[Creepypasta]- Welcome to the Show (Offical RP)

Smiledog awoke upon hearing The Boy's voice.

The Boy is here! The Boy might know where Master is. The Lady is after Master. Gotta find Master.

He got up from the dog bed and ran excitedly down the stairs, running up to The Boy and wagging his tail. He tilted his head in curiosity at the sight of the human, grinning wide as he displayed his frightening set of teeth.

It was a good thing Smiledog could control his insanity-inducing gaze, or else the girl would likely have lost her mind at the first sight of him.

The Human is with The Boy. The Boy protected the Human. Does The Human know where Master is? The Human might know.
BEN chuckled dryly "I think Jeff is the only one you need to be worried about. The rest of us can control it, we still have some sanity left." he smiled and led her inside. "Look at it this way, at least one lion is protecting the lamb." he grinned.
Melody gave BEN a small smile as, he made her feel a bit better. She walked inside as she heard the pitter patter of claws against the wooden floor. Melody turned towards the stairs to see a husky run happily towards BEN. "He's cute." replied Melody smiling at the dog. When she saw the dog's grin, Melody was surprised but shook her head. "I should have known you guys would have a killer dog too." She pat the dog's head as she smiled.
(Well I don't think Ember is coming back to play as Jeff or the others. She is joining the other RP but, I guess It is safe to say Jeff is now open to play as)
((I don't get why she wouldn't want to play as the most handsome mind blowing creature here but okay....someone interesting play Jeff xD I need this. I'm Jane. I need Jeff to have purpose))

Jeff sunk his knife in to the chest cavity of his victim, watching as blood began to pool. He gently dipped his finger in it and stuck it in his mouth, loving the way it tasted so metallic. He barely even struggled, what a waste of energy. No fun at all! He sulked a little, grazing his tongue along the knife as he left the building. He took a long walk back to the small abandoned house he called home and entered. Once he caught a glimpse of Smile's empty bowl, he smacked his forehead. "Shit, did I forget to feed Smile again? Here, Smile!" He called out, tapping the side of his thigh. He tossed open a cabinet and snatched a can of dogfood, pouring the sloppy liquid in to his food bowl. "Nasty." He muttered as he heard the door open and shut. He quickly turned toward the source of the noise, not surprised to see BEN, but what was behind him? Was that.... A human? 
BEN pushed Melody behind him as he spotted Jeff. "Stay behind me, at all costs." He said seriously and looked at Jeff and grinned "Hey man, how was the kills?" he asked trying to make innocent conversation. He felt his hand inch down to his sword just in case.

Liu looked up from his spot from the couch and saw a human in the door. He stood up and looked over at Jeff and sighed. His brother didn't seem to be the same anymore, all he wanted was to talk to him. He looked up determined and stood up walking to the girl "Hello there." he smiled.
"okay" Melody whispered, as she stayed behind BEN. Hearing someone say hello, she turned her head towards Liu. "Hello." she gave him a small smile as she lightly shivered.
Jeff shrugged, pulling the bloody knife out of his back pocket. "Boring. Didn't even have to sedate him and he didn't struggle. Talk about a waste of time!" He laughed, squinting his eyes at BEN. "Something seems off." He told him, walking toward the two slowly. Once he got close enough, he saw the girl, cowering in wet clothes. "Why is there a human in here?" He asked, pointing a thumb toward Melody. There wasn't a single human who went in the house who didn't leave in a body bag.
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BEN sighed "She is special. She has abilities and she used them against Zalgo and his lackeys." He glared at Melody "Now she needs to speak to Slendy." He huffed and looked at Jeff "That sucks man, maybe some humans just want to die." he laughed.
Melody raised an eyebrow at the glare and shook her head not really feeling in the mood to get in another argument with BEN. She turned her head to look at the mansion's walls tracing the cracks and chipped paint with her eyes.
Jane hoped that Smile would find his way to Jeff, with her lock of hair. She wanted to confront him. She had always found the people who had been killed by him but she never saw him since the fire. She stood there, shaking while staring at Crow. Crow would never know what she was thinking. She probably wasn't even familiar with Jeff. She suddenly realized that when she left him that note in class saying he wasn't alone...she did have a crush on him. Her friends bugged her so much about it that she became defensive and even she believed it herself. She then realized that she didn't want to confront him. She wished she just died in the fire. She wouldn't have to deal with the loss of her parents, friends... her insanity. She suddenly grinned and started laughing behind the mask. Her laughter was cut off with a sob and she turned around and walked away. It was the first time she cried since she saw herself in the hand mirror at the hospital. Since she got the box from Jeff holding a beautiful wig, mask, and her knife.

