[Creepypasta]- Welcome to the Show (Offical RP)

((Jane is waiting Itle ;3 and Nico if you want Ben to save her you can do that. It's Itles decision though. By the way Nebula I replied earlier if you didn't see but I'm going to write more))

Jane looked over at Crow. "That girl..." she said quietly and roughly. "She will be in the forest again." It was like a sixth sense. She could see it. The girl wouldn't avoid it for that long. She had to be curious. She knew she was there in the first place.
Crow looked over at Jane and raised an eyebrow, letting out a subtle cough. "What if she just runs away again? That'll suck balls." She mumbled, squinting her eyes to ensure that Zalgo was really gone. He gave her the creeps beyond compare.
Zalgo's laughter was heard from inside the Pit. Jane was curious as to what was funny but she assumed it was Crow's fear. "Why fear him? Savior." She grinned behind the mask despite the pain. "Fun prey." She was talking about the girl. Harder to catch, more fun the game is. She shrugged.
Crow quivered a little bit at the sound of his booming bellow, but quickly shook it off. He was always doing shit like that just to freak people out. "Did Zalgo mention when or why we're attacking Slenderman's proxies?" She asked, kicking at the ground and watching as the cloud of dirt came up.
Jane smiled at her although she couldn't see it. She wondered if Crow was able to tell. "Soon. Don't know why." Frankly she didn't care why they were after each other. She just needed to go after Jeff. Zalgo seemed to know of her situation after she escaped the hospital. He said that Jeff was on Slendermans side. And since Zalgo helped her, she had to be on his side. If she was on Slenderman's, Jeff or her would be dead sooner. She had the strange thought about hugging Crow. She felt like an older sister but Jane was definitely more brave. She sighed.
(How would we imply the ideas of the New Idea into this idea?)

BEN sighed "This girl is boring." he huffed as his voice echoed around the walls of cyberspace. He crossed his digital arms and glared at the window in front of him. The girl was playing around with a notebook and he huffed. "Maybe Jeff will get her and she won't be my problem." he sneered and thought about going after a more funner target. He looked at the girl one more time and tilted his head "G'night, Melody." he laughed and zipped off into the pixels of cyberspace.
Melody woke up to the sound of her alarm clock. She pushed the snooze button before getting out of bed, "I must have dozed off while drawing" she said to herself as she got ready for her last day of school. Wearing her usual sunny outfit, Melody said goodbye to her mother and father before walking to school.

---at school------

Melody reluctantly walked into her computer class and took a seat at the back. The classroom soon was filled with noise as the students talked about upcoming plans for the summer and stuff. Melody was playing a game of solitaire when two boys mockingly said, "Why, if it isn't the Myth Girl", one of the boys pushed her hat till it covered her eyes.

"What do you guys want?" Melody said, as she turned around in her seat to look them, adjusting her hat on head. She frowned as she saw it was Frank and John, their group usually made fun of her and were the ones who gave the tile 'Myth Girl'.

"Just wanted to let you know that you're coming to the forest with us after school'' drawled out Frank. Melody's eyes widen a bit, recalling what she learned last night, she shook her head as she lied "I can't. Mother needs me for ---" Melody was cut of by John, "Well too bad. You're coming with us." he sneered "We need the 'expert' for this" he said the word expert with pure disdain. She opened her mouth to protest when Frank rubbed his knuckles across her head, causing her flinch, "See ya later, Myth."

Melody rubbed her head and turned to face the computer screen, blankly looking at it as dread settled in her stomach.
BEN was floating around different windows when he saw Melody in one. He saw that she looked a bit sick, he floated to the screen and touched it. His face appeared "Why the sick face, human?" he asked and looked at her through his black holes for eyes. He blinked and waited for a response.
Melody barely withheld a scream as BEN appeared on her screen, she was already scared from what may happen. She took a few breaths to steady her heart before whispering, "..they're taking me to the forest..."
BEN sat back and blinked "The forest..." He trailed off and then laughed madly. He had an evil glint in his eye "I see, this will be fun." he said and laced his fingers together "Let them take you there, tell them you have a friend in there and he is happy to meet them." he laughed.

(Time skip to the forest?)
(Kk. :3 but this will be my last post till the afternoon. )

Melody didn't respond to BEN as the bell rang signfiying that the class was over. She picked up her white backpack and walked out of the classroom to her last class.

As soon as her last class ended, Melody pratically ran out of the classroom towards the double doors of the school unfortunately Frank and his group anticipated this as a boy yanked her backpack just as she ran down the steps, causing her to stop.

"Tsk tsk. Trying to run Myth?" said Frank in mock disappoint. He soon grinned at Melody and pushed her to walk towards the forest. He nodded his head towards the rest of the group.
((I literally can't really do much of anything productive with my character until the person that is playing Jeff starts posting again. Ugh.))

Smiledog continued to wander around the manor, sniffing around in an attempt to catch the scent of his master. He was incredibly hungry, but if he fed himself, Master might get cross with him, and who knows what would happen. Smiledog had to be a good dog. So he waited.
(Nebula, I responded on page 13 but again, I'm writing more. NICO AND ITLE, may we join your little forest hunt? If not, we'll just watch the scene unroll nearby. I think it'd be cool for Crow and Jane to communicate with a Proxy.)

Jane felt the oncoming sense that their forest was being invaded. She grinned excitedly. "Guests." She said driving yet another stick into the wound that was covered in blood. She felt like getting sick but she couldn't feel the pain through her leather skin. Fresh blood was released. "Come." She grabbed Crow's hand and lead her to the more shallow side of the forest.
(Sure. Though I need to know, some of you said to put my new Idea and this idea together. how would I do that?)

