all ****** up, right?"

"Takashi... dude... chill aight?... fuckin chill the **** out..."

Takashi show Joseph a glare, but he remembered that joseph telling him to chill had saved his life once and saved him from arrest dozens of times

"come on man, lets go see whats what..."

Takashi went along, not like an underling following orders like some would assume from their exchange, but as an equal.

they came to where Pon and Hattori were

"hey guys, whats happenin?" asked Joseph, almost cheerfully, Takashi walked to the other side of Pon, his eyes narrowed and unpredicable.

"Takashi... dude... this ain't a shake-down.. cool it"

Takashi kept walking, going all the way around the other 2

"sorry about him, he's one for acton, not words.. i don't think we've met... i'm Joseph Greene, this hooded badass is Takashi"
As Hattori checking out on Pon, another duo came to check on them. Hattori frowned her eyebrows when she looked at them both. And she noticed Joseph, is somekind of American people. She scoffed for a moment seeing Takashi and Joseph. They began to introduce themselves. Hattori turned to Joseph, glaring at him as if she were to hit him so hard that he might not remember himself.

"Huuuuh? What's with american people here?!" she said. She then took a glance at Takashi, and tapped her kendo sword on her shoulders, "Badass? Well, no one is more badass then me here, american boy~ Don't tell me you don't know who're you talking to?" she said.

Like usual, Hattori speaks like a guy; rude, mean and sarcastic.
Come the morning, Teki had been to school early, which was strange. She hadn't actually stepped foot on the school for six months, instead opting for a tutor. Naturally, her work was done perfectly, if not more than normal to be shipped back into the school. But, that was beside the point, she had gone early, to remove the tutor, and start functioning back in the school, which required the okay from the counselor.

After convincing him with much to rehearsed words, and given back her schedule, with the free block first period like she had every other year she'd been there, she'd taken to walking. Stepping outside the school enough to here a female voice state that no one else was more bad ass than her. Wait a second..a female? On her grounds? Teki's hand tightened into a fist, and as she scanned the group, she saw Pon and set one hand on her hip, tossing a bit of hair over her shoulder, eyes calm and deadly in their glare. "Unfortunately,for you, no one cares who you are, and if you want to call yourself bad ass, your stepping on claimed territory around here *****. Of course, the position of whore is still open..."
Hattori turned as someone seemed to be talking to her. It was another girl. She was talking about some territory and what's more, calling Hattori a *****. Hattori sighed, it seems that someone misunderstood Hattori's words. She smiled at Teki, somehow showing no fear of her glare. Hattori had gotten used of glares from other people and all.

"What do you know...a girl? Never knew there's a girl in Suzuran..." she scratches her head, talking to herself. "Sorry, lady, i'm no b***h or a whore. It seems that you got me wrong by my words."

Hattori stabs her Kendo sword onto the ground, "I'm definitely not gonna say i'm the badass in Suzuran, nor even wanted to conquer this damn school. However, i conquer this whole prefecture; not this school. I'm Kanda Hattori, from the famous Kanda Yakuza clan in Kyoto. And i'm known as 'Oni-hime'. I dunno if you knew this or not, its not important for the likes of you." Hattori placed her kendo sword on her shoulder, "Girl, you might think twice before talking, which makes you so childish for wanting to pick up a fight."

Hattori looked around, "Well, conquering the school might be the first step for an amateur to conquer a prefecture or a state, no doubt it. But i'm the badass in this state. I'm the bancho of the state." she said in a strict manner.

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