[Creepypasta]- Welcome to the Show (Offical RP)

Zalgo let out a charming laugh. He suddenly looked like a teenage boy, sad and alone. "Why...why would you do this?" He happened to have a house nearby so he just took over the boy's body. "That hurt." He walked away letting the boy go, leaving him terrified. "Boo." Zalgo whispered allowing the boy to run back home. He grinned and let Crow handle it, although her combat skills looked pretty sad. He tsked like she had a while ago. He left her alone to go back to the Pit. His mouths were going crazy with excitement. Soon it would be time.

Jane left Smile Dog behind in the woods, her hair still tucked in his collar. She frowned and walked rather quickly towards the direction she knew Crow and the girl were in. She smiled when she saw them. Although Crow had a broken nose. She frowned once again and snapped it back in to place before Crow even realized it was there. She knew it hurt. "Sorry." And she shrugged.
Melody quickly moved away from the scythe, swerving left to right to avoid the blade. She saw another figure appear to the girl's side and fix her nose. Melody lifted up her hand palm out, as if she was trying to grab something, she them closed it into a fist before bring it towards herself. Within a matter of seconds a large branch was thrown towards Crow and Jane. Hoping that it would distract them long enough Melody took a deep breath before jumping into the river.
Jane screamed, having Melody recognize the noise. She grinned. She was then knocked down by a branch. How'd that happen? She pulled Crow up, stiffly. It wasn't worth chasing the girl. Too difficult and annoying. Hopefully Smile Dog would be able to get her lock of hair to Jeff. It would suck to have such a beautiful thing wasted.
Melody began to swim with the river's current to get a large distance between her and 'them'. She didn't get that far when she heard a familiar scream, shivering at the sound Melody pushed herself to swim faster. her lungs were straining for air, Melody ingored it determined to get a bit more farther unfornately it began to hurt forcing her to rise up to the surface for air. Melody gasped out and took air, she was exhausted beyond belief and she swam to the river's edge.
BEN found himself at the waters edge and leaned on a tree. He saw Melody surface for air and rolled his eyes, why was he stuck babysitting a human? He laughed and looked at the Girl "You have been met with terrible fate, haven't you?" he said and floated to her. "I cant leave my human all wet to get sick." He said but stayed away from the water, he was deathly afraid of any type of water. Even puddles.
(i put 'PSHYCO B***H! and it came out 'PSHYCO awesome person!' i hate life)

Crow winced in pain, cradling her arm as if it were a baby. She slowly began to bend it, just twisted, would heal. "PSHYCO B***H!" She shouted in to the woods, burrowing her head as it echoed through the trees. "The proxies can handle her." She growled, retrieving her scythe. "I feel like shit."
"..terrible..is an understatement.." Melody wheezed out as she crawled out of the water. She shivered as the water left her clothes stuck against her skin, making her look like a drenched kitten. "...I'm lucky I didn't get killed.." she whispered as she tried to rub her arms for warmth.
Jane growled. She wouldn't have gotten away if that stupid proxy just let them be. His human. What the hell was he talking about!? She took her jacket sleeve and wiped the blood that was dripping out of Crows now fixed nose.
BEN just looked at her with a lazy gaze "Well that is what you get for going into the deepest parts of the forests." He scoffed. He turned "I'd help you but, I have this fear of water. You're covered in it." He said and twisted his nose in disgust. "But up you go, I saw what you did. My boss will want to talk to you about that little show, not to mention you've become a target of Zalgo and his army." he grumbled "Humans are so troublesome, I'm glad I'm not one anymore."
Melody stood up shaking at the cold and repressed anger, as she didn't ask for her abilities or have monsters chasing her. She shook herself, whipping her braid around, sending water droplets everywhere before walking away in a huff.
Crow nodded, sniffling occasionally. Feelings were swarming within her like a beehive. "Thanks." She mumbled, cocking her head at Jane. "Are you okay? That tree branch was heavy shit, but. yet again you still have a stick lodged in your leg." She laughed, trying to make light of things. She was never usually like this, but it didn't really matter. Jane was always protecting her like she was her older sister, and she was sure it wasn't needed. Crow smirked and wiped the rest off on her pale arm, touching the tender cuts on all over her human body. The worst was probably her forehead, with a small gash up closer to her hairline. The rest were just small scrapes all over her limbs, too many to count.
BEN hissed as the water droplets hit him "You shouldn't have done that, Melody." He snarled before grabbing her hand. "Like it or not, you are in my protection now. If you didn't know Zalgo you know that big scary guy that scares you sh*tless, yeah he's after you and now the proxies have to cover your ass." He snapped. Clearly unhappy.
Melody tried to yank her hand away from BEN, "I didn't ask for your help. I handled myself fine back there." she angrily said. "And I can handle Zalgo like I did when I was a child." Melody said the last statement almost close to a yell, overwhelmed with anger and frustration of what is happening to her. Then it hit her that she had said, as if turning a key she remembered why she drew those pictures long ago.