"We know you like him!" They snickered. "He's weird, you know. Not good enough for us." Jane shook her head forcefully. "N-no, I don't! I would never like someone like that." Her friends nodded. "Good. Let's hang out later. At my house so we don't have to worry about seeing him." They sneered, walking away. They used to be so nice to Jane and others. Jane reasoned that they were probably scared of the way he looked now. They saw pictures. One of the boys was brave enough to take pictures while right outside the hospital window. She hated that boy. Now she knew that she should've defended Jeff. Made him feel as accepted as possible. But she secretly knew it was too late. The first time she saw Jeff beat up the bullies for him and Liu. It was way too late.

(@NebulaSkies )
((sorry! my alerts are dumb as shit and also im getting a brand new phone today so in like an hour im probably gonna be gone until way later sorryyyyy ;(. ))

Crow stared off to where Jane ran, debating as to whether or not she should chase after her. Shat if Jane tried to kill her, she was too strong to possibly fight off. She decided it would be best to let Jane settle things within herself, and if she wasn't back within an hour that she would look for her. She seated herself in the grass, looking out at the trees. She was used to being alone, anyway.

Jeff nodded, slipping the knife back in to his pocket. This human was awfully suspicious, but if she hated Zalgo just as much as he did, then he could manage not killing her. Killing her would be fun, what with her powers. She'd need the sedation, yeah, he'd tie her to a table and graze the knife along her abdomen, listening to her pleas for help. Then he'd begin to make deep scratches all over her before plunging the knife in her stomach and leaving her to bleed out. It was a nice plan, yes, but BEN would flip shit if he killed his little human love interest, so he decided against it.

For now.
Smile grinned wider and allowed The Girl to pat his head, wagging his tail and licking her hand once she was done. He sat sitting there staring at The Boy expectantly, as if waiting for information.

It wasn't long before Smile was distracted by someone entering the manor. It was...Master?


He bounded happily over to Master, jumping up in excitement and following him all the way to the food dish. He ate every bite of the food. To anyone who wasn't a dog, it smelled horrible, but to Smile, it was delicious. Smiles could eat nearly anything, but sometimes he was more picky than others. Besides, he liked Master giving him food instead of having to hunt it down himself. Licking his lips, Smiles walked over to where Master, The Boy, The Girl, and The Other Master stood.

The lock of black hair from The Lady was still tucked neatly into his collar, shimmering in the moonlight.
Jane sat down by a tree and wept. She didn't know what to do. She decided that if the time came, she would have to kill Jeff. She didn't know if she could actually do it, she just didn't want to die yet. She would've wanted the fire to kill her but now she had come so far. Liked how she looked. Didn't want anything different. She dug her long, delicate fingers into the mud beside her where she was sitting. She stared up at the dimming sky. It was getting dark fast. She got up and wiped her jeans off, deciding to just keep walking.
Melody smiled at the dog, thinking that he was really nice for a killer dog. She kneeled down to the dog's height and scratched the back of his ears.
Smile's tail thumped on the floor of the manor as The Girl scratched the backs of his ears. With The Girl kneeling down to his level, his eyes bored straight into hers. Panting, his tongue lolled out of his mouth, resting over his bottom row of nightmarish human teeth.

Although he was suppressing his habit of causing insanity with his gaze, being that close to his face must surely have been at least extremely unsettling. Smiles licked at The Girl's face a little bit.

The Girl is nice. I like the Girl. I hope Master lets The Girl stay. Master's gotta let The Girl stay.
Melody smiled pleased that the canine was happy and enjoying having his ears scratched. As she continued petting the smiling dog she noticed that the dog was very warm making her want to curl up she resisted the urge though as she wasn't sure how the dog will react to that. From where she was kneeling her golden eyes gazed into the white glowing eyes of the dog. 'kinda looks like the moon...' mused Melody. Being lost in thought she was surprised when she felt something wet across her face, realizing that it was the dog she couldn't resist letting out a laugh.

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