[Creepypasta]- Welcome to the Show (Offical RP)

The Smiledog padded along through the dark woods, slowly approaching the dark manor. He wandered around the manor, barking periodically. His barking sounded like any other dog, except something about the sound was unsettling, to say the least.

Where is Jeff? Gotta find Jeff. Hungry. Master needs to feed me. Gotta find Jeff.
Crow smirked and pulled her hair back, sliding it through her fingers. "He's like the grim reaper, Jesus Christ." She laughed, pacing back and fourth slowly. She had to admit, she was already getting knots in her stomach. She'd only killed 2 people before, and they were easy. Taking on Slenderman's proxies would not be easy at all.
BEN sighed and ran a hand though his hair. "Those aren't dreams, Melody." he said and glared at her with silent rage. "Those are real beings, I've met them before." He said and pointed to the Scarecrow girl "Her, I know her."
Jane felt a sense of unease. Not because of Zalgo-- no, Zalgo was perfectly fine. It was the idea of facing Jeffrey Woods. She wanted to kill him, to get revenge, so badly. But he is the one person she isn't sure she'd be able to kill when it came down to it. If she killed him, her life would technically end. She would still have the mask, the guilt, the murder streaks... She laughed to herself. Lies. She wouldn't feel guilty at all. She was just worried about how to dispose of Jeff's body. Or should she put a picture of him dead online somehow. People would be able to rest peacefully. But if he died, the fun and mystery would end. She sighed because she couldn't make up her mind.
(Question for everyone. If I was to make another CP RP where you would be the child of one of the Creepypastas, like the Son/Daughter of Jeff for example, would you join?)
Melody eyes widen a bit, as she recalled the screams in the forest. "....um...are..they in the forest..by any chance?.." she mumbled. She was holding false hope that it could have been her imagination but her gut instinct told her otherwise as she shivered.
BEN nodded "Yes, they are in the forest. My family and I live in that forest as well." he said and pointed out the window. "Things lurk in those forests, Killers. Like me." he smiled showing blood stained teeth. "Scared yet?"
(That is fine. It's just something that has been nagging at the back of my mind, the idea that is)
((If you could, when you make the sign up and the actual rp, I would like to be tagged in it. To ensure that I have my place. And if you could hold Jeff's daughter for me. So no one can take it))
(If Death Note doesn't mind, I wouldn't mind there being a Son of Jeff)
((HAHA SUCK IT NEBULA xD Jk, I love you. You can be the son if you want to. Or you can be Jane's son and they are supposed to hate/try to kill each other and somehow they end up falling in love. *shrugs* that'd be kinda cool))
Melody felt goosebumps on her arms as BEN confirmed her suspicions, "...." She stood still looking out of the window as she tried to remember what the screams sounded like. "...I'm more terr-ified..that they maybe...following me.."
BEN let out a slightly demonic chuckle. "That is a start." He smirked his eyes glinting madly. He backed up to the computer and disappeared in a thing of pixels before showing up on the computer screen. "Your turn, lets play." he laughed and made the computer go glitchy.
((Why not employ said ideas of CP offspring in the RP we're doing right here? We could develop the plot in such a way as to include such characters as Jeff and Jane's sons and daughters.))
((Hmm...yeah there'd be no point in making a new thread if the role plays are so similar but I doubt everyone would be happy with the change. I think a new thread would be best unless you suggest a way that takes them a couple years ahead without getting on anyone's nerves. I'd be fine with it but I don't really want to play Jane along with Jeff's daughter and the person who controls Jeff won't be on for a couple of days so...))
omgggg she won't be on?!? smiledog needs to be fed, jeff needs to feed his dog. the bastard isn't taking proper care of his insanity-inducing human-toothed pet, sh*ts gonna go down if smiledog doesnt get fed))
Melody sat on the carpet flooring of her bedroom as she stared at computer screen, hearing BEN's last words before the screen became glitchy. She tried to comprehend what was happening to her as she held her head in her hands. Melody let out a shaky breath as she forgo understanding as her imagination crafted various worst case senarios. Staggering to her feet, Melody walked back to her bookshelf to pull out another sketch pad and sat on her bed. She pulled out the marker that was in the spiral before flipping to a clean page and uncapped the marker then closed her eyes as she drew. The act of moving her hand across the paper always calmed her down.

(I was thinking that Melody was going to be forced to go into the forest by some of her classmates, for the last day of school. :3)

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