He sat down and stared into the lifeless, dark eyes of Jane's mask.

He did not snap at her hand or growl as she tucked the lock of hair into his collar. For a moment, he felt almost sorry for The Lady, but he came to his senses and remembered what her true goals were.

Lady wants to find Master. But Lady is Bad. Lady will hurt Master. Can't trust Lady.

When Jane left too, Smiledog sat alone there in the clearing for a few minutes, then stood up and left.

Can't follow. Master said I gotta be a good dog. Can't scare the important human, he said. Be a good dog, he said, stay away from human. I might scare human, he said. Human has to trust Master. I will be a good dog.

He made his way back to the manor and pushed the door open with his nose like before, made his way to Master's room, and lay down on the doggy bed in the corner. Soon he was fast asleep.
Jane couldn't help but want to constantly help Crow even though she was also constantly thinking about ways of killing her. Maybe it was just her insanity. On both things. She took her sleeve that was covered in blood and slipped it under the mask-- the only part she hadn't sewn, sucking on it. She had a weird fetish for nosebleeds, even before she went insane. Instead of wiping her nose she would let the blood fall onto her tongue. Maybe she was near insanity before and Jeff just helped her show her true self. In that way, she owed him. She scowled. That branch hit her pretty damn hard for her to be happy about Jeff. Though if she had to change anything it wouldn't be to never have met Jeff. It wouldve been him burning her. She would bleach her skin. She would grow out her hair. She reached up and touched Crows forehead curiously.
BEN was starting to get ticked off at the girl "Do you even know the way out of the forest, miss I don't need your help?" he asked and crossed his arms. He should have killed the girl when he had the chance, but nooo, he had to spare her. Never again, never ever "Look, you should come with me. We can help you, I know you cant handle Zalgo yourself."
Melody's shoulders slumped in defeat, as she looked at the grass. She felt a bit ashamed that she yelled at BEN. Letting out a small sigh, "You're right and I'm sorry." she said, refusing to look at BEN and stared at a nearby tree.
Crow looked at Jane curiously, watching her tuck her sleeve under her mask. Maybe she's jus being kind to satisfy her own needs. She thought, deciding that it was the most logical explanation. When Jane's finger touched the cut, she cringed, shying away from Jane. "Ow, that hurts." She said quietly, covering the wound with her hand. "Humans are so dumb," She hissed, trying to act as angry as she could.

New RP, but this one isn't being disbanded.) 
BEN sighed "You are forgiven but, follow me." he said leading Melody in the direction of the Mansion. She needed to be seen by Slenderman. He looked at the human girl "My boss is nice, though he can be scary at first. We are going to meet him and going to get you out of the cold night." he said with finality.
Melody quietly followed BEN, she shivered as the night breeze chilled her soaked clothes to the bone. She continued to walk as she felt that if she didn't she would feel her limbs grow a bit numb. Melody nodded her head, "Alright."
(Alright! Save Jeffs daughter. No matter what!)

Jane didn't get nosebleeds anymore due to her more tough skin. And the fact that there was constant pressure because of her mask. She quickly took her sleeve out and frowned at Crow. She knew that it'd hurt but she didn't expect something bad. She frowned, letting her head drop. She didn't know what she did wrong. She just knew that she was trying to help and be caring to the one person she thought of as a friend. She sighed. 
And @NebulaSkies and @Nico :

You should make Jane a son so that he and Jeff's daughter could hate each other and then somehow realize they...well, don't hate each other as much as they were supposed to. :3 and make them them around 16 or something. But for Nico, I'll make mine tomorrow while on the computer. It's hard on this slow iPod. :/ Save me Jeff's beloved daughter please
(Jeff's daughter is saved. :3)

BEN soon reached the mansion and looked back at Melody "Welcome to mine and my family's home." he shook his head "Some of them might try to hurt you, but I'll make sure that doesn't happen."
Melody gave him a deadpaned look, "You guys are killers, I'll be shocked if they don't try to attack me." she replied dryly. She looked at the manor see that it was pretty large and in decent condition. 'I feel like I'm a lamb walking towards a lion's den..' thought Melody and shivered at cold.

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