[Creepypasta]- Welcome to the Show (Offical RP)

((what OMG apologiesssssss ;( can you give me like time to catch up and post because im tangled in a lot of rps rn and MY LAPTOP BROKE so I'm stuck on the iPad wahhh)) 
((IM SORRY THAT IM SO STUPID @Death Note IM SO SO SORRRYYYYY -weeps in to hands-))

Jeff slowed his running to a slow stroll, dragging his knife along the tree bark. "Come out, come out, where ever you are~" He sang, quickly thrusting his knife on the tree. It instantly resisted, forcing a loud clang to echo through the trees. He somewhat expected the blade to break, he was pretty lucky it didn't. "That pretty hair of yours has been cut, what a shame!" He screamed, stomping down on a near by bush. The twigs let out a subtle snap as he continued to walk. "Let's finish what we started so long ago!"

((also I'm probs not gonna post for crow until JEFF AND JANE DUAL MMMMMMM))
As soon as she heard the voice, Melody's concentration wavered lowing the chair a foot. Turning her head to look at BEN with her golden-brown eyes as began talking but it wasn't him. It was BEN but he wasn't fully there, it was like he was a puppet. When Melody heard BEN command her to lower the chair she immediately lowered her hand effectively connecting her control as the chair fell to the floor making a loud thud sound.

She became wary as BEN collapsed in front of her so she kneeled on the hardwood floor to check if he was alright. Noticing that the shadows were longer she turned towards the source to see Slenderman's figure, realizing that he possessed BEN she stay still...waiting.
((No its okay! I love you enough to let it slide :3 So let's get this show on the road))

As much as Jane hated living through the fire, she couldn't help but doubt Zalgo. Just as quickly as she thought that, she heard his booming laugh. She shivered and walked further through the woods. She tilted her head as she heard the voice again. This time louder. She grimaced at the eery noise she recognized as a blade. She pulled her knife out and stared around. She wasn't going to let a random little sucker scare her. She wondered if Jeff got her message. She wondered if it was Jeff. She leaned against the tree and stared up. She waited. She didn't want to play silly mind games this time. She ran her fingers through her fake locks. How unfortunate.
((right now I'm on my phone so accept my apology ^n^))

Jeff continued trotting throughout the woods, grinning his usual, wide grin. Suddenly, he stopped in his tracks, meeting eyes with the girl he hadn't seen in so long. "Ah, Jane, long time no see!" He muttered, releasing a quiet chuckle. In one swift moment, he smacked his forearm against her, keeping her oinned to the tree she was leaning on. He placed his knife to her neck and cocked his head, waiting for her response. "Found you! You were a tricky find, Jane! But I finally found you!" He began to manically laugh, allowing it to grow louder and louder so that it ringed throughout the woods.
((Apology accepted!))

Jane stared at her black hair for a while longer before meeting eyes with the boy who had made her the way she was today. Her eyes widened in shock. He didn't look much different, though his hair was longer. His cheeks and mouth were black with the dry blood. She wondered why he kept it in there. They were both older now. He was 12 and she was around the same. She remembered his age because the cops had asked him outside her house. She froze because of the memory. It had been...five years? She felt overwhelmed because of his presence. She had no idea that she'd act so weak. Her voice raspy, she said "I must..." Cough "be a genius" Cough "because I wasn't even hiding." That felt like a mouthful. She tilted her head along with him, a wry smile behind the mask.
BEN snapped back awake after being possessed by Slenderman. He growled softly and stood back up dusting off his clothes. He hated when Slenderman did that, where was Masky when you needed him. He crossed his arms and looked at Melody and offered her a hand to stand back up. He may be a killer, but he could also be a gentleman too.
As she saw BEN wake up and growl to himself she concluded that he was himself again and alright. Melody then placed her hand on BEN's and stood up with his help. She didn't know if BEN could feel that her hand was freezing or not, cause he was a cyber being. "I'm sorry that happened."
Jeff scowled, pressing down the knife on her stomach. It felt thick and rugged, to make her bleed at all it'd take some effort. More fun for me! "Getting a bit cocky now, huh? Hm." He released her and took a step back, brandishing his knife like it was a sword. "You're not even putting up a fight. Still the same girl from so many years ago...." He pouted, attempting to seem like he was sad. He was extremely excited to finally have someone who put up a fight, she couldn't be too much of a hazard.
@Jadewoof I thought you were someone else so I got upset when I saw Jeff's name. Haha))

