[Creepypasta]- Welcome to the Show (Offical RP)

Melody looked at the video camera before kicking into the trees in anger. She heard BEN's voice giving her two options, she turned around and started to run. Passing trees as she made her way deeper into the forest.
Jane couldn't help but stomp her foot childishly at BEN's actions. (Keep in mind that she grew up but never really 'had the chance' to grow up, if that makes sense) She stared at Smile Dog menacingly. That stupid runt. She knew that he had to know where Jeff was. She shook her head in anger. "Big. Mistake." She said, drawing out her words clearly. "Crow." She said pointing where the girl ran. She knew that she wouldn't be able to run that fast but Crow was long legged in this form. She hated sounding like she was talking to a dog but there wasn't anything she could do. She let her head fall limp, appearing lifeless for a second before a murderous glint appeared in her eyes. She wanted to lunge at Ben, though not knowing what would happen. 
She then smiled, realizing that melody was heading into the forest in the direction of Zalgo. She could hear his booming laugh from where she stood. He didn't make her say this but she did just for the sick enjoyment of it. "He is coming."
BEN growled and let his head hang before lifting it up slowly. A fine line of blood was flowing out of his empty eye sockets and his lips curled into a sneer "You shouldn't have done that, Jane." He laughed before floating straight for her sword ready to strike.
Jane didn't really care about the situation that was occurring. She just needed to stay alive to kill Jeff. That was her drive for everything. To not avoid eating, drinking, to not get arrested. She let out a breath of air. To anyone watching-- who was normal-- they would think they were both equally creepy and they'd feel the need to get out. But obligated to stay. She grinned behind the mask at him. "Has anyone told you-" cough "that" cough cough "you look ridiculous." That took a lot to say. She signed a smile on her mask with her index finger. She backed away from him and pulled her infamous kitchen knife from the back pocket of her black skinny jeans.
BEN laughed "No, they haven't. But, thank you for that." He sneered. He wouldn't kill her, she was Jeff's to kill. He smiled and tilted his head "You are lucky, I won't kill you. You are Jeff's to kill, I just need to buy time for Melody." He said and with a cry he swung his sword at her.
Smile Dog grinned happily and wagged his tail at finding BEN, but once he caught sight of Jane, he bared his godawfully terrifying teeth at her and growled, holding his tail up as a sign of pack dominance.

He knew exactly who this human was.

Bad Lady. Bad Lady wants to hurt Master. Won't let Bad Lady touch Master. Gonna protect Master. The Boy won't let her touch Master, either. The Boy is nice.

Smile's head turned to follow Crow as she left.

Chew Toy is leaving. Bad Lady is alone. Me and The Boy gonna hurt Bad Lady.

Upon seeing The Boy leap into battle, Smile did the same, baring his sharp human teeth and diving for Jane's leg.
Jane cocked her head. "Really..." She grinned at the fair game. "Loverboy." She kicked the dog that lunged for her leg. "Funny." She said. It was ironic that he went for the leg that still had the stick lodged in it. She held up her knife meeting his sword. She knew that it could probably kill her easily but she didn't want to ruin her knife. She backed away again. He was just annoying. She glared at Smile Dog. So was he.
BEN scoffed "Love is a useless human emotion." He growled. "She is my newest victim, I care nothing of her besides her death." He said and slashed through the knife and tried to aim for her chest. He was out of his element, deep in the forest with no technology around him. He would get weak soon, he had too end this soon.
Jane frowned slightly. "I agree." She said quietly, understanding what he meant about love. It was a useless emotion in general. Emotions were useless. She blocked his sword from her chest. It was very close. She looked at him through the mask. Maybe that was a problem. She couldn't see everything because it was in the way. She shrugged mentally. Unneeded. She didn't know that BEN needed electronics to be at his strongest. She just knew how he killed. She liked it. It required patience on his part. And participants.
BEN cursed under his breath as he began to weaken. He mentally scolded himself for not taking some sort of electronic device with him, to draw power from. He sighed and aimed for her head and cutting some hair in the process. "Emotions are weakness, other then anger, violence and fear."
(i could have used a better word there @Nico she don't love him or anything it's like she's never seen a proxy new experience im bad with words)

Crow nodded her head and began to dash toward where Melody ran, careful to make her footsteps silen. If she was still a scarecrow at this point, the straw would sound scratchy and loud, so she was almost a bit glad about being stuck in her human form for a little while. She could see the girl dashing, stumbling like a fool. I'd pity you if I could.
Jane shook her head, smiling smugly under the mask. He felt her hair being chopped. She lost her calm demeanor. "YOU." She stared down at a long lock of curly black hair. It was her baby. The only thing that made her feel normal. Her hair. "Jeff will..." Jeff was nice enough to give her that beautiful black wig and her beautiful porcelain mask. But BEN... She screamed in fury. "ALL. EMOTIONS. ARE. USELESS."

