[Creepypasta]- Welcome to the Show (Offical RP)

Melody typed out, 'What do you want to talk about?' she personally didn't know what she was doing. As right now she feels like this is a huge dream. 'I probably fell asleep at my desk again..' she thought.
BEN touched the screen and smiled 'Tell me about yourself.' he said and tilted his head slightly. He always liked to get to know his victims before he broke them.
Melody tilted her head confused. She wrote, 'Um....but like specifically? I would rather not bore you as I'm not anything special.'
BEN sighed and rolled his eyes and felt the urge to reach through the computer screen and strangle her. He hesitated and sighed before answering 'You don't seem scared that something has taken over your computer, curious. Tell me, what are you?'
Melody read the text a few times as she was slightly drifting to sleep. She typed out, 'I filled my scared quota for today so I don't really have that much energy to be scared. Walking through the forest wasn't a good idea. I'm just a weird girl.'
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Jane was almost sure that Jeff would get to the girl. He always seemed to get the once she failed to kill. She pushed her mask hard onto her face, hating what was underneath. She felt her head being back and she felt the need to be close to someone. She was tired of being alone. A normal human always needs love but she couldn't have that. She didn't desire that. She wanted to end horrible lives. She did feel broken. So broken...
BEN smirked 'So she thinks this is a dream eh? I'll show the girl.' he said and touched the screen. 'Tell me young one, do you think this is a dream? I don't like toys that don't play back.' he said and tilted his head. He decided to have a bit of fun. He made his former form The Statue of Elergy appear on her screen and the Song of Unhealing played. 'Play with me.'
'So this isnt a dream...?' Melody typed out. When she saw the statue of elergy appear on her screen. The more she looked at it though the less terrifying his smile looked, to her the statue looked sad with its black blank eyes. "Empty." she whispered out loud, "like one of my paintings..." Melody got up from her seat, feeling a bit saddened that she forgot that painting, luckily she knew where it was so she lifted her mattress and pulled out the canvas underneath.

v(sorry for late reply its pretty slow to type on my phone)
(I posted more above on page 6 but I dont know if you saw) Jane looked over at (@Nico) Crow with confusion. She growled a "Yes?" That sounded too innocent from her mouth. She tilted her head.
Crow was very new to these odd human emotions, and for some reason changing back to her starchy form was taking a long time. All these confusing feelings kept swelling within her, and it made her want to vomit. "Nothing. You've been seeming sad." She answered simply, pulling her arm back. "Not like I know your expressions." She muttered, kicking her fot back and forth gently.

((i totally missed that post oh my sorry))
((No! You're fine! :D ))

Jane shrugged slightly and frowned behind the mask. Her head was aching but she didn't pay it much mind. She frowned and looked up at Crow. Ever since the fire, it seems like she hasn't grown much. She'd be considered tall and lanky to those who didn't know her before the Jeff incident but she was always considered short. She looked like a porcelain doll otherwise. She twiddled with her fingers and hummed a nursery rhyme she heard at a young age. She rocked back and forth on the balls of her feet.
BEN felt a weird stirring in him and was about to do something he rarely did. He felt the urge to be friends with this girl and he smiled. He crawled out of the computer and stood behind the girl. "You think my form is empty?" he asked referring to the statue. "You think I'm empty." he said showing his sharp teeth his eyes bleeding black blood. He wanted to kill the girl but couldn't help that something was special about the girl. "You are different from other humans." he said matter of factly.
Melody didn't noticed that BEN crawled out of her computer as she was gazing at her first painting. On the canvas showed an image of girl laying on her side stretching her hand towards the viewer for help or guidance, its not clearly shown. The girl's eyes were blank and void of life where as the shadows that obscuring the majority of her body, except her face, were filled with motion, as it were trying to drag the girl deeper into its clutches. For obvious Melody hid this particular painting away from her family, for she didn't want them to worry and there was a thought that they would send her to the hospital or force her to make friends. Melody was drawn away from the canvas, that was in her hands, towards BEN when she heard his voice. She stood there still, gazing at his sharp teeth and bleeding eyes. Realizing that she couldn't find her voice to speak, Melody turned the canvas in her arms so that BEN can see it.
Crow felt a sudden plucking feeling at her skin, and quickly looked down at her body. The straw that once encased her body was now falling out, revealing the porcelain skin of her human transformation. "What the hell?" She muttered, grasping at the straw on her arm only for it to tear out. She patted the hay against her skin, somewhat expecting it to cling on. "This better not last too long. Being a human is not fun." She growled, dropping the hay in her hand to blend in with the pile at her feet.
(*coughs* There should be romance between BEN and Melody. :3)

BEN studied the panting with a curious expression 'This is human art?' he wondered. He had faint memories of when he was a child his mother took him to an art show, that was before he was killed. He felt his mind swirl and he shook his head "What about it, I see an empty looking girl." He said with a raised eyebrow. "I find you odd.." he trailed off.
Jane stared at Crow in bewilderment. "I know." She felt somewhat amused. And forlorn also. Being a human wasn't fun. She grabbed Crow's arm, touching the skin. Of course it was soft, her skin was rough. She frowned, jealous. But she indicated a smile when an amusing thought passed through her head. "Twins." She giggled roughly. She still wanted to kill Jeff. Why couldn't she be beautiful like Crow? It wasn't fair.
(Now that you mention it...I can see it happening Cx )

