[Creepypasta]- Welcome to the Show (Offical RP)

((idk! i want action))

Crow shrugged, the wind shooting goosebumps up her pale skin. "How can you be so sure? I'm sure whatever it is is better than straw wearing a dress of rags." She said with a bit of an attitude. If she had been the ugliest human on the whole Earth, she would still be a human capable of love and being loved. All she wanted was a silly boy's love and got rejection and a blood bath. "But its not a huge deal." She finished, pointing to the sky. "I see a saucer, see, with the handle and the pot-thing. I'm not sure, the boy used to talk about it a lot."
Jane shivered. It was cold out there. She wondered if they'd ever be normal. "Sewed." She was talking about the mask. She had sewed it to her face. She'd worn it so muchhh kept falling and she didn't want to see her face. To Jane, it was a big deal. Anything involving Jeff cut little pieces of sanity she had left each time she thought about it. Saucer? "Knife." She saw a knife. But she also saw Jeff. Wielding that knife. She turned onto her stomach and planted herself face down unmoving.
Crow smiled. "Knife? Huh, I think I might see a dress." She laughed, looking over to Jane only to find she was face down in the ground. "Okay, that's cool, too." She mumbled. "You're quiet. Don't talk a lot. I like you." She concluded, nodding as if she had heavily thought over the decision. "Even if you bury your face in the grass from time to time."
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(Don't worry guys Ember Spark, the person who plays Jeff will be back Thursday, you'll get your action :P )
((Thanks Nico!))

Jane groaned and flipped over once again. She kept her eyes closed though. She didn't feel like doing much at the time, her muscles sore. Jane wouldn't admit it but she liked Crow too. Yeah. She liked Crow just fine. She placed her hands on her mask and felt the glass. Someone could easily break it, she thought. She liked it though. She wouldn't want to give it up.
Crow remained silent for the first time in a while, not really knowing what to say. Even though she'd see shapes in the stars like a heart or a scythe, she kept them to herself. It must be hard being to quiet, Crow thought, taking a quick glance at Jane. Just thinking about rarely talking made her shudder. She could never talk to the boy, so once she could talk she never wanted to stop. She began to hum a random tune the boy used to sing about a girl named Clementine who drowned in a well. He always sang it so sweetly that her heart began to ache as she hummed the chorus.
Jane's foot moved erratically as if it had a purpose. As if it needed to be somewhere. She felt so very tired. One of these days... One of these days she would seek redemption and finally get it. She would find worth in her new body. She felt like she always needed water and it never failed to annoy her. She felt Crow's eyes on her and she ignored it. The feeling went away and she sighed. She hated when people stared. She usually killed them that night. She thought about ways to kill Crow. Obviously she was vulnerable now. But as her real form....matches. Fire. She smiled behind the mask. Lovely. She put her hands on her stomach and fidgeted. She always randomly had weird twitches. She liked it. It gave her character. She recognized the old song that Crow was humming. "Clementine." Was all she could say.
Crow sat up, leaning back on her elbows. "Yeah. You know the song?" She asked, turning her attention to Jane. "It was one the boy used to sing while he worked. He sang a lot, but that's just the one I remember." She shrugged and allowed herself to fall to the ground. She pulled her hair to the side and began to run her fingers through it. "I've never had nice hair like this. It's nice, I like hair." She stated simply, wrapping a strand around her finger.
Jane shrugged at Crow, not remembering how she knew it exactly. Maybe her mother or father had hummed it or something. She frowned at the thought of her deceased parents. Jeff. She cringed at the thought of his name. She nodded in response of Crow's story. Jane reached over and touched Crow's hair, noticing they feel about the same. She touched her own hair. Fake. She felt very jealous of Crow. "How...scarecrows live?" She meant how did Crow gain life. Are all scarecrows like that? When she had a normal life, she didn't go near scarecrows because they had more of an affect on her than the crows themselves. She always thought they stared at her. Now she loved anything that wasn't supposed to be real.
Crow exhaled deeply, closing her eyes. "Imagine that you're tied to a post and forced to look at a bunch of crops your entire life. You can't talk, and you won't get respect because you're just a sack of hay, you don't deserve it. Lets just say that if the boy didn't come along, my life would've been a living hell. He never had any friends, so he came to me. Then his girlfriend came along and he got himself killed." She finished, finally opening her eyes. "Living as a scarecrow isn't fun."
Jane kind of wished that she was a scarecrow. She wouldn't have had people she cared about killed. Unless she grew angry and tired of something like Crow did. But if she could choose, she'd choose Crow's life. When she imagined it like Crow said to, it was peaceful. She sighed sadly. "You deserve respect." She said hoarsely. "Friend." Her voice was muffled behind the mask but the message was clear. They would work together. As long as Crow wanted to, she decided.
"Respect? I was hay in a empty potato sack." She snarled. Respect. Ha, that was a joke. The word was foreign to her, and sounded bitter when it rolled off of her tongue. Suddenly, one simple word slipped out of Janes mouth and excited her. "Friend?" She echoed, a mini smile curling on to her human face. She'd never had a friend before. She poked Jane's arm lightly. "You sure? The last person who tried to befriend a scarecrow ended up getting killed." She joked, laughing quietly.
Jane tilts her head, letting Crow be angry. It was okay. It was entertaining. She was smiling painfully behind the mask. She stared at Crow waiting. Jane stiffened when she was poked randomly but she relaxed and realized she didn't mind. Yes a friend. She silently laughed along with her. "Death is inevitable." She said simply, shrugging. She didn't mind having a friend she had been awfully lonely. She didn't want to worry about her but she guessed she had to now. It would be easier to take on Jeff...the Killer.
BEN tilted his head and looked at the painting. It was true, the both had the same black empty eyes and frowns set on their faces. Was it possible that she could have seen bits and pieces of him somewhere? He looked at the girl "Have you, have you seen me somewhere else before. Mostly nightmares?" he wondered. He could have been in her dreams before, that was one of the ways he taunted and drove his victims to insanity.
Melody tilted her head as she tried to remember any of her dreams or nightmares. She shook her head, "I don't really remember my dreams. Honestly, I don't think I had any dreams lately. I can looked through my sketchbooks though." Melody walked to her bookshelf and pulled out a worn brown notebook. She flipped through the pages to see anything that resembled BEN, she stopped near the end of the notebook to find the same blank girl leaning against a fallen tree with a few crows around her. Melody turned the page to see the girl was crying, the next page showed that it wasn't tears the girl was shedding but blood.
((the ending to that post was the most dramatic thing ever i swear to god))

