[Creepypasta]- Welcome to the Show (Offical RP)

Crow caught up quickly, elbowing the quiet girl in the arm. "Hey, did you hear that? I have an idea." She whispered, bending over and grasping a twig. She slowly dragged the stick across her wrist, watching the blood begin to form a sweet bubble at the end of the cut. She was made of pure hay, so the blood she bled was basically pointless. If push comes to shove, she will just transform back in to her normal form. The dull, throbbing feeling, what did they call it? Pain. She leisurely sunk to her knees and dipped her hands in the droplets of blood, allowing it to smear a dirty red. She began to rub it on to her tattered clothes and up her limbs, grabbing them as if she was hurt. "Help! Is anyone out there? I'm hurt bad and I need help!" Crow called out, hunching over as if she was injured. She hoped Jane caught the drift, but it wasn't really meaningful I. the first place.
Melody stopped her run down the path to catch her breath, a smile on her face. As she did she could have sworn that she heard something, a voice. Feeling a bit nervous Melody looked around the forest trying to figure out where it could have come from, pushing herself from the tree Melody continued to walk ahead knowing that the forest edge was a few meters ahead.
Jane dragged her index finger across her fake lips in a smile again. She found it entertaining. But it hurts to actually smile, the stitches clung to her face. She forgot what she looked like. She stopped thinking about it, only thinking about what Jeff...did to her. She dropped to her knees once again, screaming. It wasn't for Crow's game but she couldn't help herself. How old was she now? Sixteen, seventeen? She got up once again, grabbing Crows arm. She used the blood to smear on her white jacket. She got it to match Jeff's. To remember the hurt and anger. She didn't want it in her beautiful mask or hair, but clothes would be just fine. She dug a sharp stick into her leg, taking it out to allow blood to pour. She couldn't feel the pain because of her insanity. She shuffled along, a slight tingling in her upper thigh.
Melody stopped in her tracks as she heard screaming, her golden-brown eyes widen as she felt the goosebumbs appear on her arms. Her mind immediately conjured up the rumors her classmates told her earlier today about a dangerous being that lives in the forest waiting for people to slice and torture. Melody shook her head and rubbed her arms to combat her fear, trying to convince herself it wasn't that however she believed that it would be a wise idea to exit the forest as fast as possible. Melody looked behind her seeing the green foilage and endless trees before turning her head forward again and started to run towards the forest edge.
Crow could hear the footsteps growing fast and quiet, which instantly worried her, not to mention Jane had a stick lodged in her leg. She attempted to get up, but she felt incredibly dizzy and instantly stumbled back to the ground. The feeling was different and unnatural, something she had never experienced. "Help! Help!" She shouted, genuine distress in her voice as she yelled. She grasped on to te tree near her and pulled herself up, watching her vision spin in circles. She attempted to change back, but only managed to move halfway. Her hay was barely covering her, enough that you could still see her pasty skin. "Jane! Where did you go? Humans are weird, I think I need help!" She called out, searching for a blood trail. Crow released the tree slowly, her skimpy legs making her teetor-totter all around the woods.
Jane was having too much fun. When she first snuck out of the hospital with her burns and disguises, she didn't have any plans on having fun with killing...or killing at all--mostly. She thought that Crow was joking but she turned around anyways, seeing her only half way changed. Her voice was muffled behind the mask. "How, help." She couldn't say a lot without coughing. She limped over and touched her half morphed arm. It matched the rest of her body. She barely was able to hold her up, let alone herself. She was so weak all of the time. She barely ate and she only ran if needed. She weakly pulled her up and cocked her head to the side.
Crow gazed over at Jane, attempting to smile but not being able to. "It was a pretty dumb idea. Didn't realize humans lost blood so fast, I've only killed one human before. I don't need too much help though, just enough that I can walk. I just feel so dizzy. I don't get how you're not on the ground, you have an effing stick your leg. I wonder if Zalgo's gonna flip." She rambled, searching around for the pit. She was finally getting used to the swerving of her legs (and could somewhat control it), yet still felt so weak. It's not like a sack of hay was ever strong, but she just felt off. Crow turned toward Jans and stared at her leg, carefully grasping the stick and yanking it out. Blood splattered like confetti, sprinkling all over her chest. "Are you okay?"
Jane signaled that she was smiling again. She shrugged when she said it was a dumb idea. They were a pretty sad group of three, so they wouldn't make decisions as a group, probably. Jane didn't mind. Less creatures, less quarrelling. Easier to hate Slenderman. His long slender body was handsome to most, but she couldn't feel love. She was accused of liking Jeff before it all went to hell, so now it just seemed like love was a lie. Especially since he did this to her after trying to save him. He thought he was doing something good. Hardly. Jane lead her to the pit once again. She winced when the stick was yanked out of her leg. She frowned, wanting it to be there. She didn't feel anything through her leather skin. It was hard to penetrate in the first place.
It wasn't long before night fell upon the town.

He was there, watching, nothing important on his mind.