BEN floated to the window of cyberspace that led to his room. He materialized in his room in a splash of pixels and rushed out the door. He made his way to the forest and hid when he saw Jane and Crow. "What are you doing here?" he hissed.
((I'm not really sure. I'd like it better if we continued this one and your Idea could be on a different thread.))

Jane pulled Crow through, not hearing whether or not she protested. She stared at the entrances of the forest, waiting. She then pulled Crow behind a oak tree when she heard something enter. She was about to jump out from behind the tree in a very... creepy manner and scare whoever it was when she was BEN. Her eyes went wide behind the mask and her breathing tapered. A proxy. "My..." She paused, her voice sounding muffled. "Forest." She growled. She then went into a coughing fit because of the intensity that was in her voice. She never put that much stress on her ruined vocal cords.
(That is what I had planned. O-o)

BEN narrowed his eyes "Awe, what has got poor little Miss Jane so angry." he laughed and taunted her. "Is it little old me?" he smiled and floated forward. "I know you are after the girl but, news flash. She's mine, shes my new play toy and I protect my toys." he said grinning and showing his sharp teeth.
((Well, only one way I can finally get myself immersed in this plot...))

Jeff was apparently not in the house. Smile couldn't find his scent.

Maybe Master is out in the forest. Master likes the forest. I will go find Master in the forest.

Smiledog trotted out of the manor's front door and into the dark, foggy woods. He sniffed around for Jeff's scent, but instead of his master's, he picked up the scent of The Boy.

Gotta find The Boy. The Boy might know where Master is. The Boy is nice.

He trotted onwards, following BEN's scent trail. Normally, ghost in digital form would be impossible to track by smell, but Smiledog was no ordinary dog.
(Go for it Note :D )

Melody tried to reason, dug theheels of her boots into the ground, and tried to run out of the forest but Frank's gang stopped her. They each wore smiles of glee as they watched Melody resisted as they took her deeperr into the forest. The group stopped as they reached a small clearing.

John walked up to Melody and roughly gave her a video camera. "Here, you're going to be staying here for the night and record anything."

"Wait! You're going to leave me here!?" said Melody, her face turning pale.

"We sure are!" one of the guys cheerfully said. A couple of the guys peeled of her backpack to grab her cellphone before tossing her backpack aside, like if it was trash. "You'll not be needing this.~" They replied, shaking the phone back and forth. "Ta ta, Myth Girl" as they each person of the group ran away from the clearing in different directions so Melody won't know where to go.
BEN noticed that Melody entered the clearing and frowned looking at Jane. He turned when he heard rustling he turned to see Smile.Dog and sighed. 'Jeff forgot to feed him again' he looked to the Dog and smiled. "Hey Smile boy, what are you doing out here without Jeff?"
Melody dropped the video camera she was holding as she only stood at the clearing dumbstruck as Frank's gang ran in different direction, laughing as they did so. She didn't know which part of the forest she was in as she didn't pay attention to her surroundings. Melody wrapped her arms around herself to console herself. 
(We should probably wait for the others to get on :3 )

Crow stared at BEN, blinking her eyes carefully. A proxy so close to the pit was really uncalled for, not to mention dangerous. She knew far too much to attempt to attack him, and decided it would be best to just obey Jane. "Shit." She whispered, attempting to look brave by standing tall. She held out her hand and snapped, allowing her scythe to come to her as if it were a pet. She grasped it firmly in her hand and swung it over her back, looking at Jane for the next move.
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((DUDES CHECK THIS OUT. I did a quiz and this is me on creepypasta xD

Half smiling girl


boyfriend:Jeff the Killer

enemy and why: ben because you always beat him

trade mark:paints a heart with blood on the walls

who you kill: anyone you want

how you kill: you wait when they least expect it

why you kill: you just went insane one day

how you died: you were sleeping and Jeff met you. You guys fell in love. he had told you that you guys couldnt be together unless you were dead. so you let him kill you. he brought you to the mansion and turned you into a creepypasta. you broked up a couple times. you never liked to smile so you carved a half smile and thats how you got your name. Jeff saw and asked you back out so you said yes. you guys are always on and off. you go on killing sprees with each others.

about to reply)) 
Jane tilted her head and felt herself tense up. Smile Dog was Jeff's pet. She punched the tree, probably breaking her knuckles. Blood was all over her hand. She stayed quiet though, turning to look at Crow. She shook her head silently, turning back around for BEN. "Where is he?" She asked hoarsely, referring to Jeff. She knew he was close. Maybe delaying. She sneered behind the mask. She heard the girl and a couple others enter the forest. She tilted her neck further, giving it the appearance that it was breaking off. Limp. "Jeff or girl." She said, allowing him to choose which one to protect. The only thing that fed the proxies and any other monster that seemed to find itself on the internet was fear. She was insane, she had no fear. Therefore, they couldn't hurt her unless they did so physically. She bit the inside of her lip. A thought passed through her mind. If she took out the stitches, what would she look like? She growled at herself. Stupid. Stupid thought.
BEN laughed madly "Do I look like his keeper to you. As for the girl, as I said she is mine." He said through gritted teeth. His hand inched to his sword and pulled it out. "Now as for you Jane, I suggest you get away from her slowly. Or I will cut up that pretty head of hair of yours." he snarled. He looked to Melody "Hide or Run your choice." He called.

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