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Fandom Creepypasta Proxies

"Kehehehe Booooooooooored? Hehehe Whyyyyyyyyyyyy Boredom is bad! Having boredom is a boring thing! Hehehe You should get rid of it before you are bored to death~ hehe." Alexander said as he hanged upside down on a tree not far from Stratos
Stratos just stared and looked at him "because I don't have anything to do." He said calmly and jumped to the tree he was in and sat above him while he was upside down "and who are you exactly?"
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Alexander blinked as he giggled somemore. "He doesn't know me? Hehehe What a meanie~ I have been here for over... some years I forgot to count~ Hehe Huh? two years? That sounds about right... Wait no... I'm..." He held out his hands and started to count on them. "I'm seventeen....soooo Hehehe I've been here for three years and he doesn't know about the guy living in the attic? He needs to socialize more don't ya think so?" Alexander asked a crow that was on a nearby branch. "Hehehehehe I'm Alexander~ Or Crow which every suits your fancy~ Kehehe I'm Laughing Jacks proxie~ Hehehe Nice ta eat yea~"
Rosalie sighs, she had to get a save place, no one would take her in though, probably cause of the cat ears, she sits on one of the stairs and wonders how the others are doing, deciding she needed company she starts drawin a child, no older then 4.
Rosalie gets up and starts to wander though the old factory, she was bored, but she needed to get something to eat, and drink, she couldn't make that out of nothing. "I wonder how the others are" she mumbles as she watches the child play with some stuff.
Not too far away from teh factory hummed a hooded fugure, in which he was humming a patriotic tune. He was walking around in the same area keeping an eye on a portal. He stopped at a tree when he went to turn back around although he felt someone was not too far away. But he had to watch the portal so no Proxies come into the human world without permission. He kept walking in his large circle he made for himself awaiting something to happen.
Rosalie starts thinking about some things, she couldn't remember how she ended up at the mansion, but she was kinda glad she left, otherwise she'd be bored to death. She draws a cat and hands it to the child, smiling slightly.
Rosalie walks to Jenna "What is it?" she asks, the child following her creator, letting the cat and child disappear Rosalie looks at the other proxy "Why are you here anyway, doubt it's because Slender told you".
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[QUOTE="Red Reaper](Hey)

(Well literally those two reply at two seperate times so yeah.)
The hooded figure was just about ready to end his shift because the portal would be closing soon. He counted down from ten to himself and he was on four, until he heard panting from behind him. There he saw a handsome young man with black eyes, red pupils, and blonde hair. The hooded figured smiled under his hood, though it could not be seen it was a mischievious grin. He approached the proxy, when the proxy looked at the hooded figure the proxy trembled and panicked, he tried running away but them as he turned around the hooded figure was in front of him. The proxy ran into the hooded figure, "You know i don;t appreciate you people who come here without permission, especially coming on my home turf," the hooded figure stated. The proxy tried getting up and running away but the hooded figured got a grip around the proxy's throat. With a tight and hard grip, he had the proxy gasping and coughing for air. "You know i can kill you right here, right now, then burn your corpse to ashes and no one would remember you, but instead i am going to be a nice guy today since you caught me in a good mood, i'll only break one of your limbs today then pound you for about 5 minutes, and you know what i'll let you decide which limb i break," he said dropping the proxy and putting a foot down on his chest, forcingly keeping the Proxy on the ground. The proxy thought to himself and then said, "Just break my left arm, i don't really need it anyway," he said in a terrified tone. The hooded figure nodded, "since your so much of a gentleman, i will let you know my name. Lets start with M!" the hooded figured exclaimed before smashing down his left foot on the Proxy's left arm, from thier it was a streak of breaking bones and saying letters 5 more times. The Proxy tried but he couldn't help but scream in agony, which he reached a few metres, probably reaching the nearby factory (@Kitty Kat Kanna and @Flame Demon). Finally the name came out, Morbus. Morbus picked up the proxy and began jabbing him in the stomach and punching him in the chest, all which made the Proxy nauseous and drop to the ground after it was down. The Proxy nearly last his luch and it had only been about a minute, in which Morbus laughed at him. "I pity you, so if you can run faster than me i will let you go off into the world and cause a little mayhem, if i catch you i get to ruin the pretty face of yours or take you back to the Proxy world, so for right now i will give you a head start 1....." when the first number came the Proxy was off, heading to the direction of the factory where two other proxies were. Morbus still counted, "2" he said with his devious smile coming back, the Proxy began yelling for help, hoping that someone would hear him. "3", when the last number was sounded he took off fast, like a wolf chasing a rabbit, instead the wolf is a demonic monster that guards portals and outher boundaries crossing into the human world from the Proxy world. The boy got increasingly closer to the factory with Morbus right behind him.
"Why? I already said I wouldn't come back to the mansion" Rosalie says and she sighs "It's the guardian of the portal isn't it?" she asks, she hadn't seen him, but she refused to go back there.
"I doubt it, just let me stay here for a while please, I need to think this through" Rosalie says and she sighs "Besides, Jeff nearly killed me with one of his knifes".
"Well, I need to find another place anyway, I need to find a place underground, besides, why not?" Rosalie asks and she thinks for a while "I could always make a house for myself" she mumbles.
The proxy kept running until he saw two girls. When he went to yell for help, Morbus was in front of him with a shadowy aura surrounding him. The aura dissipated as he grabbed the proxy again by the throat and teleported him back to the Proxy world. "And if you know whats good for you then you won't come back.", he said quietly to himself. He turned around and saw the two girls and he instanly knew who they were, since he was a guardian the portals that lead here he had to know every present proxy. "Hello you two, Jenna and Rosalie correct?", Morbus asked before continuing. "Well my shift is over now so i'm thinking about relaxing, so maybe you've seen Jeff around? I would love to put his smile upside down," he joked.

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