Melody let out a small breath and looked away from BEN before saying, "..You both have the same eyes..." she confessed as she put the canvas on her nightstand. The more that she looked at it, Melody remember why she painted such an image. She recently figured out her abilities, being as person that believed in everything she was quickly outcast, Melody figured would only bring more attention to herself. This was the last thing she wanted, she hated being at the center of attention but she also displeased the notion of being alone. So Melody uses her happy facade to fool her parents that she has friends in school and is happy when the reality is that she has only her paints to distract her. As Melody eyed the canvas again she said, "..I should have added a bit of beige to her face...." she murmured.
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((is it wrong i've been shipping BENxMelody for days now jus sayin))

Crow signed a smile across her lips, attempting to make Jane feel better in the least. She had never really touched Jane, and she felt like cringing when her leathery fingers touched her. Jane was a simple girl, didn't talk too much, seemed pretty normal. Now that she thought about it, Jane never really showed too much emotion. For all she knew, Jane could completely snap one day and no one would expect it. Crow remembered once that the boy she once loved would say 'It's sometimes the quiet people you should watch out for, y'know? Good thing I'm not quiet!'. Feelings swelled within her as she began to miss him terribly. "Jane? You're very quiet." She said nonchalantly.
Jane let her arms swing, tilting her head while staring at nothing in particular. She let out a strangled sound when she tried to laugh while Crow was laughing. She breathed loudly then went stiff when Crow called her quiet. She slowly turned her head to look at her and she smirked behind the mask. She gulped and signed a tear, letting her finger slowly graze down her mask. She really was crying not to cry. But of course Crow wouldn't know that. She nodded stiffly and took note of Crow now being human. She tilted her head once again.
Crow stared at the ground, looking back up at Jane to see her sign a cry. She suddenly felt terribly bad, sighing deeply. "Yeah. Not a surprise. Not quite sure what happened to you, but I'll save you the trouble of not asking. Instead I'll tell you what happened to me, since I'm not hearing a no." She said blandly, letting out a quiet laugh. "I fell in love too soon with a boy who couldn't pay attention to an ugly sack of hay. If only I could be like how I am now back then, maybe I wouldn't have killed him and his nasty girlfriend." She stated with a shrug. "It's how the cookies crumbles."
Jane kept her head tilted, nodding occasionally. At least Crow had a chance. Jane shook her head. "Beautiful." She said hoarsely. "Both forms..." She let herself collapse onto the ground staring up at the stars. She coughed a couple times but she looked content. "We need revenge." Most full and clear sentence she had said so far. She felt kind of proud. She never really excersiced her voice before because she had no one to talk to. She felt better now. But she really thought that they both needed revenge. Although Crow actually got to kill those who did her harm. Jeff. She groaned.
Crow laughed half-heatedly, smacking her palm to her head. "Beautiful? Me? Ha! Never took you for a humor girl, kid." She laughed, elbowing Jane lightly. Straw is not beautiful, its horse food. She quickly collapsed to the ground next to Jane, staring intently at the stars. Being tied to a post for 20 years forced her to stare at a field of corn stalks, never the stars. It was like small pinpricks of light in a canvas of darkness, everything about it was intoxicating. "Revenge on who?" She asked in a hushed whisper, unable to remove her eyes from the sky. "Everyone who's hurt me is now dead. Everyone who's cared for me is dead." She muttered, pulling her arms behind her head.
Jane looked over at her. She couldn't see it. She had no idea. She sighed and stared up again. She wished she had the leisure of everyone being dead. "The boy. He turned me..." she pointed at herself. "Into this." She didnt feel sad about that anymore. She accepted herself. She felt invincible now. She was stronger than most. She grinned behind the mask, her cuts still hurting. That was the first time she actually smiled. She really wanted to kill him though. She liked him and he betrayed her. He did this to her and he left her.

(if you haven't read both Jeff the Killer and Jane the Killer, you absolutely must!))

Crow looked over at Jane and slowly extended her arm. She stroked her finger along the mask, absorbing its glossy finish. "Hm." She humphed, slipping a finger through one of the black curls. "Boys. What are ya gonna do." She mumbled, knocking lightly on the mask. "Why do you hide behind a mask anyway?" She asked, tucking her arm back behind her head and looking back up at the stars. The boy she loved would often point to the stars and say nonsense, that for every angel there was a star, or that you could make shapes out of stars if you really tried. Pfft. Humans.
((Haha! What happened to the person who played him? I was hoping to have a little action))

At first Jane stiffened at the proximity of Crow but she suddenly took a deep breath and relaxed. Her face and head tingled by the slightest touches. She hadn't been even close to anyone in four years. It was weird to start now. She stared as Crow knocked on the mask. "Not beautiful." She was scared of her appearance the first time she looked in the little hand mirror at the hospital. At least Jeff's little Get Well Soon gift did her a service. A disguise. She didn't know what she looked like now. She remembered having brown and brown hair. Nothing special.

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