A young girl stepped out from her house, looking over to the street where her new boyfriend sat waiting in his new car. She grinned happily, she hadn't been given the chance to ride a sports car before. Running over she leaned on the side and peeked and glaring at the interior. "Well come on already," Said the boyfriend impatiently, "The party started a half hour ago." the girl giggled away and jumped into the car, waiting to be whisked away into the sunset on a long country road.

Midnight on a freeway was the best she got.

The boyfriends music blared from the car, occasionally waking the residents of the houses he drove past.

This was it.

He moved toward street level scouting the best place to start. One of the trees shed such little light through it that it just might be the one he looked for. Stepping from behind it, he stood just so perfectly to one side that the light could shine down and cast his silhouette beautifully across the road.

The boyfriend car came that little bit too fast around the corner, just how he expected a young egotist would, the girlfriend looked around as she took in the view from the lowered car windows.

She simply glanced along the street and saw something she couldn't quite recall if she was asked.

"Hey look!" she said nudging the boyfriend, they both looked across the street as they passed at the empty space beside a tree that whistled away in the wind.

"What?" the boyfriend asked judgingly, "Nothing, I.." the girlfriend paused for a moment as they sped down the road, "I just thought I saw something." she finished.

He moved through the night toward the next area.

This time less discreet, he chose the cone of light below a corner streetlamp.

Letting his body shine perfectly through darkness.

The car almost skipped around the corner had it been any faster, the boyfriend turned his head to which way he wanted to go. As he twisted the steering wheel he caught a glimpse of someone standing at the corner of the road. "What the ****..." he mumbled too arrogantly busy looking at the odd figure to realise the fire hydrant he was sliding into. "Michael!" the girlfriend shouted.

The car wouldn't work, they hit the fire hydrant with the front of the car, with it being so low and with such a weak metal, the fire hydrant had caused the cars engine to cause a faint black smoke to rise from the bonnet. "****!" the boyfriend slammed his hands on the steering wheel and pushed his way out of the car.

He was gone. The boyfriend stared at the empty space beside the looming streetlamp as it stood steady in the wind. "Michael?" the girlfriend called quietly, "What is it?" she asked cautious of the answer.

"There was some guy there just staring at me." he replied, his tone had changed, he wasn't so cocky anymore, he was scared. He tried to distract himself and move toward the front of the car to inspect the damage. "God dammit we can't move this." he claimed finally, "How do you know?" asked the girlfriend, "My dad taught me this stuff, okay?" he started to raise his voice a little, clearly starting to panic.

"We should try to find the nearest gas station or something." the boyfriend suggested, they both the knew the nearest one was 5 blocks away from where they were.

Now the game had really begun.
Melody wanted to sigh in releif when she saw light coming from a nearby streetlight. As she continued to run towards it her foot collided against a rock causing her to instictively cover her face as she fell to the forest floor. Melody stayed still as she let out a few shaky breaths before pushing herself upright. The girl tried to calm her rapidly beating heart as she walked towards the light of the street light.

"When did it get so dark?" Melody wondered out loud, as soon as she was out of the forest.
Crow entered the pit, an awkward smile on her face. She pretended like everything was fine, deciding on standing still next to Jane. Jane was pretty helpful under that leather skin, much nicer than anyone had ever treated Crow. Hay doesn't deserve respect. She closed her empty holes, keeping her arms behind her back. "Zalgo!" She called out in to the pit, listening to its echo. "Hm. Where'd he go?"
Jane stared at her like she was insane. If she said his name, would one of his personalities burst? That was a theory some regular humans had. They all lied out of fear. Like how they said she was a wife and her husband and child were killed. Right, like a twelve year old would have a husband. Still, she had grown and outsiders saw only that version of her. She was all over the place. People feared her. Why? Why would they fear her? They should thank her. She saved them from death by Jeff. Jeff... She growled involuntarily. She stared at the ground, watching the last bits of blood dropping from her leg. It clogged very easily. She heard a grumbling and the ground started to shake by the presense of Zalgo.

"Why must you awake me?" "Annoyance..." "Annoyance..." "Bravery?"

Hush..." "Hush..."

Zalgo looked irritated by the repeated voices. They seemed to have a mind of their own, only they were speaking his mind. They usually just spoke in different languages depending on who he was possessing.
Crow looked at herself, seeing that the blood on her was crusty and her wound was patched up with her own straw. "Its.... Nothing! It was a tough kill, though, she was screaming as loud as she could, right Jane?" She let out a fake laugh and nudged Jane quickly.
Melody felt a bit lightheaded as the darkness that surrounded the street lamp were becoming eerie and sinister. Taking a few deep breaths she forced herself from the warm glow of the street lamp before quickly walking down the streets, determined to go to her room and forget what happened in the forest. Melody shivered the screams rattled in her head, making the act of forgeting doubtful. Tightening her grip on her backpack straps she pushed herself forward to reach her home.
Jane frowned slightly. She really wanted to go prevent the murder of the girl--By Jeff. She fell on to her knees groaning again. His name was running through her mind, driving her insane. Jeff, Jeff, JEFF. Must kill him. Must...she felt an elbow to her side and she nodded, indicating a smile. She couldn't do anything without freaking out about Jeff. That's not liking someone. Hatred. Jeff.
Crow patted Jane's wig, attempting to console her. She was having more breakdowns than usual, she was having withdrawal. She never explained a lot of things, but somehow she felt she understood her. "Jane?" She asked, her eyes still scanning the pit.
The gas stations light was dim, but still bright enough to make out from a distance.