(So I was reading a creepypasta and my hand fell asleep randomly. I ignored it for a while. It went away. Then I realized that my hand was tickling me. So I ran my other hand over it, you know, to calm the itch. And I picked up a long black hair. I do have black hair now but not LONG. There is no one else in my house with this color.)
BEN stopped fighting "Oh sh*t!" He exclaimed. He eyed the phone on the ground and smirked. He looked at Jane and smirked with a grin. He was growing weak and he needed to back to cyberspace before he fainted. His life source was the net and he needed to go back. He disappeared into pixels and flew to the phone and found himself in cyberspace once more. He laughed and his form grew stronger "I'm not one for fighting really." he said to no one but himself.
Melody noticed that in the direction she was running, it feel colder and darker. She shivered at the sudden changed and saw that there were a group of crows in the tree branches. Melody changed direction, jumping over the roots of various trees and passing by thick bushes. 'I can't keep this up forever they'll catch me...' thought Melody, '..I need..to find something to defend myself..'
[As long as this one hasn't ended then I shall post? O.o ]

The streets seemed to be getting darker still, the couple continued on their path, looking for anyone in sight that could help. Fighting the cold breeze and their own tired feet they moved slowly around the corner, the boyfriend smiled greatly with relief. The gas station, bright and suggestive on the far side of an open road, "Come on," he mumbled, "Almost there." carefully they made their way to their bright solace.

He could see them, he watched waiting as the couple took their time.


The couple came to the door peeking in through the tainted windows, they couldn't see anyone just yet. The boyfriend nudged the door with his shoulder and walked straight in without holding it open for the girl. She didn't care, the night was dying along with the car, how she was treated didn't faze her.

She looked around the shop and fumbled around in her pockets for some change, maybe a snack would stop her belly grumbling louder than her boyfriend.

They walked up to the counter and waited for a moment before they the boyfriend got ahead of himself, "Heylloo! Anyone in here?!" the girlfriend nudged him hard giving him an evil stare, "Stop it!" she whispered, "Who's gonna help us if you start pissing them off?" the boyfriend rolled his eyes but stayed quiet trying not to admit she was right.

They couldn't stand the waiting, "Screw this." the boyfriend started to getting agitated, he stormed round the side of the counter and peeked through the doors leading to the back of the building in hopes of finding someone asleep on the job, nothing. "There's not a single person here!" the boyfriend shouted through the shop, "Maybe he went out for something..." the girl said trying to stay optimistic, "For what?! A drink? Look around he's pretty covered on the front!" the boy argued, "Well don't shout at me I'm not the one running the god damn shop!" the girl started to push onto her heels to get some authority back in the conversation.

"Oh please like you'd even know how to run a fucking till!" now getting more defensive the boy loomed higher, "Fuck you! You wouldn't know intelligence unless it slapped you like a little bitc-..!" [bANG]

The couple jumped in their place simultaneously.

Both of them looked toward the entrance where the sound was heard. Another bag rumbled the wall ahead of them. "What the fu-.." a third bang, each one louder than the last. The boyfriend looked around the shop for something heavy to defend himself with, grabbing a nearby broom stick he armed himself and carefully approached the entrance.

The game was about to begin.
Jane stared at her hair, running her fingers through it. She was so glad that it didn't look that bad but it wasn't as full and smooth as before. She picked up her hair and then the cell phone that BEN had disappeared into. She was left staring at Smile Dog. She crushed the phone in her hand, causing the glass from the screen to cut her fingers up. She threw it on the ground and sat on her bottom, staring at the hair. She didn't really want to hurt Smile Dog because she used to have a dog herself. One vaguely like him. A Siberian Husky, only without the precarious human-like teeth. She crawled over to him, calmly, tucking the lock of hair into his collar. She stared at him in the eyes. "Jeff." She said. She wanted him to take it to Jeff. At first she meant it as Look at what happened me...my gift. My beautiful hair. But she decided that if confronted about it, she'd say it was a warning. From Jane.
Melody stopped running as there was a river in front of her, she looked around to see if there was a way to cross it. Seeing nothing she wondered if she can walk through the current but the water was pretty dark making it difficult to tell how deep it is. Melody quickly climbed a large boulder, which had a few other rocks scattered around the rock, to figure out where she is.
Zalgo laughed once again. He suddenly appeared in front of Melody, his long slender body looming over her. All seven mouths were exposed, a smile embracing each and every one.
Melody let out a surprised scream as the sinister creature loomed her making her step back on the boulder. However she slipped off the edge and fell to the dark water below.
Zalgo doubled over laughing. He always got a kick of people's reactions. He waited for Crow to arrive, knowing she was near. Instead of letting the girl drown, he pulled her out of water not letting her see him. He didn't want to stop the practice of Crow and Jane too soon. He let her catch a glimpse of him once more before he left the area.
Melody coughed as she was pulled out of the water and took in a few breaths of air. She raised her head to only see the various mouths on a lanky figure, she widened her eyes and merely stayed on her knees paralayzed by fear. As she tried gaining her breath, Melody shivered as the day grew darker signifying the begining of night.

'I have to move before it comes back' she thought.
Crow spotted the dark silhouette of Zalgo, unsure as to what emotion she was feeling? Happiness, or fear? She approached Melody and trailed her finger up her spine, tsking quietly. "You're in the wrong woods, girlie." She whispered in her ear, cackling manically. She looked up at Zalgo and gave a little nod, taking a step back from the girl.
Melody flinched at Crow's touch and turned her head seeing the dark figure was back. She didn't know what to do, she felt trapped. '...I can use 'that' though...' thought Melody with haste. Melody shakily got up to her feet and began to levitate the rocks around her before throwing them at Crow and Zalgo.
Crow was instantly struck by the rock and fell to her knees, screeching curse words like a banshee. Her nose was broken, no doubt about it, stupid human things. She wearily stood up, folding her bleeding nose. "You little!" She shrieked, using her free hand to swing her scythe in the air. She knew Zalgo would be unaffected and handle this accordingly, but revenge was the sweet thing she liked. She wasn't really aiming, just blindlessly hacking around and hoping to hit her.

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