Jane pushed herself further against the tree, feeling the knife on her stomach. She sucked in, letting out the air as he took a step back. She swallowed. For some reason, she wasn't as menacing as she thought she'd be. She was more nervous than anything. She entwined her fingers from both hands and pushed herself off of the tree with her foot. She looked down at her attire then back up to him with a grin. "Matching." It sounded so irrelevant but she didn't care. She took out the kitchen knife she had recently put back into her pocket and purposely made the light go in his eyes. It wouldn't affect him but she found it quite humorous. She gave a light giggle that sounded so innocent.
Jeff glared, his frightening eyes unaffected by the light. "Nice try, A for effort." He sneered, investigating the handle of his knife. He'd had it for so long, it never failed him. He tossed it in to air like a baton, swiftly catching it again when it came down. He nonchalantly leaned against a tree, becoming very bored. "Go on, sugar. Make the first move." He said casually, paying attention to spinning his weapon. It wasn't fun when they didn't fight back.

((nope it's meeeee!))
BEN pulled Melody up not feeling her cold hands, due to contrary belief he couldn't feel temperature or much of anything else. He could feel pain or if someone touched him but he was purely a computer ghost, no longer human. "It's fine, he does it all the time. It's how he speaks or by talking in your head." He sighed and looked to Slender. "Is Melody and Jeff's brother going to be staying with us?" he asked and looked to Liu "This is the bossman talk to him." he said and removed his hand from Melody's.

Liu was still looking at Slenderman with fear. 'Snap out of it you moron!' Sully had snapped in his head 'Before I take over.' he sneered. Liu sighed and looked up at Slenderman waiting to speak.
Jade knew that she couldn't let this be boring. Not for him. She honestly had wanted to get out but she knew that it wouldn't be possible. Not because he would chase her, but because she couldn't let him kill anymore. Who knows, maybe she could kill herself also. She wouldn't have anything to live for anyways, once this was done. That sounded weird in her head. He's all I have to live for. She let out an obnoxious snort of laughter and slowly inched around the tree. She took a second to snap out of it. She then peeked from behind the tree, putting the knife against her porcelain mask. She ran her fingers down the bark of the tree and then caressed her mask. She needed to at least make her last moments interesting. She stayed where she was, thinking about what she had to do while keeping a close eye on him.
She nodded her head in understanding but still felt a bit guilty even though he is a serial killer.. she still felt pity for him as the whole possession ordeal looked a bit painful. Melody then brought her hands together as BEN released her hand, intertwining them in a nervous manner as she waits for Slenderman's decision. Her golden eyes darted across the chipped paint of the walls, as they didn't stay in one place. However her eyes didn't look towards Slenderman to avoid feeling paralyzed and insignificant.

She tried to think ahead just in cause Slenderman doesn't allow her to stay, Melody knew that she couldn't return to her home as that would endanger her whole family and she couldn't do that. Plus she left her backpack in the clearing which had her wallet so she couldn't take public transportation without money. And going into the forest to find her backpack sounded like a stupid idea as Zalgo could easily find her.
He walked back to the manor.

He needed something to do to calm himself down from the earlier incident. He could have buried the bodies a little more efficiently but he didn't care.

An hour had passed. Walking up to the manor door, he opened it up letting the hint of light from the moon, seep down and in through the corridor. He wondered where everyone had went, not a sound could be heard through the house. Turning around he looked out of the open doorway and considered whether they took the girl home out of fear. They knew who she was, they knew the situation. She was here somewhere.

So he walked, up the stairs, around the banister, to the door at end, closing it gently behind him.
Melody was curled up on the bed, with the covers covering her except the top part of her head. She let out soft breaths as she gradually became warm again, she just laid there thinking how worried her parents are. Melody tucked her head closer to her and glimpsed at the borrowed clothes she was wearing, gone was her sunny outfit in there place was a white hoodie with tattered jeans. The endless silence was a bit unnerving to her, but she knew she would just have to deal with it. Letting out a small sigh, Melody closed her eyes and right before she fell asleep she briefly wondered if she would be able to wake up in the morning.

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