Crow thought it over, and Jane was right–death couldn't be avoided. "Huh." She huffed, flipping to her stomach and allowing her elbows to perch her head up. She swung her legs back and forth like a little girl, continuing to hum the song. "How old is Slenderman, do you think?" She asked curiously. She had seen Slenderman once before, and was constantly hearing about him, it seemed like everyone knew him, so she made the slight assumption that Jane knew him, too.
BEN made a soft growling sound at the sight of the picture. It was Crow, one of Zalgo's lackeys, he looked at the human "You saw her in your dreams." he asked in an almost demanding tone. Zalgo was the most evil bastard that BEN could think of. "I should let you get sleep." he said softly.
Melody was startled by the tone BEN emitted causing her to accidentally dropped the notebook, making it fall open to the last page showing a bloody crow with the words 'don't follow them' scrawled underneath the picture. She didn't really understand why BEN was angry, it was just a dream...right? "Um...alright.." Melody knelt down to pick up the notebook but paused to look at the drawing.
((Haha. I know! I noticed that too. Couldn't help it.))

Jane watched as Crow flipped over. She mimicked her, going into her stomach and sticking her feet up. She remembered doing this once before. Comfy. At the mention of Slenderman, she scowled. She knew that Jeff was one of his little...what do you call it? Proxies. A little voice in the back of her head whispered. Ah... "Not as old as Zalgo." She said simply. Her voice was still hoarse.

At the mention of his name, Zalgo suddenly appeared at the entrance of the Pit. Jane groaned flinching at an eardrum splitting noise.
Crow leaped in to the air, springing to her feet once she heard Zalgo enter. She didn't realize how easily startled she was. "Zalgo!" She squeaked. She was a cold blooded killer, yet was still afraid of her own, what's the word, master, maybe? Mentor? She shied away, taking a few steps back until Jane was lying in front of her. His appearance was quite a shocker, with a tall, thin body and several mouths. It's not like she looked much better, though.
(*freaks out, didn't realize this RP started. No one contacted me. Recap please?)
Jane frowned at his sudden appearance, heart beat picking up. She couldn't help but be afraid of this monster in front of her even though he was her Master now. She slowly stood up, staring at the ground in front of her. Her mask felt like it was cutting her chest by the force she had dropped her head. Jane liked the way Zalgo looked. It suited his frightening demeanor. Just by walking within a large proximity of him could give the most brave monsters chills. She lifted her head and stared at him silently.

Zalgo spoke in a booming voice. "We shall leave on Friday, to the mansion of which was acquired by Slenderman and his proxies." Jane nodded. She heard a couple quiet voices. "Pay back..." "Torture..." "Revenge." She smiled behind the mask.
Crow suddenly grew grim, gazing at the ground in the most dramatic way possible. "Yes, Zalgo, but what for? We're terribly out numbered." She growled, pushing hair out of her face. Having human hair was fun and all, but it was a real pain in the ass. She tucked it behind her ear and stood up straight, almost refusing to look at Zalgo. He seemed so scary in the night as he blended in with the thick canopy, and the bitter wind was not helping at all.
Jane could see where Crow was coming from but she knew better than that. Zalgo was strong. Zalgo knew it. He wouldn't lead them blindly into combat. Jane trusted Zalgo because had found her after she had escaped the hospital. I was saved. The thought ran through her head as she covered her mouth in a yawn. Zalgo smirked knowing what Jane was thinking. He didn't answer Crow and faded into the darkness.

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