He made his way toward it.

Only one man inside, the owner.

A loud bang came from the walls outside causing the owner to jump in his chair behind the checkout till.

The owner took hold of his handgun and slid it slowly into his belt, then covered it with his shirt. He moved slowly toward the main entrance to the shop and opened them. "Hello?" He called out.

Another bang.

The owner shoved the door open and stood outside in the cold night air, the barrel of his gun aiding him to scout the area around.


No people, no cars, no explanations.

The owner turned to the warm confine of the shop.

He stopped and stammered, dropping his gun causing it the fire.

The shot caused him to look at the ground for a split second, he looked back up and nothing was there.

The faceless man was gone.

The owner bent over slowly to reach for the gun, still looking forward into the shop, he patted the ground in search for the gun but couldn't reach it. The owners eyes darted to the floor, the empty space on the floor where the gun should be. The owner reached back up and ran into the shop as he closed the doors behind him, as he reached halfway through the shop the power cut out. The lights were off and the entire store was pitch black, no outside light to assist him.

The owner stumbled slowly toward the counter in hopes for a torch, he found it.

He leans against the wall and fumbled with the switch. Finally the light clicked on shining directly into his eyes, he recoiled and shun the light forward.

He appeared right in front of the torch's light. His head hovering perfectly in the beam of the bulb,

no eyes,

no nose,

no mouth...

No face.

After another 10 minutes, the lights to the shop switched back on, the doors still unlocked.

Now the gas station was empty.
As soon as Melody reached to her home, she felt that it was hours when in reality she was walking down the streets for only ten minutes. When she opened the door Melody looked at the upset faces of her parents but as they saw her pale and terrified face their expressions soften.

Melody was in her room after taking a shower, she had changed to her baby blue pjs and crossed her arms against her desk. She turned her head towards the right corner where her easel and canvas where, "I don't really feel like painting at the moment...maybe tomorrow" she murmured to herself. Pushing her head off the desk and turned on her laptop figuring that she should play a video game or look at funny videos on youtube.
BEN was starting to get bored with standing there waiting for Jeff to reply. He walked up to his and Jeff's room and walked to his laptop. He turned it on and fazed though it he wanted to find a new play toy. He floated around cyberspace and found a connection up just a ways. He stopped in front of it and saw a young girl a sneer played on his face and his black eyes glinted red. He touched the screen and made a text box appear "Do you want to play, Melody?"
Melody was watching a video, yawning as the events of today made her exhausted. She was alerted by her computer with a soft ping sound, looking on her computer she saw a text box asking if she wanted to play. Melody rubbed her eyes with her hand to see if her eyes weren't playing tricks on her but nope her name was still there on the text box. Melody used her trackpad to click the okay button.
BEN smiled sadistically 'I'm glad you did that, Melody.' he then laughed demonically. He touched the screen and made the following words appear 'Since I'm in such a good mood, I'll let you go first. This is a game I like to call, Lets see who dies first.' He said with a sneer. He made his face flash on the screen his black holes for eyes bleeding blood and his lips in a sneer showing rows of sharp teeth.
Melody covered her mouth as she let another yawn, 'Man I'm really tried....I did run through the woods for a long time...' she thought, barely missing BEN's face. She looked at the text box reading the words, in her mind thought of Mortal Kombat as her cousin would say the same phrase when they were facing one to one. Melody clicked on the notepad icon and typed out the words 'i'm sorry but I don't want to play Mortal Kombat at the moment.'
BEN hissed and growled 'I'm afraid you don't have much of a choice, Melody. You see you are my new play toy now. You should be honored." He said sending his laughter though the speakers. This girl was going to be a fun one to crack. He decided to play with her a bit and made Cleverbot appear 'Hello Emily, this should be an easier way to talk.' he typed on the screen.
Melody was startled as she heard laughter coming from her speakers, she looked at her computer before turning her head towards her door. Melody waited a bit to see if her mom would peek in and tell her to lower the volume but when she didn't appear, Melody merely rubbed the side of her head. "..first screams now....laughter I don't know whats worse..." she whispered to herself. She looked at the screen once more and quirked an eyebrow confused before typing, 'Emily?'
BEN made the words on the screen scramble to make the word 'Emily' turn to 'Melody' he sighed in relief. Emily was the name of a former play thing of his. She was dead now though, he had to admit she was fun to kill. He smiled and waited for a reply.

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